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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Формат файлаdoc
Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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Chapter 23

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. What day is Midsummer?

      2. Where is Jane that evening?

      3. What scent stole from the library casement?

      4. Why does Jane decide to flee?

      5. What role does the moth play?

      6. Is Jane there when Mr. Rochester calls her?

      7. What sacred noose is Mr. Rochester going to put his old bachelor’s head into?

      8. Whose education does Mr. Rochester offer Jane to undertake and where?

      9. How does Jane react to parting with Thornfield?

      10. Why does she love Thornfield?

      11. Is Mr. Rochester really going to marry Blanche Ingram?

      12. Does Jane believe Mr. Rochester when he proposes to her?

      13. Do Jane and Mr. Rochester “make up”?

      14. What happened to the moon in the meantime?

      15. What does Mrs. Fairfax see late that evening?

      16. What news does Adele bring in the morning?

    1. Translate the following words and phrases into Russia:

My tongue is prompt enough at an answer, he looked so composed, I am attached to Thornfield, I don’t have much of a fancy for the country, I must be torn from you forever, I have not been trampled or petrified, you are wed to one inferior to you, I must abide by your choice, I have taken pains to prove it, his face was flushed, the nightmare of parting, to hit the nail straight on the head.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

В длинной последовательности, луна была за горизонтом, царила тишина, я слышу, как поет соловей, делать шаг в сторону, сначала я вздрогнула, я отступила, попасть не в бровь, а в глаз, это не имеет значения, я была вынуждена уступить, что случилось с ночью, я едва видела его лицо.


  1. What description of the weather do we get at the beginning? Is it a good setting for what is going to happen later in the chapter?

  2. Mr. Rochester suggests that Jane go to Ireland to a certain Mrs. Dionysius O’Gall, who resides in Bitternutt Lodge. Look at the words “gall” and “bitternut”. Do they tell you anything? What is the connection between Dionysius and Bacchus?

  3. Who is pulling the strings in the conversation between Jane and Mr. Rochester?

  4. What is Mr. Rochester doing when he repeatedly says that he is planning to marry Blanche Ingram?

  5. Can the reader sense the mockery in his words?

  6. What makes it so difficult for Mr. Rochester to propose to Jane?

  7. Could a conversation like that take place today between a man and a woman?

  8. Why doesn’t Jane stop to explain everything to Mrs. Fairfax?

  9. You have reached the middle of the novel. What symbol or sign tells you that not all will be well?

  10. There are several words that mean almost the same thing: smell, scent, aroma, fragrance, odor, stink, reek and stench. Explain the difference in their meaning. Which of these words would you use with: flowers, cigarettes, fish, spices, rubbish dump, perfume, fresh bread, stale bread, soap, rotten meat, cheese, face cream, unwashed body and mint?

Chapter 24

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. How does Jane feel in the morning after the tempest of the previous night?

      2. Does Mrs. Fairfax experience the same elated feeling?

      3. What exactly does Jane say about “enjoying complete happiness”?

      4. What is Jane’s reaction to Mr. Rochester’s idea of dressing Jane up in the family jewels?

      5. Why is Mr. Rochester so anxious to dress Jane up in rich attire?

      6. Why doesn’t Mrs. Fairfax believe in Mr. Rochester’s feelings and what does she say to Jane?

      7. Why does Jane want Adele to accompany them to Millcote?

      8. What kind of a story does Mr. Rochester tell Adele in the carriage and what is the little girl’s reaction to it?

      9. Why doesn’t Jane agree to dine with Mr. Rochester? Is a situation like that possible today?

      10. What is the song Mr. Rochester sings about in a nutshell?

      11. Jane says, “I could not see God for his creature.” What does that mean?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

I felt no longer plain, a blissful mood, fairy-like fingers, to become distasteful, I have never met your likeness, a just comparison with others, it sends a thrill to my heart, have the goodness to gratify my curiosity, to have smb.’s confidence, for want of attention, to stow away, to be harassing, to beg leave to do smth., to have a fancy for smth., board and lodging, to pursue a plan, to keep in check, her anxiety on my account.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Печальное выражение лица, я поспешила наверх, простите мне мою ошибку, у меня от этого закружилась голова, застегнуть браслет, обратиться к кому-то, он вводил себя в заблуждение, поклясться, лучше мне воспользоваться этим признанием, погасить пламя, вспышка молнии, на всю жизнь, выразить свою благодарность, уморить голодом, фея меня не интересует, с ее стороны, еще раз, нарушить условия договора, у меня не было намерения, заверить кого-то, часы пробили семь.

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