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  • Chapter 8 A

  • Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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    Helen says, “Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you and despitefully use you.” Comment on these words. Do you follow these rules? Is it reasonable to behave so in our world today? Should you allow people to trample on you, use you, and abuse you? Give the reasons for your answer.

    Chapter 7

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. Why does Jane say that her first quarter at Lowood wasn’t a golden age?

      2. What factors made her life there a torment? Enlist them.

      3. What made Sunday “a special day” in the life of the girls?

      4. What can you say about Mr. Brocklehurst’s behavior during his visit to Lowood?

      5. What happens to Jane’s slate?

      6. Why do the girls write on slates and not in paper copybooks?

      7. How is Jane punished?

      8. Can you give a logical explanation for Jane’s punishment?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    He was overcome by his feelings, he majestically surveyed the whole class, why that abundance, a brief address would not be mistimed, the hose was in a very bad state of repair, for once it may pass, how we longed for the heat of a blazing fire, the scanty supply of food was distressing, deficiency of nourishment, overpowered with sleep.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Я дала им разрешения надеть…, он тихо говорил ей на ухо, случилось так, что я сидела…, вы должны избегать ее, почти непроходимые дороги, острый аппетит, небольшое утешение, я заметила фигуру, он должен был заклеймить меня, я уловила большую часть, сказанного им, временные лишения.

    1. Give an explanation of the following phrases and say in what context they are used.

    A sum in long division, I was no Helen Burns, chilblains, they would coax or menace the little ones, the Church Catechism, habits of luxury and indulgence, I have a Master to serve, the Evil One, I was mounted aloft.


    Let’s speak about Mr. Brocklehurst.

    1. Do you think he supported the theory of “the survival of the fittest” or was he just fanatically religious?

    2. He is shocked by the breakfast of extra cheese for the girls. Do you think that his thriftiness is the reason for it?

    3. What about the extra tuckers for two girls?

    4. Why was so much time devoted to prayer at Lowood?

    5. What kind of a life are these girls prepared for?

    6. Why is Mr. Brocklehurst so worried about their “lusts of flesh”?

    7. Who are the three visitors? So, does Mr. Brocklehurst practice what he preaches?

    8. What makes Mr. Brocklehurst behave as he does?

    Chapter 8

      1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. Why does Jane feel “crushed and trodden on” that afternoon?

    2. Who comes to her rescue?

    3. How does Miss Temple try to help Jane?

    4. Where are Jane and Helen invited to that afternoon?

    5. Why don’t the three get more bread and butter?

    6. What do Helen and Miss Temple converse about?

    7. Why does Miss Temple breathe a sad sigh for Helen?

    8. How is the word “Slattern” connected with Helen?

    9. How does Jane come to be cleared of every imputation?

    10. Does Jane now want to exchange Lowood with all its privations for Gateshead with all its luxuries? Why not?

      1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    God is waiting to crown us with a full reward, she coughed a short cough, we tread some intricate passages, to cry one’s grief away, to do smth. of your own accord, her apartment looked cheerful, we shall think you what you prove yourself to be, Helen was greeted with a sharp reprimand, her benign-looking forehead, it corroborated my account, a murmur of pleasure ran through the crowd, I was relieved of a grievous load, to remain silent as an Indian.

      1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Класс распустили (объявили, что уроки окончены), если ты будешь стараться, жизнь так быстро кончается, тебя обвинили во лжи, меня ложно обвинили, это звучит правдоподобно, мы должны этим довольствоваться, нельзя было допускать какого-либо промедления, постыдный беспорядок, заслуженное наказание, слёзы обжигали мои щёки, тренировка отточила мой ум.

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