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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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Chapter 20

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. What does Jane hear in the dead of night?

      2. Did the sound rouse all the inmates of the house?

      3. What is Mr. Rochester’s reaction to the commotion?

      4. Where is Jane summoned to during the night?

      5. What had happened to Mr. Mason?

      6. What is Jane told to do while Mr. Rochester goes for the doctor?

      7. Does Jane understand what person Mr. Mason is talking about?

      8. Why is Mr. Mason sent away early in the morning?

      9. Do we know whom Mr. Mason asks Mr. Rochester to take care of?

      10. Where do Jane and Mr. Rochester go after Mason is sent away?

      11. What story does Mr. Rochester tell Jane?

      12. What does Mr. Rochester ask Jane to do the night before he is married?

      13. Why do Jane and Mr. Rochester go back to the house separately?

  1. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

His eyes darted sparks, a half-smothered voice, to deliver an utterance, like ships in full sail, the dress a wound, his own life had been plotted against, if anyone is about, hem, that house is a mere dungeon, I fastened the door, it will taint all your existence, voluntary banishment, to commit a capital error.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Мое сердце замерло, напротив, они бегали туда-сюда, я провожу вас до вашей комнаты, я ушла незамеченная, я ждала сама не знаю чего, под мою ответственность, ради тебя, волчье логово, предотвратить опасность, я бы держала его в неведении.


  1. Have you ever heard a frightening scream, yell, shriek or moan in the middle of the night? What did you feel? What was it that uttered the fearful sound in your case?

  2. Does the full moon influence our psychological state in any way? Do you sleep well when the moon is full?

  3. Who is the author of “Much Ado About Nothing”?

  4. Is the word “twain” used in modern English? Where else can you come across this word?

  5. What does Mr. Rochester mean by the word “strapper” when he speaks about Blanche?

Chapter 21

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

  1. What does Jane say about presentiments?

  2. Who comes to call on Jane?

  3. What is the reason that makes the man come?

  4. What does Jane ask of Mr. Rochester?

  5. Why doesn’t Mr. Rochester want to give Jane a big sum of money?

  6. What does Jane feel when she meets Bessie?

  7. In what way do Jane’s two cousins, Eliza and Georgiana, differ?

  8. How do they react to Jane’s arrival?

  9. Does Jane see Mrs. Reed that evening?

  10. What does Mrs. Reed say to Jane?

  11. How long does Jane have to stay at the Reeds till she gets another opportunity to talk to Mrs. Reed again?

  12. How do the three girls while their time away?

  13. What does Eliza tell Georgiana about the way she spends her time? And what does Georgiana say to Eliza? What is the function of this dialogue?

  14. What information does Jane get from Mrs. Reed finally?

  15. Why wasn’t the letter handed over to Jane in time?

  16. Does Mrs. Reed “forgive” Jane?

  17. Does Jane forgive Mrs. Reed? Why?

  18. What happens at the very end of the chapter?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

To trace your origin, to hush an infant, the child nestled close to me, to grow restless, my errand was one I could not deter, I am not on such terms with my relatives as to ask, very likely, stingy, at your peril you advertise, she had made a titled conquest, this routine sufficed her, to seek retirement, you might have spared yourself the trouble of, to linger, article of furniture, a quick temper, she made a low marriage, the speaking likeness, her senses were quite collected.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Давно отсутствующий, за последнее время, вспомнить, глубокий траур, он залез в долги, тебе придется отпроситься, поспешить, ею восхищались за ее красоту, место постоянного жительства, акварели, она была расположена к чему-либо, не обращать внимание на кого-то, льстить, погасить пламя, уточнить что-либо, надменный взгляд, учитывать, помириться, ее осунувшееся лицо.
Georgiana has an album and Jane promises to contribute a watercolor drawing to the album. What do you know about the albums that young ladies used to have at that time? What did people write in those albums?

Here are some examples of verses that were put into albums.
When evening draws a curtain

And pins it with a star,

Remember that you have a friend

No matter where you are.
I love you so much,

I love you so well,

If I had a peanut,

I’d give you the shell.
I wish you luck, I wish you joy,

I wish you first a baby boy,

And when his hair starts to curl,

I wish you then a baby girl.

2 Y’s U R,

2 Y’s U B,

I C U R,

2 Y’s 4 me.
Do you know of any rhymes or verses that could be put into an album?

Do you think these albums are a good thing for young girls?

Chapter 22

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Does Jane leave Gateshead right after Mrs. Reed’s funeral?

    2. What causes her to stay for two more weeks?

    3. How does she spend her time during those two weeks?

    4. Who is closer to you as a personality: Eliza or Georgiana? Why? Give your reasons for it.

    5. What does Jane feel when she thinks about Thornfield Hall?

    6. What is Mr. Rochester supposed to be preparing for?

    7. Why does Jane take that long walk to Thornfield from George Inn?

    8. How does Mr. Rochester greet Jane when he sees her?

    9. Why does the author place Mr. Rochester out of doors?

    10. What situation does Jane want to last forever?

    11. Does Jane witness any preparations for the coming marriage of Mr. Rochester to Blanche Ingram?

    12. What do Jane’s feeling towards Mr. Rochester amount to?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

She dreaded being left alone with Eliza, we would begin on a different footing, a wealthy worn-out man of fashion, tedious, the inmate of a convent cell, the arrival at the town scattered these thoughts, he was gone to make arrangements for his wedding, the road was now little frequented, at most, I am beyond my own mastery, to behave with decent composure, they rebel against my will, to break off a marriage.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Она умоляла меня остаться, он приехал, чтобы урегулировать семейные дела, я сделала всё, что было в моих силах, твоя доля труда, с моей стороны, ее дверь была заперта на щеколду изнутри, я постригусь в монахини, я не пыталась отговорить ее, у меня не будет подходящего случая, чтобы…, ни одно из этих возвращений, она составила выгодную партию, небо было далеко не безоблачное.


  1. How would you characterize Georgiana?

  2. Do you think that Jane could have made a person like Georgiana perform her share of labor or is it just wishful thinking on Jane’s part?

  3. Eliza is planning to become a nun. Do you agree with Jane that it would be a life within four walls of a convent with no good done to other people, a life just wasted?

  4. What helps Eliza become Mother Superior of her convent?

  5. Jane says, “A loving eye is all the charm needed.” Translate this phrase into Russian. Explain its meaning.

  6. Read the piece beginning with the words “It was not a bright or splendid summer evening…” It is a description of the weather at the time when Jane is nearing Thornfield Hall. How does the weather reflect Jane’s feelings at the moment?

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