Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для специальностей землеустройство Иземельный кадастр
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Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов: Unsafe, local, indigenous, framework, ancillary, justice, additional, dangerous, fairness, stockholders, limiting, shareholders.
/>-: respective, repairable, responsibility, rational, regular, reclaim- able, recoverable, recognizable. im-\ patible, mobile, movability, perfection, movable, possibility, penetrability, police.
Описание участка, топографические черты, дополнительная информация, городской сертификат, уникальный опознавательный номер, 2 категории акционеров, пользователь информации, поставщик информации, правовые рамки, увеличить доступ, устранить напряженность, дальнейший анализ, перепись владельцев, безопасность недвижимости.
1. Городской кадастр должен содержать физическое описание земли и недвижимости в городе. 2. Городской кадастр включает графическую и текстовую информацию. 3. Информационные провайдеры и пользователи — 2 категории акционеров. 4. Городской кадастр должен иметь список владельцев. 5. Новые технологии Уже решили старые проблемы. 6. Я только что зарегистрировал свою недвижимость. 7. К концу следующего года моя недвижимость будет уже построена. 8. Правовые рамки уже четко определили распределение обязанностей между земельным агентством и агентством недвижимости.
То identify, to feel, to make, to impact, to accompany, to give, to vary, to understand, to equip, to computerize, can, to train, to teach, to see, to send, to improve.
1. The staff of this firm has been trained to maintain the computerized technology system. 2. You have to know everything about textual and graphic information. 3. Each city has urban cadastral maps. 4. Most of the countries have almost finished capturing cadastral textual information. 5. European countries have understood the importance of linking the property registries or mortgage books with the cadastre. 6. Every day 1 have dinner at 12 o'clock. 7. Recently the European Union has conducted a comparison of the European cadastres.
Investigation, administration, prosecution, communication, comparison, danger, science, confidence, base, history science, importance, registration, decision, difference.
1. The social assessment and participation have required innovative approaches. 2. There have been three technical steps for the rapid technological evolution. 3. The European countries have understood the importance of the cadastre. 4. The staff has already been trained to maintain the system. 5. You have to stem lessons from a technical comparison of European cadastral systems.
1. Recently we (to receive) the textual information. 2. We just (to prepare) the map of this city. 3. He (to be) to use graphic information. 4. By the end of this week the report (to write). 5. They already (to see) this information. 6. The European countries (to understand) the importance of property registration.
1. What is an urban cadastre? 2. What does textual information include? 3. What categories of stockholders do you know? 4. Is integration of the cadastre with the registry so important? 5. Will use of new technologies solve old problems? 6. What have you to do when preparing a cadastre? 7. Should the legal framework provide a clear distribution of responsibilities between land and real estate agencies? 8. Will the field data acquisition process be governed by population participation?
Text 9B The Main Benefits of an Urban Cadastre An accurate and up-to-date cadastre will serve as the basis for urban development. Combined with various socio-economic and additional information, the cadastre will provide the basic knowledge for any analysis and related decision making. We can identify four main benefits provided by an efficient urban cadastre: land tenure and real estate security; access to credit; equity and efficiency of tax collection, and urban management and planning. Integrated with the registry, the cadastre is one of the factors that guarantees land and real estate security as it represents an objective, public proof of ownership or occupancy. Considering that land tenure and real estate security are essential for social peace, a comprehensive and accurate cadastre is a key condition for the sustainable and peaceful development of the city. Increasing security of tenure gives owners an incentive to invest on land and real estate or capital equipment for working or using the land and real estate. A parcel based title can be used as an access of the poor to medium- and long-term credits. Therefore, it can remove constraints and reduce the cost of the capital. Nevertheless titling in itself is not sufficient for the development of credit. It must be accompanied by the improvement and strengthening credit related financial markets and by incentive mechanisms towards owners or occupants who are still remaining reluctant to borrow against their land or their real estate from fear of losing it. Acquisition maintenance and exchange of information are the main determinants for successful urban cadastre. A cadastre represents a comprehensive census of owners and occupants and an objective assessment of land and real estate distribution and values. It is important to emphasize that tax collection is not the only objective of a cadastre and that everyone will benefit from the other advantages. Last but not least, the cadastre is the basic geo-informational layer for urban planning and management as it gives the information about: who is living where and what there is where. The cadastral information is very accurate with enough details for any further urban planning and urban operations. According to the type of analysis, it will be necessary to supply the cadastre with additional socio-economic data. In many cases cadastral information is so important for utility and facility private companies that the latter agree to co-finance the establishment of the urban cadastres. 16. Прочитайте текст 9C и раскройте содержание рассматриваемых в нем проблем: Text 9C The Key Success Factors When Implementing an Urban Cadastre Experience resulted from many investigations and observations suggests main key success factors when implementing an urban cadastre: clarification of the legal framework, strengthening the social assessment and participation and use of new technologies. To solve these old problems a land use planner should take them into account. It is necessary to clarify the legal framework which is often incomplete or inadequate. It should provide a clear typology of land tenure and ownership and occupant rights, a good definition of claims hierarchy and conflict resolution mechanisms. This should be done in respect of overriding interests including customary and indigenous rights. The process implemented must be based on equity and fairness and respect the de facto use and occupancy rights of the poorest population who is mainly living in urban fringes and shanty towns. The review of the legal framework should also be performed in with respect to a sustainable environmental development. This includes identification and demarcation of protected and buffer areas. The legal framework should provide a clear distribution of responsibilities between land and real estate agencies. As cadastral and registry integration is often a key issue, legal arrangements should be set up to guarantee a long-term consistency between cadastral and registral information. This includes a clear definition of roles and responsibilities of cadastral and registral services as well as private surveyors and notaries. All stockholders should feel the ownership of the reforms and follow the rules in their future day to day activities. When preparing a cadastre you have to survey and visit each piece of land and each building where people are living. In this process, social assessment and participation that encourage population participation appear essential. All along the project it is important to focus on this issue. Prior to the implementation of the project, a specific social assessment will allow to identify main project beneficiaries and key social issues. At the beginning of the implementation, a national, municipal and local information campaign will facilitate population understanding and consequently ownership of the project by the population. During the project, the field data acquisition process will be governed by population participation and efficient conflict resolution mechanisms. A few years after the project, it is important to carry out studies to assess the social impact of the project on beneficiaries. Strengthening the social assessment and participation requires innovative approaches. For instance there is a special need for flexible solutions in urban fringes with high rate of spontaneous urbanization and informal sprawling settlements. In most of the cases, the social activities must be based on bottom-up approaches rather than top- down traditional approaches. It is essential to get a large consensus among the final beneficiaries whether they are legal owners or simply de facto occupants. It's also necessary to use new technologies to solve old problems. There are three technical steps for which rapid technological evolution is determinant: the acquisition of information, the management and maintenance of the information and the exchange and distribution of the information. 17. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст 9D: Text 9D The Main Lessons from a Technical Comparison of European Cadastral Systems Recently European Union has conducted a comparison of European cadastres. The three main technical conclusions of the studies of urban cadastres are: (1) many European countries are moving toward the integration of the cadastre with the property registry, (2) existing graphic and textual information is detailed but their homogeneity varies from one country to another, and (3) computerized technology is commonly used. Historically, ownership was established without cadastre. Nevertheless, nowadays, most European countries have understood the importance of linking the property registries or mortgage books with the cadastre to eventually achieve a legal cadastre or a parcel based registry. In the land registry, the right is created once inscribed in the book under the control of a judge. The inscription in the land book is accompanied by an accurate survey. In the mortgage book, the right is created by the contract between the parties. It is now compulsory to ensure the exact correspondence between the cadastre and the mortgage book. In most countries the cadastre is old and homogeneous. Urban cadastre maps cover the dense of urban and peri-urban areas of main European cities. The cartographic and historic homogeneity of these maps is highly various from one country to another. Moreover, the characteristics of the textual information associated to the graphic information vary largely from one country to another. Computerized technology is now commonly used. Most of the countries have almost finished capturing cadastral textual information and are now on the way to digitize the graphic information (cadastral maps). Technical departments are now equipped with highly sophisticated computerized equipment for data acquisition and maintenance. Lesson 10. THE STATE ROLE IN URBAN LAND DEVELOPMENT
Vacant, eminent, enforcement, condemnation, levy, domain, delinquency, revitalization, officials, deem, attractive, blighted, redemption, emerge, revenue, perception, perceive, pursue.
Tax lien foreclosure, for the public good, land remains vacant, eminent domain, increase tax revenue, insurable property title, recipient property, smart growth, legislative reforms, local level remains deficient, abandoned land, approaches have been pioneered, hindering the process, a marketable proper title.
Text 10А Vacant Property The reuse of vacant land and abandoned structures can represent an opportunity for the economic growth and recovery of a diverse range of urban areas. Vacant and abandoned property is a symptom of central city decline that has now become a problem in its own right. Vacant land represents both a significant problem and an attractive opportunity for many central cities. Vacant land and abandoned structures impose both economic and social costs on cities and neighbourhoods or districts in which they are located. On the economic side, such properties lower neighbouring property values and tax revenues even as they create pressure to raise taxes to maintain service levels. Likewise, vacant land and abandoned structures impose significant social costs on communities as images of blight, as targets for vandalism and criminal activity, and as unsafe and unhealthy structures. At the same time, though, vacant land holds out an opportunity for central cities when it is seen as a competitive asset in the implementation of economic development strategies. Vacant land development can generate new economic activity, increase tax revenue, improve transportation and physical amenities, and increase safety. It can also help cities to resolve their brownfield problems as well as reinforce "smart growth" practices by accommodating growth and development within existing urban areas. Despite the need to understand better the problems and opportunities associated with vacant and abandoned properties, few efforts have attempted to comprehensively quantify their extent. Land use planners surveyed cities perceptions of their vacant land and abandoned structures problem and found that they were viewed as a serious concern. The survey has found that, on the average, 15 per cent of a city's land remains vacant. But while both surveys help to provide a better understanding of the issue and city responses to it, neither was comprehensive. The survey also found that city officials deemed aggressive building code enforcement the most effective technique to address vacant land and abandoned structures, followed by the use of tax foreclosure (used by 60 per cent of the surveyed cities). To understand the full scope of the problems and opportunities associated with vacant lands and abandoned structures, we need systematic and ongoing data collection.
Responsibilities, confiscation, similar, duties, various, homogenous, diverse, ownership, domain, suppose, levy, tax, deem, condemnation.
im-\ possible, mobility, material, mature, modest, measurability, memorial. //-: legal, liberal, legible, logical, legitimate, legitimacy, literacy.
Перестройка земли, повторное использование, свободная земля, благоустройство города (нарядный рост), пустующие структуры, социальные затраты, цели для вандализма и криминальной деятельности, осуществление экономического развития, лучшее понимание проблем, налоговое лишение права выкупа, сбор данных, восприятие города, возможность экономического роста.
1. Свободные земли и пустующие структуры должны заново использоваться. 2. Свободными остаются 15% городских земель. 3. Ярлык свободной земли дается различным видам использованной и неиспользованной земли. 4. Для решения проблемы пустующих земель законодательные реформы уже изданы. 5. Землеустроители озабочены проблемой пустующих земель. 6. Экономические затраты возрастают из-за пустующих земель.
1. These strategies are grouped by 3 broad categories. 2. An important role is played by state governments. 3. Implementation of financing rules is carried out by eminent domain powers. 4. Legislative reforms have been successfully undertaken by some states. 5. Vacant lands must be reused. 6. The vacant land label is given to different used and unused parcels of land. 7. Legislation reforms have already been published to decide these problems.
Successful, beneficial, wide, sufficient, official, high, quick, early, public, accurate. |