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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Формат файлаdoc
Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
страница14 из 17
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  1. What is a missionary? What are his functions? To what countries did missionaries go? Was this work dangerous? Why were missionaries sent to certain countries? How is the ideological factor connected with this kind of work?

  2. What does “cottage” mean in English? Does it have the same meaning as in Russia today – коттедж?

  3. Jane is shocked by the poverty and ignorance that she sees. Have you ever seen poverty that shocked you? What is ignorance in this case?

  4. St. John is afraid that Jane won’t like her new abode and work, but Jane knows well enough that she must “count her blessings”? What does this phrase mean?

  5. What role does the old dog, Carlo, play in this chapter?

  6. Why was, according to the Old Testament, Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt?

  7. St. John says, “God has given us, in a measure, the power to make our own fate.” Comment on this statement.

Chapter 32

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. What kind of pupils does Jane have?

    2. What makes Jane a favorite in the neighborhood?

    3. When does Rosamond Oliver come to visit Jane’s school? Why does she come at a certain hour?

    4. What can you say about the character of Miss Oliver?

    5. What does Rosamond ask Jane to do when she discovers that Jane can draw?

    6. What opinion does Mr. Oliver form of Jane?

    7. Why does Mr. Oliver say that St. John would be throwing a valuable life away if he becomes a missionary?

    8. What makes St. John start when he sees Jane’s drawing of Rosamond?

    9. What do Jane and St. John talk about that evening?

    10. Why does St. John reject the idea of getting a copy of Rosamond’s portrait?

    11. What does St. John dexterously do at the end of their meeting?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

Differential treatment, to live amidst general regard, my heart sank with dejection, my dreams were charged with adventure, she would glide through the dazzled ranks of the village children, she was not worthlessly selfish, she would withdraw her hand hastily from his, to take an amiable caprice to smb., to express something in strong terms, to be in the hell of one’s own meanness, he started at my abruptness, to go to considerable lengths, this caps the globe.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Прошло некоторое время, они получали удовольствие от того, что хорошо выполняли свою работу, привыкнуть к чему-либо, ощущение того, что я в его объятиях, мученик, уволиться, быть поглощенной чем-то, он наклонился, чтобы внимательно рассмотреть мой рисунок, избегать чьего-то взгляда, я готова пойти достаточно далеко, вряд ли ее отец будет против этого брака, быть сдержанным.


1. Instead of going somewhere as a missionary St. John could stay in England and marry Miss Oliver. The money that this marriage would bring him could be well used by him to help the needy in his own country. What do you think?

  1. By going somewhere as a missionary would St. John be performing a heroic feat?

  2. Mr. Oliver says, “He was throwing a valuable life away.” Jane says, “He laid his genius to wither, and his strength to waste, under a tropical sun.” These words show us what many people of that time thought about the work of missionaries. What is your opinion?

  3. Jane has some better, more capable, pupils. She teaches them “the finer kinds of needlework.” What has changed in the process of teaching since then?

  4. Why is Jane’s bed “curtainless”?

  5. A quotation from the Bible is given in this chapter: “…till this mortal shall put on immortality.” What does it mean?

Chapter 33

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Who comes to see Jane late in the evening?

    2. What is the weather like at that moment?

    3. Why has St. John come? What “sequel of the tale” is he talking about?

    4. Where does St. John begin his story?

    5. How does Mr. Briggs come in?

    6. Does Jane get any information about Mr. Rochester?

    7. What has the shabby slip of paper got to do with the whole story?

    8. Mr. Eyre of Madeira has passed away. What does that have to do with Jane’s life?

    9. How are the Rivers connected to Jane?

    10. Why does Jane want Mary and Diana to come back home immediately?

    11. What is Jane going to do with her fortune?

    12. According to St. John what can Jane now do with so much money?

    13. Was it easy to make the three cousins agree to conform to Jane’s wish?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

He stamped the snow from his boots, to look wasted, he means to give the school a treat at Christmas, soon the rash pair were both dead, barns are haunted by rats, he rushed in reckless desperation, you must prove your identity, here was a new card turned up, to look embarrassed, a lonely wretch, to be under a yoke, it is contrary to all custom, stone is worn by continual dropping.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Негостеприимный, что во мне не так, излишний, тщетно, отказаться от кого-то, черный от сажи, сдерживать свои чувства, загадка (домысел), неотложное дело, подозрения, пренебрегать кем-то, гоняться за пустяками.
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