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И.Ю.-Марковина-З.К.-Максимова-М.Б.-Вайнштейн. Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов Серия xxi век Рекомендовано угчЮ по медицинскому и фармацевтическому образованию

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НазваниеУчебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов Серия xxi век Рекомендовано угчЮ по медицинскому и фармацевтическому образованию
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coronary artery

Might oronary utery
4. Heart and artery diseases have been presently the number one health problem in the world. Cardiovascular ailments are by far the chief

causes of illness, disability, and death among both middle-aged and ! elderly people. Among these, coronary heart disease, illness of the blood ' vessels supplying the heart, is responsible for the greatest number of deaths (over 50 per cent of all cardiovascular diseases). Causes of other cardiovascular disease deaths, in order of decreasing importance, are stroke and hypertension. These three diseases are responsible for more than 80 per cent of all cardiovascular disease deaths.

      1. Like cancer and emphysema, heart diseases appear to be related to the extension of the average life span. Certain factors are definitely involved in the high incidence of heart disease - the stress, diets high in saturated fats, the tendency toward obesity with age, lack of sufficient'1 physical exercise, and thje incidence of smoking. These factors appear to relate to a higher incidence of heart desease than in societies lacking | these characteristics. 4 v 1 • ^ ;

      2. The severity and danger of foe art and artery diseases which we had^ previously described cannot be fninimized; a disease in an arm or leg may cripple a person, but a disease of the heart may lead to his death.

Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 2 и 3 переведите \ письменно.

И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М.Б. Вайнштейн 1

1. What kinds of cardiovascular diseases have been discribed in text A? 2. What does the sudden blockage of the coronary artery result in? 3. What are the conditions caused by coronary occlusion? 4. What is m angina pectoris? What do people experience in this condition? 5. Why heart and artery diseases have been recently the number one health Щproblem in the world? / ■ ;, » ; t

I l1 1 (->' i ;

Упражнение 11. Составьте письменно план текста А.

Упражнение 12. Передайте основную мысль абзацев 4 и 5 текста А одним— двумя предложениями.

Упражнение 13. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в данные предло­жения:fortunately, approximately, also.


1. ..., the great majority of coronary disease patients recover and are able to lead active, useful lives if they receive proper treatment under ] good medical supervision. 2. ... one fourth of all deaths in the world result from coronary artery disease. 3. ... it is estimated that more than

' ; Lesson 16^ 179

one out of every ten persons suffers some degree of insufficiency of blood supply to the heart.

Упражнение 14. Дайте синонимы к следующим словам. ' ^ j fj / to cease, obstruction, illness, serious, majority

Упражнение 15. Прочтите и переведите текст. Объясните употребление

глагольных времен и залога.

• • •

Twenty patients with arterial occlusion have been treated by system­atic infusions since May. In many of these patients the obstruction had been present for so long> that irreversible changes, had already taken

Place. / 'tend сOJ<-

Obstruction in eleven patients was of more than twenty-four-hours' duration and in four was more than forty-eight hours old.

Only eight patients were treated within twenty-four to thirty hours of l he onset of the obstruction. Of these five (62 per cent) had complete return of circulation. Return of circulation usually occurred after ten to (welve hours of continuous intravenous therapy. It became apparent that even though improvement was obtained by one course of treatment, this did not assure a permanent response. The reasons for this are probably multiple and include: 1) a nidus of thrombus may remain on which com­plete rethrombosis can develop and 2) intimal damage remains as a source of rethrombosis. For these reasons we have repeated treatment for two to three days with the expectation that all thrombus will be eradicated and

the vessel wall will have a chance to repair itself.


Часть II

Слова к части II

meanvзначить, означать meaningп значение result [rizAlt] v (from)быть резуль­татом

displace [dis'pleis] vперемещать believe [bi'li:v] vполагать, считать suffer ['sAfe] v (from)страдать

weakа слабый weakenvослаблять rupture ['rAptfa] nразрыв; vразры­вать

haemorrhage ['hemsridj] nкровоте­чение; vкровоточить


Упражнение 1. Найдите корневые слова, от которых образованы данные производные, и переведите их на русский язык.

normally, presented, frequently, increasing, imbalance, excessive, weakened


1 /

Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Назовите симптомы гипер­тонии. 2) Найдите предложения с глаголом-сказуемым в действительном и страдательном залоге в формеPerfect.Укажите время, которым выра­жены сказуемые. 3) Переведите эти предложения.

TextВ Hypertension

Hypertension simply means high blood pressure. As a normal heart pumps blood through the body, a certain degree of pressure is excreted { against the blood vessels. With each beat of the left ventricle, a wave ol pressure starts at the heart and travels along the arteries. This wave is called the pulse. The pulse can be felt on any arteries that are close to the surface of the body, such as on the wrist, the sides of the throat ancf' the temple. The pulse results from the blood pressure. The blood pres­sure at the moment of contraction is the systolic pressure; it should normally be sufficient to displace about 120 miji. mercury in a glass tube. The blood pressure at the moment of relaxation of the heart is the diastolic pressure; it normally displaces about80 mm. of mercury. Blood pressure readings, which have been frequently taken during a general physical examination are presented as a ratio of the first figure over the second.

Most physiologists have considered a blood pressure reading of 150/90 as excessive. This can be considered a useful definition of high blood presstire.

Hypertension is very common. It is believed that about one out of every five individuals has suffered from it and that about 13 per cent of all deaths have been a direct result of it. Hypertension has become more common with increasing age and affects men about twice as often as women.

In about 90 per cent of the known cases, it has been described as essential hypertension, a hereditary condition. In other cases it may be due to the removal of a kidney, kidney disease, excessive narrowing of the arteries, hormone imbalance, or excessive salt in the diet.

Hypertension is damaging for two reasons: 1) it puts an excess work load on the heart and the left ventricle in particular; 2) the arteries may be damaged by excessive pressure. A hypertensive patient tends to de­velop cardiovascular ailments much sooner than a person who had not suffered from hypertension.

'I i ■ i

This high blood pressure in the arteries causes a hardening (sclerosis) of blood vessels all over the body. The vessels become weakened; clots tend to form in them much more easily; some vessels rupture and haem­orrhage. Hence haemorrhage in the vessels of the brain (cerebral haem­orrhage) and vessels of the kidneys will have been particularly destruc­tive.

Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их вслух.

1. The pulse results from the blood pressure and can be measured. 2. There is systolic and diastolic pressure. 3. Hypertension is very com­mon. 4. The causes of hypertension may be different. 5. Hypertension is damaging for two reasons. 6. Hypertensive patients have tended to de­velop cardiovascular ailments.

Упражнение 5. ПередайтеосновноесодержаниетекстаВписьменно, использоваввкачествепланапредыдущееупражнение.

Часть III


Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 16

Упражнение 1. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол-сказуемое стоит во временах группы Perfect. J

'1 - - Г \

1. Cardiomyopathy has been defined as «acute, subacute, or chronic disorder of heart muscle of unknown or obscure etiology». 2. Apart from discomfort in his chest he had no history suggestive of myocardial inf­arction or angina. 3. A patient with a femoral artery embolus had marked temporary improvement in circulation. 4. The duration of treatment has been increased to a maximum of 16 hours in our patients. 5. The arterial occlusion had recurred by the next morning.

(Ответ: 1, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите §§ 12, 14 Грамма- гического справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол-сказуемое стоит в форме страдательного залога.

1. The patient was admitted to the hospital with essential hypertension. 2. The woman responded slowly to diuretic therapy. 3. A loud heart-sound was audible at the mitral area. 4. The patient has been maintained for a year without further episodes of heart-failure. 5. The left ventricle was grossly dilated with very poor movements of all areas. 6. Gross mitral incompetence had not been suspected clinically previously.

(Ответ: 1, 4, 5, 6. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 14 Граммати­ческого справочника.)

Упражнение 3. Переведите данные гнезда слов на английский язык.

1. опыт, испытывать, опытный; 2. умирать, смерть, умерщвлять, смертельно; 3. прекращать, прекращение, непрерывный; 4. непро­ходимость (закупорка), мешающий, закупоривать; 5. выздороветь, выздоровление



Повторение:ВременагруппыContinuous (Active and Passive Voice) (§§ 11, 14)

Часть I

Слова к части I

pneumonia [nju:'mounja] nпневмония bronchitis [broo'kaitis] nбронхит irritation[ iri'teijn] nраздражение prominent ['prominant] а важный, существенный irritable ['irritsbl] а раздражитель­ный, раздражимый receive [n'si:v] vполучать


Упражнение 1. Навдите сказуемые в следующих предложениях. Определите их время и залог.

1. All control patients were receiving oxygen over a period of two hours.

  1. In order to analyse the changes in recumbent B.P. (blood pressure) after the analgetic injections, the patients have been considered in two groups.

  2. 8 or 9 patients who were being injected pentazocine for ten minutes showed a rise of B.P. 4. Other studies have suggested that pentazocine pro­duces less sedation than the narcotics. 5. The patient had signs of severe congestive failure due to aortic insufficiency. 6. When the attendant physi­cian entered the ward, patient P. was being injected aminophylline intrave­nously.

Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к нижеприведенным производ­ным и переведите их.

inside, specialized, irritation, respiratory, eventually, mucopurulent, inflammation, bacterid, staining, to discharge

Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

1. bronchus - bronchitis, bronchi, bronchial, bronchiectasis |,broQki'ektdsis]; 2. to irritate - irritation, irritative; 3. to infect - in­fected, infection, infectious

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения и словосочетания.

1. bronchial tree; 2. the smoke irritates my eyes; a muscle contracts when irritated by electricity; 3. to be infected with diphtheria; to spread by infection; infection may be carried through the air

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание каждой части. /

J т


Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и считайте их.

1. Is the upper or lower part of the respiratory tract affected more often? 2. What happens to the mucous membrane when it is being inflamed? 3. What does the term «catarrh» indicate and what is the condition of catarrhal inflammation characterized with? 4. What causes bronchitis? 5. What are the symptoms of chronic bronchitis?

Text A

» i

Infections of the Respiratory Tract

1. While the slides were being prepared the lecturer announced the i heme to be discussed. He said: «The respiratory tract is subject to infec­tion more frequently than any other part of the body. Respiratory infec-


I ions stand third as a cause of deaths; they lead all other causes between ages of fifteen and thirty-five. The upper portion of the respiratory tract,

(he nose, throat and trachea, are affected more often than the lower, the

bronchi and lungs. The deeper the inflammation, the more serious are its consequences; pneumonia is frequently fatal/Inflammation of the deeper respiratory structures results from a downw^d extension of a compara- lively harmless inflammation in the upper structures.»

/;» , ЧастьII I



widespread ['waidspred] ашироко congestion [kan'cfcestfn] n застой

распространенный congestive [ksn'cfeestiv] азастойный

danger ['denied] nопасность headache ['hedeik] nголовнаяболь

dangerousа опасный moist [moist] а сырой, влажный

drug [drAg] nлекарство moisten ['moisn] vувлажнять aggravate ['aegraveit] vухудшать(ся)


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст В (10 мин.). 1) Разделите его на смысловые части. 2) Найдите и переведите глаголы-сказуемые во временах группы Continuousв действительном и страдательном залоге.

Text В

' "f^ : Tobacco and its Effects

Tobacco smoking is ^ probably the most widespread and dangerous" drug usage. The cigarette consumption has generally been subject to certain factors. For example, the greatest increases in smoking have occurred during wars. '

The main reason for this periodic increase was that the population in ^ general experienced increased tension. Another reason for this increase during wartime was that young soldiers were being introduced to smok­ing as a tension reliever. ^ ; / r,!^

Despite public information campaigns on the subject, too few smok­ers realize the degree and extent of damage to their bodies associated with cigarette smoking.

Minor ailments directly related to sntoking compete with the com­mon cold1 as major causes of the time lost from work and studies.

Recently, studies of large groups of people have shown that cigarette smokers are more likely to die of certain cardiovascular diseases than nonnsmokers. A cause and effect association has theoretically been es- jdblished between cigarette smoking and incidence of coronary attacks in humans, especially men between 35 and 55 years of age. The risk of death in male cigarette smokers in relation to non-smokers is greater in middle age than in old age. Smoking is being increasingly linked to the development of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and emphysema, Air pollution and respiratory infections as well as smoking cause and aggravate chronic bronchitis and emphysema. v & t \ (.

^S I J

0 ; l \Normal lung tissue Emphysema



• ,c
Fig. 15.Alveoli in normal lung tissue and emphysema.


Smokers are not only polluting their own air with their cigarettei but are subjecting non-smokers, who make up three quarters of the popula­tion, to nearly the same health risk. Subjected to the effects of side- stream smoke, non-smokers may breathe in many of the toxic chemi­cals of the cigarette from the environment they are in and are, in fact, «passively smoking». «Side-stream smoke» produced from the burning end of the cigarette contains very high concentrations of toxic chemi­cals which are usually ^perceived as unpleasant by both smokers and non-smokers.# PQ'j/ -^mq^ kЛ. Ui- • ^

Allergic reaction to smoke is common. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema or ischemic heart disease sufferers reactions to

passive smoking that range from mild nasal congestion and eye irrita­tion to headache, dermatitis and even a few life-threatening asthmatic attacks. People with advanced respiratory and cardiac breath literally light for life. ; A: ^

Tobacco contains more than hundred known chemical compounds including nicotine. Some of the substances found in tobacco remain in the ashels of a burned cigarette; others are greatly changed during the burning process. (Moreover, additional compounds are being produced during combustion, and it is some of these materials that are of great concern to scientists and physicians^ The composition of the cigarette smoke that enters the human body has been the primary aim of most analytical studies. 4 c a>u' j ,(?r
Nicotine and at least 15 o^het compounds found in cigarette smoke are known to be cancerogerls - cancer-causing substances. When a person inhales cigarette smoke, the smoke is passing down the trachea (windpipe) to the branchial tubes and into the lungs. Autopsies of hundreds of human lungs have shown that it is precisely in these areas of maximum, exposure that precancerous changed are most likely to


vm <

Xt) U-v

Thus there are some relationships between smoking, lung cancer, and many other respiratory conditions. Furthermore, cigarette smoke is it­self an irritant. Heavy smokers feel this irritation in their throats and will be developing «smoker's cough» after a few years of smoking.


1. commoncoldпростуда

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.

1. The cigarette consumption has been subject to certain factors. 2. Few smokers realize the degree of damage to their bodies associated with cigarette smoking. 3. Allergic reaction to smoke is common. 4. Ta- bacco contains hundred chemical compounds. 5. Cigarettesmokeisanirritant.

Упражнение 3. Используя нижеприведенные слова и предыдущее упраж­нение в качестве плана, изложите основное содержание текста В.

for example, despite, recently, in fact, moreover, at least, to be likely, also, thus, furthermore

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающее упражнение к уроку 17

Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол-сказуемое стоит в форме страда­тельного залога во временах группы Continuous.

1. Neither antibiotic was being used in the course of treatment. 2. Now everything is done to prevent respiratory diseases. 3. 10 of twenty exper­imental patients who thought that they were inhaling irritants or allergens developed chronic asthma. 4. We were giving penicillin to the patients with bronchitis from April to May and came to the conclusion that it is not helpful in this case. 5. A new drug is being tested successfully at the Department of clinical pharmacology. 6. The percentage of patients with serum hepatitis has been increasing since the first publication,

(Ответ: 1, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 14 Грамматическо­го справочника.)



Повторение: Модальные глаголыcan, may, mustи их эквиваленты (§ 17)


Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие предложения: а) в прошедшем нремени; б) в будущем времени. Переведитепредложения.

1. You must follow all the new important medical researches in your Held. 2. By means of spirometry the dynamic lung volumes may be assessed without difficulty. 3. He must investigate a series of case reports before the lecture. 4. You may take your analyses in the laboratory. 5. Chronic inha­lation of cadmium fumes can cause chronic progressive emphysema.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения с модальными глаголами:can, could, may, might, must, shall.

1. We could not detect any antibiotic activity in the sputum of our patients. 2. The pre-treatment strains of two patients may be assumed 10 be sensitive to streptomicin. 3. Thinking about asthma or hearing a description of an attack can even provoke asthma. 4. Every physician must know the pathology of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. S. Heavy physical activity shall not be resumed within the first three months after an attack of myocardial infarction. 6. Professor explained lhat dogs inhaling cigarette smoke over long periods might develop lung damage.

Упражнение 3.Дайтеисходныесловакнижеприведеннымпроизводным, simulation, population, lining, investigation, accompanying

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

Часть I

Слова к части I

complication [kompli'keijn] nослож­нение complicatedа сложный uncomplicatedа неосложненный owing ['ouiq] toprepблагодаря whereas [wesr'aez]conjтогда как

jaundice ['(feomdis] п желтуха obvious ['obvias]а очевидный bile [bail] п желчь biliary ['biljsn] а желчный serum ['siaram] п сыворотка investigate [investigeit] vисследовать investigation [in,vesti'geijn] nиссле­дование
1. to investigate — investigator, investigation, investigatory; 2. bile - biliary, bile-stained, bile-stone; 3. to complicate - complicated, un­complicated, complication; 4. serum — sera, serous

'"'j V ii . v L Ы • r, -

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите данные словосочетания.

г. ^

' ' , - • ^ с ,, ■ ^

, I . t^ I

bile duct, bile colic (calculus), complicated system (problem, mech­anism, apparatus), complicated disease „ ' , (N • (, ■ ,

Упражнение 6. Просмотрите текст А и скажите, сколько типов желтухи описано в тексте.

f, ' '< * (..Л -* А. А». I АЛ. .

J ' 'i tet A

/ Jaundice v ,

JbvuM f

\. Perhaps the most obvious symptom that may iesult from disease of the liver or biliary passages is jaundice, and the estimation of the level of bilirubin in the serum is to be therefore frequently carried out in the investigation of a case of liver disease! V« c. f>)

2. The fact that sera from different cases of jaundice can give different types of reaction has been used as a basis for differentiating between different types of jaundice. Jaundice should be divided into three main types, viz.: obstructive jaundice, hepatocellular or «toxic» jaundice (with or without some degree of accompanying obstruction) and haemolytic jaundice. In uncomlicated obstructive jaundice, liver function is largely or wholly normal, so that the bile pigments are excreted normally into the bile passages; but owing to the presence of some obstruction (either a stone impacted in the common bile duct, or obliteration of the duct by a carcinoma of the head of the pancreas) the bile is unable to enter the duodenum and has instead to be re-absorbed into the circulation. In hepatocellular jaundice the function of the liver cells is changed so that they can not excrete the normal amount of bile pigment reaching them in the blood stream. In this case bilirubin level gradually rises. Iri haemolytic jaundice the excessive amounts of bile pigment (which aite formed as a result of the excessive red cell destruction) are incompletely excreted by the liver cells and have been re-absorbed from the obstruc­tive bile passages. In hepatocellular or obstructive jaundice the excess of circulating pigment has not passed through the liver cells.

Упражнение 7. Просмотрите текст А и найдите предложения, в которых описываются симптомы каждого типа желтухи.

Упражнение 8. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и зачи­тайте их.

1. What procedure has to be performed to diagnose a liver disease? 2. How can a doctor differentiate between the types of jaundice? 3. How

1 :>'-,f. i ' Ъг&хт18 -0- 191


many types of jaundice are there? 4. How does the function of the liver change in the cases of hepatocellular jaundice?

Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите данные слова.

perhaps, the fact that..., viz. (videlicet), so ... that, whereas

Упражнение 10.Составьте план текста А письменно.

Упражнение 11. Перепишите схему в тетрадь. Дополните ее.

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