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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Формат файлаdoc
Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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    1. Do you think conditions of life in a poorhouse today are very different from what they were in Ch. Bronte’s time?

    2. Do you believe in ghosts, apparitions or poltergeists?

    3. What feelings does this chapter evoke in you?

Chapter 3

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

1. What does Jane feel and see when she wakes up?

2. Why does Jane feel an inexpressible relief?

3. Why was the apothecary called in, not the physician?

    1. What information does Jane get from the scraps of conversation between Bessie and Sarah Abbot?

    2. Why has Jane lost interest in all the things she had previously cherished?

    3. What is the song Bessie sings about? Why does it evoke indescribable sadness in Jane?

    4. Why doesn’t Bessie want to leave the room when Mr. Lloyd tries to talk to Jane?

    5. What kind of information is Mr. Lloyd trying to get from Jane?

    6. Does Jane express a desire to go to school? Why?

    7. What do we learn about Jane’s parents at the end of the chapter?

  1. Give an explanation of the following words and expressions:

To sit in the stocks, to wear backboards, a Welsh rabbit, a beggarly set (what is a set in this case?), a sense of terror confused my faculties, Gulliver was a most desolate wanderer, a pinch of snuff, respectable poverty, to cut smb. off without a shilling.

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

The cloud of bewilderment dissolved, the night passed in ghastly wakefulness, by-and-by, unutterable wretchedness of mind, to move hither and thither, I daresay she is crying because…, to knock smb. down.

  1. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Приглушенные голоса, я почувствовала невыразимое облегчение, интересно увидела ли она что-либо, вырвать с корнем, вызвать слезы, повествование, малонаселенная страна, возможность облегчить мои страдания, похоже, она интригует, брак был неравный, в любом случае.

    1. Do you think Bessie can do something to help Jane? If she did try would it be easy and safe for her?

    2. If you lived with the Reeds how would you behave?

Chapter 4 (first half)

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Why does Jane think that a change is near?

    2. How do the other members of the family treat Jane in the meantime?

    3. What do you think about Jane’s words “They are not fit to associate with me”?

    4. How did the Christmas festivities pass for Jane? Did they upset her?

    5. How do Eliza and Georgiana pass their time?

    6. What happens on the morning of 15th January?

    7. Why does Mr. Brocklehurst come to Gateshead?

    8. Can he be considered pleasant-looking? How does Jane see him?

    9. How does Mrs. Reed characterize Jane?

    10. How does Mr. Brocklehurst try to scare Jane?

    11. Is Jane quick to find an answer?

    12. How is the word “deceit” connected with Jane in this chapter?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

She surveyed me with a severe eye, the subject over which I brooded, she drew a line of separation, to drop a hint about smth., the hum of conversation, let my playthings alone, I was spared the trouble of answering, the less said on the subject the better, my interrogator, they must keep a strict eye on her.

  1. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Поправиться, обратиться к кому-либо, осудить кого-либо, глубокое отвращение, вне сомнения, произвести впечатление, учитывать что-либо, дать положительный ответ, быть в добром здравии, она вмешалась (в разговор).


    1. Do Eliza and Georgiana have the same interests and inclinations? Do you see them as grown-up people?

    2. Explain the following words and phrases and state in what connection they are used in the text:

No allusion was made to the subject, I was now in for it, John thrust his tongue in his cheek, she swept me like a whirlwind into the nursery, she boxed both my ears, Bessie supplied the hiatus by a homily of an hour’s length, she would tuck the clothes around me, Eliza had a turn for traffic.
Chapter 4 (second half)

  1. Answer the following questions to the text:

    1. As what kind of person was the little girl Jane presented to Mr. Brocklehurst?

    2. Why did the accusation cut Jane to the heart?

    3. What does Jane say to Mrs. Reed after Mr. Brocklehurst’s departure?

    4. Do you think a child has the right to talk like that to her elders?

    5. Jane had tasted the aromatic wine of vengeance. Did it bring satisfaction and make her happy?

    6. Why couldn’t she go and ask Mrs. Reed’s pardon?

    7. How does Jane spend her last day at Gateshead?

  1. Comment on the following:

    1. “I should like her to be brought up in a manner suiting her prospects”, says Mrs. Reed. What does she mean?

    2. Give a description of Mrs. Reed’s appearance.

    3. Mr. Brocklehurst considers himself to be a great believer in God. How do you see his words about the little boy who recites psalms? The second commandment says “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”. Does he break this holy law when he tries to scare Jane by using the name of God? Give the Russian equivalent of the second commandment. Translate the words “hypocrisy” and “bigotry” into Russian.

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

On second thought, life had its gleams of sunshine, I was disposed to bask in the sunshine, I was shaking from head to foot, an invisible bond had burst, her skin was dark and opaque, it was unhoped for liberty, consistency is the first of Christian duties, it cut me to the heart.

  1. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Я не могла осмыслить это, но учти, не вздрагивай, я к Вам привыкла, смахнуть слёзы, мои попытки были отвергнуты, положение вещей, я вполне это одобряю, в соответствие с, ее леденящий взор, мне противно даже думать о Вас, угрызения совести.

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