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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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  1. Do you think the events described in this chapter could really have happened?

  2. Do people often run into relatives when they have problems and no one to turn to for help?

  3. Did Jane do right in sharing her fortune in equal parts with her relatives?

Chapter 34

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Does Jane continue teaching at school?

    2. How does she part with her pupils?

    3. How many girls does she have at school by the time of the parting?

    4. Who is worried that now Jane will have nothing to do?

    5. What is Jane’s first aim?

    6. Who is all the preparing done for?

    7. What information do we get about St. John? What does he live for?

    8. How does Jane feel when Diana and Mary arrive?

    9. Where does St. John go that night?

    10. What language does St. John want Jane to start learning? How does he describe the necessity of it?

    11. Why does Jane agree? Does she really need to know Hindostanee?

    12. Has Jane forgotten Mr. Rochester? Does Mrs. Fairfax answer her letter?

    13. Where does St. John take Jane when he realizes that she can’t study that day?

    14. Where does St. John want Jane to accompany him? As what?

    15. What does St. John tell Jane about herself to support his idea?

    16. Why doesn’t Jane agree to marry St. John?

    17. Why doesn’t St. John agree to take Jane to India as his sister?

    18. Does St. John forgive Jane her refusal?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

That is saying a great deal, the uninitiated like you, to set some money aside, to be out of place, to develop to advantage, the dog was half-wild with delight, to meet smb’s wishes, to be on good terms with smb., to be well-connected, I wondered what it meant, without regard to the elements, to fall under a spell, to make an exertion.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

С какой целью, цепко держаться за что-то, перевернуть всё верх дном, значительные изменения, презирать, испытывать терпение, малозаселенный, отвыкнуть от чего-либо, посметь жаловаться, оказать кому-то любезность, отказаться от кого-то, быть неосведомленным.


  1. Now that she can never marry Mr. Rochester do you think Jane should go to India with St. John?

  2. Would going to India be a useful application of Jane’s abilities?

  3. Should Jane marry St. John? Why doesn’t she want to do it?

  4. Why does St. John want to marry Jane though he doesn’t love her and never will?

  5. Were and are missionaries really necessary? What was their main function?

  6. “Good fortune opens the hand as well as the heart.” Try to give the Russian equivalent.

  7. “A conqueror whose triumph had cost him too dear.” What is the speaker alluding to?

  8. Comment on the words Hindostanee, Hindustani, Hindustan, Hindi, Hindu, Hindoo, Hinduism and Hinduize.

  9. Find the Russian equivalent to “You have put your hand to the plough.”

  10. Is Jane seeking “a place in the ranks of His chosen”?

Chapter 35

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

  1. What feelings does Jane experience after her refusal to accept St. John’s proposal?

  2. Who makes her feel that way?

  3. How does St. John show his attitude towards Jane?

  4. Why does Jane say that St. John “almost hates her”?

  5. Why doesn’t St. John want to take Jane to India as his assistant without marrying her?

  6. Does Diana suspect anything in her brother’s behavior towards Jane?

  7. Does Diana support her brother’s plan?

  8. What reward is St. John planning to receive after his mission in India is fulfilled?

  9. What makes Jane almost agree?

  10. What happens to make Jane suddenly change her mind?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

Now you will indeed hate me, I proved it to you in such terms as I could, to keep to common sense, to verge on nonsense, I will entreat God for you, to displease, he was shocked at my want of decency, to be out of the question, my lot would become unspeakably wretched, it’s better for the insignificant to keep out of his way, to be composed.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Воздержаться от чего-то, желать кому-то зла, я хотела стереть из памяти все следы, неверно толковать чьи-то слова, нарушение обещания, быть кому-то обязанным, быть невидимым, у него какие-то соображения относительно тебя, с какой целью, он считает меня полезным орудием, подавить гнев, эти слова взволновали меня.


  1. St. John is a clergyman, almost a holy man. Is he devoid of human defects? Is he capable of strong and passionate feelings? Give examples to prove your statement.

  2. What instrument is he using in his attempt to make Jane accompany him to India?

  3. Jane is experiencing “refined, lingering torture.” Why?

  4. “The corrupt man within him had a pleasure unimparted to, and unshared by, the pure Christian…” Comment on this statement.

  5. “God did not give me my life to throw away; and to do as you wish me…” says Jane. Should one person always obey another? Should one person change his life to suit the interests of another? Discuss the various possibilities.

  6. St. John uses the words “castaway” and “the chosen”. What is he referring to?

  7. Today we watch TV before going to bed or listen to the news or read a book. What does the Rivers family do? What is their “evening reading” about?

  8. Christian dogmas promise life after death. Do you know of any religion that doesn’t?

  9. Ideologies and religions promise “life after death” or “a bright future.” What makes them do it? Why not “a bright today” or “a promised land” now?

  10. What makes St. John speak about “burning in fire and brimstone”?

  11. “When there is energy to command well enough, obedience never fails.” Explain the meaning of this phrase.

Chapter 36

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. What does St. John do before leaving for Cambridge?

    2. What decision does Jane come to?

    3. Whom does Jane want to see and ask after before she leaves England?

    4. How long does it take Jane to get to Thornfield?

    5. What does Jane see when she gets to Thornfield?

    6. What does she compare the sight she sees with?

    7. Is the calamity of late occurrence?

    8. What does the man at the inn tell Jane?

    9. Who set Thornfield on fire?

    10. What does the man at the inn say about Mr. Rochester’s attitude to the governess at Thornfield?

    11. How did Mr. Rochester try to save Bertha?

    12. What did it all result in?

    13. Where is Mr. Rochester at present?

    14. What does Jane decide to do the very instant she learns of his fate?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

To enter into temptation, true natural delicacy, anxiety of mind, he may be gone for aught you know, to catch a glimpse of smth., of late occurrence, a tale of misery, the late Mr. Rochester, the fire broke out at dead of night, to set store on smth, to have a hand in smth.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Недолгое отсутствие, небо затянуто тучами, заблуждение, письма оказались бесполезны, воздержаться от комментария, при схожих обстоятельствах, заплатить за проезд, не посметь что-либо сделать, интересно, что они подумали, нет необходимости что-то сделать, вне сомнения, поджечь что-то.


  1. St. John says, “You would have laid your hand on the Christian’s cross and the angel’s crown.” What do “Christian’s cross” and “angel’s crown” mean here?

  2. Jane speaks of Diana and Mary’s “true natural delicacy.” Don’t you think it proper that they should have asked Jane where she was going?

  3. Why does the author give Jane the same vehicle to transport her back to Thornfield?

  4. “You have lost your labor.” Give the Russian equivalent.

  5. Where are the Antipodes of Gt. Britain?

  6. The innkeeper refers to the governess as “a midge.” What is a midge? Don’t you think he should have used the word “midget”?


Chapter 37

      1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. What does the manor house of Ferndean look like? What is the weather like that evening?

      2. Does Jane come into the house straight away? Why not?

      3. Jane sees Mr. Rochester. What does he look like after the accident?

      4. Who is there in Ferndean together with Mr. Rochester?

      5. How does Jane decide to meet with Mr. Rochester?

      6. What do Jane and Mr. Rochester talk about after the long parting?

      7. What paragraph tells us that Mr. Rochester is especially happy to see Jane?

      8. What does Jane do to Mr. Rochester’s hair?

      9. Where do Jane and Mr. Rochester spend the next morning?

      10. Whom does Jane mention in her story to make Mr. Rochester jealous?

      11. Because he is jealous what does Mr. Rochester tell Jane to do?

      12. How does Jane reply?

      13. In spite of everything that had happened to Mr. Rochester does Jane agree to marry him?

      14. Do you believe that Jane could have heard Mr. Rochester crying out her name?

      1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

A desolate spot, the pattering rain, to keep in check, void darkness, the dog pricked up its ears, what delusion has come over me, I cannot be so blest after all my misery, he seemed to rouse himself, to be revolted by something unpleasant, to feel sorrow, what he says is to the point, to enter into particulars, in Mary’s stead, to be close at hand, exalted deeds, to be gentlemanlike, jealousy had got hold of him, he was blind and lame into the bargain, cold as an iceberg, the state of matters, to overlook smth., to experience remorse.

      1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Умеренный размер, в следствие, заблудиться, получить представление о чем-то, наступить на что-либо, я сама себе хозяйка, лев или что-то подобное, мне было легко с ним, наемный работник, заняться чем-то, причинить боль, наемный работник, время тянется, тревожный, беспомощность, заняться чем-то, причинить боль, одобрить что-либо, маленький деревенский домик, суть дела, уведомлять, отвернуться.

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