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  • REVISION Ex. 189. Read, translate the sentences, analyze the moods and state the type of the subordinate clause.

  • Ex. 190. Analyze the use of the oblique moods in the sentences. State the type of the clause.

  • Ex. 191. Fill in the blanks.

  • Ex. 192 .

  • Ex. 193. Open the brackets using the right mood of the verb in brackets.

  • Ex. 194. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the Oblique Mood.

  • Ex. 196. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the Oblique Mood.

  • Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов ii курса факультета иностранных языков 1 mood and modality. General characteristics

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    In adverbial clauses of concession introduced by conjunctions ‘though, although, whatever, no matter, whoever, whenever, however’ the Suppositional Mood, Subjunctive I or the form ‘may + infinitive’ is used (usually with reference to the future). In the principal clause the Future Indefinite or the Imperative Mood is used.

    e.g. Though he should make every effort, he won’t succeed.

    However hard it rain, we’llhave to go.

    Whatever he may say, I won’t change my mind.
    Ex. 186. Translate into Russian. Analyze the forms.

    1. Whatever you should see, keep silent. 2. Wherever he should go, he’ll find friends. 3. However hard it be, don't give up. 4. Wherever he should be, he’ll fall asleep. 5. Whatever they should say, don't argue. 6. No matter how hard he should try to please her, she will not notice him.
    Ex. 187. Translate into English.

    1. Как бы она ни пыталась, ей не удастся его уговорить. 2. Что бы вы ни делали, вы не сможете исправить положение. З. Куда бы вы ни уехали, я всюду отыщу вас. 4. Что бы вы ни говорили, я все равно не смогу ему поверить. 5. Когда бы вы ему ни позвонили, он всегда дома. 6. К кому бы вы ни обратились, вам все равно не помогут.
    Ex. 188. Translate into English.

    1. Что бы ты ни говорил, но она лучше, чем ты. 2. Как бы ты ни старался, тебе не получится занять первое место. 3. Когда бы вы ни захотели меня видеть, я всегда буду рад встречи с вами. 4. Кого бы он ни попросил, все ему откажут, потому что как бы он ни старался, ему уже никто не поверит. 5. Где бы ты ни жил, везде тебе повстречаются добрые люди. 6. Как бы она ни плакала, судья ей не поверит. 7. Что бы я ни прочитал, мне ничего не нравится. 8. Куда бы вы ни поехали, ФБР вас везде найдет. 9. Как бы ты ни ругалась на меня, я все равно не обижусь. 10. Где бы ты ни жил, ты всегда будешь помнить свою ошибку. 11. Как бы Мэг ни старалась, она не сможет это выучить. 12. Что бы ты ни придумал, мы не сможем заплатить такой долг.


    Ex. 189. Read, translate the sentences, analyze the moods and state the type of the subordinate clause.

    1. It was arranged that Bill should slip a note into the door of his room. 2. God forbid that I should condemn you, whatever you have done. 3. I wish she had brought you up properly. 4. I only suggest that the doctor should be sent for. 5. If, on the other hand, you decide to back him as chairman, so be it. 6. If I had known that she was so ill, I would have come at once. 7. Everything within her was passive, as though her feelings had already died. 8. It's not right that he should sit here. 9. I wish we'd gone to a movie. 10. If I could live here, I might be really happy. 11. "Well, I would give anything to be just like Lord Illingworth." "I would sooner see you dead." 12. Peace be with you, my children. 13. I wish you were not so obstinate. 14. He feared lest she should be back too soon. 15. If I were very rich, I should buy her a car. 16. It was only natural that he should be afraid of the big animal at first. 17. Were I in your place I should never forgive him. 18. I must do what my father would have done in the same circumstances. 19. I wish I had seen the Owens, I wish I knew what they were like. 20. I'd better be getting back. 21. He had better be left in peace. 22. It's very unfortunate that all this should have happened to her. 23. Could I have forseen her reaction I would never have uttered a word. 24. Should they come, tell them I'll soon be back. 25. What I'd like to know is what happened here afterwards. 26. I'd be happy if he could have saved all this money. 27. He carried a candle in one hand, and though he was wearing a hat pulled down over his eyes, his voice would have betrayed him anywhere. 28.
    Ex. 190. Analyze the use of the oblique moods in the sentences. State the type of the clause.

    1. The orders are that we stay here. 2. Oh, I wish the July holidays were here! 3. It was Harran who first suggested that his brother, Lyman, be put forward as the candidate for this district. 4. I had not seen him for a year and more, but he looked up at me as if I'd been in yesterday. 5. She neither looked nor spoke to Florence now, but went on as if she were alone. 6. I should prefer not to be interviewed on the subject. 7. He was a man careful with his statements lest he should be unjust to somebody. 8. If only one were like birds! 9. I wish you had not put yourself to so much trouble. 10. I think I'd sooner have the other one. 11. It was growing dark, and I began to fear I should find nothing of importance before nightfall. 12. It's curious that their mother's blood should have worked so differently in her two sons. 13. I wish one of you would tell me what it was I said that was so funny. 14. It is necessary that every crack should be covered; also between the floor and the door. 15. You had better come with me. 16. The phone did not stop, and it sounded as if it never would stop as long as she lived. 17. What if things had been different? 18. She'd never have made the money that paid for your education if it hadn't been for my advice and help. 19. A real change of air and surroundings would be very helpful. 20. Mr. Domby proposed that they should start. 21. In the bleak morning hours it was perhaps natural that her mind should go back to the previous afternoon. 22. You would be much happier now if you had taken my advice. 23. If you should happen to change your mind, I'm always ready to take this off your hands. 24. He thought how hard the wind was blowing, and how the cold sharp rain would be at that moment beating in his face, if he were not comfortably at home. 25. It is high time that you did it. 26. All good attend you, my dear! 27. But you must be amongst beautiful things in the country even if it were only a little cottage. 28. He always had his vacations in winter in order that he might enjoy winter sports. 29. Whatever the reason be, the fact remains.
    Ex. 191. Fill in the blanks.

    1. Не also insists that you ... an attempt to leave the country. (to make) 2. What the committee fears is that the liberal party … . (to take offence) 3. God ... that I ... that to you. (to forbid, to say). 4. I hid the paper under the cushion of the chair so that Maxim ... it. (to see) 5. I'm terribly sorry you ... that of me. (to think) 6. I ... badly off without your friendship. (to be). 7. Does it surprise you that I ... so shocked? (to be) 8. I was afraid I ... of excitement on the spot. (to die) 9. I ... sooner ... him dead. (to see) 10. They ... him unless he ... his mouth. (to kill, to keep) 11. His face was twisted as if he ... . (to be about to weep) 12. If only it ... on that particular day! (to happen). 13. He left orders that no phone calls ... to him until evening. (to put through). 14. I wish you ... just now. (to go). 15. But for the war his illness ... never. (to develop) 16. What a pity the lad ... so lazy! (to be) 17. ... it all! (to dash) 18. Each, perhaps unconsciously, had a desire that the voyage ... for ever. (to last) 19. He looked as though he ... with joy. (to fill) 20. I tell you that so that you ... careful. (to be) 21. He was annoyed that Gemma ... tactless enough to follow his example. (to be) 22. It is just possible that certain difficult ties ... . (to arise) 23. I don't know anybody here. I ... rather ... the place. (to leave) 24. If only I ... Roger about your letter. (to tell) 25. He felt uneasy lest we ... his real intention. (to misunderstand) 26. She felt, too, that the woman ... much more if he ... there. (to say, not to be) 27. If David Maxton ... me in time, Kane … my hotels and ... them. And where ... I ... now if he ... his way? (not to rescue, to take away, to sell, to be, to have) 28. The man had walked past him as if he ... there. (not to be) 29. It was Lester's wish that I ... your next chairman. (to be) 30. But for you I ... long ago. (to leave). 31. My trip demanded that I ... my name and my identity at home. (to leave) 32. So I telephoned to Bobby and suggested that he ... down here. (to come) 33. Isn't it required that you ... your name first? (to give) 34. I wish I ... he was your friend. (to know) 35. You ... better ... us go. (to let) 36. I'm extremely sorry that you ... me capable of the act. (to think) 37. Still, it is impossible that he ... you out. (to find) 38. But it was as if the forces of darkness ... on me; all I wanted was to get home. (to press) 39. I ... anything on earth to go away with you. (to give) 40. But for you, we ... dead in about an hour's time. (to be) 41. It was high time he ... . (to come) 42. God ... you all, my friends. (to bless) 43. He tried to visualize how he ... the hotel if he ... to be seen. (to leave, not to want) 44. William ... the investment, ... he ... at the bank. (to back, to work) 45. You know what he suggested we ... , Max? (to do)46. Strange that he ... the brother of Mrs. Cayman. (to be) 47. It was important that the body ... . (to identify).
    Ex. 192. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Oblique Moods. Translate into Russian.

    1. He brightened as if he__a gift. (to receive) 2. I wish you __ me alone now. (to leave) 3. It's time I __ it out again from the beginning. (to think) 4. When I suggested that he __ to bed he said he could not sleep. (to go) 5. ...glancing sidelong at his nephew, he thought: "I wish I __ his age!" (to be) 6. "God __ us always," I said, "from the innocent and the good." (to save) 7. She held her baby up to the window that she __ the pretty silvery tinkle of the little bells on the pagoda. (to hear) 8. For a fortnight it was necessary that someone __ with him all night, and she took turns at watching with her husband. (to stay) 9. Lady Bracknell, I admit with shame that I do not know. I only wish I____ . (to do) 10. Except for the unexpectedly sad lines which ran from his nose to the corners of his mouth he __ like a boy. (to look) 11. Her face looked strange, as if she __ to cry and __ how. (to want, to forget) 12. But I still don't begin to understand why these people, however silly they __ about their beliefs, __ ready to risk murder. (to be, to be) 13. Heaven __ me, I left you alone with that scoundrel. (to forgive) 14. He was still puffing and blowing as if he __ just __ a mile. (to run) 15. I regret to say, Miss Chiltern, that I have no influence at all over my son. I wish I___ . If I __, I know what I __ him do. (to have, to have, to make) 16. "I want to marry Aileen," Cowperwood repeated, for emphasis sake. "She wants to marry me. Under the circumstances, however you __, you can have no real objection to my doing that, I am sure." (to feel) 17. Besides, it's high time you __ down. (to settle) 18. She ran down to her cabin that she __ the ship pulling away. (not to see) 19. I wish you __ me. (not to interrupt) 20. Far __ it from me to marry any woman on account of her money. (to be) 21. Your father tells me you think highly of his accomplishments whatever they___ . (to be) 22. A little later Fox suggested that he __ her a monthly allowance, in addition to the rent of the room. (to pay) 23. She __ to bed last night just as if nothing __ if I __ her. (to go, to happen, to let) 24. Perhaps, if such a thing __ again, Mrs.de Winter will tell me personally? (to happen) 25. My people told me this story about the man so that I __ what a fool he was and not be like him. (to understand) 26. I am feeling very drowsy, and it is time I __ to bed. (to go) 27. As she spoke to me she was glancing about the bar, her gaze hopping from one face to the next, as if it __ imperative that she __ nothing of what was going on in a shrivelling world, no matter how trivial it ___ . (to be, to miss, to be) 28. I wish you __ with your work instead of interrupting me all the time. (to get on) 29. She proposed that in a little while she and I __ married. (to get) 30. Anything's better than to sit there as if you __ you __ a thousand miles away. (to wish, to be)
    Ex. 193. Open the brackets using the right mood of the verb in brackets.

    1. – Fiona (get) the job if she (know) computers. – What a shame! 2. If they (be) more careful and (lock) her flat the burglars (break in). 3. If the head master (be) here he (tell) us what to do. 4. If I (have) enough money next year I (go) to Cyprus. 5. Do you think it (be) a good idea if we (phone) the police? 6. Well, honey, what you (say) if I (ask) you to marry me? 7. We (go) and see the Lovedays tomorrow if we (know) the address. 8. If we (have) time next Sunday we (go hiking). 9. If Mason not (be) so shortsighted he (notice) the change in the figures at once. 10. We not (be) in such a tough situation now if you (make) all the arrangements beforehand. 11. If you (be) a stamp collector at the beginning of the 1840s, you (have) no problem in getting an example of every different stamp in the world. After all, there were only two! For 1840 was the year the postage stamp was invented. 12. Her daughter-in-law was coming toward her; she looked as if she (walk) on air, so graceful was she. As if she not (have) two kids. 13. I'm sure Gideon not (make) the announcement if he not (be) deeply in love with Lenore. I just wish the situation (be) a little less complicated. 14. This (be) a headache years ago; now all the programs are computer-aided. 15. If you (have) 30 children and (be asked) which is your favourite you (have) to say that the youngest, because they are the ones who still need you the most.
    Ex. 194. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the Oblique Mood.

    1. If it (to be) all the same to me, I (not to come) and (to talk) to you. 2. (to be) there some more of us, it (to take) only a few days to get through with it. 3. Both of them fell to their roles as though they (to be born) to them, as though it (to be) in their blood, as though they (to be guided) by an instinct. 4. I wished I (not to dwell) upon that occasion. 5. No sooner had I closed the door behind him than I felt as if something very evil just (to leave) the room. 6. But for his stupid jokes I (to stay) there longer. 7. It's time you (to understand) that this is no joke. 8. I didn't say anything just then but I certainly wish I (to say) something. 9. If he (to find) me in his office he (to be) furious. 10. I wish you (not to speak) to me as if I (to be) a police inspector. 11. If I (to be) your mother I (to insist) on your going. 12. He looked the room over as if he (to think) of renting it. 13. I wish I (to know) it was birthday, Lady Windermere, I (to cover) the whole street in front of your house with flowers for you to walk. 14. If I (to have) a right I (to sit) down at the piano for hours. I wish I (can) buy it. 15. He felt as if his troubles (not to be) very serious. 16. Indeed, with more hair and less collar, he (to look) completely Byronic.
    Ex. 195. Translate into English.

    1. Боюсь, как бы мы не опоздали к началу концерта. 2. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты прочитала его письмо. 3. Жаль, что глава III была такой трудной. 4. Поторопись, босс требует, чтобы бумаги были принесены немедленно. 5. Мне очень жаль, что ты неверно меня понял. 6. Я настаиваю, чтобы все научились работать с компьютером. 7. Было очень скучно, и мы уже пожалели, что купили билеты на это шоу. 8. Я хочу, чтобы все чувствовали себя как дома. 9. Меня очень раздражает, что телевизор у соседей вечно включен на полную мощность. 10. Я очень рада, что вы, наконец, пришли навестить меня. 11. Кто распорядился, чтобы бригада приступила к работе так поздно? 12. Декан настаивал на том, чтобы студенты начинали писать рефераты уже на втором курсе. 13. Все согласились с тем, чтобы тесты начинались как можно раньше. 14. Жаль, что ты не прислушался к их совету. 15. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы все студенты группы прочли эту книгу. 16. По правде сказать, я очень боялась, как бы дети не потеряли деньги. 17. Жаль, что ты не мог вчера приехать. 18. Няня говорила очень тихо, опасаясь, что разбудит больного. 19. Тебя не беспокоит, что из-за этой игрушки дети могут поссориться? 20. Меня очень удивило, что никто не опоздал.
    Ex. 196. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the Oblique Mood.

    1. Elizabeth gave him a look that some years before (to please) him. 2. If you (to tell) me you wanted to come I (to send) to you a formal invitation. 3. The attempt at a smile made him look as if he (to be) sea-sick. 4. A huge stone stands in this deserted place as if it (to take up) here by a giant. 5. A few years ago in a storm like this an airport (to close) completely. Now it did not. 6. He always looked as if he (to need) a good meal. 7. I tell you straight, if it (not to be) for you, I (to pick up) my things and (to leave). 8. It seemed as if his family troubles just (to begin). 9. If you (to do) this a year ago there (to be) some use in it. 10. "I wish I (to know) where we are going," she repeated for the twentieth time. 11. He spoke curiously as if he (to be) nearly in tears, as if he, not she, (to suffer) from strain. 12. Two or three steps farther and her life (to be) in danger. 13. (to be) Irene present, the family circle (to be) complete. 14. To his surprise Mrs. Garnet was not so much opposed to the notion as he (to expect). 15. He sounded breathless on the telephone as though he (to run). 16. But for her self-control the mystery (to be) at an end tonight. 17. If you (to spend) money for a decent doctor when she was so sick she never (to know) morphine existed!
    Ex. 197. Translate into English.

    1. Англичане говорят, что подкову нужно вешать концами вверх, чтобы удача не вывалилась. 2. Застегните пальто, чтобы не простудиться. Вам следует больше заботиться о своем здоровье. 3. Они вынуждены были говорить шепотом, чтобы никто их не услышал. 4. Она сделала вид, будто ищет что-то в карманах, чтобы никто не заметил ее волнения. 5. Давайте сядем и поговорим, чтобы не было недоразумений. 6. Давай возьмем такси, чтобы не пропустить поезд. 7. Мать закрыла балкон, чтобы шум не разбудил ребенка. 8. Он надвинул шляпу на глаза, чтобы его не узнали. 9. И вдруг ему стало душно, и он ухватился за спинку стула, чтобы не упасть. 10. Что-то меня клонит в сон. Давай выпьем по чашечке кофе, чтобы не заснуть. 11. Разведчикам пришлось двигаться очень осторожно, чтобы враг не услышал их. 12. Дети были взволнованы, они опасались, как бы кто-нибудь из старших не вошел до того, как они упакуют рождественские подарки. 13. Уберите книги в шкаф, чтобы они не запылились. 14. Мне нужно просушить вещи, чтобы их не испортила моль. 15. Закрой тюбик клея, чтобы он не засох. 16. Закрой окно, прежде чем включить свет, чтобы не налетели комары. 17. Смой косметику перед сном, чтобы не было аллергии.
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