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Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
ТипМетодическое пособие
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The first four chapters are devoted to the period of Jane’s life that she had spent at Gateshead.
1.What are your impressions of this period?

2.Was it hard to understand these chapters?

    1. Did you have to do a lot of work with the dictionary?

    2. Do you think all that happened in these four chapters could well happen today? 5.Did you come across anything that is quite impossible today?

Chapter 5

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter?

    1. Why does Jane get up so early on the morning of 19th January?

    2. Why doesn’t Jane go in and “bid missis good-bye”?

    3. Why does Mrs. Reed “trust Jane so far alone”?

    4. How long would it take you to go 50 miles today?

    5. What is the weather like all the way? Does it mean anything?

    6. What are Jane’s first impressions of Lowood Institution?

    7. How many girls are there?

    8. Did the girls at Lowood each have a bed to herself?

    9. Does the weather change for the better?

    10. What does the day begin with at Lowood?

    11. What happens at breakfast time?

    12. Does Jane have a good breakfast in the morning of her first day at Lowood?

    13. How are the girls at Lowood dressed?

    14. What information does this chapter give us about Miss Temple?

    15. Whom does Jane talk to in the garden and what information do we get about Lowood?

    16. Why are these girls called “charity-children”?

    17. How does Miss Scatcherd come into the picture?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

They urged haste, I was whirled away to the unknown, I was stiff with long sitting, she was smartly dressed, the teachers resumed their posts, you ask rather too many questions, she had refined features, all underfoot was still soaking wet, she looked purple and weather-beaten, I was placed at the bottom of the class, the sense of admiring awe.

  1. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Разжечь огонь, часы пробили пять, она едет одна, пассажиры вышли из дилижанса, чтобы пообедать, приказ был отдан, я хочу кое-что сказать (обратиться к) ученицам, говорят, что за ним числится много добрых дел, ее отпустили с позором, густой туман, эта одежда им не шла, относительная тишина.


Did you expect Jane’s journey to Lowood or her first day there to be different?
Chapter 6

  1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. What are Jane’s impressions of the next morning?

    2. How does the day begin?

    3. What can you say about Miss Scatcherd as a teacher?

    4. What can you say about Helen Burns as a pupil?

    5. What do you think makes Miss Scatcherd so cruel?

    6. Why is Helen so seemingly meek?

    7. What is the weather like all the time?

    8. Why can’t Helen leave Lowood?

    9. How is Miss Temple characterized in this chapter?

    10. How does Helen comment Jane’s story about Mrs. Reed?

    11. How does this chapter end?

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

The wind whistled through the crevices of our windows, I had direction to hem the muslin, she made some inattention to stops while she was reading, don’t poke your chin, draw your chin in, I did not catch the import of that order, the coffee revived my vitality, a confusion of voices, I have attained that object, it will cure me of my faults, there is no merit in such goodness, we are burdened with the faults of the world, bless them that curse you.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Это была простая случайность, мы были вынуждены обойтись без…, как бы я хотела, чтобы…, меня зачислили, я всё ждала, что…, она нанесла ей с десяток ударов, в какой-то мере, не суди по внешним проявлениям, сделать по-своему, я придерживаюсь иных взглядов, иди и приведи свой ящик в порядок, без промедления.

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