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  • Discussion 1.

  • Методическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии

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    НазваниеМетодическое пособие по литературному чтению для 2го курса филологического факультета, отделение германской филологии
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    Формат файлаdoc
    Имя файлаJANE EYRE.doc
    ТипМетодическое пособие
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    1. Did Jane have a right to want a change?

    2. Why is Miss Temple’s husband “almost” worthy of such a wife?

    3. Why does Jane have a roommate? Being a teacher shouldn’t she have a room to herself?

    4. Why does the author give only one answer to Jane’s advertisement?

    5. Why does Jane have to ask Mrs. Reed for permission to leave Lowood?

    6. What makes Bessie come to see Jane? Why does the author insert this little episode?


    The second period in Jane’s life has come to its end. She is leaving Lowood.

    1.What are your impressions of this period?

    2.Why did the author devote so many chapters to Jane’s childhood and the school she attended?

    3.Is the same school situation possible today?

    4.Would further narration be possible if Jane had decided to spend all her life teaching in Lowood?

    Chapter 11

      1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

    1. How would you compare Jane’s journey to Thornfield at her time with a person’s journey that distance today?

    2. Why is Jane offered a hot negus on arrival to Thornfield?

    3. Who meets Jane at Thornfield?

    4. How does Jane feel in her new place of abode?

    5. Give a brief description of Thornfield Hall.

    6. What information do we get about Adele?

    7. Why is it so fortunate that Jane had studied French at Lowood?

    8. What does Adele tell Jane about herself?

    9. Where did Adele and Jane have their lessons?

    10. Is the owner of Thornfield Hall permanently resident there?

    11. Why is the house always kept in order?

    12. Does Mrs. Fairfax give Jane a full description of Mr. Rochester?

    13. Does Thornfield Hall have a ghost of its own?

    14. Why does the author take Jane for a look around the house?

    15. What strange sound does Jane hear?

    16. Is Grace Poole a ghostly or romantic apparition?

    17. What does Grace do at Thornfield?

      1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    After six hours’ exposure to the cold, the charm of adventure, the light of the candle dazzled me, a considerate choice, the impulse of gratitude, a small hamlet straggled up the side of the hill, a universally understood fact, he is always civil, the girl can make shift to talk English a little, I had always made a point of doing it, in conformity to smth., the land has belonged to them time out of mind, an air of antiquity, a shrine of memory, to be superstitiously afraid, a hard, plain face, her behavior is not altogether unobjectionable.

      1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Ничего подобного, я конечно же смогу поладить с ней, колокол отбивал, она освободила место для подноса, я решила, что лучше будет, если я…, я простая экономка, это не было снисхождением, я приложила усилья, чтобы выучить это, маловероятно, что я растеряюсь, она внимательно разглядывала меня минут десять, это не имеет значения, ничего необычного в этом не было, у меня нет причины делать иначе, ничего не бросалось в глаза.


    1. Do you think the strange laugh heard by Jane is going to have consequences?

    2. Do you see any Gothic element in this fact?

    3. Why do you think the house was so fully described?

    4. What do you know about ghost stories and Gothic fiction?

    Chapter 12

      1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. Is Jane happy with her new position?

      2. What does she say about the silent revolt of millions of women all over the world at that time?

      3. Does Jane hear the strange laughs again?

      4. How many months is Jane in Thornfield already?

      5. What errand does she have in Hay?

      6. What time of day is it when Jane hears the trample of horse’s hoofs on the lonely road?

      7. What happens to the man on the horse?

      8. How does Jane try to help the rider?

      9. Does the man tell Jane who he is?

      10. Does he ask Jane who she is?

      11. Is Jane eager to re-enter Thornfield that night?

      12. What is sitting and gazing at the fire in Mrs. Fairfax’s room?

      13. Who is the master of Thornfield that has just arrived?

      1. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

    I longed for a power of vision that could…, I wished to behold it, I could not help it, I allowed my mind’s eye to dwell on bright visions, millions are in silent revolt against their lot, for change of amusement, the windings of the lane, it broke the spell at once, to shun, I want to see that you are fit to mount your horse, the horse’s trampling forefeet, little things recall us to earth.

      1. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

    Черты характера, она была отдана на мое попечение, тебе поручено заниматься ее образованием, время от времени, им надо упражнять свои способности, запоздалый путник, срезать путь, по близости не было никакой другой помощи, он был уже не молод, нужда обязывает меня, я была не способна это оценить, я едва осознала.

      1. Why do you think the author makes the main characters meet in such unusual circumstances?

    Chapter 13

        1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

        1. Why do Jane and Adele have to vacate the library?

        2. How does Adele feel now that Mr. Rochester has come back to Thornfield?

        3. Why does Mr. Rochester ask Jane and Adele to take tea with him that evening?

        4. What is Jane’s first impression of Mr. Rochester?

        5. What opinion does Mr. Rochester form of Jane?

        6. What is Adele expecting Mr. Rochester to have brought her from the continent?

        7. What have “the men in green” got to do with the whole situation?

        8. What do Jane and Mr. Rochester talk about that evening?

        9. Jane shows Mr. Rochester her pictures. He chooses three of them. What do you make of those pictures?

        10. What does Mrs. Fairfax tell Jane about Mr. Rochester’s family troubles?

        1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    New voices spoke in different keys below, she scattered some heavy unwelcome thoughts, first-rate occasions, you beat about the bush, my hand would not second my fancy, it was blank of meaning, the shape which shape had none, he did not relish the caress, nine years is a tolerable time, he was anxious to keep the family estate together, to drop the subject.

        1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Он спустился вниз, чтобы заняться делами, с моей стороны, она придумывала предлоги, относительное спокойствие внизу, я удалилась в свою комнату, это был подарок на память, я буду сам судить об этом, они не ладили (между ними были некоторые недопонимания), брат настроил отца против него, он избегает это место, он порвал со своей семьей, в знак того, что…

        1. Try to guess what words are hidden in this mixture of letters:

    nqetueSsbu, ueAnnaqitacc, cwdonkgelAe, iGnneeu, oIaiinttvn, oPmrefr, qeeCnoecnu, ytecfuSlniif, psniCcosuuo, ntenAcnounme.
    Chapter 14

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. Why doesn’t Jane see much of Mr. Rochester on the following days?

      2. Why is Jane always in her usual Quaker trim?

      3. What does Adele receive from Mr. Rochester and what is her reaction?

      4. What silly question does Mr. Rochester ask?

      5. Does Mr. Rochester seem ugly to Jane when he leans his arm on the mantelpiece?

      6. Is Jane able to just “speak”?

      7. What does Mr. Rochester say about insolence, submitting to anything for a salary, his own faults, involuntary confidants, fate wronging him, being denied happiness?

      8. Does Jane comprehend all that Mr. Rochester says?

      9. Why doesn’t Jane laugh much?

      10. In what way does Adele interrupt their conversation?

      11. How did Adele come to be on Mr. Rochester’s hands?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    Blood is said to be thicker than water, he rode out to return these visits, I have no mind to disturb my position, the answer slipped from my tongue, fortune has knocked me about since, to be at ease, have the goodness to talk to me a little now, you lived with one set of people in one house, let’s leave superiority out of the question, I don’t mean to flatter you, to counterbalance, peace of mind, you have no right to preach to me (practise what you preach), remorse is the poison of existence, a conscience-keeper, his character was beyond my penetration, your self-love dreads a blunder, it is past her bedtime.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Соседи приходили с визитом, они не обижали меня, они не имели ничего общего с…, и учти!, детская болтовня, нечто само собой разумеющиеся, красота не имеет особого значения, далеко не так, это восполняло отсутствие, вытянуть из кого-то какую-то информацию, это не ваша заслуга, эта мысль пришла мне на ум, неблагоприятные обстоятельства, поддерживать беседу, заглушить голос, на цыпочках, прозрачный, полезный для здоровья, ерунда, смягчить недостатки.

    Chapter 15

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

        1. How does Mr. Rochester explain Adele’s appearance at Thornfield?

        2. According to Mr. Rochester why has Jane never experienced jealousy?

        3. What do Celine Varens and the vicomte talk about?

        4. What does Mr. Rochester say about his destiny?

        5. What does the phrase “recipient of secrets” mean?

        6. What does Mr. Rochester do when he discovers that Celine Varens is unfaithful to him?

        7. How does Adele come into the picture?

        8. Why does Mr. Rochester take her with him to Britain?

        9. Knowing the truth about Adele’s origin what does Jane now feel towards her?

        10. Does Jane find any physical likeness in Adele to Mr. Rochester?

        11. Does Jane enjoy Mr. Rochester’s company?

        12. Why has Mr. Rochester stopped being ugly in Jane’s eyes?

        13. Does Jane get the answer to the question “what alienates him from the house”?

        14. What horrifying incident happens in the house that night?

        15. How does Mr. Rochester explain the incident?

        16. Does the fire bring Mr. Rochester and Jane closer to each other?

      1. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:

    Happening to call one evening, and mark my words, I thought I had done with the whole crew, she is not answerable for her mother’s faults, I ran a race with her, I ceased to pine after kindred, the confidence he reposed in me, he was harsh to inferiority of every kind, a marrow-freezing incident happened, I told him in what state I had found matters here, I followed him in thought.

      1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Он посчитал это подходящим (для выполнения), сердечный прием, это влекло меня к нему, я потушила свечу, я обязан Вам, зерна истины, прошло очень много времени, как принято, вряд ли это был своевременный вопрос, незаконнорожденное дитя, до предела (настолько, насколько это возможно), избалованный любимец.

      1. Finish the following phrases using the words and expressions from the chapter:

        1. My heart thumped with………

        2. Floating on with closed ….. and muffled …..

        3. You will be dashed to ….. on crag points.

        4. He ground his ….. and was ……

        5. The green snake of ………

        6. I never thought of …… him because I ……. him so absolutely.

        7. Opening the ….., I walked …. upon them.

        8. It betrayed in her a ……. of character.

        9. I heard him talk with ……

        10. Though I had now …….. my candle.

    Chapter 16

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. What feelings does Jane experience on the morning after the fire?

      2. What do the servants say about the fire?

      3. Why does Grace Poole’s calmness amaze Jane?

      4. How does Jane go about trying to get information from Grace Poole?

      5. Who is cross-questioning whom in this case?

      6. What does Grace Poole tell Jane to do with the door?

      7. What are Jane’s reflections concerning Grace Poole?

      8. Where is Mr. Rochester the day after the fire?

      9. What does Jane learn about a certain Miss Ingram?

      10. Why does Jane consider herself to be the greatest fool on earth?

      11. What two portraits does Jane decide to draw? Why does she do it?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    She was intent on her work, her commonplace features, such impenetrability is past comprehension, you are a light sleeper, she appeared to be cross-examining me, her miraculous self-possession, he dared not openly charge her, why did he keep her wickedness a secret, she drew the blind, she was the belle of the evening, the jetty mass of her curls, it was a treat to listen to her, to be on the safe side.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Он непременно посетит это место, полный порядок, я собралась обратиться к ней, покушение на убийство, выведать информацию так, чтобы я не подозревала об этом, запереть дверь на засов, ее надо уволить, она имеет власть над ним, эта мысль была мне противна, на краю пропасти, восполнить недостаток, ты получила удовольствие от чего-то.

    1. Find antonyms to the following words:

    Frequent, expected, interrupted, downstairs, penetrable, fortunately, conscious, significant, young, careful, steady, warmth, aware, different, appear, dependent, malignant, omit, known, fasten, bless, advantage, amateur, possible, possess, discretion, prevent, continue, desirable, graceful, separable, color, honorable.
    Chapter 17

    1. Answer the following questions to the chapter:

      1. A week has passed and there is no news of Mr. Rochester. What does Jane feel?

      2. What does Mr. Rochester say in his letter?

      3. When is the party expected to arrive?

      4. How do the members of the household prepare for the arrival of the guests?

      5. What conversation does Jane overhear concerning Grace Poole?

      6. What are Jane’s first impressions of the guests?

      7. What does Jane sneak down to the kitchen for?

      8. Why had Jane never seen such high-borne elegance before?

      9. What do Jane and Adele hear, when the evening is far advanced?

      10. Are Jane and Adele invited to join the party next day?

      11. Where does Jane retire to?

      12. Why doesn’t Jane take part in the conversation and the merriment?

      13. Give a description of the ladies.

      14. Give a description of the gentlemen.

      15. How does Miss Ingram behave?

      16. How does Adele behave?

      17. What object are Jane’s eyes involuntarily drawn to all the time?

      18. How does Mr. Rochester converse with Miss Ingram? Do you feel the sarcasm?

      19. What discussion takes place about governesses in the salon?

      20. Why do you think Miss Ingram praises men who are older?

      21. Jane slips away only to find that Mr. Rochester follows her. What do you make of it?

      22. What phrase does Mr. Rochester not say to the end?

    1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:

    He is not of your order, keep to your caste, I received a damping check to my cheerfulness, she (Grace Poole) is laying by, to give smb. a nudge, her purple riding-habit, issuing from my asylum, never mind the ladies tonight, a joyous conversational murmur, to bustle about, to be far advanced, I must smother hope, he cannot care much for me, she chatters like a wren, as soon as she got an inkling of it, I am all obedience, to consider the subject, clement, saturnine, languid elegance, sundry glances.

    1. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

    Признавать, время от времени, держать на замке, всё, что я поняла, сводилось к следующему, убежище, ни в коем случае, я поспешно удалилась, отвлечь внимание, для разнообразия, ни коем образом, я чувствую с ним родство, вставить слово, пренебрегать обязанностями, ничего не выводило ее из себя, я вам премного обязан, уголовное наказание, на первый взгляд.

    1. Who are the Abigails and why are they called so?

    2. How do you understand the phrase “beauty is in the eyes of the gazer”?

    3.How do you understand the phrase “she seems waiting to be sought”? Have you personally seen people behave that way? Who is it more typical of – men or women?

    4.How do you understand the phrase “but my curiosity will be past its appetite”?

      1. How do you understand the phrase “to turn the tables”? Is it the same as “the boot is on the other foot”?

      2. How is the phrase “to be on a high horse” connected with phrase “to be riding for a fall”?

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