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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Формат файлаdoc
Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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  1. Mr. Brocklehurst wrongly accuses Jane of deceit. Helen comes to her rescue. She says, “If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” Do you agree with these words? Is it as simple as all that? State your case.

  2. Solomon said, “ Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.” What has this statement got to do with Jane’s life at Lowood? Who was Solomon? Do you agree with what Solomon said? Can we compare the situation in Solomon’s time with conditions of life today?

  3. Explain the following words and phrases:

A seedcake, a phylactery, the leaning tower of Pisa, a Barmecide feast, Cuyp-like groups, a naturally tenacious memory, my organ of Veneration, Virgil, to supply deficiencies, to spurn.

Chapter 9

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. Does spring bring any changes to Lowood?

      2. What does Jane say about the surrounding countryside?

      3. What do neglected colds and semi-starvation bring to Lowood?

      4. How do the pupils who are not ill spend their days in that period?

      5. How does Mary Ann Wilson come into the picture?

      6. Why do the healthy children get more food?

      7. Where is Helen Burns in the meantime?

      8. What information about Helen does Jane get from the nurse?

      9. What makes it possible for Jane to find the way to Miss Temple’s room?

      10. What “last home” is Helen going to?

      11. How does the night pass for Helen and Jane?

      12. What does Jane discover in the morning?

    1. We have so far seen that if Jane is unhappy, the weather is cold or nasty. This chapter is full of woe and sorrow, but the spring weather is warm and sunny. How can you explain this discrepancy?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

My wretched feet began to heal, beneath the iron sky of winter, the mists were as chill as death, the trees were restored to majestic life, they were allowed almost unlimited license, we got on swimmingly together, formless cloud, vacant depth, she was numbering her last days in this world, a flight of steps, her face was wasted but composed, to make one’s way, to reprimand.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Разорвать на клочья, это совсем другой вопрос, полуголодное существование, недолеченные простуды, предрасположить, ей повезло в достаточной степени, мне доставляло удовольствие находиться с ней, как могло быть иначе, убрать из поля зрения, она ушла, а я осталась, я пришла как раз вовремя, я знала куда идти, я сжала ее крепче в своих объятиях.
Chapter 10

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Why does the author give so many chapters to the first ten years of Jane’s life?

    2. What changes took place in Lowood after the typhus fever had fulfilled its mission of devastation?

    3. In the eight years that Jane spent at Lowood her life was uniform. Was it unhappy?

    4. What changes occur in the life of Miss Temple?

    5. Why does Jane feel that now she won’t be happy in Lowood?

    6. What idea comes into Jane’s head?

    7. How does she proceed to bring it about?

    8. Who answers Jane’s advertisement?

    9. What procedure does Jane have to undergo to be able to leave Lowood?

    10. Who comes to say good-bye to Jane?

    11. What information do we get about the Reeds?

    12. Does Jane learn about the existence of a relative? Who is he?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

I discharged the office of teacher with zeal, a disciplined and subdued character, a discovery dawned on me, for liberty I gasped, the scheme was digested in my mind, it was an inquisitive and mistrustful glance, it was the business I had on hand, to break the news to smb., she is not quite easy in her mind, Mrs. was very high with him, he looked quite a gentleman, how do they all get on?

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Привлекать внимание, было проведено следствие (запрос был сделан), я с удовольствием…, прерванный ход моих размышлений, разрешение было дано, я была на ногах весь день, я попросила разрешения отлучиться, его родственники были против этого брака, они живут как кошка с собакой, она была вынуждена покинуть меня, быть разочарованным, школа на расстоянии 50 миль.

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