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  • Exercise 2.

  • Exercise 4 .

  • Порядковые числительные

  • Exercise 1 .

  • Степени сравнения прилагательных .

  • Monosyllable adjectives

  • Exercise 3.

  • Exercise 4.

  • справочник по английскому. краткий справочник по грамматике АЯ с упражениями. Справочник по грамматике английского языка с тренировочными заданиями

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    Exercise 1.Write the verbs in the blanks in the correct form.
    1) I (to study) English every day. 2) John also (to study) English every day. 3) Train (to go) to the movies very often. 4) I seldom (to go) to the movies. 5) William always (to carry) his books in a briefcase. 6) Mary (to play) the violin very well. 7) Frank and his brother (to play) football on Sunday. 8) We (to play) tennis every afternoon. 9) George (to do) this exercise very well. 10) I always (to try) to come to school on time.

    Exercise 2. Choose the right auxiliary verbs: do,does.
    1) Where … Helen work? 2) Where … you live? 3) What time … your lesson begin? 4) When … the next train arrive? 5) Why … they work so hard? 6) What time …you get up every morning? 7) Where … he go after the lessons? 8) How … you feel today? 9) Why … Helen want to learn English? 10) How many hours … you sleep every night?
    Exercise 3. Change the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.
    1) He comes to school by bus. 2) They speak Spanish well. 3) He gets up early every morning. 4) The Browns eat dinner at home. 5) They like Mexican food. 6) He wants more time. 7) He talks to us in English. 8) They live near the corner. 9) John’s grandfather smokes too much. 10) She dances very well.
    Exercise 4. Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative:

    1. Jane … (not/drink) tea very often.

    2. What time … (the banks/close) in Britain?

    3. 'Where … (Martin/come) from?' 'He's Scottish.

    4. 'What … (you/do)?' 'I'm an electrical engineer.'

    5. It … (take) me an hour to get to the University. How long … (it/take) you? eat flow go grow make

    6. The earth … round the sun.

    7. Rice … in Britain.

    8. The sun … in the east.

    9. Bees …. honey.

    10. Vegetarians …. meat.
    Порядковые числительные

    Ordinal numerals
    Числительные выражают количество или порядок лиц, предметов и т. д.

    Порядковые числительные, начиная с числительного four, образуются с помощью суффикса th. Первые три порядковые числительных имеют особую форму. Перед порядковыми числительными обычно ставится определенный артикль the.
    1. one - the first

    2. two - the second

    3.three- thethird

    В составных порядковых числительных изменяется только второе числительное twenty-21.twenty-onethetwenty-first

    68.sixty-eight- sixty-eighth

    Cardinal numerals

    Количественные числительные

    Ordinal numerals

    Порядковые числительные


    one [wan]

    first [fә:st]


    two [tu:]

    second ['sekәnd]


    three [Өri:]

    third [Өә:d]


    four [fo:]

    fourth [fo:Ө]


    five [faiv]

    fifth [fifӨ]


    six [siks]

    sixth f'siksӨ]


    seven [sevn]

    seventh. [sevnӨ]


    eight [eit]

    eighth [eitӨ]


    nine [nain]

    ninth [nainӨ]


    ten [ten]

    tenth [tenӨ]


    eleven [ilevn]

    eleventh [i'levnӨ]


    twelve [twefv]

    twelfth [twelfӨ]


    thirteen ['Өә:'ti:n]

    thirteenth ['Өә:'ti:nӨ]


    fourteen ['fo:'ti:n]

    fourteenth ['fo:'ti:nӨ]


    fifteen ['fif'ti:n]

    fifteenth ['fif'ti:nӨ]


    sixteen ['siks'ti:n]

    sixteenth ['siks'ti:nӨ]


    seventeen ['sevn'ti:n]

    seventeenth ['sevn'ti:nӨ]


    eighteen ['ei'tі:n]

    eighteenth ['ei'ti:nӨ]


    nineteen [nain'ti:n]

    nineteenth ['nain'ti:nӨ]


    twenty ['twenti]

    twentieth ['twentiiӨ]


    thirty [Өә:ti]

    thirtieth ['Өә:tііӨ]


    forty ['fo:ti]

    fortieth [fo:tiiӨ] .


    fifty ['fiftі]

    fiftieth [fiftiiӨ]


    a(one) hundred


    the hundredth


    Exercise 1. Write the following numerals .


    Exercise 2. Correct the following numerals.

    the nineth, the seventeeenth, the twoth, the fourtieth, the six hundredsth, the fortyth, the foruth, the twelvth, the sixtenth, the fiveteenth,

    Exercise 3. Write the missing numerals in the correct order.

    the first, the fourth, the sixth, the eighth, the tenth, the thirtieth, the sixteenth, the eighteenth, the twentieth, the twenty-fifth.

    Exercise 4. This is Silly’s birthday book. She writes the name of her family and friends in it.

    JANUARY 20-st Mum

    JULY 12-th sister

    FEBRUARY 15-th Grandma

    AUGUST 30-th cousin Tina

    MARCH 1-st Rick

    SEPTEMBER 5-th nephew

    APRIL 24-th Megan

    OCTOBER 21-th brother

    MAY 3-rd Dad

    NOVEMBER 7-th uncle Sam

    JUNE 22-nd Grandpa

    DECEMBER 6-th pen friend

    Ask and answer. Work in pair.

    A: When is Sally’s mum’s birthday? B: It’s on the twenties of January.
    Степени сравнения прилагательных.

    Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.
    Имена прилагательные в английском языке, как и в русском, имеют:

    положительную (the Positive degree) сравнительную (the Comparitive degree)и превосходную (the Superlative degree)степени сравнения.

    Положительная степень – основная форма прилагательного, которая не выражает сравнения: long – длинный, short – короткий.

    Односложные прилагательные и двусложные, оканчивающиеся на –y, - er, - ow, - ble, а также несколько других двусложных прилагательных образуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления к положительной степени суффикса – er [ә], а превосходную степень путем прибавления к положительной степени суффикса – est [ist].

    Positive degree

    Comparative degree -er

    Superlative degree -est



    the smallest



    the largest



    the biggest



    the happiest

    Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения не по общим правилам


    Positive degree

    Comparative degree

    Superlative degree


    elder (older)

    the eldest (oldest )



    the farthest



    the best



    the worst



    the most



    the least

    Многосложные прилагательные и большинство двусложных образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени при помощи слов moreи the most,которые ставятся перед прилагательным в положительной степени.

    Monosyllable adjectives

    Positive degree

    Comparative degree

    Superlative degree


    more interesting

    the most interesting


    more beautiful

    the most beautiful

    При сравнении степени качества одного предмета со степенью качества другого употребляется союз than (чем).

    e.g. This room is larger than that one.

    При сравнении двух предметов одинакового качества употребляется союзы as … as, not so … as. –(не)так же … как,(не) такой же … как,

    где прилагательные употребляются в положительной степени

    e.g. This chair is as comfortable as that one.

    This film is not so interesting as the one I saw yesterday.
    Exercise 1.Write the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives.
    Hot, clever, silly, great,dangerous, thin, fat, nice, good, merry, useful, warm, cold, magnificent , small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, gay, many, bad, difficult, much, little, dirty, wide, deep, brave.
    Exercise 2. Write the adjectives in brackets in the correct form.

      1. Tom is (old) than Richard. 2) John is the (clever) boy in the class. 3) The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday. 4) London is the (big) city in the world. 5) This sentence is (difficult) than the first one. 6) My dog is (good) than yours. 7) My dog is the (good) of the three. 8) This mountain is the (high) in Europe. 9) Tom is (tall) than Richard. 10) Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.

    Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with as…as ; so…as; than.
    1) Mike is … tall … Pete. 2. The new cinema in our district is much bigger ... the old one.3) My room is … light … this one. 4). Nevsky Prospect is more beauti­ful ... our street. 5) Sergei is … old … Michael. 6) She is … young … Tom’s brother. 7) This woman is … good … that one. 8) Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s. 9) I am not … tall … Pete. 10) This woman is … young … that one.

    Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (

    est or most ...) or a comparative (er or more ...).
    1. We stayed at … hotel in the town. (cheap)

    2. Our hotel was … than all the others in the town. (cheap)

    3. The United States is very large but Canada is … . (large)

    4. What's … river in the world? (long)

    5. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks … today. (happy)

    6. It was an awful day. It was … day of my life. (bad)

    7. What is … sport in your country? (popular)

    8. Everest is … mountain in the world. It is than any other mountain. (high)

    9. What's … way of getting from here to the station? (quick)

    10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It's ---. (comfortable)

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   13

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