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A CASE FOR SMOKELESS ZONES(ALAN ROAD reports on the new moves to ban smoking in Britain’s offices). When tobacco clouds from the pipe of a pensive draftsman activated the smoke detection system in an office of a giant multi-national company recently, fire appliances were dispatched from three neighbouring authorities to deal with the imagined danger. While medical research has conclusively identified tobacco as a threat to the smoker’s own health, the dangers to innocent bystanders of what might be called nicotine fallout have yet to be proved beyond doubt. This has not prevented unilateralists calling for the banning of smoking in an increasing number of offices. Nicotine trapsDavid Simpson, a director of ASH, the anti-tobacco group, says that unsolicited inquiries from the public about workplace policies on smoking are growing apace. “In the past six months a lot more calls have been coming from the employers’ side,” he pointed out. Indeed, so impressed have he and his colleagues been by this phenomenon that they are planning to set up a management consultancy to advise large companies on formulating no-smoking policies. Staff in the Normaliar Garrett product support division at Bournemouth Airport were happy enough to welcome the introduction of a no-smoking rule for their newly- opened office accommodation, says personnel manager Andy Braley. All too many employers seem more concerned with the wellbeing of the hi-tech equipment than of their staff. Some, says David Simpson, ignore doctors’ pleas that certain workers should not be obliged to share offices with the smokers. “Yet down the corridor they have installed a mainframe computer and readily enforce a smoking ban there”. Nor are trade unions above criticism. One has threatened legal action against a secretary who collated photographic evidence of the caused by smokers inn her office. Local authorities have led the way with the introduction of office smoking bans. Ashfold Borough Council are in the middle of a two–year transition period. “It may sound long–winded,” says personnel officer John Styles, “but the only way a decision can be enforced is if it is backed up with a collective agreement.” And so a detailed questionnaire was circulated to the counsil’s500 office workers, who opted – with very few exceptions – for a smoking ban. Lawyer Gillion Howard approves of Ashford’s softly-softly approach. “You can’t a no-smoking rule overnight,” she told me. A tribunal recently ruled that a firm of Birmingham insurance brokers who had done just that were in breach of contract, said Ms Howard, who specialises in occupational health matters and has advised a number of Industrial Society clients on smoking policies. Pipe dream“If you’re going to have a rule that a whole building goes non-smoking, then you’ve got to allow employees to go into the open air and have a drag,” she warned. While she concerned that the dangers of passive smoking are yet to be recognized by the courts, she forecast that the day will come when will be so certain and so well-publicised in the press that employers will be obliged to take precautionary measures to protect their non-smoking. Meanwhile, she urges employers not to postpone action till then. One positive step they can take immediately is to recruit only non – smokers. The Royal College of Nursing who recently advertised the post of PA to the general secretary, stipulated that applications from smokers would not be welcome , she recalled. “ It is lawful to refuse to employ someone because they smoke,” Miss Howard emphasised. “There is no anti-discrimination legislation for smokers.” Contracts for new recruits could, therefore, contain an undertaking that they agree to no-smoking rules. “If employees break the terms of that contract, they can be counselled, warned verbally and in writing and then dismissed.” Clean air for non-smokers may soon no longer be a pipe dream. . by Alan Road. Vocabulary move - движение ban - запрещать clouds - мн.ч. здесь: клубы pipe - трубка pensive - задумчивый, мечтательный draftsman - составитель законопроектов detection - определение, выявление giant - гигантский, огромный recently - недавно fire appliance - противопожарная установка authorities - власти deal (with) - иметь дело (с) imagined - воображаемый conclusively - здесь: убедительно identify - выявит, определить threat - угроза innocent - невинный bystander - свидетель, очевидец fall-out - осадки prove - доказать beyond doubt - вне сомнения prevent - предотвратить unilateralist - выступающий заодно increasing - растущий trap - ловушка unsolicited - незапрашиваемый inquiry - исследование apace - быстро point out - указывать impressed - потрясенный support - поддерживать division - подразделение, отделение introduction - здесь: введение personnel manager - начальник Отдела Кадров be concerned with - беспокоиться (из-за) well-being - здесь: состояние plea - просьба, мольба certain - щпределенный obliged - обязанный share an office - быть в одном офисе install - установить enforce - проводить в жизнь trade union - профсоюз threaten - угрожать collate - сличать, тщательно сравнивать evidence - доказательство, улика danger - опасность cause - вызывать, быть причиной council - совет transition - переходный long-winded - многоречивый, скучный back-up - поддерживать detailed - подробный questionnaire - анкета circulate - распространять opt (for) - выбрать (из других) lawyer - юрист approve - одобрить soft - мягкий introduce - вводить overnight - за одну ночь, мгновенно tribunal - трибунал, суд insurance - страховой breach - нарушение occupational - профессиональный advise - советовать allow - позволять have a drag - сленг: сделать затяжку warn - предупреждать concede - допускать, соглашаться recognise - признавать court - суд forecast - предсказывать precautionary measures - меры предосторожности protect - защищать meanwhile - тем временем urge - убеждать, настаивать postpone - откладывать immediately - немедленно recruit - принимать на работу stipulate - ставить условием application - заявление recall - вспоминать lawful - законный refuse - отказывать(ся) emphasise - подчеркивать, выделять legislation - законодательство undertaking - обязательство break the terms - нарушить условия counsel - советовать verbally - вербально, устно dismiss - увольнять Word Study. Ex. 1. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:
3. beyond doubt c/ переходный период
6. tobacco clouds f/ гигантская компания
9. imagined danger i/ угроза здоровью других
12. sensitive detector m/ клубы дыма
15. nicotine fall-out o/ чувствительный детектор Ex. 2. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:
3. to ban smoking c/ быстро расти
6. to do smth. overnight f/ соблюдать правила
9. to approve a soft approach i/ объявить о вакансии
11. to share an office k/ принимать на работу некурящих
14. to warn verbally n/ сформировать политику некурения
Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Когда клубы дыма от трубки задумчивого составителя законопроектов активизировали детекторную систему в офисе одной гигантской компании, и соседи принесли антипожарные устройства, чтобы справиться с воображаемой опасностью. 2. Табак является угрозой для здоровья курильщиков, но сейчас известно всем, что находиться в одном офисе с курильщиками вредно и для некурящих. 3. Люди, думающие о здоровье нации, призывают к введению запрета на курение в общественных местах и, в частности, в офисах.
5. Но профсоюзы находятся вне критики.
7. Но они считают, что запрет можно ввести только при наличии коллективного соглашения. 8. Одна фирма распространила подробную анкету среди 500 своих сотрудников, которые - за исключением немногих - выступили за запрет на курение. 9. Конечно, нельзя ввести зарпет за одну ночь (мгновенно). 10. Необходима широкая рекламная кампания (campaign), чтобы убедить людей отказаться от курения (give up smoking).
обязуются не курить в офисе. 13. Если они нарушают данное правило, сначала последует устное предупреждение, затем - письменное, после чего они могут быть уволены. 14. Такая политика требует времени, но это делается в целях защиты здоровья нации. Comprehension Check. Answer the following questions: 1. How does medical research identify the threat of tobacco to people? 2. What are many employers concerned with? 3. What do local authorities of Ashford do to introduce the office smoking ban? 4. Is is legal to refuse to recruit someone because they smoke? 5. What do newly-written contracts contain? 6. What will be done with those who break the no-smoking rules? Topics to discuss. 1. Tobacco danger for non-smokers. 2. Soft approach to introducing a smoking ban.
Grammar Exercises Ex.1 Find the subject and state what it is expressed by . Translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex.2 Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the pronoun it used as the subject.
Ex.3 Insert there or it. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex.4 Find the predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex. 5 Fill in the blanks with one of the following link -verbs. To sound, to become, to seem, to appear, to come, to be, to look, to get, to fall, to go
Ex.6 Translate the following into Russian paying attention to the predicatives. State by what part of speech they are expressed.
Ex.7 Open the brackets using the infinitives in the proper form. Pay attention to the rules of agreement.
Ex.8 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the kind of object.
Ex.9 Translate into English.
Ex.10 Find the attribute and say by what it is expressed. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex.11 Point out the kind of adverbial modifier, and state by what it is expressed. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex.12 Complete the following sentences using your own possible adverbial modifiers.