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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Формат файлаdoc
Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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  1. There are many customs and traditions that have come down to us from the ancient times. “Suttee” or “death on the pyre” is one of them. In what country did it exist? Does it still exist? What is the idea behind this custom?

  2. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,

To throw perfume on the violet – is a quotation from “King John” by W. Shakespeare. Explain the meaning of this quotation.

Chapter 25

    1. Into how many logical parts can you divide this chapter?

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

  1. How much time is left before the wedding?

2. What made Jane feverish: the hurry of preparation or something else?

3. Where is Mr. Rochester all day before the wedding?

4. What thoughts come into Jane’s head when she looks at the split trunk of the horse chestnut?

5. Does it symbolize anything?

6. What feelings does the wind roaring high in the great trees arouse in the reader?

7. Why does Jane experience a feeling that her happiness must now decline?

8. Where do Mr. Rochester and Jane meet that night?

9. What did Jane dream about the night before?

10. What is the child in her dream supposed to symbolize?

11. What present does Jane get from Mr. Rochester for the wedding?

12. What does Jane see when she wakes up in the night?

13. Why doesn’t Mr. Rochester tell Jane the truth about the “apparition” that she saw during the night?

14. What proof does Mr. Rochester get that it was not an apparition that visited Jane the previous night?

15. When does Mr. Rochester promise to tell Jane the truth?

16. What makes him use the phrase “in a year and a day”? What does this phrase mean?

17. Where does Mr. Rochester tell Jane to spend the night before the wedding? Why?

    1. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

The enigma that perplexed me, the trunk gaped ghastly, the road was solitary save for the shadows of the clouds, to linger, my fortune must now decline, by-and-by, you will laugh at me for my pains, I am happy to the heart’s core, the haunting fears, I will tease you to your heart’s content, he started and shuddered.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

Отложить что-то, в душе, решить какой-то вопрос лично, я раскрою свой секрет, держитесь крепко друг за друга, чтобы уточнить, что камин горит, ты не можешь обойтись без меня, воющая собака, извилистая дорога, я потеряла сознание, обогнать кого-то, обитель (убежище) сов и летучих мышей.


If you were to write a script to a film that showed the events taking place in Chapter 25, how would you do it? What elements would you include and how would you depict them? Imagine that you are a playwright and write the scenario? You may join into groups of four or five.
Chapter 26

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Is Jane hurried in the morning of her wedding?

    2. Whom does Jane observe wandering among the mounds in the graveyard near the church?

    3. What question does the clergyman ask all those present in a church at a wedding before he pronounces the final words?

    4. Who came forward with an answer to that question on that day?

    5. Does Mr. Rochester still want the marriage to go on?

    6. Where do all those present in the church go after the marriage is called off?

    7. Whom do they see?

    8. How does the maniac behave?

    9. What additional information do we learn about Jane’s uncle in Madeira?

    10. What does Jane experience the following morning?

  1. Retell the text in roles from the point of view of the different characters in the chapter.

    1. Mr. Rochester.

    2. Jane.

    3. The clergyman.

    4. Mr. Mason.

    5. Mr. Briggs.

    6. Mrs. Fairfax.

    7. Sophie.

    8. Grace Poole.

    9. Bertha Mason.

    10. Adele.

    11. The coachman.

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

So unlike my usual self, he was so grimly resolute, I was quite out of breath, the strangers had slipped in before us, I glanced over my shoulder, he held his breath for a moment, he took a firmer footing, the ceremony is quite broken off, I was collected, Mason shrank away, it gave the lie to her favorable report, he revealed the real state of matters, to take a peep, a lately hired servant, I was in no danger of swooning, a house up yonder, a master key, bloated features, to fall into a snare.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Она прикрепляла мою фату, украдкой взглянуть, он дал мне всего лишь 10 минут, я не успевала за ним, как этого требует обычай, наступила тишина, он здесь на месте, как послушное дитя, он крепко держал меня за руку, как сегодня ваша подопечная, с Вас сняты все обвинения.

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