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Insert the correct verb-noun combinations and translate into Russian: 1. We are ... much business with German companies. 2. Could you ... me a favor and ... some tea? 3. While ...ing the translation he ... few mistakes. 4. He has ... great progress in his studies since I last met him. 5. David ... his best to ... a good impression on the employer. 6. Several years ago Eltec was in financial difficulties, but then they ... some efforts to recover. Now it is a profit-...ing company. 7. On Sundays John always ... shopping while his wife ...washing and cooking. 8. He left for America and ... a fortune there. 9. You ... a promise to keep it a secret. How could they learn about it? - I have nothing to ... with that. 10. It ... no difference now. I have already ...up my mind. 11. He ... another attempt but it ... no good to him. 12. She is fond of ..., especially knitting. Ex. 3. Study the verbs and use them in the sentences that follow: to get = become, change the state ; receive; understand to keep = remain in the same state; to observe Once he got in touch with a businessman who offered him a job. I always try to keep in touch with my friends. 1. You should ... your promise. 2. I’m ... too old to dance. 3. She ... mad when she heard the news. 4. He’s a very reliable person. I’m sure he’ll ... a secret. 5. Go upstairs and ... dressed! 6. I feel so excited! I’ve ... my money back at last. 7. He ... extremely tired but ... doing his work. 8. She never ... my jokes. 9. Please ... the fire burning. 10. I hope you’ll manage to pass your exam. I’ll ... my fingers crossed! 11. We ... to know each other ages ago. 12. I did ask you to ... silence. Why are you making so much noise? Ex. These are some things that have improved the quality of people's live. Describe each of them in accord with the examples given below:
Examples: a/ Describe it and say when it was invented. A PERSONAL STEREO. A personal stereo is a small, portable machine for playing tapes, which are listened through headphones. Some personal stereos have special features like an auto-reverse (автоперемотка) system and anti-roll mechanism to make the tape roll smoothly and play good quality stereosonic sound. The first stereo the Sony walkman was introduced in... b/ Say why you think it has improved the quality of life. It has improved the quality of life, because you can listen to your favourite music whrever you are - in the street, in the park, even on a bus or train. You can also listen to music while you are doing sports. The most important thing is that you don't disturb (беспокоить, мешать) other people with... Ex. Read the E-mail tales below and share your experience of using it: E-MAIL TALES
I'm a freelance writer and before e-mail I sent off my writing to an editor. I now participate in a kind of textual Darwinism. I spent 10 hours in front of my computer examining the blocks of text I've written for fitness. In this electronic economy, the survivors seem to fit onto a single screen. B. JAN JAP. I live in Hawaii, and last year my daughter Alia studied in Japan while my son Weston served in the Peace Corps in Micronesia. My youngest, Sara, just started at Brown University in Rhode Island. E-mail keeps us in touch and helps avoid phone bills of nearly $500 per month.
When I moved from San Francisco to New York, I found that via e-mail I ended up talking more with folks than I did when I lived in S.F. In the last six years, I've met people all over the world through a music-discussion group. The message archives are a great time capsule. Unfortunately, anything stupid you say gets preserved, as well. Ex. Read the text paying attention to the numbers in brackets that designate services/possibilities, provided by Internet and discuss the possibilities of the latter in your city WIREDVILLE, U.S.A. Such cyber-towns are already being built that hard-wire residents to each other and to the outside world. These towns will bring a whole new way of shopping, working and keeping in touch. Welcome to Wiredville, where state of the art, fibre-optic cable under the street (1) changes the way you live and work. The Internet is always on (2), at speeds that are 100 times faster than today's 56K modems. The same wires also deliver cheap phone service with video capability (3) plus hundreds of digital cable channels to your televisions (4). The network within your home allows to monitor systems such as your burglar alarm (5) and air conditioner (6) from any computer in the world. Meanwhile, you can also log in to your office from you den???(7). In the neighbourhood, casual conversation will move from the yard to the Not (8). With everyone's e-mail address listed on the community Intranet you can plan parties over e-mail (9) or peruse the local bulletin boards to hire a babysitter (10). Handheld (11) and auto-based computers will offer access to the community network, letting you, say, tracks the location of a public bus (12) or get directions and traffic reports on your way to work (13). Worried moms can check the videocam in the local day-care center (14). And since the local stores and commercial outlets like the bank (15) operate online, you can order dinner, a dry-cleaning pickup, even groceries (16) to be delivered to your door. The local hospital (17) and school (18) are also on the network, which means that you can check in remotedly with doctors and teachers, and they can access the largest in long-distance learning and tele-medicine technology. But the whole thing really starts to pay off when you sign your kids up for activities like Little League (19), and then easily find other parents to shuttle them to the game. Vocabulary: resident - житель outside - внешний state of the art - (зд.) современный keep in touch - поддерживать связь/контакты fibre - волокно deliver - доставлять, поставлять within - в, в пределах monitor - отслеживать burglar - взломщик alarm - здесь: система тревоги casual - случайный, нерегулярный listed - перечисленный, указанный peruse - рассматривать hire - нанимать handheld - ручной access - доступ track - проследить location - местонахождение direction - направление traffic - дорожное движение worried - обеспокоенный groceries - овощи и фрукты remotedly - на расстоянии shuttle - увозить и привозить Ex.1 Improve your interpreting skill
Ex. 2. Interpret the following texts Text1. В СЕТЯХ КОМПЬЮТЕРА ( Из беседы корреспондента Сергея Литвинова с деканом факультета “Информационная безопасность” МИФИ Александром Толстым) Мировая паутина Интернет —всемирная (worldwide/global) сеть ["паутина", как ее еще называют] из компьютеров, подключенных друг к другу (connected to each other)(по телефонным линиям, радио, оптико-волоконным (fiber) или сотовым (cell) сетям). Войдя в нее, вы можете побеседовать (talk/chat) с другом (находящимся где-нибудь на другом берегу Атлантики), пролистать (look through) свежую газету, вышедшую (published) в любой точке земного шара (world), посмотреть каталог Лувра... В Интернeте насчитывается около 60 миллионов документов — узлов хранения (storages) информации: это книги, газеты, личные странички или клубы, где собираются "поболтать"(caht) друзья и знакомые (acquaintances)... Объем (volume) информации, содержащейся в Интернете, по оценкам (be estimated) уже превышает (exceed) "запасы" всех библиотек мира. В России Интернет пока используют очень мало. Всего около 50 -тысяч российских пользователей подключено к (be connected to) Интернету (правда, пользователем может быть фирма, а внутри нее обращаются (address to) к мировой сети и пять, и двадцать человек). Но все равно (in any case), не больше полумиллиона россиян "гуляют" (roam/wander over) в мировой компьютерной сети — а это в десятки раз меньше, чем в Америке, — Президент Клинтон поставил перед американской нацией [в числе (among) других стратегических целей (goals)] задачу, чтобы каждый двенадцатилетний подросток овладел Интернетом. Как вы думаете, зачем?
Text 2 "Не может быть" ТАЙНА СВЕТЯЩИХСЯ СТРАНИЦ.. Что бы там ни утверждали фантасты и скептики-социологи, похоже, чтение никогда не канет в Лету - так уж устроен человек. Другое дело, что этот процесс будут облегчать и, так сказать, модернизировать при помощи все более мощных технологий. Ныне специалисты по компьютерам уже разрабатывают электронные аналоги нынешних печатных книг. Одна из таких "книжек" летом прошлого года поступили на американский рынок. Это - детище Мартина Эберхарда из Калифорнии и представляет собой цифровую модель, получившую название "рокетбук" (книга-ракета) по аналогии с существующими в течение десятилений "покетбук" (карманными книгами). "Рокетбук" представляет собой дисплей в кожаной обложке с двумя кнопками, "переворачивающими" страницы. Работа рассчитана на 20 часов, затем книжку необходимо подзаряжать от сети. Свое содержание этот спутник читателя черпает из Интернета: романы и репортажи в закодированном виде передаются на запоминающее устройство, которое при размере всего в 1 кв.см способно вместить в себя около 4-х тысяч страниц. Михаил Исаков Vocabulary: тайна - mystery светящийся - luminous что бы ни - whatever утверждать - affirm фантаст - fantasy-writer кануть в Лету - sink/fall into oblivion облегчать/упрощать - simplify так сказать - so to say разрабатывать - work out, develop аналог - analogue нынешний - current печатный - printed поступить/здесь: появиться/ - appear детище /здесь: изобретение/ - invention цифровой - digital по аналогии - analogously существовать - exist кожа/ный/ - leather обложка - cover кнопка - button переворачивать - turn over рассчитанный (на) - intended (for) подзаряжать - charge содержание - content спутник - здесь: companion черпать /здесь: получать/ - obtain, get закодированный - encoded передавать - transfer устройство - device Text 3 РУКОПИСИ НЕ ГОРЯТ, А ДИСКЕТЫ УСТАРЕВАЮТ Вторая половина ХХ-го столетия может стать практически "мертвым" периодом для последующих поколений: не исключено, что о нем останется гораздо меньше документов и свидетельств, чем, например, об античности. Виной всему станет высокий темп развития информационных технологий. Если бы Леонардо да Винчи и Шекспир набирали свои труды на ноутбуке, они едва ли дошли бы до потомков. А черновиков, отражающих ход мысли писателей и поэтов и представляющих не меньшую ценность, чем законченные произведения, как таковых не было бы вообще, ведь при работе на компьютере процесс правки не фиксируется. По мнению французских архивистов, мы действительно рискуем остаться в забвении, во-первых, потому, что электронные носители менее долговечны, чем камень или папирус, а во-вторых, в связи с постоянным совершенствованием компьютерной техники. Ведь уже сегодня не на всяком компьютере можно прочесть дискеты даже десятилетней давности. ("За рубежом", 1999, 19-25 авг). Vocabulary: рукопись - manuscript дискета - floppy-disc устаревать - become out of date поколение - generation оставить - leave свидетельство - witness античность - antiquity вина /здесь: причина/ - reason темп - tempo развитие - development набирать /здесь: печатать/ - type труд/работа/произведение - work едва ли - hardly потомки - descendants черновик - draft work ценность - value правка - proof-reading фиксировать /здесь: отражать/ - reflect архивисты - archive personnel рисковать - take the risk остаться в забвении - to be forgotten носитель - carrier долговечный - longevous папирус - papyrus совершенствование - improvement дискета - floppy-disc Text 4
Text 5 В МИРЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЙ. Странноватый способ общения со своими внуками стали применять японские бабушки и дедушки. Для них стали выпускать своеобразный вариант "тамагочи". Если внук живет далеко и видеться с ним удается нечасто, вы можете послать его фотографию и запись голоса (а впридачу 400 долл.) одной такой фирме. Через полтора месяца вы получите по почте куклу, изображающую вашего внука. Если взять ее за руку, спрятанная внутри микросхема начинает воспроизводить запись голоса вашего ребенка. Vocabulary: способ - way общение - communication своеобразный вариант - some kind (of) запись - record впридачу - additionally кукла - doll микросхема - chip воспроизводить - reproduce b)По мере того, как размеры компьютеров и цены на компоненты для них продолжают снижаться, можно ожидать появления карманных сетевых устройств, автоматически принимающих и записывающих информацию о времени и месте проведения встречи, а также деталях других запланированных событий. Будучи дополненными недорогими цифровыми фотокамерами, такие устройства позволят оперативно производить идентификацию незнакомых людей на основе информации, хранящейся в базе данных имен и портретных изображений. Так, некоторые казино уже используют системы распознавания образов на базе видео для выделения наиболее удачливых игроков (а также возможных мошенников) из общей массы посетителей. ("Наука и Жизнь", ?? 4 - 8, 1999) Vocabulary: компонент (деталь) - spare part снижать(ся) - decrease устройство - device, gadget принимать - receive записывать - record событие - event дополнять - add позволять - allow хранящийся - kept незнакомый человек - stranger распознавать - identify выделять - distinguish игрок - gambler мошенник - fraud посетитель - client Text 6 САМОЕ ЗНАЧИТЕЛЬНОЕ ДОСТИЖЕНИЕ (the greatest achievement). Под красивым словом Интернет скрывается (conceal) множество определений (definition). Вот только некоторые из них. 1. Интернет - это мир, который не знает государственных границ (frontiers/borderlines); в котором скорость прохождения информации не зависит (depend on) от географической удаленности (remoteness) объектов. 2. Это возможность общения миллионов людей, независимо от возраста, общественного положения (status) и рода занятий. 3. Это способ (way) получения и публикации любой информации, заключения договоров и проведения досуга (leisure). Это одно из наиболее значительных достижений ХХ века. Благодаря (due to) Интернету стала возможной истинная (true) свобода слова, произошел информационный бум, упрочились коммуникативные связи между людьми. Современные бизнес, наука, медицина и даже культура невозможны без Интернета. Интернет сегодня - это миллионы компьютеров, более 50 млн. пользователей (computer-users) по всему земному шару. Они связаны между собой телефонными проводами (cables), трансокеанскими оптововолоконными (fiber) кабелями и спутниковыми каналами. Text 7 Anecdotes a)
Джон Апдайк. b) Зам.министра (vice-minister) исправительных наказаний (correctional services) приезжает с инспекцией в тюрьму (prison/jail) и видит: ворота (gates) открыты, охраны (guards) нет, камеры (cell/ward) раскрыты настежь; при этом, все преступники (crimainals) на месте!?! Совершенно ошарашенный (shocked/surprised) увиденым, он вызывает начальника тюрьмы и говорит: "Послушайте, у других сбегают (escape), несмотря на наручники (handcuffs/manacles), закрытые (locked) двери, несмотря на собак и охрану. Что сделали вы?!!" "Провел им Интернет."(be on line). Supplementary Reading Text 1 COMPAQ COMPUTER Compaq* pushed aside IBM to become the world's largest PC vendor. Scarcely pausing to catch its breath, the former upstart is taking on IBM again, this time in large computers. Walt Disney will open its first high-tech entertainment center, called DisneyQuest, this summer in Orlando, Fla. As many as 30 more will follow in other cities. The five-story building will be packed with computer that run everything from the rides to the kitchens. Disney is using technology to pack into a medium-size building most of the experiences that in the past took acres of the land to create. No great surprise that the 100 or so PCs in the buildings - for computer-based attractions, among other things - will be Compaq's. But this is just the visible part of the system. Hidden from visitors' eyes will be large computers providing central control and answering more demanding needs, including hosting the DisneyQuest Web site and providing ticketing and other business operations. IBM mainframes? No. These boxes will also be from Compaq. A few years ago the big iron would almost certainly have been provided by the likes of IBM, Hewlett-Packard or Digital Equipment Corp. These were the computer manufacturers with the heft and experience to handle critical data processing. Significantly, each had its own operating system, with the result that software written for one of these big hardware vendors would be useless on a rival's equipment. But in recent years Compaq has come roaring into the big-ticket computer market with a line of products based on standard microprocessors from Intel running the standard Windows NT operating system from Microsoft. If you buy from Compaq, you are not locked into Compaq. That means Compaq lacks a captive audience, but it also means that Compaq is easier to sell. To use a somewhat pejorative term, Compaq is a cloning company - if you define a clone as a piece of hardware that does not tie you to the vendor of that particular brand of hardware. First Compaq conquered the Wintel clone market on the desktop. Now it wants to ride that victory right off the desktop into the critical data processing operations of large corporations. Old-line data-processing departments are still very much the turf of old-line mainframe companies, primarily IBM. But there is a world of businesses* like the new Disney centers to be won. Increasing numbers of companies launching new divisions or developing new business applications are doing so on low-cost Window NT servers, not on high-priced proprietary systems. In short, if you think Compaq is just an assembler and marketer of boxes, you are behind the times. Since taking over the Houston-based Compaq in 1991, Eckhard Pfeiffer has put together the prominent Wintel computer company, with $25 billion in sales for 1997. No other company - not Dell Computer Corp., not Hewlett-Packard, not IBM - even comes close in the clone business. *** Compaq's revenues are still very much tied to the desktop. The company moved 9.5 million PCs in 1997, which account for about two-thirds of its revenues. As the number one PC clone maker, Compaq can spread its marketing and development costs over a wider base than its competitors can and thus make more money on each PC it sells. Compaq estimated 1997 net profit margin of 8.4% puts it comfortably ahead of both IBM and Dell. With those profits piling up, Compaq has $6 billion in the bank and almost no debt. Compaq is now preparing for the next stage in its growth. Its future lies in those Wintel servers that will run Disney outlets and, someday, banks and airlines. How did Compaq transform itself from a company almost wholly dependent on the PC to one that in 1998 will get perhaps $10 billion in revenues from servers. Credit Eckhard Pfeiffer, the 56-year-old German-born M.B.A. who has been running Compaq since 1991... Pfeiffer may not impress you. He speaks in a low monotone that has been known to put listeners in darkened convention rooms to sleep. But he is intense, focused and perfectly at home in the frenetic turmoil of the computer business. "He demonstrates that you don't have to have a charismatic persona to be a successful chief executive," says Noel Tichy, a professor at the University of Michigan Business School who has studied Pfeiffer's management. Pfeiffer joined Texas Instruments at the age of 22 and stayed there for 20 years, rising to vice-president of corporate marketing. He joined Compaq in 1983, one year after the company was founded... Sales grew, climbing from $4.1 billion in 1992 to $7.2 billion in 1993.. But Pfeiffer knew that if it was to be more than a box assembler and seller, Compaq would have to graduate from cheap PCs into high-ticket machines that run whole corporations... by Eric Nee. (Abridged) Notes:
Vocabulary. push aside - устранять (препятствия) vendor - торговец, продавец scarcely - едва catch* one's breath - перевести дух, отдышаться former - бывший upstart - выскочка; внезапно появившийся entertainment - развлечение run* - вести (дело), руководить(фирмой) ride - прогулка; езда, поездка medium size - средний размер create - создавать visible - видимый hidden - скрытый provide - обеспечивать, предоставлять demanding needs - насущные потребности hosting - здесь: размещение ticketing - выдача билетов mainframe - ЭВМ (размером с комнату) manufacturer - производитель heft - амер. вес, тяжесть handle - обращаться, иметь дело (с) data processing - обработка данных significantly - значительно, существенно software - программное обеспечение rival - конкурент, соперник equipment - оборудование recent - недавний roar - здесь: грохотать locked - замкнут captive - здесь: увлеченный lack - не хватать pejorative - уничижительный define - определять tie - привязывать that particular - именно тот, конкретный brand - марка, сорт conquer - завоевывать, захватывать ride victory - одержать победу primarily - в первую очередь increasing - возрастающий launch - стартовать, начать division - подразделение application - применение proprietary - собственнический assembler - сборщик prominent - выдающийся revenue - (годовой)доход; мн.ч. доходные статьи account - здесь: составлять spread - распространять competitor - соперник thus - таким образом estimate - оценивать net profit margin - общая прибыль, выраженная в %-х от уровня продаж be ahead(of) - опережать pile up - собирать, накапливать debt - долг stage - уровень outlet - магазин; место, где продаются товары wholly - полностью dependent (on) - зависимый impress - производить впечатление convention - амер. Съезд focused - сосредоточенный(на) turmoil - смятение, суматоха, беспорядок chief executive - руководитель, администратор join - здесь: прийти/начать работу found - основывать climb - здесь: вырасти Comprehension Check. Ex. Answer the following questions:
Topics to discuss.
Text 2 BODY LANGUAGE I'm never bored at airports. Quite the reverse. I visit them like other people go to the ballet. To a Manwatcher, there's nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of different countries mingling and exchanging body signals. And nowhere is the performance so enjoyable as at Heathrow, the world's top international airport. Day and night they pour in, a cast of 36 million a year from every corner of the globe. Where else but Heathrow could you hope to see Brazilians rubbing shoulders with Brahmins. Poles with Polynesians, Madagascans with Minnesotans and Neapolitans with Nepalese? Each nationality has its own language of posture and gesture. But since these body-lingoes are often mutually incomprehensible, an innocent gesture made in an airport lounge may well be an unwitting insult. Something in your eye? Think before you touch the lower lid. If a Saudi sees you, he'll think you're calling him stupid but a South American senorita will think you're making a pass at her. There is no greater insult you can offer a Greek than to thrust your palms towards his face. This gesture, called the 'moutza', is descended from the old Byzantine custom of smearing filth from the gutter in the faces of criminals as they were led in chains through the city. So vile is this insult that in Greece even the Churchillian Victory-V is taboo, as it looks like a half 'moutza'. It's so easy to give offence. Suppose a passenger asks at the Information Desk where he should go to pay his airport tax. Now the good news is that at Heathrow, unlike many airports I could name, passengers don't pay any taxes*. But just as the Information Assistant begins to say so, she is assailed by a tremendous itch and tugs at her earlobe. Astonishing though it may seem, this simple gesture means four different things in four different Mediterranean countries. Depending on his nationality, the Assistant has offered the passenger the following insult: TO A SPANIARD 'You rotten scrounger.' TO A GREEK 'You'd better watch it mate.' TO A MALTESE 'You're a sneaky little so-and-so.' Only a Portuguese (to whom the gesture signifies something ineffably wonderful) would hang around long enough to hear the answer. Happily, I can report that BAA's information staff are trained in body language. A Sardinian woman asks if it is easy to find a taxi at Heathrow. The answer she gets is a cheery British thumbs up. Immediately, she clanks the unfortunate man with her handbag for making such a devastatingly obscene suggestion. This is why, incidentally, it's inadvisable to hitch-hike in Sardinia. Isn't there at least one truly international gesture? Don't bet on it! A Japanese asks an American passenger whether Heathrow has a luggage trolley service. It has. And, as it happens, this service is not only first class, but FREE! So the Yank replies with the famous 'A-OK' ring gesture. But to the Japanese this signifies 'money' and he concludes there is a large charge for service. Meanwhile, a Tunisian on-looker thinks the American is telling the Japanese that he is a worthless rogue and he is going to kill him. The ring gesture can have further meanings. A Frenchman has just read a BAA advertisement. Glancing around the restaurant in Terminal 4, he remarks wonderingly to his wife, ' You know how much zis aeroport cost the British taxpayer? Not a sou.' And he makes the finger and thumb ring which to him means zero. Of course I am exaggerating to make a point, but I do find it astonishing that Heathrow receives only 8 complaints per 100,000 passengers. Keeping the lid on this simmering rum-punch of international emotions must take every bit as much diplomatic ski'.'i as running the United NaliL'n.v But even if you're never treated to such a choreography of misunderstandings, the Heathrow ballet is never dull. Eyes peeled next time you're there. And if you spot anything really unusual, like the South American Goitre Sign, or the Hawaiian Missing Bottle Waggle, do write and let me know. Vocabulary: be bored - скучать, надоедать reverse - напротив watcher - наблюдатель fascinating - очаровательный, пленительный observe - наблюдать mingle - здесь: общаться exchange - обменивать(ся) pour in - валить cast - состав rub - тереть(ся) shoulder - плечо posture - поза since - поскольку lingo - здесь: проф. жаргон, язык mutually - взаимно comprehensive - всесторонний innocent - невинный lounge - комната отдыха unwitting - нечаянный, невольный insult - оскорблать touch - касаться lid - веко stupid - глупый thrust - выбросить palm - ладонь descent (from) - происходить custom - обычай smear - течь filth - грязь gutter - водосточная труба in chains - в цепях vile - подлый, мерзкий give offence - нанести обиду unlike - в отличие assail - энергично начинать tremendous - пострясающий itch - почесывание tug - подергиватие (ear)lobe - мочка уха astonishing - поразительный Mediterranean - средиземноморский depending on - в хависимости от insult - оскорблять rotten - низкий, подлый scrounger - попрошайка mate - (со)товарищ sneaky - трусливый, подленький ineffably - насказанно hang around - болтаться поблизости cheery - живо, радостно, весело thumb - большой палец clonk - здесь: ударить devastatingly - разрушительно obscene - недостойный, непристойный suggestion - предложение incidentally - нечаянно inadvisable - не советуют hitch-hike - путешествовать авто-стопом bet - спорить trolley - тележка ring - кольцо conclude - приходить к заключению charge - взимать плату meanwhile - тем временем worthless - недостойный rogue - жулик, мошенник, негодяй further - дальнейший exaggerate - преувеличивать simmering - кипящий rum-punch - ромовый пунш skill - умение running - здесь: управление treat - обращаться misunderstanding - недоразумение, недопонимание spot - здесь: обратить внимание, заметить Comprehension Chck. Ex. Answer the following questions: 1. Was the author ever bored at the airports? 2. What does he do there? 3. What is Heathrow? 4. How many people come to and from there? 5. Why is it easy to offense someone by a posture or a gesture? 6. What is meant my "BAA"? 7. What is its staff trained to? 8. How can a "ring gesture" be read? 9. How many complaints from passengers does Haethrow receive? 10. What is Heathrow compared with? Topics to Discuss. 1. The author's love towards airports. 2. The same gesture in different cultures.
Text 3 People Like Electronic Announcers Computers are being given elocution lessons so that they can announce the comings and goings of French trains in regional accents. Computer-controlled synthesized voices are said to be more reassuring for passengers than man-made announcements from railway staff. According to a survey, travellers bristle when they hear announcements in the refined tones adopted at airports. What they like best is a deep voice with a touch of regional homeliness, even when they know it comes from an electronic throat. Apparently, not even the voice of the stationmaster can produce the effect as well as computers. Experiments to find the perfect electronic announcer were started two years ago when the station in the Champagne town of Rheims was used for tests. Those were considered a success but after trying out the voice at other stations it was found that the reassuring effect was increased if regional accents were added. The generalised use of synthetic announcers will be put into effect during the next few months but the reason is not entirely psychological. The synthesiser is considered more reliable and flexible. It will not depend on recorded messages: the announcements will be put together on computer keyboard just before they are needed. In the meantime, the voices are being put into service elsewhere, including information offices. Already, travellers at Paris Austerlitz can consult an experimental audio-visual information robot that chats away in four languages. Ticket offices are also to be equipped with. automatic dispensers that respond to travellers oral commands because half of the system's passengers are said to prefer talking to an inanimate object that does not answer back or go on strike. But there are no statistics available on the train drivers reaction to electronic voices. Some drivers on main line services are now getting their instructions from robot voices, linked to/with ' centralised computers who nag them when they go too fast. Vocabulary. announce - объявлять, извещать announcement - объявление announcer - диктор elocution - красноречие, ораторское искусство coming - прибытие going - отбытие, уход reassuring - убедительный staff - кадры, сотрудники survey - исследование bristle - здесь: сердиться refined - рафинированный, очищенный adopted - принятый touch - здесь: оттенок throat - горло apparently - очевидно stationmaster - начальник ж/д станции increase - увеличиваться add - добавлять put* into effect - вводить в дейcтвие entirely - абсолютно, полностью reliable - надежный flexible - гибкий depend (on) - зависеть (от) keyboard - клавиатура in the meantime - а тем временем put* into service - вводить в действие chat - разговаривать be equipped (with) - быть оборудованным respond (to) - реагировать (на) oral - устный include - включать inanimate - неодушевленный strike - здесь: отбивать, парировать linked to - подсоединенный к Comprehension Check. Ex. Answer the following questions.
Topics to discuss.
Text 4 Here are two extracts from a chapter in a book. Read them both and then answer the questions. |