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  1. Personal pronouns – личные местоимения.

У личных местоимений есть два падежа: именительный и винительный.

Местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются в предложении вместо подлежащего. А местоимения в винительном падеже в предложении используются в качестве постоянного члена предложения.

He sees me. – Он видит меня.

I give her a notebook. – Я даю ей тетрадь.

2.Possessive pronouns – притяжательные местоимения;

Притяжательные местоимения указывают на принадлежность предмета кому-либо или чему-либо и отвечают на вопрос whose? – чей? чьё? чья? Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы:

а) Dependent form – зависимая форма – в качестве определения имени


b) Absolute form – абсолютная форма –независимая, употребляющаяся

самостоятельно, иногда употребляется вместо существительного.

Take her ball. Hers is better.

В этих предложениях her – её, зависимая форма, а hers – её, абсолютная форма.

Чтобы определить отличия, прочитайте следующие предложения:

This is your room, but that is hers. – Это твоя комната, но та – её.

My eyes are blue and yours are hazel. – Мои глаза голубые, а твои – карие.

3.Reflexive pronouns – возвратно-усилительные местоимения;

We ourselves saw them. – Мы сами видели их.

You must do it yourself. –Ты должен сам сделать это.

  1. Demonstrative pronouns – указательные местоимения;

This room is a dining-room, and that room is a sitting-room. – Эта комната – столовая, а та комната – гостинная.

Today is such a nice day. – Сегодня такой прекрасный день.

5. Interrogative pronouns вопросительные местоимения;

Who lives in this house? – Кто живёт в этом доме?

What was in the box? – Что было в коробке?

Whom did you see? – Кого вы видели?

Whose idea was that? – Чья идея эта была?
6. Relative pronouns – относительные местоимения;

I don't like what you say. – Мне не нравится то,что вы говорите.

Whatever he says, they won't believe him. – Что-бы он не говорил, они не поверят ему.

Take two of the sweets, whichever you prefer. – Возьми две из конфет, какие ты предпочитаешь.

7. Indefinite pronouns – неопределённые местоимения;

Some man is waiting for you. – Какой-то мужчина ждёт тебя.

You may choose any answer. – Вы можете выбрать любой ответ.

From that time I became another man. – С тех пор я стал другим человеком.

8. Negative pronouns – отрицательные местоимения;

No train stops here. – Здесь не останавливается ни один поезд.

I like none of it. – Мне ничего из этого не нравится.

9. Reciprocal pronouns – взаимные местоимения

John and Max don't like each other. – Джон и Макс не нравятся друг другу.

Her last two books bear a strong likeness to one another. – Её последние две книги очень похожи друг на друга.
Exercise 1. Change the underlined words with the pronouns:
1) Mary has cooked a wonderful cake. 2) She put her umbrella into the corner. 3) He has given his wife a beautiful rose. 4) The boy has broken the bicycle. 5) The children returned from school. 6) Your brother will be present too. 7) He won’t drink the milk. 8) My dress will be ready in time for the ball. 9) My sister will come back to us in a few days. 10) The dog will return to his master.
Exercise 2. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

  1. Is this your bike? Is this bike yours?

2) That house belongs to me. That house is…

3) Paul likes Jane. They're friends. Paul and Jane are friends. He likes…

4) I want to know the time. Can you tell…the time, please.

5) We own this car. This car is …

6) I invited John to my house for a talk.I wanted to talk to John so I invited…to my house.

7) Jane has arrived. Those suitcases are… .

8) Sam stayed in London because he liked the clubs there. Sam stayed in London because he liked…clubs.

9) That boat belongs to him. That boat is … .

10) Is this her dog? Is this dog … ?
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with -selves or each other.

1. How long have you and Bill known -- -- ?

2. If people work too hard, they can make ---ill.

3. I need you and you need me. We need ---.

4. In Britain friends often give --- presents at Christmas.

5. Some people are very selfish. They only think of ---.

6. Nora and I don't see --- very often these days.

7. We couldn't get back into the house. We had locked --- out.

8. They've had an argument. They're not speaking to --- at the moment.

9. We'd never met before, so we introduced --- to ---.

10. Who repaired the bicycle for you? Nobody. I repaired it ---.
Exercise 4. Put necessary pronoun in each space.

  1. Despite her parents complaints, she decided to live by___in New York City.

  2. If you happen to see your parents this weekend, give___my best regards.

  3. I can't understand___when she speaks German with___.

  4. Mary was worried about the children, so she convinced___husband not to accept the job abroad.

  5. We came across a friend of___at the mall yesterday.

  6. I can't find___pencil. Can I use___, Mary?

  7. I cut___when I was peeling the potatoes.

  8. This house is too expensive for___. We can't pay such a high rent.

  9. I do my work and they do___.

  10. Give it back to (I)___. It's___ (I).

Глагол “to be”

The Verb “ to be”
Глагол tobe - (быть, находиться) является глаголoм-связкой. Этот глагол может являться как самостоятельным сказуемым (He is in the room. – Он в комнате.), так и состоять в составе сложного сказуемого (I am a student. – Я студент.).
Повествовательнаяформа. (The affirmative form).

I am a student. We are students.

You are a student. You are students.

She is a student. They are students.

He is a student.

It is a room.

Вопросительнаяформа. (The Interrogative form).

Am I a student? Are we students?

Are you a student? Are you students?

Is he a student? Are they students?

Is she a student?

Is it a room?

Отрицательнаяформа. (The Negative form).

I am not a student. We are not (aren’t)students.

You are not (aren’t) a student. You are not (aren’t)students.

He is not (isn’t) a student. They are not (aren’t)students.

She is not (isn’t) a student.

It is not (isn’t) a large room.
be – основные формы.


Infinitive - инфинитив



Past Indefinite – прошедшее время

was/ were


Participle IIпричастие прошедшего времени



Participle I – причастие настоящего времени


be – Present Indefinite




Полная форма

Сокращённая форма

Полная форма

Сокращённая форма


I am





You are







She is







be- Past Indefinite




Полная форма

Сокращённая форма

Полная форма

Сокращённая форма


I was





You were







She was





be- Future Indefinite




Полная форма

Сокращённая форма

Полная форма

Сокращённая форма


I shall be

I’ll be

we shall be

We’ll be



will be

You’ll be


will be

You’ll be





He’ll be

She’ll be

It’ll be


They’ll be
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