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Приложение 3 Cody Jackson Student at Brooklyn College Brooklyn, NY, United States What does Patriotism mean to you? This is a strange question for me. By definition, patriotism is essentially the love a person feels for his or her country. Typically speaking, a patriot's love is not all that different from the love you feel for your family. Your blood. As a child, I could relate to this feeling; however, with age, not as much. I love the planet as a whole, so by extension, of course I love my land. That said, I wouldn't call myself a patriot. I am proud of much of my country's history, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't become somewhat jaded over the years. What does American Patriotism mean to you? No different than patriotism anywhere else in the world. There are some patriots I respect in America, and there are others who seem more ignorant than anything. It really comes down to the individual. I wouldn't argue "American Patriotism" as different than any other form. What place in the system of modern American values does the patriotism take? It depends. It is certainly different depending on where you are in the United States. There are extremists in both directions, as well as plenty of people (like myself) who reside somewhere in the middle. For me, patriotism doesn't affect my own personal values. At the very least, I don't let any patriotism (or lack there of) I am feeling affect my decisions. Same goes for my religious beliefs, sexual preferences, etc. For other people, perhaps of a more conservative mind, patriotism certainly will play a greater role. In many instances, I'd say too much of a role. Patriotism is often used as a weapon, an excuse, a tool for the government to justify their actions, good or bad. Love your country regardless. I'd involve patriotism less in the political landscape if I had any say. How can you categorize American youngsters according their age, social status, attitude to life, etc - I can only speak for my fellow New Yorkers, but my generation is smart, talented and passionate. Despite this, many of us, myself included, are the lower class of the country. A youth movement is a necessary step for our government. We are capable, but seemingly disinterested. How can you describe modern situation with patriotism in American society? The 9/11 tragedy is the most obvious example. Those horrible events had our country united under the flag more so than it has been for a very long time. As a child, this was beautiful to me. I could empathize for the victims and their families, however as I aged and learned more, I didn't agree with the hate some people felt. That's the problem. With our country agreeing on something for once, Bush and company made many decisions using patriotism as a tool to do things that were less than decent in their own right. It is a big two sided coin. Are you patriotic enough to go to the war to fight for democracy and other nation freedom? I would go to war if it was to fight in a war that I believed it. World War II was necessary. The war in Iraq? With that conflict, I would not. It depends. I would not do it purely out of patriotism. 1 Т. В. Васильева. «Путь к Платону»; Платон. «Государство». Книга VI, Платон. «Государство». Книга IV; Макиавелли Никколо Государь. Размышления над первой декадой Тита Ливия. Минск. 2004; Kaufmann, Walter. From Shakespeare to Existentialism: Studies in Poetry, Religion, and Philosophy. — Boston: Beacon Press, 1959. — Pp. 88—119. Нерсесянц В. С. Философия права Гегеля. — М.: Юристъ, 1998. — С. 277—282, 347—348. Гегель. Философия права. — М., 1990. — С. 55. Гегель. Работы разных лет. Т. 2. — М., 1971. — С. 557; Сартр Ж.-П. Тошнота: Избранные произведения / Пер. с фр. В. П. Гайдамака; вступ. ст. С. Н. Зенкина. М.: Республика, 1994; Сартр Ж.-П. 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