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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Формат файлаdoc
Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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Chapter 18

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Is the monotony at Thornfield Hall gone?

    2. What do the guests do when they play charades?

    3. Whom does Jane watch?

    4. Does Mr. Rochester take any notice of Jane now that the guests are in his house?

    5. Does Jane feel jealous?

    6. What is Jane’s opinion of the way Blanche tries to fascinate Mr. Rochester?

    7. Who is the new guest that arrives while Mr. Rochester is absent?

    8. What part of the world is the guest from?

    9. What other unexpected guest comes?

    10. How do they plan to turn this ugly old newcomer to account?

    11. Who is the first to have her fortune told?

    12. How does Blanche behave after “the interview”?

    13. Do the other three young ladies behave the same way as Blanche did?

    14. Who is the last to visit the old hag?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

To fasten the clasp, she had a wreath of roses round her brow, she was attired in Oriental fashion, fetters were attached to his wrists, the lady who scorned to touch me, I was too mean to merit observation, she was a mark beneath jealousy, a spiteful antipathy, she could not charm him, as matters really stood, he seemed quite at his ease, the man repelled me exceedingly, extremes meet, the mystery rose to full flow once more, my whim is gratified, they were half-scared out of their wits, the warning had not been taken in time, my much excited curiosity, in the midst of the tumult, I mean what I say.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Небо было затянуто, охапками, застежка расстегнулась, прозвенел колокольчик, также, из-за (по причине), он положил сокровище к ее ногам, мое внимание было поглощено, он перестал меня замечать, настороженность, я была вынуждена отклониться назад, из кареты вышел человек, как будто я виновата, обрывки их речи, к моему большому облегчению, погадай мне, она придавала слишком большое значение, я непременно пойду, я нисколько не боюсь.


    1. Do you believe in fortune telling?

    2. Have you ever had your fortune told?

    3. Did it come true?

    4. In what different ways do fortunetellers tell people their fortune? Do you know any?

    5. If fortunetellers tell the truth, does it mean that our future is outlined beforehand and you can change nothing?

    6. What do you think of palmistry, crystal balls, cards, the behavior of birds and animals, tea leaves or coffee residue in cups, etc?

    7. Do you think some few people have the ability to foretell or foresee the future?

    8. Do you yourself ever have a feeling that “something” is going to happen?

Chapter 19

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Why is the gipsy fortuneteller called “Sybil” by Jane?

    2. What does the Sybil look like?

    3. Does Jane believe fortunetellers?

    4. What idea about loneliness is the gipsy trying to convey to Jane?

    5. What does Jane say about her plans for the future?

    6. Whom does Jane single out all the time from among the people at Mr. Rochester’s party?

    7. Does the gipsy say anything definite to Jane about her future?

    8. What happens after the gipsy says the words “The play is played out”?

    9. Who was impersonating the gipsy?

    10. Why did Jane suspect that something was wrong all the time?

    11. What is Mr. Rochester’s reaction to the news about the arrival of Mr. Mason?

    12. What errand is Jane sent on concerning Mr. Rochester?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

A quick eye, a quick ear, a quick brain, you will not stir one step to meet it, must I cross my palm with silver?, I can make nothing of such a hand, they are like shapes in a magic lantern, to repose confidence in, the eagerness of the listener quickens the tongue of the narrator, you have been trying to draw me out or in, it set my heart at ease.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Широкополая шляпа, ты хочешь, чтобы тебе погадали, счастье доступно тебе, подними голову, накопить достаточно денег для чего-то, ты ни о чем не думаешь, кроме…, выделить кого-то, мне не надо продавать душу, чтобы купить счастье, я была настороже, улыбка застыла на его губах, выставить кого-то из комнаты.

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