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Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов ii курса факультета иностранных языков 1 mood and modality. General characteristics

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А.В. Степанова


in English

Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов II курса факультета иностранных языков

Mood is the form of the verb which shows the relation between the action expressed by the predicate verb and reality. This relation is established by the speaker. Thus the category of mood expresses modality.

The speaker may represent an action as

1) a real fact;

2) something necessary or advisable;

3) something unreal, contrary to reality or very problematic.
There are three Moods in English:

1) the Indicative Mood;

2) the Imperative Mood;

3) the Subjunctive Mood.

1. Actions represented as real facts are expressed by the Indicative Mood. The Indicative Mood is characterized by a great number of tense-aspect forms in the Active or Passive Voice.

e. g. We are writing now.

2. The Imperative Mood expresses a command or a request. The Imperative Mood has only one form which coincides with the infinitive without particle ‘to’. To make a command more expressive we use the emphatic form built up with the help of the stem of the auxiliary verb ‘to do’.

e. g. Be quiet! Do be quiet!

3. Actions represented as unreal are expressed by a great variety of forms.

Thus we have Direct Moods (here belong the Indicative and the Imperative Moods) and the Oblique Moods (or Indirect Moods).

We use the Oblique Moods to express a wish, purpose, supposition, doubt or condition problematic or contrary to reality. There are four Oblique Moods in English:

1. Subjunctive I

e.g. Long live our Motherland!

2. Subjunctive II

e.g. If it were spring now!

3. The Conditional Mood

e.g. What would you do in my place?

4. The Suppositional Mood.

e.g. If I should see her, I'll be very glad.

Subjunctive I and Subjunctive II have synthetical forms: in Subjunctive I – 'be' for all persons; in Subjunctive II – 'were' for all persons.

The Conditional and Suppositional Moods are formed analytically – they are built up by means of auxiliary verbs.

Modality may be expressed by different means:

1. By mood forms of the verb

e. g. Take a book!

He was here yesterday.

If he were here!

2. The speaker may represent the action as necessary or unnecessary, possible or impossible, certain or doubtful by means of modal verbs:

e. g. You can see her now.

You must answer the question.

He may be at school.

3. By the modal words and expressions:

e. g. Perhaps, he'll come tomorrow.

He is at home, for sure.

I doubt that he is at home.

Ex. 1. Translate into Russian. Analyze the Direct and Indirect Moods.

1. My children ask me too many questions. 2. Now, ask your question! Go ahead! 3. Steve was sure that his teacher would answer all his questions. 4. I wouldn’t ask you this question if I knew the answer. 5. Do relax! There is no hurry. Take your time. 6. I shall ask you for support if any need arises. 8. I know that you will do it as soon as you can. 9. I know that you would do it as soon as you could. 10. He promised he would go there if he had a chance. 11. I should go if I had time. Time is money, you know. 12. “You could do it if you tried.” “Shall I really make an effort?” 13. You could have done it if you had tried! 14. It would have been most helpful if you had done the washing. 15. If the ancient Egyptians had not had slaves, they would not have been able to build the Pyramids. 16. But for our books we would be ignorant and unaware of so many things! 17. I know you are a great man. But your greatness would be enhanced if you said "Sorry". 18. If it weren't for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn't get done. 19. If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you would get some change. 20. If you want to be happy, be.
Ex.2. Translate into English, use the Imperative Mood.

1. Относитесь к этому легче. 2. Замри! Вольно! 3. Улыбнитесь и расслабьтесь! 4. Давайте не будем ссориться! 5. Бюрократы! Боже, спаси меня от них! 6. Будь собой! 7. Ну, ну, дорогая, не плачь! 8. Никогда не доверяйте незнакомым людям. 9. Откройте широко рот и скажите “А”! 10. Никогда, никогда не пререкайтесь со мной! 11. Голосуйте за нашего кандидата! 12. Пусть играет музыка, пусть поют голоса, (давайте) будем вместе до конца! 13. Не обращайте внимания на собачку, она просто играет. 14. Не смейте опять делать что-то через мою голову (to go over one's head). 15. Держись от меня подальше! Проваливай! 16. Сохраняй спокойствие! 17. Наслаждайся жизнью! 18. Берегитесь воров! 19. Парковки нет! 20. Здесь не курят! 21. Не волнуйся! Будь счастлив!



Subjunctive Irepresents an action as problematic but not as contradicting to reality. It is used to express order, request, suggestion, supposition, etc.

It has no tenses. The same form is used in the present, past, and future. It coincides with the infinitive without particle ‘to’.

e. g. He ordered that he be present.

He suggested that Tom come.

The formal difference between Subjunctive I and the Indicative has almost disappeared. The only forms in which Subjunctive I differs from the Present Indicative are:

1. In the verb 'to be' (without changes).

2. In all other verbs where the form of the 3d person singular has no ‘-s’ inflection.

Subjunctive I is rather obsolete. In many cases, when it was used in earlier periods we find now the Indicative. But it is preserved in poetry, high prose or in the language of official documents. It is also found in some set-expressions and slogans.

  • Success attend you.

  • Be yours a happy life!

  • So be it! Be it so!

  • God forbid!

  • God bless you!

  • Come what will!

  • Confound smth!

  • Damn it!

  • Suffice it to say that...

  • Far be it from me (to do smth)

Ex. 3 Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the use of Subjunctive I.

1. A fine day, thanks be to God. 2. Well, be that as it may. 3. "If you go, we go too." "So be it." 4. Damn those roads! 5. She raised the glass. "God bless you, Liam, and long life." 6. "God save all here," Delvin announced cheerfully. 7. He kicked the starter. "God protect me from this monstrous regiment of women," he said and drove away.

Ex.4. Comment on Subjunctive I. Translate into Russian.

1. Far be it from me to marry a woman for her money! 2. Be that as it may, but I know nothing about it. 3. Peace be with you! Success attend you! 4. Blessed be the day of his birth! 5. If it means that one day I will face execution for my presumption, then so be it. 6. Blessed be he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 7. Manners be hanged! 10. Be yours a lucky choice!

Ex. 5. Translate into English.

1. К черту эту английскую орфографию! 2. Да будет благословенна земля, которая дает миру таких сынов! 3. Ну что же, я сдаюсь. Да будет так! 4. Пусть вам сопутствует удача! 5. Да благословит вас Бог! 6. Будь что будет, а я все-таки рискну. 7. Достаточно сказать, что он уже несколько раз попадал в аварию. 8. Я далек от того, чтобы обвинять тебя в этом преступлении.


Subjunctive II has two tenses: the Present and the Past.

The forms of Present Subjunctive do not differ from the forms of the Past Indicative except the verb 'to be' in singular. There is only one form of the verb 'to be' for all persons singular and plural – 'were'. Nowadays we can hear the form 'was' in colloquial speech.

The present Subjunctive refers an action to the present or to the future.

e. g. If only I were young again!

If only I could speak English!

If only he came in time!

The Continuous form of Present Subjunctive II shows the action in process.

e.g. If only she were not singing so loudly!

The Past Subjunctive refers the action to the past. Its form coincides with the Past Perfect Indicative.

e. g. If I hadn't quarrelled with her!

If I could have persuaded her!

The Perfect Continuous form of Subjunctive II shows that the action began in the past, was in process during some period of time and is still going on.

e.g. If only they hadn’t been waiting so long!

Subjunctive II denotes:

1) wish

If only somebody did( had done)smth

e. g. Oh, if only he gave me a job!

Oh, if she had taken my advice then!

2) advice

somebody had better do (not do) smth

e. g. You had better do it at once.

You had betternot tell her about it.

NB! No particle 'to' before the notional verb!

3. preference

Somebody had (would) rather (sooner) do smth

not do smth

e. g. I 'd rather stay at home.

I had much rather not interfere.

If only

Oh, if

Oh, that



did smth

could do smth

might do smth

were doing

had been

had done smth

had been doing

could have done smth

might have done smth

Ex. 6 Read and translate the sentences. Analyze the form of Subjunctive II.

1. If only their answer were not so vague! 2. If you only knew what Dorian Gray is to me! 3. What had that doctor done with her? If only she were still alive! 4. Oh, if it were only the other way! If the picture could change, and I could be always what I am now! 5. Oh, that he believed me! 6. If I only had told Roger! 7. And what if he really were one of them? 8. If only I could have learnt it a day earlier! 9. If only I could help you! 10. Oh, if she might get there in time.
Ex.7. Change the form of the verb in the sentences to refer the action to the past.


Ifonly you trusted me more. — If only you had trusted me more.

1. If only somebody saw him! 2. If only there was another way out! 3. Oh, if she agreed to wait a week longer! 4. Oh, that it were not too late! 5. If only they did not frighten him! 6. If only the time were not so short! 7. If only I knew her better! 8. Oh, if you gave me a break! 9. Oh, if you did it right!

Ex. 8. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If we (to give) thought to it at the time! 2. Oh, he (not to be) late the other day! 3. If only it (to be) true! 4. If you (can help) her! 5. Oh, that I (to realize) the importance of it before! 6. If there (to be) the slightest possibility! 7. If they (to know) the kind of man he was! 8. If only someone (to warn) me then. 9. Oh, if you never (to go) there.
Ex. 9. Transform the verb into the Present or Past Subjunctive to express an unreal wish.

Model: Simon smokes too much. If Simon didn't smoke so much!

It was foggy yesterday. If it hadn't been foggy yesterday!

1. It's autumn now. 2. He isn't my friend. 3. She wasn't my teacher. 4. This dress isn't my size. 5. I'm not happy about it. 6. The bag was too expensive. 7. I am a dreamer. 8. My holiday wasn't long. 9. This money isn't mine. 10. The party is very dull. 11. The secretary isn't efficient. 12. The car was out of order. 13. The boss is out. 14. We were scared. 15. English phonetics is so difficult! 16. Uncountable nouns are so misleading! 17. Our neighbours visit us every weekend. 18. He didn't notice me. He ignored me. 19. I don't often meet my school friends now. 20. The children don't obey their grandparents. 21. Emma had too much work to do last week. 22. I have to work even on Sunday. 23. Theresa didn't help her mother about the house. 24. The dog eats too much meat. 25. Nobody knew his address or telephone number. 26. I don't speak English fluently. 27. They have no chance to travel. 28. Ridge makes friends too easily. 29. Nelly went there too late. 30. She doesn't often go to the theatre. 31. My sister buys too many things.
Ex. 10. Translate into English.

1. Ax, если бы он был сейчас здесь! 2. Ах, если бы вы знали тогда всю правду! 3. Ах, если бы вы сами все это видели! 4. Он выступал первым. Ах, если бы вы слышали, как он говорил! 5. Теперь уже поздно. Ах, если бы вы мне вовремя сказали! 6. Если бы ты только понимал, как это глупо! 7. Теперь они смеются надо мной. Ах, если бы я не показывал им эти стихи! 8. Ах, если бы мама об этом никогда не узнала! 9. Ах, если бы только я сдала этот экзамен! 10. Ах, если бы погода завтра была хорошей! 11. Ах, если бы вы могли понять меня правильно! 12. Ах, если бы мы смогли переправиться на тот берег реки сегодня! 13. Если бы это могло повториться! 14. Если бы только этого не случилось! 15. Ах, если бы всегда было так. 16. Если бы он понимал, на какой риск он идет. 17. Если бы был хотя бы один шанс из десяти! 18. Если бы я встретил его раньше! 19. Если бы вы только знали, как я волновался.


Somebody had better

do smth

not do smth

Ex. 11 . Translate into Russian.

1. He had better take the metro. 2. I think I had better go to bed. 3. They had better try their luck another time. 4. We had better start at once. 5. You had better take a couple of aspirins and try to sleep. 6. She had better see a doctor about it. 7. I think you had better have a look at that yourself. 8. You had best read this letter. 9. He said I'd better go, so I went. 10. Maybe you'd better look for somebody else.
Ex. 12. Translate into English.

1. Вам лучше ехать до центра на метро. 2. Ему лучше пересесть у Парка культуры. 3. Лучше не пытайтесь сделать это сегодня. 4. По-моему, мне лучше не вмешиваться. 5. Лучше запишите его адрес. 6. Лучше не стойте здесь. 7. Лучше объясните ей, что делать. 8. Лучше пишите карандашом. 9. Ей лучше не ехать на юг. 10. Лучше, чтобы кто-нибудь остался здесь. 11. Лучше, чтобы кто-нибудь сказал ей об этом. 12. Им лучше не купаться в день приезда. 13. Лучше, чтобы кто-нибудь предупредил ее. 14. Лучше говорите немножко погромче.
Ex.13. Give advice.


1) I think he is losing weight. (to smoke) – He had better not smoke so much.

2) I couldn't sleep. That tooth is troubling me again. (to go to the dentist). –

You had better go to the dentist first thing today.

3) Should I take her along? (not) – You had better not.

1. The dress is too short for her. – (to let it out a little). 2. The wind is getting fresher – (to steer to the shore). 3. The evenings are cool here. – (to wear a sweater). 4. It certainly looks like rain and plenty of it. – (to give up that walk). 5. He's been working at it since lunch. – (to take a rest). 6) I must go to work after lunch. – (to take the bus). 7. I wonder if I should let him go. – (not). 8. Do you think I should ask him too? – (not). 9. What's wrong with this stew? It doesn't taste right. – (to add some butter and cook it a little longer). 10. Oh, how my feet hurt! – (not to wear high heels when shopping).
Ex. 14. Give advice.

Model: You oughtn't to eat so much sweet.

You had better not eat so much sweet.

1. I think we ought to stop now. 2. If you feel tired, you ought to stop and have a rest. 3. If you want to go by the eight o'clock train, you ought to hurry. 4. What do you think I ought to read? 5. The doctor told her that she ought to stay in bed. 6. It is not advisable for children to sit in front of a television set all evening. 7. It's already late. Ought not the children to go to bed? 8. I think we have lost our way. We ought to ask someone to show us the way. 9. I advise you to try on another dress. This dress is too tight for you. 10. It's getting dark. We ought to switch on the light. 11. The ice is too thin yet. You ought not to allow the children to skate on the lake.


had (would) rather (sooner)

do smth

not do smth

Ex. 15. Translate into Russian.

1. I’m sure they’d much rather have some sandwiches to eat on the way. 2. She’s not at all musical. She’d much rather see a good film. 3. She hates to be in people’s way. Of course she’d much rather stay at a hotel. 4. Would you rather stay at home to-night? 5. The weather is so fine. I’d rather walk at least part of the way. 6. I’d rather not have any lunch to-day. 7. Which would you rather take? 8. You know I would much sooner dance with you. 9. I'd much rather go away. 10. I'd rather stay here, if it's no trouble, 11. I'm nervy, headachy, I'd rather go alone. 12. She would sooner see you killed in action.
Ex. 16. Translate into English.

1. Я лучше выпью чашку чаю. 2. Чем тебе больше хочется заняться? 3. Куда ты больше хочешь пойти? 4. Ты бы хотела сейчас пообедать? 5. Я бы предпочла об этом не говорить. 6. Я бы предпочла не вмешиваться. 7. По-моему, она предпочтет сделать это сама. 8. Они предпочли бы комнату побольше. 9. Он предпочел бы не оставаться там ни на день. 10. Не ходите туда, если вам не хочется.
Ex. 17. Express a preference.


1) We're going to the pictures. Are you coming? – (not). – I'drather not.

2) Shall we take a taxi? – (to walk). – I'drather walk.

1. Let's go and have lunch now! – (to stay here a little longer). 2. Do you want a glass of beer? – (to have coffee). 3. Do you want to take the children along? – (not). 4. What do you want to do to-night? – (to go to the theatre). 5. Do you want to stay or go? – (to stay). 6. Do you want to speak to her now? – (not). 7. Let's go and play! – (to sit in the shade and watch). 8. Will you dance? – (not). 9. Would you like a piece of cake with your coffee? – (to have some bread and butter). 10. Do you ask her too? – (not).

Ex.18.Respond to the utterances using had better, would rather (sooner), if only.

1. I am going to say what's in my mind, and please don't be angry. 2. He spoiled it all. 3. I've got some news for you. 4. You never really got on at all. 5. What do you intend to do? 6. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 7. What's the good of talking about it anymore? 8. You know everything there is to know. 9. You are going to make me think I didn't make a mistake. 10. Don't you believe it? 11. Buy yourself a guidebook, why don't you? 12. You don't have to worry about that. 13. She decided to enjoy herself. 14. How would you like to go to the country with me tomorrow? 15. I didn't want you to take too much to heart what I said. 16. I can see that with half an eye. 17. I'm afraid we'll be the last. 18. Well, we must stop here. 19. It would be a waste of time. 20. Let's go for a walk before supper. 21. Yes, I thought that was good too. 22. Let's have eggs and bacon for breakfast this morning. 23. Nina has a bad cold.
Ex. 19. Translate into English.

1. Вам лучше бы договориться с ним о встрече сначала по телефону. Вы можете не застать его дома, если пойдете к нему без звонка. 2. Я предпочла бы остаться дома. Может быть, Вы пойдете в кино без меня? 3. Если бы Вы только могли видеть ее дочурку! Она такая очаровательная. 4. Тебе лучше бы выключить телевизор и сесть за уроки. 5. Если бы только она могла забыть все, что случилось! 6. Я предпочла бы, чтобы Вы позвонили им сами. Я с ними очень мало знакома. 7. Вы лучше бы послали им телеграмму. Тогда они обязательно встретят Вас. 8. Вам лучше поторопиться. Поезд сейчас отойдет. 9. Я советовала бы Вам купить билеты заранее. 10. Я предпочла бы не говорить об этом. 11. Я не очень люблю кофе. Я охотнее выпила бы чашку крепкого чая. 12. Вода сегодня холодная. Детям лучше бы не купаться. 13. Нам лучше пойти пешком. Так полезно пройтись после работы. 14. Слезами горю не поможешь. Лучше возьми себя в руки и успокойся. 15. Если бы только он мог помочь нам! 16. Если бы только я знал об этом заранее. 17. Вам лучше отнести платье в химчистку.
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