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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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  1. What does the phrase “the first born in the land of Egypt” allude to?

  2. What is the difference between “lingerer” and “malingerer”?

  3. The priest asks the question “Wilt thou have this woman for thy wedded wife?” How would this question sound in modern English?

  4. Is there any difference between the phrase “to keep under watch and ward” and “to keep under lock and key”?

  5. In what sphere of life would you most probably hear the phrase “To the right about”? Give its Russian equivalent.

  6. A marriage is about to take place. A number of words usually accompany an event of that kind: bride, bridegroom, groomsman, bridesmaid, best man, male/female sponsor at a wedding. Give their Russian equivalents.

Chapter 27

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Whom does Jane see when she comes out of her room?

    2. What state is Jane in?

    3. How does Mr. Rochester explain the fact that he had tried to trick Jane into marrying him?

    4. Why doesn’t Jane agree to stay with Mr. Rochester?

    5. Is there any way out for these two people in love in the conditions of 19th c. England?

    6. What is the story that Mr. Rochester tells Jane about his past?

    7. Why is it so difficult for Jane to make the right decision?

    8. Why can’t she agree to Mr. Rochester’s offer to stay with him?

    9. What decision does Jane come to finally?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

The dreams were all void and vain, I am my own guard, you will shun me, to each villain his own vice (give the Russian equivalent), she cannot help being mad, he could plunge headlong into, I gave way to my tears, these words cut me, a sense of remorse, to yield was out of the question, she lavishly displayed her charms and accomplishments, I was dazzled, there was no refinement in her manner, her cast of mind was common and low, it developed with frightful rapidity, the rumble of the sea, her vigilance had been lulled, I set her up in a good line of business, it was a mere matter of course, you are refined by nature, to make oneself conspicuous, the necessity to dwell on the past, in dreary solitude, it is empty mockery, I possessed the certainty of ultimate safety, I had but to go in and say, he would grow desperate, I longed to be his, to force a lock, I forgave him on the spot, you will have to make it do .

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Эта мысль невыносима, что мне делать (using the modal verb “to be to”), удача покинула меня, взломать замок, проливать слезы, ни слова упрека, сразу на месте, не жалей меня, я избавлю тебя от чего-то, заманить в ловушку, быть под рукой, ты неверно судишь обо мне, он навел справки, заговор против меня, терпеть что-либо, он показал мне истинный путь, которому надо следовать, заботиться о ком-то, нескончаемые разговоры, у меня не было намерения обманывать, под любым предлогом, ты не одобряешь меня, в скромном обличии, некоторое время, интересно, что ты думаешь обо мне, каприз, трусливо, я боготворила его, я должна отказаться от любви, кому в этом мире ты нужна, освободить пленника.


  1. What would you have done if you had come to be in Jane’s situation?

  2. Do you think it’s right that according to the law of the country a person can’t divorce his or her spouse because the latter is mentally ill?

  3. What would Jane have become in the eyes of society if she had agreed to stay with Mr. Rochester?

  4. Every person needs shelter, food and clothing to survive. Which of the three is the most important and why?

  5. When Mr. Rochester asks Jane what he is to do with his life, Jane says, “I advise you to live sinless; and wish you to die tranquil.” Comment on these words.

  6. Mr. Rochester says to Jane, “You have neither relatives nor acquaintances whom you need fear to offend by living with me.” Don’t you think that Mr. Rochester is highly cynical in saying these words?

  7. Jane asks herself, “Who cares for you? I care for myself.” Is she right? Wouldn’t it have been easier to give in to Mr. Rochester’s request?

  8. “Laws and principles are for times when there is temptation.” Comment on these words.

  9. “My daughter, flee temptation.” Who is the “mother” in this case?

  10. Give the Russian equivalent for “Friends always forget those whom fortune forsakes.”

  11. “To live familiarly with inferiors is degrading.” How do you understand this phrase? Do you agree?

  12. Mr. Rochester says, “You don’t love me. You want only my station and the rank of my wife.” How do you understand this phrase?

  13. Who was Messalina?

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