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  • III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B) А. B. 1. claim a.

  • V. Give definitions of the following words and word combinations.

  • VIII. Complete the sentences with the words in the box and answer the questions after the article.

  • IX. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Comment on the case.

  • X. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

  • XI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1.

  • Grammar Revision Exercises

  • Speaking Exercises

  • Answer the question about the text.

  • III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it. IV. Working in pairs find the information on the following themes.

  • V. Discuss the following issues.

  • Chapter 20 Discrimination and the Law Vocabulary List

  • Understanding the law ВСЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ. The Royal Courts of Justice Vocabulary List

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    II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in the sentences based on the text.

    1. новая процессуальная система; 2. сложность вопросов; 3. эксперт, приглашенный (вызванный или назначенный) по ходатайству и защиты и обвинения; 4. возбудить иск; 5. изложить суть иска; 6. встречный иск; 7. доказать что-либо на основе сопоставления возможностей; 8. дискредитация; сторона в договоре; 9. юридически обязательный; 10. правоспособность и дееспособность; 11. возбудить против кого-либо иск о причинении личного вреда; 12. совершить правонарушение, связанное с намерением похитить имущество или его часть/посягательство на имущество; 13. управление имуществом, являющимся предметом доверительной собственности; 14. социальное обеспечение детей; удовлетворить ходатайство.

    III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B)

    А. B.

    1. claim a. тяжба, судебный спор

    2. care order b. доказательство подлинности завещания

    3. conveyance c. иск, претензия

    4. injunction d. причинение вреда, посягательство (на что-либо)

    5. maintenance e. предписание, распоряжение суда об опеке

    6. litigation f. нарушение покоя

    7. probate g. алименты

    8. negligence h. передача правового титула (на недвижимость)

    9. nuisance i. небрежность

    10. trespass j. судебный запрет
    IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.
    1. A person who gives evidence in a court of law in great detail about technical questions of a case.

    2. A claim made in reply to another claim and different from it.

    3. The crime of refusing to obey an order made by a court of law; not showing respect for a court or judge.

    4. To pay sb. an amount of money after causing him harm or injury.

    5. To receive a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do smth.
    V. Give definitions of the following words and word combinations.
    1. default judgment; 2. summary judgment; 3. contributory negligence; 4. legally binding (contract); 5. legal capacity.
    VI. Match the words and word combinations on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents.



    1. sue

    a. the other side in а case which is the subject of an appeal

    2. litigate

    b. start legal proceedings against someone

    3. case

    c. the act of saying nasty things about someone

    4. respondent

    d. bring а lawsuit against someone to have а dispute settled

    5. claim form

    e. written and published or broadcast statement which damages someone’s character

    6. adoption

    f. possible crime and its investigation by the police

    7. wardship

    g. act of becoming the legal parent of а child which is not your own

    8. libel

    h. а document used in the court to start а legal action

    9. slander

    i. control of а person, such as the right and duty of а parent to keep and bring up а child after а divorce

    10. custody

    j. being in charge of a ward

    VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
    1. Lord Woolf’s recommendations were designed to tackle the evils, and resulted in a new procedural framework for the conduct of civil cases known as the Civil Procedure Rules.

    2. The best-known torts are the torts of trespass, negligence, nuisance and defamation.

    3. In most cases involving allegations of negligence or nuisance, the court will be concerned to judge whether the claimant has proved that the defendant has in some way behaved unreasonably and that this conduct has been of sufficient seriousness to justify a remedy in the form of compensation or some other court action.

    4. The Family Division also deals with other cases involving children, including adoption, where “new parents” take over a child’s care, and wardship, where the court itself takes charge of a child’s affairs.

    5. Children are not allowed to sue or be sued; however, they can bring and defend cases in the name of an adult, known as their litigation friend who must act as their legal representative.
    VIII. Complete the sentences with the words in the box and answer the questions after the article.

    1. heard;

    1. conviction;

    1. found guilty;

    1. prosecuting;

    1. a juvenile court;

    1. sentence.


    A masked schoolboy held up a Chinese takeaway to copy raiders on television's Crimewatch UK, a court _______yesterday. 'I just wanted to be chased like the villain on the telly,' said the 13-year-old.

    Nicholas Gareth Jones,_________ said the youngster terrified the takeaway staff with a fake gun. The boy, of Rumney, South Glamorgan, was ________ of attempted robbery by________.. Yesterday he appealed against the_________ at Cardiff Crown Court. 'I told the woman it was just a toy gun,' he said. 'I wouldn't have taken any money.' But Judge John Rutter increased his ________from 12 to 24 hours at an attendance centre.
    1. What is а copycat crime?

    2. Why did the judge give such а sentence? What’s your opinion?
    IX. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Comment on the case.

    1. reveal;

    1. relevant act;

    1. ordered;

    1. administration

    1. leaked;

    1. applied to;

    1. contempt;

    1. to check.

    There's a trade magazine, a magazine which just circulates in the particular industry called ‘TheEngineer’.And a young reporter on 'The Engineer’ discovered that an engineering company was in financial difficulties and he discovered this because someone had _________him a document. He rang up the company as any good journalist should, in order __________whether this story was true, and the company immediately_________ а court make them reveal the source. The judge said that he must _________ it and the reasoning was this, that it is true that the _________, which is called the _________of Court Act, says that journalists do not have to reveal their sources unless it is necessary that they should do so for the ________ of justice. Well that covers every case and this miserable reporter was therefore ________ by the court to reveal his source - now that couldn't happen in any other western European Country.
    X. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

    up; at(3); to(8); on(3); of(5); in; for(5); from.

    1. Before the Civil Procedure Rules, it was largely __ __ the parties, and their legal advisers, to progress the case __ their own pace, to decide what issues they wanted to have heard and to call whatever evidence they wished __ the trial.

    2. Now courts must restrict expert evidence __ what is reasonably required to decide the case, they can order that instead of each party having its own expert, а single ‘joint expert’ can investigate and report __ a technical problem __ behalf of all parties.

    3. If а defendant does not reply__ the claim, the claimant may obtain а default judgment – and the court will award judgment in his favour without the need __ going to trial.

    4. In cases of defamation jury trials have acquired а bad reputation as they have to decide how much money should be awarded as compensation __ the defamation. Jurors have no experience__ this area, and __ time __ time have made some extraordinarily high awards.

    5. Civil litigation had become very expensive, with the costs __ going to court being far too high and out of proportion __ the amount __ stake in the case.

    6. A person may be sued __ damages if he commits a trespass __ someone else’s land or goods or body.

    7. The tort __ defamation concerns damage __ reputation.

    8. If someone assaults you, you will have a claim __ trespass __ the person.

    9. The original owner of property creates a legally binding trust, giving the property __ trust to another person __ the benefit of a third person.

    10. If a person deliberately disobeys any court order he will be guilty __ a contempt __ court and the punishment __ it is a fine or committal to prison.
    XI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
    1. Гражданский процесс есть установленный нормами гражданского процессуального права порядок разбирательства и разрешения судом гражданских дел, исполнения решений и постановлений судов.

    2. Суд общей юрисдикции может рассматривать судебные дела любой категории.

    3. Суд специальной юрисдикции может рассматривать судебные дела только одной категории, например: только дела о банкротстве, дела се­мейных отношений - развод, усыновление, удочерение и др.

    4. Нападение на человека, избиение его означает нарушение прав личности.

    5. Воровство и ограбление со взломом помещения означает нарушение права владения собственностью.
    Grammar Revision

    I. Analyze the following sentences paying attention to the use of the modal verbs and their equivalents. Explain their meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. Judges must set timetables to bring cases on for trial as quickly as possible; they must control and try to simplify the issues that have to be decided; and they must put strict limits on the evidence which may be called at the trial.

    2. Family cases may involve the court giving orders which relate to the circumstances in which family members are to live.

    3. In civil cases the applicant does not have to make the court sure about the case.

    4. It must always be easier to make someone else believe that something is probably so than to make them sure of it.

    5. The court has to decide if either party has acted “in breach of contract”, and if so, what the compensation should be.

    6. For a contract to be enforceable six conditions must be met.

    7. Anyone who takes your belongings without permission may be prosecuted in the criminal courts for theft.

    8. If a police officer arrests you without lawful cause, a claim can be brought against him.

    9. Sometimes a judge may decide that both sides have been to blame to some extent; then the court will have to apportion blame accordingly.

    10. Because almost any question involving the welfare of a child can be referred to the Family Division, the judges of this court can be asked to make important and difficult decisions about the medical treatment of children.

    I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.
    1. The court may give а summary judgment for or against the claimant.

    2. In civil cases the claimant is to make the court sure about the case.

    3. The consideration is one of the main rules for а contract to be enforceable. As regards contribution negligence the court is to apportion damages.

    4. All unpleasant or unkind things written or spoken can be made the subject of а claim for defamation.

    5. А person can be sent to prison both by а criminal or civil courts.
    II. Answer the question about the text.
    1. What are the subjects of civil cases? What do civil proceedings concern?

    2. How have the civil procedure rules changed since April 1999? How are they tried now?

    3. What are overriding objectives of civil cases?

    4. What options does the claim activate for the defendant?

    5. Which ‘tracks’ are civil cases allocated to? What is typical of each of them?

    6. What are peculiarities of family cases?

    7. What are weak points of trials in defamation cases?

    8. What is the basic rule of contract law? What does this rule involve?

    9. What are best known torts?

    10. What is а trespass? How is it prosecuted?

    11. What are the consequences of negligence? How are cases decided in court?

    12. How are cases of negligence or nuisance tried in court? Give an example.

    13. What are the complexities of claims for defamation?

    14. What does the work of the Chancery Division cover?

    15. When are trusts created? What is meant by the term the administration of trusts?

    16. What is the family Division concerned with?

    17. When can the test of reasonableness be applied? Give an example.

    18. What does it mean to be somebody’s litigant friend?

    19. What are the ways of enforcing court orders in civil cases?

    III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.

    IV. Working in pairs find the information on the following themes.
    1. The Civil Procedure rules in Britain nowadays.

    2. The best-known torts and the way they are dealt with in civil courts.

    3. The Family Division of the High Court; the way private and public law disputes are settled.
    V. Discuss the following issues.
    1. What is your approach to trying defamation cases? Comment on jury trials in Defamation Cases in Britain.

    2. Speak on cases of public and private nuisances. What penalties are the most reasonable for them?

    3. Think of possible contempt of court cases, of possible decisions of the court.

    4. Speak on the legal rights of minors in the civil courts of Russia and England.

    Chapter 20
    Discrimination and the Law
    Vocabulary List
    1. dealings деловые отношения, сделки, торговые связи/дела

    2. incite smb to do smth подстрекать

    3. prejudice предубеждение, предвзятое мнение, вред, ущерб

    racial prejudice=racial discrimination расовая дискриминация, расистские предрассудки

    4. observation замечание; соблюдение законов

    5. disability нетрудоспособность, инвалидность;

    ограничение в правах, поражение в правах; недееспособность

    6. harassment приставание, назойливое ухаживание, домогательство

    7. claim юридическое требование, претензия, иск;

    утверждение, заявление

    syn. assertion

    8. haven убежище, прибежище, приют, пристанище

    9. minority меньшинство; несовершеннолетие

    say for a minority выступать от имени меньшинства, выражать мнение меньшинства

    10. assertion утверждение

    11. influx наплыв

    12. abridge ограничивать, урезывать (права, привилегии)

    13.defy the law игнорировать закон, открыто не повиноваться

    14. forerunner предвестник

    15. public authority орган государственной власти

    16. emerge появляться, выясняться;

    вставать, возникать (о вопросе, проблеме)

    17. inquiry (into) наведение справок, расследование; запрос

    public enquiry официальное расследование

    conduct a public enquiry проводить официальное расследование

    18. rive (rived, riven) раскалывать (общество)

    19. come to light обнаруживаться

    20. caution предупреждение арестованному при его задержании, залог, поручительство, осторожность

    21. aggravate отягчать (вину, преступление);

    усиливать (наказание)

    aggravated assault нападение при отягчающих обстоятельствах

    aggravated damages увеличенное возмещение убытков

    aggravating circumstances |factors отягчающие обстоятельства
    22. mitigate (penalty, punishment) смягчать, уменьшать

    23. haunt часто посещаемое место

    24. residuum остаток

    25. tribunal орган правосудия, судебное или арбитражное учреждение, суд специальной юрисдикции

    employment tribunal суд по трудовым делам

    land tribunal земельный суд

    26. licensee лицо, имеющее разрешение, патент , лицензиат

    27. public house=pub паб (пивная)

    28. disparity неравенство, несоответствие

    29. invoke (a sentence, a punishment) ссылаться на что-либо, требовать применения чего-либо

    30. bully smb into doing smth запугивать, стращать

    31. intimidate пугать, запугивать, угрожать, устрашать

    32. make allowances for smth принимать что-либо во внимание, в расчет, делать скидку

    33. breakthrough прорыв

    34. commitment обязательство, обязанность

    35. litigant сторона в судебном деле, сторона в гражданском процессе

    36. bring to justice предать правосудию
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