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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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Chapter 29

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. What does Jane experience the first three days after being taken in by the Rivers?

    2. What does St. John say of Jane’s looks?

    3. What had happened to Jane’s clothes?

    4. What kind of a conversation does Jane have with Hannah?

    5. What information does Hannah give Jane about the Rivers family?

    6. What is the name of the house where Jane found herself?

    7. Give a description of St. John the way Jane sees him.

    8. Why doesn’t Jane tell the Rivers the truth about herself?

    9. What name does Jane give them?

    10. Does St. John think that Jane should be dependent on their hospitality long?

    11. What does Jane say to this effect?

    12. Does St. John promise to help Jane in his own time and way?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

She was prejudiced against me, I trace lines of force in her face, beauty and harmony are quite wanting in those features, I was spared the humiliation, she bustled about, to speak with authority, the furniture looked at once well-worn and well-saved, his eyes were difficult to fathom, to do smb. a great service, peace of mind, my aid must be of the humblest sort.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Течение времени, ее приход встревожил меня, о гневе не могло быть и речи, хватит, мозолистая рука, им приходиться самим зарабатывать себе на жизнь, выделять время на что-то, комната была обставлена скромно, за ваш счет, у меня есть право не разглашать этот секрет, за мной нет вины, перешагнуть через порог.


  1. What do we learn of Jane’s attitude to begging? Do you agree with Jane that begging is to be considered ignoble?

  2. Hannah asks Jane if she is book-learned. Just how book-learned is Jane? Would a person boast of such an education today? What has changed in this respect since Ch. Bronte’s time?

Chapter 30

      1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. Why does Jane like Mary and Diana, her new companions?

      2. Who was the leader in their little group?

      3. What kind of a barrier to their friendship was there between Jane and St. John?

      4. What does Jane say about the sermon she once heard St. John preach?

      5. What kind of a post does St. John offer Jane?

      6. Why do Mary and Diana Rivers have to leave home?

      7. What severe decision has St. John made?

      8. Why does Diana say that he is “inexorable as death”?

      9. What are the contents of the letter that St. John brings home?

      10. Does Uncle John’s death change the life of the three Rivers in any way?

      11. What destination do all the characters depart for in a week’s time?

II. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:
The fascination of the locality, there was an affluence of life and a certainty of flow in her, to enjoy mental serenity, it is past my power to describe it, innate excellences, he saved me the trouble by saying it first, to have refined habits, it breaks my heart, the slip between the cup and the lip, misfortune never comes singly (find Russian equivalents), we are no worse off than we were before, to make reference to smth., to atone for one’s error, perfect congeniality, my eyes feasted on, they were both more accomplished and better read than I was, the scattered population, to dwell upon smth.
III. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:
Столько сколько они хотели бы, быть начитанным, превосходить кого-то, в моем распоряжении, ход мыслей, тем временем, терять терпение, каким-то образом, винить кого-то за что-то, несчастья никогда не приходят в одиночку, тема была оставлена (об этом больше не говорили).


Do you think Jane did right in accepting St. John’s offer to teach at a village school for girls? Actually, with her education, she could have done better. State your case and prove it.
Chapter 31

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Where does Jane now live?

    2. Is she happy?

    3. Has she made the right choice? What is your opinion?

    4. Who comes to visit her?

    5. What are the reasons that St. John gives for wanting to be a missionary?

    6. Who else comes to the cottage that evening?

    7. Give a description of the young lady.

    8. What role do the crushed snowy heads of the daisies play?

    9. In what way does Miss Oliver compare St. John and the dog Carlo?

    10. Does St. John accept Miss Oliver’s invitation to visit her father?

    11. Is St. John really “inexorable as death”?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

They speak with the broadest accent of the district, they evince a disposition that pleases me, to discharge an office, I was dismayed at what I saw around me, weather-proof, to pursue a career, its uniform duties wearied me to death, state of mind, he turned with measured deliberation, no charm was wanting in the face, to slip one’s memory.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Такой же размер, комод, преодолеть что-либо, поддаться соблазну, это как раз то, что я намереваюсь сделать, творить собственную судьбу, быть несчастной, вздрогнуть, подбородок с ямочкой, от всей души, поздно, чтобы быть вне дома одной, обуздать какие-либо чувства.

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