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И.Ю.-Марковина-З.К.-Максимова-М.Б.-Вайнштейн. Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов Серия xxi век Рекомендовано угчЮ по медицинскому и фармацевтическому образованию

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НазваниеУчебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов Серия xxi век Рекомендовано угчЮ по медицинскому и фармацевтическому образованию
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Excessive 1. • • • • 2

Лш • • • •


la • • • 2

Prolonged 1 • • • • 2

Лт • • • •

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 22

Упражнение 1. Найдите и переведите придаточные предложения, в которых отсутствует союз.

1. Any modern vehicle should be propelled by electric motors which reduce pollution and noise. 2. The price we have to pay for the unlim­ited exploration of natural resources and the pollution of the air and water is rather high. 3. Gears that are made of plastics provide greater freedom from noise and vibrations than metal gears. 4. Had we used the recently developed device we could have saved much time. 5. We know water is a vehicle for such infections as cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery and other diseases having their primary seat in the digestive tract.

(Ответ: 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 32 Грамматичес­кого справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст. Найдите в тексте предложения: а) прида­точные дополнительные; б) определительные; в) обстоятельственные; г) условные. Переведитетекст.


Nutrients nourish our body and give us energy. Energy is the ability to do work. Our body uses energy for every action to move, to breathe, to think, to grow. Repairing body parts when we get hurt takes energy too. All this energy comes from nutrients in the food.

You know that all foods contain moisture. The solid part of food is made up mostly of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates and fats supply our body with fuel for energy. If the carbohydrates and fats are not used for energy, they are stored in our body as fat. Proteins provide our body with material for growth and repair. Protein foods also contain some carbohydrates or fats. Meat always has fat with the pro­tein, even if the meat is lean; milk has both carbohydrates and fat with the protein. Vitamins and minerals are other important nutrients which help our body to function properly.

The research workers proved that a balanced diet contains all the nutrients necessary to keep us healthy. No one food supplies all the nutrients that our body needs. Because some foods are high in certain nutrients and other foods are high in other nutrients, it is important for us to eat a variety of foods.

Over half of the food we eat should be in the form of carbohydrates. Most of the carbohydrate foods should be complex ones. Sweet foods such as sugar jam, syrup, frosting, cake and candy are not a good source of carbohydrates. Our body needs vitamins and minerals to change sug­ar into energy. But refined sugar has no vitamins or minerals in it. The best sources of carbohydrates contain natural sugar or starch as well as vitamins and minerals. When we are not very active we should get most of the carbohydrates that we need from fruits and vegetables because they are low in fat.



Упражнение 1. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором (преподавателем) следующие слова. Обратите внимание на ударение.

faculty ['faekdlti], university [Ju:ni'va:siti], scientist ['saiantist], sur­gery ['saufeari], surgeon ['sarcfcn], therapy ['Oerapi], therapeutist |,6erd'pju:tist], obstetrics [ab'stetriks], obstetrician [,obsta'tnfn], hy­giene ['haicfcim], pharmacology [,fa:m9'kola
Упражнение 2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором (преподавателем) следующие группы однокоренных слов (гнезда слов). Определите, какой мастью речи являются слова в каждой группе и переведите их: для этого найдите и проанализируйте словообразовательные суффиксы.

surgery, surgical, surgeon; therapy, therapeutic, therapeutist; pediat­rics, pediatric, pediatrician; hygiene, hygienic, hygienist; physiology, physiological, physiologist; chemistry, chemical, chemist; to graduate, лgraduate, graduation

Упражнение 3. Назовите корневые слова, от которых образованы следую­щие производные.

foundation, graduation, preparatory, surgical, therapeutic, scientific, preventive

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.

The Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

Yesterday, when we had our English lesson, the teacher said: «You nre students of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. And do you know the history of our Academy?»

«Yes,» said Semenov, one of our students. «I know that our Acade­my was founded in 1758 as a faculty of the Moscow University and in 1930 it was reorganized into an independent higher learning institu­tion».

«You are quite right,» said the teacher. «The Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, one of the oldest and biggest medical schools in Russia, was formerly the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University, founded by the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. The Universi­ty had three faculties: Philosophical, Law and Medical and only thirty students studied at these faculties. Among them were the first medical students: Sybelin, Veniaminov and Yastrebov. The students were taught by three professors of natural history, anatomy and. chemistry, respec­tively. At that time the majority of the staff were foreign professors.The first Russian professor of medicine was one of the graduates - Professor Sybelin.

By the 19th century there were six departments at the Medical Fac­ulty: the departments of anatomy, physiology, pathology, surgery, inter-* nal medicine and midwifery. The first clinical hospitals were opened in 1805. They were the hospitals of surgery and obstdtrics. By the end of the 19th century 26 departments and 12 clinical hospitals had been founded and new departments added: the departments of hygiene and anatomic pathology. ^ ' [ >( d , ; * \

The professors and students of the Medical Faculty took an active part in the political and social life of the time. The ideas of Herzen and Belinsky were very popular among the staff and students. At that time many outstanding doctors worked at the Faculty. They were: a physician AA. Ostroumov, surgeons N.V. Sklifosovsky, A A. Bobrov, P.I. Dya- konov, a neurologist A.U. Kozhevnikov, a psychiatrist S.S. Korsakov, an obstetrician-gynecologist B.F. Snegirev, a pediatrician N.F. Filatov, e physiologist I.M. Sechenov, a hygienist F.F. Erisman, and others.

At present there are many more faculties at the Academy: the Med­ical Faculty, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, the Pharmaceutical Faculty (with an evening division), the Nursing faculty, the stomatolog­ical faculty, the military medicine faculty, the F'aeulty for Training Medical Researchers and Instruktors, as well as the post-graduate Health Care Management Faculty and the Faculty for Advanced Training of doctors and pharmacists. The head of each faculty is the Dean.

The course of training at the Academy is divided into junior and senior levels (the junior and senior divisions of the faculties, respective-

Iv). There is a six-year course of study at the Medical, Preventive Med­icine, Stomatological and Military Medicine Faculties. At the Pharma­ceutical Faculty the students are trained for five years. The course of l raining in the Nursing Faculty is four years. Over 9,000 students study at these faculties.

The Academy has more than eighty departments in various theoreti­cal and clinical specialties. The curriculum includes all the basic and clinical subjects that are necessary for the training of highly qualified physicians, surgeons, nurses and pharmacists^ At the end of each term (or semester) students take examinations. The undergraduates do a practi- cum at the clinics and teaching hospitals of the Academy. The students have all the facilities to carry on their research under the supervision of their professors. The students' scientific society plays an important role in the training of would be health care specialists.

The students of our Academy have various facilities for sports and recreation. Students from other towns are given hostel accommoda­tions».

Then one of the students said that those who were admitted to the Academy took the First-Year Student's Oath. They solemnly swear to master the fundamental medical subjects and to follow the traditions of the oldest institution of higher medical learning.

During the graduation ceremony young doctors, graduates of the Academy, take The Oath of the Russian Doctor. Young doctors sol­emnly swear that they will use all their knowledge and abilities to im­prove the people's health, and to prevent and cure diseases.

The lesson was very interesting and we enjoyed it very much.

Active Words and Word Combinations

Institution of higher learning

высшееучебноезаведениеInstitution of higher medical learning высшеемедицинскоеучебноезаведение (оfoundосновыватьdepartmentкафедра, отделениеdivisionотделение(he junior divisionмладшее

М 846
отделение (heseniordivisionстаршее отделение

surgeryхирургия surgicalхирургический surgeonхирург internalmedicineвнутренние

болезни, терапия (ср.therapyлечение) therapeuticлечебный physicianтерапевт midwiferyакушерство obstetricsакушерство obstetricакушерский obstetricianакушер


staff memberсотрудникfacultyфакультетMedical Facultyлечебный

факультетFaculty of Preventive Medicine медико-профилактическийфакультетPharmaceutical Faculty фармацевтическийфакультетStomatological Faculty стоматологическийфакультетMilitary Medicine Faculty факультетвоенноймедициныNursing FacultyфакультетвысшегосестринскогообразованияFaculty of Training Medical Researchers and Instructors факультетподготовкинаучно-педагогическихкадров

Faculty of Health Care Manage­mentфакультетуправленияздравоохранениемFaculty for Advanced Training


course of studyкурсобученияcurriculumучебныйпланtermсеместр

to do a practicumпроходить

практикуdeanдеканdean's officeдеканатfacilitiesвозможности, условияresearch (work)научно-

исследовательская работа tocarryonresearchвести научно-исследовательскую работу, проводить исследования underthesupervisionпод

руководством students9scientificsocietyстуденческое научное общество hostelобщежитие hostelaccommodationместо в

общежитииfirst-year studentстудент-

первокурсник oathклятва

toswearклясться, принимать клятву

to graduate (from the Academy)

окончить (Академию) agraduateвыпускник высшего учебного заведения

Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и прочтите


ихвслух. У

1. What faculties were (there) at the Moscow University in 1758. 2. What departments were there at the Medical Faculty in the 19th cen­tury? 3. When were the first clinical hospitals opened? 4. What outstand­ing doctors worked at the Medical Faculty in the 19th century? 5. When do the students take exams? 6. What oaths do medical students take?

Упражнение 6. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите согласие ими несогласие.

Начнитесвоиответысослов:Yes, you are right...; No, I don9 think you are right..*; No, I don't think that is correct... .

1. By the end of the 19th century there were 26 departments and 12 clinics at the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University. 2. N.V. Skli- losofsky, A.A. Bobrov and P.I. Dyakonov were famous surgeons.

B.F. Snegirev, one of the famous physicians, worked at the Medical I acuity of the Moscow University. 4. The dean is head of the de­partment. 5. The Academy has more than 80, departments in various Iheoretical and clinical specialties. jv

Упражнение 7. Поставьте специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям и запишите их. Используйтевопросительныеслова, данныевскобках.

1. In 1758 there were three professors at the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University, (when?) 2. Only 16 students studied medicine in 1765. (how many?) 3. The first clinical hospital of the Moscow Univer­sity Medical Faculty was opened at the end of the 19th century, (what?) •I. The great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov graduated from the Medical I acuity of the Moscow University, (who?) 5. The graduates of the Moscow Medical Academy work in various parts of our country, (where?)

Упражнение 8. Вас пригласили на встречу со студентами-иностранцами, юлько что поступившими в ММА им. И.М. Сеченова. Ответьте на воп­росы первокурсников об истории Академии.

1. When was the Moscow Medical Academy founded? 2. Who was (he founder of the Moscow University? 3. Who was the first professor of medicine at the Moscow University? 4. What famous scientists worked at the Medical faculty at the end of the 19th century? 5. How many faculties were there at the Moscow University? 6. How many faculties are there at the Moscow Medical Academy now? 7. How many students study at the Moscow Medical Academy today?

Упражнение 9. Очередная встреча с иностранцами-первокурсниками по­сещена факультетам Московской медицинской академии им. И.М. Се­ченова. Расскажите о факультете, на котором вы учитесь. Используйте данные вопросы в качестве плана.

1. Whatfacultydoyoustudyat? 2. How many students study at the faculty? 3. What specialists are trained at the faculty? 4. What is the course of study? 5. Who is the dean of your faculty? 6. Students carry on research work in the Students' Scientific Society, don't they? 7. How many students of your faculty take part in the annual students' scientific conferences? 8. A great number of graduates of the Academy work as doctors or pharmacists in various parts of our country, don't they?

Упражнение 10. Руководитель студенческою научного кружка попросил вас рассказать иностранным студентам-медикам историю Академии, Используйте следующие слова и сочетания слов в своем рассказе.

to be founded, to be one of the oldest institutions of higher medical learning, independent institution of higher learning, departments, med­ical students, to open a clinical hospital, staff members of the faculty, outstanding scientist, junior and senior divisions, to graduate from the Academy

Упражнение 11. Студент из Индии хочет узнать о работе Студенческого Научного Общества. Выступите в роли индийского и российского студентов: опираясь на текст (упр. 4), составьте несколько вопросов о СНО (индийский студент), подготовьте информацию о работе научного общества, чтобы ответить на вопросы (российский студент) Используйте следующие словосочетания в вашей беседе.

Students' Scientific Society; theoretical and clinical departments; to carry on research; to devote one's time to research; important problems of modern medicine; to play an important role in...; training of would- be health care specialists, under the supervision of, to develop one's abilities, annual students' scientific conferences, to be held

Упражнение 12. Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог и скажите, между кем идет беседа и какие темы обсуждаются.


Dima: Hello, Jane. I am so glad to see you. Jane: Hi, Dima. How nice to meet you again. I haven't seen you for ages. How is life?

Dima: I'm a student of the Moscow Medical Academy now. Jane: Congratulations! When did you enter the Academy? Dima:I entered the Academy last year. Jane: Did you pass any entrance exams?

Dima: Certainly I did. I had to take exams in chemistry and biology and to write a composition.

Jane: What marks did you get?

Dima:Two «excellent» and one «good».

Jane: So, you must be a second year student now.

Dima: Yes, I am in the second year. And what about you?

Jane: I haven't decided yet what college to choose. Tell me more about your Academy. I believe the systems of higher learning are very different in our countries. Is there an evening division at your Academy?

Dima: Yes, there are evening divisions at the pharmaceutical and nursing faculties.

Jane: What subjects do medical students study?

Dima:Oh, there are a lot of subjects in the pre-clinical years. We study anatomy, biology, microbiology, general and biological chemis­try, physics, physiology and some other subjects. We also study languag­es: Latin focussing on basics of medical terminology and one of the three foreign languages English, German, or French trying to learn to understand medical texts.

Jane: What is the course of study at your faculty?

Dima: Six years.

Jane: Well, I guess it takes a lot of time and much effort to become a highly qualified medical professional.

Dima: Yes, it certainly does. But I find all this very interesting.

Упражнение 13.Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог вторично.

Используя диалог в качестве модели, выступите в роли студента младшего отделения ММА им. И.М. Сеченова и корреспондентов иностранных молодежных изданий, интересующихся вопросами поступления и обучения на младших курсах медицинских вузов России.

Упражнение 14. Вы участвуете в викторине на английском языке «Что я таю об одном из старейших медицинских институтов нашей страны». Ны правильно ответили на все вопросы. Для того чтобы стать победителем, нам нужно выполнить последнее задание — перевести письменно следующие предложения.

1. Московская медицинская академия была основана в 1758 году как факультет Московского университета. 2. Основателем Мос­ковского университета был великий русский ученый М.В. Ломо­носов. 3. В 19 веке в Московском университете было шесть ка­федр. 4. В Московской медицинской академии были открыты два новых факультета: стоматологический и военной медицины, 5. Каждый факультет возглавляет декан. 6. Студенты младшего отделения изучают разные виды химии.

Упражнение 15. Вы участвуете в юбилейной международной конферен­ции «Московская медицинская академия - старейший медицинский вуз России», а) 4 студента вашей группы подготовили доклады по следую­щим темам:

1. The Medical Faculty of Moscow University. 2. The faculties of the Moscow Medical Academy. 3. The departments of the Moscow Medn cal Academy. 4.The academic research of the students of the Moscow Medical Academy.

б) Прослушайте эти доклады и задайте вопрос каждому выступающему,


Упражнение 1.Прослушайте (прочитайте) и запомните следующие сло­восочетания. Переведите предложения.

  1. WorldHealthOrganization (WHO) Всемирная организация здравоохранения

World Health Organization promotes the development of health ed­ucation in all the countries of the world.

The regional WHO office for Europe is situated in Copenhagen.

  1. to receive nursing training at a specialised secondary school получитьсреднеемедицинскоеобразование (вмедучилище)

My sister received nursing training at a specialised secondary school. SheworksasanurseathospitalNo. 5.

Упражнение 2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором (преподавателем) следующие слова. Обратите внимание на ударения.

internship [in'ta:nfip], patient ['peijbnt], gynaecology [^aini'koladji], scholarship ['skolajip], epidemiological [ep^diimia'bcfeikal], post-grad­uate ['poust'graedjuit], qualification [,kwolifi'keiJn], specialization [,spej3lai'zeijn]

Упражнение 3. Определите, от каких глаголов образованы данные суще­ствительные, и переведите их.

information, achievement, examination, selection, instruction, train­ing, supervision, introduction

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.

Medical Education in Russia

Last year a delegation from the World Health Organization visited Moscow. The delegates were interested in medical education in Russia. Some of them came to the Moscow Medical Academy and had a talk on this subject with Dr. Ivanov, the Dean of the Medical Faculty.

Dr. Conroy: Dr. Ivanov, my colleagues and I are here by the arrange­ment with the World Health Organization. We should like to receive some information on the training of doctors in your country and about the cur­ricula in the medical institutions of higher learning, or medical schools as we call them.

Dean:I'll be happy to answer all your questions.

Dr. Conroy: First of all, would you kindly tell us who has the right to enter a medical school in your country?

Dean: Any citizen of our country who has a complete secondary education may apply to medical school.

Dr. Conroy: Applicants have to take examinations, don't they?

Dean: Yes, quite so. All the applicants are required to take entrance competitive examinations in biology, chemistry, and the Russian lan­guage. And those who obtained the highest marks in the examinations are admitted. Applicants who have finished school with a gold or silver medal are allowed to take only one examination. If they get an excellent mark, they are admitted to the medical school.

Dr. Brown: Would you tell us, please, how your students are instructed?

Dean: The instruction at higher schools is given through lectures, group instruction and practical classes.

Dr. Scott: Is the attendance at lectures and classes voluntary?

Dean: No, it is compulsory for all students.

Dr. Conroy: How is the students' knowledge checked?

Dean: Our academic year begins on September 1st and is divided into two terms of four months each. At the end of each term the students have to pass a number of examinations.

Dr. Brown: We should like to know something about your medical curriculum, if we may.

Dean: Well, the course of study lasts 6 years and covers basic pre­clinical and clinical subjects. In the pre-clinical years the curriculum is uniform for the students of the medical, preventive medicine, stomato^ , logical and pediatric faculties. During the first two years students study physics, general, organic, inorganic and bioTogicai chemistry. The stu­dents also study human anatomy, physiology, histology, microbiology, Latin, a foreign language, and philosophy. Beginning with the third year (■ special clinical subjects are introduced - all branches of internal medi- j cine, surgery, gynaecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, infectious dis- eases and. others. At the end of the third year students take a six-week practical course. They perform the duties of nurses. After their fourth year students take another practical course during which they are ex- I posed to direct doctor-patient communication at the department of internal diseases as well as at the surgical department, and the depart­ment of obstetrics and gynaecology. Working as doctor's assistants, stu­dents master a definite number of medical and diagnostic procedures. Senior students also do a practicum in out-patient clinics. They have to attend lectures, seminars, and clinical conferences as well.

Dr. Conroy: Dr. Ivanov, you've told us about undergraduate clinical training in the Medical Faculty. How does the training course at a medical school end? And what about specialization?

Dean: You see, in our country graduate medical students take a final state examination which includes theoretical questions in internal dis­eases, surgery and obstetrics and gynaecology, as well as in clinical cases. The graduates also have to demonstrate their practical skills. Those who have passed the examination receive their diploma, which certifies them as doctors. Having received a diploma they may either take a one-year internship course qualifying them as general health care spe­cialists, or a two-year residency course qualifying them as narrow spe­cialists.

Dr. Brown: Dr. Ivanov, would you kindly tell us what facilities your doctors have for specialization?

Dean: Interns and residents work under the direct supervision of ex­perienced specialists in clinics and in major hospitals. Medical gradu­ates can also apply for the post-graduate training. For three years post­graduates do research into one of the important problems of modern medicine, prepare a thesis, defend it, and obtain an academic degree of Candidate of Medical Science.

Dr. Conroy: Dr. Ivanov, thank you very much for the talk. Dean: You are most welcome. If you like, I'll gladly show you through some of our clinical hospitals and departments. Dr. Brown: We'd be much obliged to you.

Active Words and Word Combinations

(o apply to a medical schoolподатьзаявлениеопоступлениивмедицинскийинститутapplicantабитуриентcompetitionконкурсcompetitive examinations

конкурсныеэкзаменыentrance examinations

вступительныеэкзаменыto be admitted to the institute

поступить в институт toattendпосещать attendanceпосещение compulsoryобязательный voluntaryсвободный (по желанию)

Упражнение 5. Задайте вопросы, предложения:

toinstructобучать instructionобучение out-patientdepartment (o.p.d.)

поликлиникаin-patient departmentбольница,


Residentординаторesidency (course)ординатураpost-graduateаспирантpost-graduate training (course)

ответами на которые будут следующие
аспирантура thesisдиссертация academicdegreeученая степень

Model: The course of study at medical schools in Russia is six years. What is the course of study at medical schools in Russia? 1. All the applicants take entrance examinations. 2. The attendance at lectures and classes is compulsory for all the students. 3. The instruction at higher schools is given through lectures, group instruction, and practi­cal work. 4. For the first two years students study pre-clinical subjects.

Упражнение 6. Отреагируйте на высказывание собеседника, пользуясь следующей моделью:

Model: I am studing all branches of internal medicine at the Mediacal School. Are you going to be (to become) a physician? 1. I'm a second-year student at the Stomatological Faculty. 2. He is especially interested in surgery. 3. My elder sister studies different kinds of chemistry. 4. My friend is getting on very well at the Faculty of Pre­ventive Medicine. 5. Myfavouritesubjectisobstetricsandgynaecology.

Упражнение 7. Вы беседуете с Раджем Шарма, студентом из Индии, Ответьте на его вопросы.

Raj: Look, when I told my parents that I'd like to become a doctor they advised me to go to Russia. Are foreign students admitted to tho Moscow Medical Academy? You:

Raj: What subjects shall we study in the first two years? You:

Raj: What about the textbooks? Where shall I take them? How much money will I have to pay for the books taken from the library? You:

Raj: Shall we take examinations every year? You:

Raj: When shall we begin specialization in medicine, surgery or ob­stetrics and gynaecology? You:

Упражнение 8. Вы учитесь на 6 курсе лечебного факультета. Расскажите вашим иностранным друзьям о занятиях на выпускном курсе. Исполь- зуйтеследующиесловосочетанияввашейбеседе:

the final year of medical training, to do a practicum at the hospi­tal, to specialise in surgery, to assist at operations, to treat patients, to attend, clinical conferences, lectures, to take final state examina­tions

Упражнение 9. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите согласие. Начнитесвоивысказыванияфразами:

I agree with you that.., I think you are right in saying that...

1.There are many medical schools all over Russia. 2. After the third year medical students perform the duties of nurses. 3.Higher medical education includes six years of general training, one year of specialised training in internship or two years of specialised training in residency.

Упражнение 10. Ознакомьтесь с расписанием занятий студентов 2 курса лечебного факультета Московской медицинской академии. Скажите, как организован учебный процесс, сколько семестров занимаются студенты- медики? Какиепредметыизучаютстуденты 2курса?

Year 2. Third Term (17 weeks). September 1 — December 31.


















Foreign language





Physical training

Year 2. FourthTerm (17 weeks). February 7 — May 31.













History of medicine



History of medicine

Foreign language





Physical training

Introduction to clinical medicine

Упражнение 11. а) Прочтите методические указания к курсу гистологии для студентов 2 курса лечебного факультета Московской медицинской академии.

Г>) Задайте вопрос к каждому предложению. Отвечая на вопросы, расска­жите, как организован этот курс в вашем институте.

The course of histology covers the light and electron microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs in relation to their function. It is designed 1) to acquaint students with cell and tissue structure in corre­lation to their study of biochemistry and physiology and 2) to provide (hem with a working knowledge of normal light microscope morphology as background for their later study of pathology. The lectures will cover cells and their specialisations in specific tissues such as muscle, nerve, epithelium, lymphoid and connective tissue. Descriptions of the struc­ture of various organs will be correlated with their physiological func­tions. The laboratory sessions will give students an opportunity to study the light microscopic structure of normal cells, tissues, and organs and to review in small group sessions the concepts covered in the lectures. Students' knowledge will be evaluated by an oral examination.

Упражнение12.Прочитайте и переведите диалоги. Выучите диалоги наизусть и разыграйте


Antony:Where do you study, Kate?

Kate: I study at the Medical Institute.

Antony: Will you explain to me what you mean? The word «institute** sounds very unusual to the English ear. Is it a college or a kind of| University?

Kate: Well, it's a higher education establishment, which trains stu* i dents to be doctors. You would call it a Medical school.

Antony: By the way, are graduates of Russian medical schools given I degree?

Kate: No, they are not. The Russian system of academic degrees ill different. Russian graduates are given diplomas which certify them ai health care professionals.


Jane: What subjects do students study at your Medical School? j Dmitry: You know, it depends on the faculty and the year they are in.* Jane: Well, let's say the second year of the Medical Faculty. Dmitry: Second-year students study anatomy, physiology, histology,4 microbiology, biochemistry and philosophy. I

Jane: And what about Latin and foreign languages? Dmitry: As for Latin, we study it in the first year. And we study one foreign language — English, French, or German for two years.

Упражнение 13. Студенты вашей группы принимают участие во встрече американских и канадских студентов-медиков. Расскажите гостям о системе высшего медицинского образования в нашей стране, используя следующий план.

1. The rules of admission to a medical institution of higher learning. 2. The instruction of medical students in Russia. 3. Pre-clinical subjects in Medical schools in our country. 4. Clinical subjects. 5. The practicum at Medical schools. 6. Facilities for doing research. 7. The work of young doctors after graduation. 8. Facilities for further training after graduation from Medical school.


Упражнение 1.Прослушайте (прочитайте) и запомните следующие сло­восочетания. Переведите предложения.

  1. the Medical Workers' Union профсоюзмедработниковDoctors, nurses, and all health workers of the hospital are members

of the Medical Workers' Union.

  1. patient's visit to the doctor (syn. doctor's appointment) приемврача, визиткврачу.

District doctors give consultations to ambulant patients during the patients' visits to the polyclinic. 3. maternity consultation centre женскаяконсультацияPregnant women are kept under observation by the doctor of the maternity consultation centre. /)

Упражнение 2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором (преподавателем) следующие слова. / г ,0 .у. ■'V'"'

curative ['kjuorativ], charge [tfarcfc], medicine ['medsn], to acquaint la'kweint], population [,popju'leiJn], prophylaxis [,profi'laeksis], phys­iotherapy ['fizio(u)'0er9pi], ambulance ['aembjulons], arrangement la'reincfcmant], psychiatric [,saiki'aetrik], foetus [Titos], maternity Ima'temiti], research [ri'sa:tf], ischemia [is'kfcmis]

Упражнение 3. Скажите, как с помощью суффикса можно определить, какой частью речи является слово и переведите производные слова следующих лексических гнезд.

to prevent - prevention, preventive; to practise - practice, practical, practitioner; to protect — protection, protective; to detect — detection, detective; to diagnose — diagnosis, diagnostic

Упражнение 4. Назовите признаки, по которым можно определить, что данное слово является производным.

medical, institution, healthy, preventive, curative, examination, in­fectious, prevention, treatment, arrangement

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите текст.

Health Care in Russia

A group of British doctors came to Russia last year in the summer as guests of the Russian Medical Workers' Union. They visited polyclinics and hospitals as well as other medical institutions in Moscow, Tula, St. Petersburg and Omsk. Upon their return the British doctors had a talk with their Russian colleagues.

Dr. Sharland: During our stay in Russia we were kindly acquainted with the health care system in your country. We've seen that health care in Russia, both preventive and curative, is available to the whole population.

Dr. Sharova: Dear colleagues, as to the character of health care in our country, the most distinctive feature of it is the attention paid to pro­phylaxis. One of the main tasks in the fight against various diseases the early detection of the first signs of disease.

Dr. McDonald: Would you tell us how this is done? .

Dr. Sharova: We pay much attention to the health education of the' population. We believe that is one of the main available methods qf j preventing the spread of diseases. For this purpose the press, cinema radio, and television are very helpful.

Dr. Kelly: We were surprised to find out that general practitioners dd ]


not exist in your country. We were told that in your country the primary medical care is provided by polyclinics. We visited some polyclinics^ Your polyclinics are large medical centres employing many doctors and nurses. Polyclinics have their own laboratories and X-ray, physio­therapy, surgical and dental departments. Some have even radiotherapy units.

Dr. Kruglov: I would like to add that we have polyclinics for the adult population of a given area and polyclinics for children. Ambulant pa­tients are seen at the polyclinic by district doctors. Patients who are seriously ill are visited by their district doctor at home.

Dr. Sharland: We've seen that district doctors in your country, like their British colleagues, are on call part of their working day. And how many hours a day does your district doctor work?

Dr. Nikitina: The doctor works 6 hours a day. For the district doctor this is made up of 3 hours seeing patients at the polyclinic and 3 hours in visiting patients in their homes.

Dr. McDonald:And what about your emergency ambulance service?

Dr. Sharova:. The emergency ambulance service operates day апсГnight and is free of charge. In case of an emergency condition one has to dial 03 for a doctor to come. The ambulances are equipped with diagnostic, respiratory, and anaesthetic apparatus, as well as blood-trans- fusion and other devices, which enable the doctor to give emergency surgical and medical treatment.

Dr. Kelly:We saw several specialised hospitals in St. Petersburg for the treatment of particular diseases — infectious and psychiatric diseas­es, cancer, and eye (ophthalmological) diseases and others. In Moscow we visited the Mother-and-Child Health Care Centre. This Centre deals with not only routine problems of obstetrics and gynaecology but also with research in the normal physiology of a female organism starting from an early stage of development.

Dr. Nikitina: I'd like to add that the main task of this Centre is to ensure the birth of a healthy baby. That is why the doctors focus on the problem of the care for the foetus or «intra-uterine patient» as we say. New methods of disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment devel­oped at the Centre are made known to the numerous maternity consul­tation centres of our country which provide health care for expectant mothers starting from the early months of pregnancy.

Dr. Stewart:I for myself, am very much curious to know about pri­vate medical practice and medical insurance in Russia.

Dr.Napalkov: At present, there have emerged a number of private diagnostic and consultation centres, general hospitals and specialised clinics. Medical and health care is provided in line with compulsory and voluntary medical insurance programmmes set up by the state via pri­vate insurance companies.

Dr. Sharland: Dear colleagues, we've seen much of the practice of medicine in Russia. And what are the problems facing medical science in your country?

Dr. Kruglqv: As for scientific problems, medical research is concerned with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, and oncological diseases, as well as infections, HIV and ТВin particular. Medical scientists are doing research into the problems of gerontology, medical genetics, immunology and the development of artificial organs. Modern non-invasive/minimally invasive techniques of the surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease have been introduced, among them coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transloominal coronary angioplasty or intracoronary stenting.

Dr. Sharland: I'd like to thank you for the warm reception and for the opportunity to get acquainted with the health care system in your country. We hope to see a delegation of Russian doctors in Great Brit­ain in the near future. Thanks very much, again.

Active Words and Word Combinations

health care systemсистема

здравоохранения healthcare/service

здравоохранение healtheducationсанитарное

просвещение, пропаганда

здорового образа жизни topreventпредотвращать preventiveпрофилактический preventionпрофилактика tocureизлечивать curativeлечебный

to treatлечить





medicine1 медицина 2 терапия,

консервативное лечение 3

лекарственный препарат tosufferfromстрадать от


unitотделение в стационаре, специализированный кабинет в поликлинике districtdoctorучастковый врач tobeoncallзд. ходить по вызовам, посещать больных на дому emergencyсрочность emergencyambulanceserviceскорая (неотложная) помощь emergentсрочный toemergeзд. появляться,

возникать researchисследование;

исследовательский todoresearch (intotheproblem...) проводить научные исследования (по проблеме...) primarymedicalcareпервичная

медицинская помощь, toprovidemedicalcareоказывать, предоставлять медицинскую помощь toequipоборудовать, снабжать tobeequippedwithбыть оборудованным чем-либо equipmentоборудование Mother-and-ChildHealthCareCentreЦентр охраны здоровья матери и ребенка foetusплод, зародыш «intra-uterinepatient»

«внутриутробныйпациент» private medical practiceчастная

медицинскаяпрактикаmedical insuranceмедицинское

страхованиеscienceнаукаscientistученыйscientificнаучныйHIV (human immunodeficiency virus) ВИЧ (вирусиммунодефицитачеловека) ТВ(tuberculosis)туберкулезcoronary artery bypass grafting аорто-коронарноешунтированиеpercutaneous transloominal coronary angioplasty чрезкожнаятранслюминальнаякоронарнаяангиопластика

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы вашего товарища. Используйте в ответах слова, данные в скобках.

1. What were the British doctors acquainted with? (health care, pre­ventive, curative) 2. What is the characteristic feature of health care in our country? (to pay attention to; prophylaxis) 3. Where is the primary medical care provided? (polyclinic, out-patient department, ambulant patients, district doctor) 4. What do you know about the work of a district doctor? (to be on call, to visit patients in their homes, to see 5. What are the problems facing medical science in our country? (pre­vention, treatment, cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, artifi­cial organs, to do research into, infectious diseases, HIV, ТВ, to intro­duce, modern minimally invasive surgical techniques).

Упражнение 7. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите согласие или несогласие. НачнитесвоиответысословI believe you are right saying that.,или:In my opinion you are not quite right...

1. Prevention of diseases is the main principle of health care 2. in our country. 2. There are private clinics in Russia and some medical institutions are not financed by the state. 3. Large industrial enterpris­es do not provide medical care for the workers. 4. Periodic screening is restricted only to ТВpatients and does not involve patients with hy­pertension, coronary heart diseases, and diseases of the GIT (gastro­intestinal tract).

Упражнение 8. Ваш товарищ работает фельдшером (doctor'sassistant) на станции скорой помощи. Попросите его рассказать, как и кому оказыва­ется скорая медицинская помощь. Используйтеследующиесловосочета­нияввашек^беседе.

emergency medical service, to deal with urgent cases, free of charge, to dial 03 for the doctor to come, blood-transfusion equipment, cases of myocardial infarction, acute heart disease, to handle any emergency, to give emergent treatment

Упражнение 9. Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог. Скажите, какой вопрос обсуждался на занятии по терапии.


Teacher: Dear colleagues, you know, patients are not used to talking about their bodily functions and abnormalities. Very often they cannot easily find the precise words to describe the character of their pain and of the kind of cough ([kof] кашель) that they have, and so on. Today we'll lalk about pain. The words «pain» and «ache» mean the same thing.

Student If «pain» and «ache» mean the same thing, then we may ask our patient if he has an ache in his shoulder, for example. It's correct, isn't it?

Teacher: No, you are mistaken. The thing is that both of these words are nouns but the word «ache» can be used only with the following words to form a compound noun: backache, headache, earache, stom- ach-ache, toothache. For the other parts of the body we say: «I have a pain in my shoulder, chest», etc.

Student: Is it possible to have pain in the back or in the head?

Teacher: Yes, it is possible to have pain in the back, head and stom­ach but this generally refers to a more serious condition than backache, headache and stomach-ache. /

И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М.Б. Вайнштейн 1


Teacher: The word «hurt» is another verb used to express injury and t


pain. So it's absolutely correct when patients describe their complaint! L (жалобы) as: «My chest hurts when I cough» or «My neck hurts when \

I turn my head». It means that coughing causes pain in the chest. f


Упражнение 10. Прочитайте диалог еще раз и объясните разницу в ? употреблении английских слов:«pain», «ache», «hurt».

Упражнение 11. а) Прослушайте (прочитайте) диалог и скажите, какую проблему обсуждают американская студентка и ее подруга из России, которая учится в США; б) прочитайте диалог еще раз и найдите англий­ские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

быть больным, плохо себя чувствовать; слабость в ногах; изме­рять температуру; повышенная температура (жар); посчитать/из­мерить пульс; частый пульс; белый/обложенный язык; воспален­ное горло; заболеть гриппом (подхватить грипп)


Linda: You look rather pale, Marina. Are you ill? Marina: I hope not. But as a matter of fact, I have a headache and I am a little shaky in my legs.

Linda: Did you take your temperature? Marina: I did and I found that I had a slight fever. Linda: Let me have a look at your tongue and feel your pulse. First show me your tongue. It is coated (white, furred), and your pulse is rapid and irregular. Besides, you have a sore throat. Marina: Oh, yes, I see — that's why I'm feeling unwell. Linda: I fear you have caught a bad flu (influenza). You'dbetterseeadoctor.

Упражнение 12. Используя информацию и лексический материал диалога (упр. 11), разыграйте ситуацию, в которой Марина приходит на прием к врачу.

Doctor: Well, what seems to be the problem? Marina:

Doctor: How long have you had this headache? Which part of your head hurts? Marina:

Doctor:Apart from your headache are there any other problems? Marina:

Doctor: I'd just like to examine your mouth. Your tongue is coated. Any other problems? Marina:

Doctor: I am going to check your temperature and I would also like to feel your pulse. Some laboratory tests will be needed as well.

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