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  • ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ Приложение 1

  • Please give the definition of American youth and divide it into categories according their age, interests and attitude towards their future life.

  • What are the best ways to raise and develop the patriotism in young people

  • Are you patriotic enough to go to the war to fight for democracy and other nations freedom

  • 7. What kinds of social institutions or organizations develop the patriotic feelings best

  • Do you know anything about how government and different political structures try to upbring the patriotic feelings Movies, songs, attributes etc. What do you like or dont

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    Список литературы

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    Приложение 1

    Angela Hildebrand, Insurance Agency owner,

    Port Angeles, WA 98363

    1. What does Patriotism mean to you?

    Love of community and the people who live in it. Love of a greater good than ones-self.  

    1. Please give the definition of American youth and divide it into categories according their age, interests and attitude towards their future life. How can you describe modern American youngsters

    I have mixed feelings in this area. Many youngsters in our county do great things for others around them and we hear their stories in our newspapers and media.  The other side of our American youth are selfish, spoiled and have entitlement issues because they have been raised in affluent homes and have access to their needs beyond basic survival. They are consumed with video games, computer games, and junk food! They have technology that allows them instant connections but also allows them to be more informed of world issues.  I wonder if they would communicate face to face if the technology were not so available.   
    I wonder if they would work harder if their parents were not well off.  We do have a large component of folks who are the "working poor" in America. It is hard to have a place to live and afford to be able to pay for it on the wage many of our service jobs pay. As more jobs are lost and outsourced, as our skilled blue collar jobs continue to decline, it becomes more difficult for the majority of our kids to make it outside of their parents’s home. They cannot afford fuel for the car, groceries for their cupboards, and cannot afford to dream of buying a home. Many educated youth come out of college owing so much debt for their education, they cannot live beyond student loan payments.  That creates a cynicism and lowers patriotic pride.

    Breaking our Unions that support working folks who move beyond their teen years is detrimental to the work force. Many families live in poverty and from pay check to pay check, without hope of improvement. The average rent on an apartment is $750 per month.  That is not patriotic. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    I believe youth has hope for a better future and as the young folks move into their 20's and beyond, it is a hard road to walk on in our country.   Younger folks in their teen years can get involved in groups like Eagle scouts, which are a group devoted to helping others, as opposed to ROTC in our schools, which supports our military alliance and strength in the world.

    1. What are the best ways to raise and develop the patriotism in young people?

    Community involvement, volunteering and helping others.

    1. Are you proud to be American and why?

    I am so proud to be an American.  I love the freedom to go where I wish, be friends with who I wish, and the wide variety of people who make up America. I love the opportunity to speak my mind without fear, vote for who I wish to vote for, and write what I wish to.

    1. Are you patriotic enough to go to the war to fight for democracy and other nations freedom?

      I certainly would but not for many of the causes our government gets involved with.

    1. How in your day to day life you can raise the feelings of patriotism? 

    Vote! Be informed and read... not just accept the indoctrination the mass media feeds us. Discuss with others and challenge your way of thinking.

    7. What kinds of social institutions or organizations develop the patriotic feelings best?  

    Educational and non-profit organizations-involved with helping others and educating people. Examples would be: local food banks, local church groups, community mental health centers, information and assistance programs, legal aid, farm works, Native American groups, and social service organizations.

    1. Do you know anything about how government and different political structures try to upbring the patriotic feelings? Movies, songs, attributes etc. What do you like or don't? 

      Mass media and public indoctrination have a dangerous side to them.  The media feeds us what they think we like and perhaps what is not always real.  We do have a wonderful national anthem and many musical  groups that try to raise the level of public awareness. However, as Chris points out " The people, the public make a nation, not a collection of flags, songs and sayings. Therefore, indulgence in our symbols are not pure acts of patriotism".

    A scary part of American life that I do not consider patriotic is how many people we have in the prison system.  We have so many folks in jail for silly things.  We have cut funding to our mentally ill and closed institutions that can help them. We have taken an approach that locking people up is the right way to deal with them, rather than treating them or helping them with mental illness or drug addiction. .My father says "too many laws and not enough justice".  It is scary for young people to live with these conditions.

    We are torn in our country right now. I pray things get better for all of us.  We must keep our "Attitude of Gratitude" and continue to be grateful for what we have rather than what we don't have.


    Приложение 2
    Christopher O. Shea- Attorney at Law

    Sequim City Attorney

    Well, to begin, I certainly have an opinion on who a patriot is, as do most people, and there are varying definitions by everyone as to what is "patriotism." I'll start in by saying what it is not. Patriotism is not jingoisms like "my country right or wrong." (-as if it wouldn't matter, that even if we were the most awful, destructive nation on earth, we should somehow stand up and support it). Similarly, sayings on car bumper stickers like: "America, love it or leave it" are meaningless. They imply that one should never be allowed to criticize or try to improve one's own nation without being told to leave or even be banished to some foreign place. 

    Criticism of our government is not dislike of country. These preachy demands get wrongfully equated with patriotism. All of the above brings about reminders of extreme examples like Nazi Germany. Furthermore in the name of patriotic reunification Germany, aggressively expanding its borders by invading nations abroad causing the  deaths of 20 million people in the Soviet Union alone. The few internal critics were too afraid to speak up and patriotism was perverted for the goals of both political control and foreign conquest. Blind obedience to a government can never be patriotic.

    Furthermore, а patriot would never simply worship a symbol of a country such as our flag as if it were some religious icon.  Our pledge of allegiance is strange to foreigners because we seem at times consumed by the actual flag itself and not the society that it represents. We say this pledge almost daily at every school or public function to a colorful piece of cloth.  As well, we traditionally play our patriotic song, the national Anthem, "Our Star Spangled Banner" at every major sporting event.  These may be good reminders and symbols of our country but such gestures and rituals do not constitute our country itself.  The people, the public make a nation, not a collection of flags, songs and sayings. Therefore, indulgence in our symbols are not pure acts of patriotism.

    Patriotism, to get to the point is both love and service to country. Love of country manifests itself in many ways. Service to your country is wide-ranging. For example a real, patriot doesn't grumble about lack of patriotism. He quietly gives himself to his community.  He helps others who are in need. He is charitable. He volunteers these services without pay or recognition because it is the moral  and proper thing to do. He pays his taxes. He supports his family. He protects his environment. He votes for public figures at election  time. He backs his government at all levels from local to national and this can and should include criticism of how his government operates.  His purpose here is always to improve his government in it's service to the public. It is not to gain more power or make more money.  The criticizing aspect of patriotism must be tempered with positive and helpful acts. That is one reason why a patriot has a singular duty to stay educated and informed about current events and what is going on in his community or his society both national and abroad, so he can contribute to his state and nation.

    An extreme example of sacrifice to ones country is to be killed or disabled in defending or fighting a war for ones country. Unfortunately, because patriotism is often associated with conflicts with other nations or governments or even just providing security to our borders, the definition gets skewed.  We get caught up in the image of patriot as "freedom fighter." Is a teacher, a nurse, a social worker, one who contributes to a charitable cause or a volunteer for the poor or downtrodden any less a patriot? The majority of acts of patriotism take place during times of peace  in peaceful places. And it takes place in multiple unknown ways. While there are many formats to what can be a patriotic act, it is clear that a person who gives a fair part of his personal life to serving his government, or any non-profit public organization that exists for the greater good of all, in some capacity and without monetary compensation to himself is, by almost all definitions, a true patriot .
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