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Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов ii курса факультета иностранных языков 1 mood and modality. General characteristics

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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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I Sentences of real condition.

In the principal clause of a complex sentence the Future Indicative is used, while in the subordinate clause of real condition the Present Indicative or the Imperative Mood is used.

e. g. If you ask him, he will help.
II Sentences of unreal condition.

In the principal clause of this kind of sentences the Conditional Mood is used and in the subordinate clause of unreal condition Subjunctive II is used. In both clauses the Oblique Moods usually have the same tense-forms.

e. g. If you knew him better, you wouldn't think so.

If you hadn't stopped in time, you would have got into the accident.
Note I The conjunction ‘if’has several equivalents:

a) in case has the same meaning as ‘if’ but it is less common in colloquial speech.

b) unless has the meaning of ‘if +not’ and is more emphatic. The ‘unless’ clause usually comes second.

e. g. He would come in case he knew your address.

I would have missed the train unless the taxi had arrived earlier.
Note II The same mood-forms are used in complex sentences with the subordinate clause of concession:

e. g. Even if (though) he were here, he wouldn't help us.

Even if he had convinced her then, she wouldn't have agreed.
Note III Sometimes to emphasize the absence of the necessary circumstances inverted word order is used and conjunction ‘if’ is omitted.

e. g. Had you seen this film, you would have enjoyed it immensely.
III Mixed conditionals.

a) The condition may refer to the past while the result refers to the present or future. In this case in the subordinate clause of unreal condition Past Subjunctive II is used and in the principal clause the verb is in the Present Conditional.

e. g. If I hadn’t left my watch at home we would know the time now.

b) If the condition is permanent while the action refers to the past, we use Present Subjunctive II in the subordinate clause and the Past Conditional in the principal clause.

e. g. If you were not so absent-minded you wouldn't have lost your purse.
IV Problematic condition.

In the principal clause of this kind of sentences Future indefinite or the Imperative Mood is used, in the subordinate clause Present Suppositional is used.

The Suppositional Mood is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb ‘should’ for all persons singular and plural and the infinitive without particle ‘to’:

should do (the present tense)

should have done (the past tense)

The Suppositional Mood represents an action as problematic but not as contradicting to reality. The realization of the action may depend on certain circumstances but these circumstances are not contrary to fact.

e.g. If you should want your breakfast, come and get it. –

Если ты все же захочешь позавтракать, приходи и бери все сам.

If she should write to Jack, he won’t pardon her.

Если она вдруг ему напишет, он все равно ее не простит.
Note IV Inversion is often used to make the sentence more emphatic.

e.g. Should you go there, call on my brother.

If she learns the truth

Even if I see it

she will be unhappy.

I won’t believe it.

Ex. 46. Complete the following sentences.

1. If she cuts her hair short ... . 2. If the boy takes after his father ... . 3. If he grows a beard ... . 4. If her dress is ready in time for the party ... . 5. If she wears her new dress .... 6. If the woman pays more attention to her appearance ... . 7. If you arrange your hair in a different way ... . 8. If the girl makes up heavily ... . 9. If you describe your sister to me ... . 10. Even if you agree... . 11. If you try these shoes on ... . 12. Even if I give you the money… . 13. Even if he saves her … .
Ex. 47.Supply the following sentences with suitable if - clauses.

1. ... I'll work as a teacher. 2. ... she'll take her exam next week. 3. ... you'll improve your spelling. 4. ... we'll get these books in the library. 5. ... the students will copy the verse. 6. ... the lecture will begin in an hour. 7. ... you won't pass your exams. 8. ... my brother will begin to study Spanish. 9. ... she'll fall behind the group. 10. ... they'll finish the translation in time. 11. ... I'll be able to prepare the text. 12. ... you'll get good marks. 13. ... we'll write the test-paper.
Ex. 48. Open the brackets in the sentences of real condition.

1. My grandmother is superstitious. She always says to me: "If you (to spill) salt, you should throw a little salt over your left shoulder. If you (not to do) this, you (to have) bad luck. If you (to break) a mirror, you (to have) bad luck for seven years." 2. I (to speak) to Mary if I (to see) her today. 3. If you (to ask) me a difficult question, I (to be) nervous. If I (to be) nervous, I (to make) a mistake. If I (to make) a mistake, the other students (to laugh) at me. If the other students (to laugh) at me, I (to be) embarrassed. And if I (to be) embarrassed, I (to cry). So please don't ask me a difficult question! 4. If the weather (to be) nice, we probably (to go) to the beach. 5.If he still (to have) a cold and (not to feel) better, he (not to go) to a disco. 6. If you (to decide) to forget about your diet, you (to eat) wedding cake tomorrow. 7. If I (to drink) too much champagne at my friend's wedding, I (to get) a bad headache. 8. If they (to go) to California next year, they (to visit) his friend in San Francisco. 9. If she (not to work) properly, her boss (to fire) her and (to hire) my sister.
Ex. 49. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Если пойдет дождь, нам придется искать укрытие. 2. Если мороз усилится, дети останутся дома. 3. Вы простудитесь, если промочите ноги. 4. Если подует сильный ветер, вы замерзнете в своем легком пальто. 5. Если погода ухудшится, они отложат свою поездку за город. 6. Будет сильный дождь, если ветер не разгонит эти тучи. 7. Если лето не будет теплым, я останусь в городе. 8. Если весь снег растает сразу, на улицах будет слякоть. 9. Я позвоню ему, если буду в Петербурге. 10. Если он будет более внимательным, он напишет перевод без ошибок. 11. Даже если он не придет, мы начнем эксперимент без него. 12. Я не колеблясь выскажу свою точку зрения, если это будет надо. 13. Если он нарушит данное слово, он подведет своих друзей. 14. Он примет правильное решение, если у него будут все необходимые данные.


Even if

Even though

smb did smth


could (might) do

could (might) be

smb would do smth

would be

could (might) do

could (might) be

Ex. 50. Translate the sentences into Russian. Analyze the forms of the predicate verb.

1. If I lost my ideals, I should lose everything. 2. If I told her about it myself, she wouldn't believe me. 3. If I were you I should fear him. 4. If I remembered him, I should say so at once. 5. She would be annoyed if she were told so. 6. And what would you do if you were rich? 7. Would you tell them all if you were in my place? 8. I should be quite jealous if I were you. 9. You wouldn't see the change unless you looked very close. 10. I shouldn't let them down unless it were quite unavoidable. 11. He would be very happy if you talked to him for a few minutes. 15. Would you come on Saturday if you had no work to do? 16. Would you sleep well if you did not take some proper sleeping stuff? 17. Even if I didn’t love Robert, you’re the last man I should care for. 18. Even if they had education or money men like Passini would not wish to be officers.19. If we could only get two bicycles we should take a short cut and get to town in time. 20. If he had but a little more brains, I might make something of him. 21. If they sent anything to us, it might be a bomb.
Ex. 51. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb.

1. If he ... back, I... him everything. (to come, to forgive) 2. I ... it if I ... in your place. (not to do, to be) 3. He ... if she ... him. (to come, to ask) 4. I ... you if I ... it myself. (not to bother, can manage) 5. If he ... himself, my answer ... the same. (to come, to be) 6. If it ... true, it ... the end of our friendship. (to be, to be) 7. How Edward ... if he ... here! (to laugh, to be) 8. If she ... as clever as she thinks she is, she ... that he is dangerous. (to be, to know) 9. Stay here, please. I ... easy if you ... within call. (never to feel, not to be) 10. There aren't any jobs. And if there ... , they ... them to me. (to be, to give) 11. I ... you at all if I ... you were what most other men are. (not to like, to think) 12. If I ... your mother I ... on your entering the University. (to be, to insist) 13. I ... happier if I ... all about it. (to feel, can forget) 14. What ... you ... if I ... you all? (to say, to tell) 15. Do you think if you ... ill he ... a finger to help you? (to be, to stir) 16. If I ... you, I ... that name again. (to be, not to mention) 17. If we ... our feelings all the time we ... like cats chasing their tails. (to follow, to be)
Ex. 52. Open the brackets.

1. If you (to understand) children, you (not to speak) like that. 2. She (to grow up) a sensible person if they (to stop) treating her like a plaything. 3. The flowers (to grow) much better if you (to water) them regularly. 4. I don't think he (to mind) if we (not to ask) him. 5. If you (not to be) so angry, you (can see) it yourself. 6. If she (to want) to see you, she (can come). 7. If he (to know) the subject better, he (not to say) the things he does. 8. Even if he (to be) here, I (to say) the same. 9. Even if nobody (to object), I (to object). 10. Even if she (to see) it with her own eyes, she (not to believe) it. 11. I (cannot go) to-day even if you (to ask) me. 12. They (to lose) the game if there (to be) no rain. 13. He (to do) the right thing even though he (not to like) you personally. 14. They (to go) there even though you (to try) to stop them. 15. Nothing (to come out) of this scheme even if you (to give) them every opportunity. 16. If nothing better (to turn up), he (may go) into his father's bank. 17. Even if I (can) help you, I (not to go) against my conscience.

Ex. 53. Join the sentences making them unreal.

1. He's getting fat. He doesn't take much exercise. 2. He smokes about 50 cigarettes a day. He is always coughing. 3. She goes to bed very late. She feels tired in the morning. 4. He is not a strong child. He never eats fruit. 5. Jack doesn't listen to the teacher very carefully. He makes a lot of mistakes. 6. Unfortunately, I don't know his address. I can't write to him. 7. The children can't play this game in the house. They are so noisy! 8. You can't watch this film before going to bed. It's a horror film. 9. They can't show you all the sights of the city. They are working all the week. 10. Pam can't afford this ring. She earns too little money. 11. We can't relax at the moment. There is some work to do. 12. Nobody in the office knows Turkish. We can't read the letter. 13. The child can't tell the truth. He is too scared. 14. I can't help you out. I'm leaving the city. 15. My grandparents can't live in the country all the year round. There are no conveniences in the cottage. 16. The store is not well located. It doesn't attract many customers.
Ex. 54. Translate into English.

1. Если бы я был сейчас свободен, я пошел бы купаться. 2. Если бы они были сейчас дома, они помогли бы тебе. 3. Если бы сейчас была хорошая погода, дети пошли бы погулять. 4. Если бы они приехали завтра, они застали бы меня в городе. 5. Если бы я завтра получила стипендию, я купила бы эти туфли. 6. Она была бы счастлива, если бы могла приехать в наш город. 7. Он рассказал бы тебе все, если бы знал сам. 8. Она приехала бы завтра, если бы дети не были больны. 9. Ты помог бы мне, если бы у тебя было время? 10. Вы бы поехали завтра на дачу, если бы была хорошая погода? 11. Даже если бы он меня пригласил в ресторан, я бы отказалась. 12. Я успел бы всех повидать, если бы приехал в воскресенье? 13. Я не стал бы говорить тебе об этом, если бы не был уверен, что это правда. 14. Мальчик не лгал бы, если бы не боялся тебя. 15. Я никуда бы не поехал, если бы лето у нас было теплое. 16. Что ты стал бы сейчас делать, если бы у тебя было время? 17. Даже если бы она не красилась, она бы выглядело здорово.


Even if

Even though

smb had done smth

had been

could (might) have done

could (might) have been

smb would have done smth

would have been

could (might) have done

could (might) have been

Ex. 55. Read the sentences, giving the contracted forms of the predicate verbs. Translate into Russian and analyze the moods.

1. If any one had told me of it yesterday, I should not have believed him. 2. If I had been in her place, I should have done the same. 3. Do you think your pretty wife would have married you if she had known that? 4. You mean that you would not have done so if you had known that you were being watched? 5. I am sorry that you have been ill; I should not have bothered you with my affairs if I had known. 6. Everyone would have known if they had quarrelled. 7. If he had asked me the same question that day, I would have given him the same answer.8. If he had had the luck to be born ten years later, he would have avoided all this horror. 9. “You see,” he said to me, “even if I had been able to get back to England on leave I would not have gone. 10. At the time we talked I was unaware that it had happened. Even if I had known, it would not have seemed to me important enough to mention it. 11. Anyway, even if we had been able to pay for the extra nurse, the matron would not have kept her. 12. I could not have held out much longer if you hadn't come. 13. He could have found the place easily if it had not been so dark. 14. If she had married someone else, she might have been happier. 15. If he had drunk less and thought more, I might have saved him.
Ex. 56. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the right form of the verb. (All the sentences contain unreal conditions and refer to the past.)


If I (to know) about it, I (to help) you.

If I had knownabout it, I should have helped you.

1. If it (not to be raining) steadily for a fortnight, we (to cross) this river easily. 2. If you (not to interfere), they (to forget) all about it in an hour. 3. If you (to trust) me, I (can lead) you safely through. 4. The dinner (not to be spoiled) if you (to turn up) when you promised you would. 5. She (to know) how to act if she (to be given) all the particulars. 6. He (not to take) this case even if he (to be asked). 7. The accident (not to happen) if the other driver (not to be speeding). 8. She (to go) there even though she (to have) to walk all the way to the station. 9. None (to mind) if he (to stay) away. 10. Someone (may notice) if she (not to be) there to meet us. 11. The dog (to bark) his head off if it (to be) someone it did not know. 12. There (to be) no tracks on this concrete path even if it (not to be raining). 13. The children (to raise) the roof if we (to try) to leave them behind. 14. He (to be delighted) even if you (not to bring) him all these toys. 15. He (not to be) satisfied even though you (to consult) him before acting. 16. The crops (to be) much better if there (to be) no early morning frosts that spring.
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