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Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов ii курса факультета иностранных языков 1 mood and modality. General characteristics

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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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The Conditional Mood represents unreality of an action due to the absence of the necessary circumstances.

It is formed with the help of the auxiliary verbs would (should) + do smth;

would (should) + have done smth.

The Сonditional Мood has two tenses. The Present Conditional Mood refers an action to the present or future.

e.g. I should not go to bed now.

The continuous form shows an action in process.

e.g. But for you they wouldn’t be quarrelling now.

The Past Conditional Mood refers an action to the past.

e.g. He wouldn't have done it yesterday.

The Perfect Continuous form of the Conditional Mood shows that the action began in the past, was in process during some period of time and is still going on.

e.g. But for the wrong direction they wouldn’t have been wandering the

whole day.

The modal verbs have no special forms of the Сonditional Мood. They have only one form of the Oblique Moods – the form of Subjunctive II: could (might) do; could (might) have done.

e. g. She could be wiser.

She could have done it long ago.

The Сonditional Мood is used in the following patterns:

1. But for this somebodywould dosmth

would have donesmth

e.g. But for the wind the weather would be nice.

But for this meeting they would not have got married.

But for the rain we wouldn’t be sitting here now.

2. To do smth would help

To have done smth would have helped
e. g. To crywould be senseless.

To have answered the phone then would have saved the situation.

3. …otherwise (or) smb would dosmth

would have done smth

e. g. Nick is very clever, otherwise he would not be so popular with girls.

He was a great pianist or he would not have won the first prize.

He’s done his homework orhe wouldn’t be playing football now.
Ex. 20. Translate the sentences. Comment on the forms of the Conditional Mood.

1. Would you like to go to school? 2. I should call it a play rather than a novel. 3. I should think that would be the easiest thing in the world to do. 4. But for her smile she would be pitifully plain. 5. But for your care I should have gone mad. 6. But for the bears the journey might have seemed rather dull. 7. In your place I shouldn't answer this letter. 8. To see him married to that horrible woman would be too painful. 9. То tell her the whole truth would be a mistake. 10. To have called the trip unsuccessful from any point of view, would have been mild. 10. She would be happy to know all about the case. 11. I spend my Sundays with my parents, and a break in habit patterns would be suspicious. 12. But for his cry I might have noticed nothing unusual. 13. Under other conditions we would have got along very well. 14. Frankie considered telling the whole story to Silvia - but would Silvia believe it? 15. Without me there would have been no victory. 16. I don't know what I should have done without him this spring when Tommie was ill. 17. I suppose he was weak. Otherwise he could have fought and conquered. 18. I'd never have met him face to face. 19. It would not have happened but for Henry. 20. There’s nobody here by the name of Tomson, or I would know.


would be

would do

would be doing

would (might) do

would (might) be


would have been

would have done

would have been doing

could (might) have done

could (might) have been

Ex. 21. Change the Indicative Mood of the verb into the Present Conditional.

1. I use my computer every day. 2. She cares for Jack, she loves him. 3. Fred reads newspapers regularly. 4. The friends play golf every weekend. 5. She is scared and will lock the door. 6. Brian sometimes agrees with his father. 7. I consult my family doctor now and then. 8. He is a reliable person and can help you. 9. We call them very often. 10. She is always easy to deal with. 11. He will do his best, but he has no chance. 12. The Parkers can afford a big house. 13. The weather may change again. 14. We may never meet again.
Ex.22.Change the form of the infinitives to refer the situation to the past.


1) I should know what to say. – I should have known what to say.

2) He would gladly help you. – He would gladly have helped you.

3) I could do it easily. – I could have done it easily.

1. I should tell her to mind her own business. 2. She would not object. 3. Someone would see you. 4. The neighbours would complain of the noise. 5. It would be much too warm to walk. 6. She would come there too early. 7. She would simply love to go. 8. They would be delighted. 9. No one would mind. 10. The children would also want to go. 11. You would catch a cold, that's all. 12. I should never want to go there again. 13. I could not tell her about it. 14. Nothing could stop him.
Ex. 23. Change the form of the infinitives to refer the situation to the present or future.


1) I should have minded terribly.— I should mind terribly.

2) He would have done the right thing.— He would do the right thing.

3) She could have helped you.— She could help you.

1. She could have stopped the whole thing at once. 2. We might have had a wonderful time. 3. I should have worn a sweater. 4. He wouldn't have spoken like this. 5. No measures would have been taken. 6. He would have felt much better about it. 7. They wouldn't have quarreled so much. 8. The flowers would have grown much better. 9. No one would have heard about it. 10. I shouldn't have worried so much.
Ex. 24. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to make them hypothetical. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1) I know what to do. – I should know what to do.

2) Неwill refuse to act. – He would refuse to act.

3) We knew what it meant. – We should have known what it meant.

4) Неcan take the necessary measures. – Неcould take the necessary


5) She could read the letter yesterday. – She could have read the letter


1. Не could not object. 2. Nobody helped him. 3. He will not agree. 4. I don't know where to turn. 5. It could be rather important. 6. Nothing mattered to him any longer. 7. It was quite unsuitable. 8. You will get a lot of experience that way. 9. Any girl will look her best in this outfit. 10. A hat like this looked all right on a woman half her age. 11. Nobody minded. 12. Nobody will mind. 13. Somebody protested. 14. Somebody will protest. 15. She did not take any important decision without consulting me. 16. The dog recognized his master and did not bark. 17. She will not be told. 18. No one may know about it. 19. Will you give up your job and just be a housewife? 20. I don't think so. 21. No one guessed the truth. 22. It went on like that for a good many years. 23. He will be much better at home.
Ex. 25. Answer the following questions, using the conditional mood.


1)Will you see her in this part? – No, (to be bored stiff).

No, I should be bored stiff.

2) Why didn't you let him take his ball? – (to lose).

He would have lost it.

3) Why don't you let him go there alone? – (may lose) the way.

He might lose the way.

4) Why did you do it yourself? – (can spoil).

He could have spoiled the picture.

1. Why didn't you ask him to help you? – (to refuse). 2. Will you take your younger child along? – No, (may get tired). 3. Did you tell her about it? – No, (to be upset). 4. Why didn't you copy the poem? – (to take too long). 5. Will you take a taxi? – No, (to be expensive). 6. Why didn't you take her to the theatre? – (not to like). 7. Why don't you wash the dress yourself instead of sending it to the cleaner's? – (to shrink). 8. Why don't you tell him, he's not doing it right? – (to resent). 9. Why didn't you let him have an ice-cream? – (may hurt smb.'s throat). 10. Did you tell her how to do it? – No, (not to take smb.'s advice). 11. Why didn't he stop to talk to you? – (to miss one's train). 12. Will you come and see me one of these days? – (to be glad to). 13. Could you come over and have dinner with us to-morrow? – (to be delighted). 14. Why didn't you come to see your boy act in the play? – (may be nervous). 15. Why didn't she ask him any question? – (to get confused). 16. Why did you want him to do it? – (can do smth. better).
Ex. 26. Translate into English

1. Ты правильно сделал, что не пошел. Картина тебе не понравилась бы. 2. Все случилось потому, что его там не было. Он бы знал, что делать. 3. Мы так давно не видались. Не знаю, узнала ли бы я ее теперь. 4. Мне не нравится твой перевод. Она бы сделала это лучше. 5. Мне бы не хотелось идти туда сегодня. 6. Ты всегда мне помогаешь. Что бы я без тебя делала? 7. Как хорошо, что ты был дома. Что бы я без тебя делала? 8. Было бы разумно завтра переночевать в лагере. 9. Было бы замечательно сдать экзамен сегодня. 10. Я вернула книгу в библиотеку. Ты все равно не стал бы ее читать. 11. Каждому ребенку понравилась бы такая кукла. 12. Это была интересная работа. Любой из нас охотно согласился бы тогда на это предложение. 13. Мне не нравится этот человек. Доверять ему я бы не стала. 14. В таком положении он сделал бы то же самое. 15. Собственно говоря, я мог бы пойти туда сегодня. 16. Я не знала, что он был в Москве. Я могла бы дать ему книги. 17. Вы могли бы отнести ей это после лекции?

otherwise (or)

smb would do smth

would be

could (might) do

smb would have done smth

would have been

could (might) have done

Ex. 27. Complete the sentences by using the Past Conditional of the verbs in brackets.

1. He didn’t know anything about the party, or he (come). 2. The doctor told me nothing about the new treatment, or I (try) it. 3. Why didn’t you consult your tutor? He (advise) you what to do. 4. We couldn’t get in touch with each other, or we (avoid) a lot of trouble. 5. There were no computers in those times, or my father (learn) them. 6. He was pressed for time last week or he (visit) his in-laws. 7. Helen didn’t buy the dress though it was just what she wanted. In her place I (buy) it. 8. Michael finally made up with his son or he (change) his will. 9. Why didn’t you ask me? I (can) (give a lift) you to the fitness centre. 10. It really was hitting news or everybody (take) it easy. 11. You’ve got into a mess again! Really, you (can) (be) more careful! 12. Olga’s mother did all the housework, or she (learn) how to cook. 13. She had an alibi or the police (arrest) her. 14. The new perfume was too sweet or I (buy) it. 15. The serial was too long otherwise I (watch) it to the end. 16. If it weren’t for electricity, we all still (watch) television by candlelight.
Ex. 28.Complete the following sentences, using should/ would + infinitive (indefinite or perfect) and the words in brackets.


1) She was angry with you, otherwise she ... (to speak like this).

... wouldn't have spoken to you like this.

2)It is sure to rain later in the day, or the birds ... (to be flying so low).

...would not be flying so low.

1. She never intended to go, otherwise she (to pack her things). 2. She's really fond of children, otherwise she (not to be popular with them). 3. He memorized his speech, otherwise he (not to speak so well). 4. I use only the freshest butter, or my cakes (not to be so good). 5. She must have heard of it, otherwise she (not to be so glum). 6. I'm sure he did not get the job, otherwise he (not to look so downcast). 7. Probably they are out, or somebody (to answer the phone).
Ex. 29. Rephrase the following sentences, using the Conditional Mood.


He is very absent-minded, so he always loses his spectacles.

He is very absent-minded, otherwise he would not always lose his spectacles.

1. It is a very good film and I advise you to go and see it. 2. The cake was very tasty and she asked for some more. 3. She is running a high temperature and so we called a doctor. 4. We are having a spell of warm weather and the tree burst into blossom so early. 5. He studied hard and so he made good progress. 6. The child was naughty and the father punished him. 7. He refused point blank and I didn't try to persuade him to join us. 8. You forgot to water the flowers and they withered. 9. She was upset by that letter, she burst into tears. 10. The child refused to go to bed, he was afraid to go to bed in the dark. 11. That was his day off so he could go hiking with us. 12. The music was too loud and the child woke up. 13. The grandpa is getting rather deaf so he has just got a hearing aid. 14. He does a lot of reading in bed and his eyesight is poor now.



would do / could do

would be / could be

would have done / could have done

would have been / could have been

Ex. 30. Read the sentences, giving contracted form of the predicate verb as it is usually done in colloquial speech. Analyze the Moods.

1. But for him we should never have known this. 2. But for you, doctor, we would have lost our daughter. 3. But for his dog he would be quite lonely. 4. But for his long teeth he would be quite good-looking. 5. But for this young woman none of this would have happened. 6. But for these people your uncle would have been dead long ago. 7. But for this we should never have met. 8. I should never have thought of it but for you. 9. But for Miss Marple we might have burned these letters. 10. The man was so near him that, but for the glass, Bobby could have stretched out his arm and touched him. 11. I should already have seen Mrs. Vole but for her being absent when you were arrested. 12. But for her freckles she would be quite a pretty girl. 13. I should not have minded so much but for her interference. 14. We should have got there all right but for his losing the road-map. 15. But for my new shoes which hurt my feet terribly I should have quite enjoyed myself. 16. But for the children who must be taken to the dentist's to-morrow I should go too. 17. But for her tired eyes and the way she holds herself you would never give her her age. 18. But for me you would be still standing there. 19. But for you I should be safe at home now.
Ex. 31.Compose sentences of the pattern but for + the Conditional mood.


1) It began to rain and we didn't go for our walk.

But for the rain we should have gone for our walk.

2) We reached the camp at daybreak. He carried the boy on his back.

But for his carrying the boy we should have reached the camp much later.

3) I want to go but I have this examination to-morrow.

But for this examination Ishould go too.

4) With your help I can finish it in time.

But for your help I could not finish it in time.

5) She helped me and I could finish it in time.

But for her help I could not have finished it in time.

1. He wants to go fishing but he has a bad cold. 2. He could not see the play as he had some work to do. 3. She was not alone in the house. Her husband lay asleep in his room after the night shift. 4. I don't want to tell you this. But I promised to. 5. In the end he went to see the doctor. His wife made him to. 6. He did not die. The operation saved him. 7. We didn't have a very good time after all. The weather was too bad. 8. It was impossible to read the inscription in the dark. Then he remembered he had a torch. 9. He has the makings of a good teacher but he has a slight defect of speech. 10. Of course I want to help you. But I've a conference to-day. 11. He had a good guide so he could climb the mountain. 12. It was only because the ice was so good that she could set a new record. 13. I could do it all in so short a time only because of your kindness and understanding. 14. You can't do it only because of a certain lack of concentration.
Ex.32.Give answers to the following questions, using but for ... and the words in brackets.


1) Why did not you go to Leningrad? – (the child's illness).

But for the child's illness I should have gone.

2) Why don't you come with us? (my headache). –

But for my headache I should gladly come.

1. Did he get an excellent mark for his composition? – (spelling). 2. How did you manage to translate it so fast? – (my sister's help). 3. Why do you keep the dog chained? – (the neighbour's chickens). 4. Haven't you learned to do it quite well? – (your explanation). 5. Is the picture good? – (but for the end). 6. Why did he refuse to speak at the meeting? – (his sore throat). 7. Will they go to the Crimea this summer? – (the grand father's operation). 8. Isn't the weather rather good? – (the wind). 9. Is she really a success as an actress? – (her voice). 10. Is he quite well now? – (his overeating). 11. Do you like working here? – (the heat). 12. Did he set a new record? – (an accident). 13. Could you translate the text they gave them at the examination? – (my headache). 14. Can you see the sea from your bedroom window? – (a screen of trees).
Ex. 33. Finish up the sentences using the Conditional Mood.

1. But for him ... . 2. But for the doctor ... . 3. But for the train ... . 4. But for your help ... . 5. But for the rain ... . 6. But for the fog ... . 7. But for his illness ... . 8. But for the explosion ... . 9. Bit for his warning ... . 10. But for hot coffee ... . 11. But for the fire ... . 12. But for his laziness ... . 13. But for the strained circumstances ... . 14. But for my boss's recommendation... . 15. But for unfavourable weather ... . 16. But for Charles' profound knowledge ... . 17. But for her intelligence and smartness ... . 18. But for the house being too big ... . 19. But for the manager's competence ... . 20. But for the children being left all alone… .
Ex. 34. Translate into English.

1. Мне не с кем оставить ребенка. Если бы не это, я бы тоже поехал. 2. Мы опоздали на поезд. Если бы не это, мы бы уже давно приехали. 3. Если бы не она, они никогда бы не ссорились. 4. Если бы не она, ребенок утонул бы. 5. Если бы не ваша помощь, она не догнала бы группу. 6. Если бы не его диагноз, ее не оперировали бы вовремя. 7. Если бы не дети, они остались бы в городе на лето. 8. Если бы не погода, мы бы прекрасно провели лето. 9. Из нее вышел бы тогда прекрасный тренер, если бы не ее вспыльчивость (temper). 10. Это была бы неплохая работа, если бы не орфографические ошибки.
Ex. 35. Translate into English.

1. Если бы не жара, мы сыграли бы в теннис. 2. Если бы не телевизор в соседней комнате, я бы спал совсем хорошо. 3. Если бы не дождь, они были бы уже здесь. 4. Если бы не гроза, самолет прибыл бы вовремя. 5. Если бы не ты, я не знал бы, что делать. 6. Если бы не такси, мы не застали бы его дома. 7. Если бы не отец, ему не удалось бы получить такое хорошее образование. 8. Если бы не друзья, он мог бы погибнуть. 9. Если бы не ветер, мы, возможно, пошли бы купаться. 10. Если бы не машина моих друзей, я могла бы опоздать на работу. 11. Он, возможно, стал бы чемпионом, если бы не сломанная в прошлом году нога. 12. Если бы не окружающие его книги, он чувствовал бы себя совсем одиноким.

to do smth

would help smb

to have done smth

would have helped smb

Ex. 36. Replace the infinitives in brackets by should/ would + infinitive


1) To do so (to result) in complications.

To do so would result in complications.

2) To have done so (to spoil) his plan.

To have done so would have spoiled his plan.

or: It would have spoiled his plan to have done so.

1. To stop now (to mean) losing everything. 2. To tell her the truth (can help) her. 3. To have refused (to hurt) the old people. 4. To have been told so (to upset) him greatly. 5. It (to please) him no end to have seen an old friend. 6. It (to delight) everybody to have heard the news. 7. To go back now (to be) impossible. 8. It (to be) nice to be able to say it. 9. It (to be) queer to feel a stranger in one's own home town. 10. To have given him a hand (to cost) you very little. 11. To know it definitely (to be) a great help. 12. It (to be) a great privilege to have known you personally. 13. He saw it all now. To have landed on that field (to be) certain death. 14. To have settled the case out of court (to save) endless litigations.
Conditional Mood. Revision

Ex.37. Complete the following sentences.


1) It is raining again. But for the rain ... (to go for a walk).

I should go for a walk.

2) He liked the play, otherwise ... (to refuse the part).

... he would have refused the part.

3) To have gone there so late ... (to be useless).

.. would have been useless.

1. To have refused under the circumstances (to be cruel). 2. I know him well, otherwise I (may believe) it. 3. But for the awful storm we had that summer the weather (to be perfect). 4. I think she knows you, otherwise she (to be smiling at you). 5. The children were making an awful noise. But for this we (to be quite comfortable). 6. It is getting rather late, otherwise (to tell the story). 7. To have taken such pains for nothing (to spoil smth. for smb.). 8. Of course, the cake is good, otherwise (to eat). 9. The snow was very bad, otherwise (can set a record).
Ex. 38. Replace the infinitives in brackets by should/ would + infinitive.

1. But for the faint blue half moons under her gray eyes nobody (to think) her ill. 2. She had an unpleasant habit of criticizing people to their friends, otherwise she (to be) quite popular. 3. She knew perfectly well that to have agreed (to open) the way to new demands upon her time and good nature. 4. I (not to call) her exactly pretty, but there was something in her that caught and held attention 5. They never thought of asking me, a school girl of twelve. But oh, how I (to love) to go! 6. I ran into her at Macy's. Why, she looks a new woman. You (not to know) her. 7. We had to make certain concessions, or they (to refuse). 8. I'm sorry they don't offer it to me. I (to take) it like a shot. 9. But for that lame leg of his he (to be) the most likely candidate. 10. Silly of you not to have gone. Your black dress (to do) quite nicely. And nobody notices much what an old woman like you is wearing. 11. Why didn't you turn to him? He (to be delighted) to help you. 12. It grew rather cold towards morning. Or we (to spend) the night most comfortably. 13. Rain or no rain, they (to lose) all the same. 14. It was no use telling the children. It (to frighten) only them. 15. Do you think baby (to like) this doll? 16. It's easy to criticize her now. Anybody (to act) the same under the circumstances. 17. A pity you didn't leave at once, they (not to mind). 18. You did wrong not to ask her. She (cannot mind). 19. I told her at once who I was, or she (may take) me for one of them. 20. It's getting too cold for comfort, otherwise we (can stay) here a little longer.
Ex. 39. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the Conditional Mood.

1. I didn't know about the fact, otherwise I (to give) you the extra day. 2. To have gone back then only (to make) it more difficult. 3. There was no piano because it (to take up) much room. 4. I don't know what we (to do) but for Nurse Duggon. 5. Last night it (to be) quite impossible. 6. How wonderful it (to be) to take the sadness out of those big and lovely eyes! 7. Billy (to adore) to live in the country. His ideal happiness was to have a pleasant cottage. 8. I (to like) to say 'no' but it (not to be) true. 9. But for his last remark she (not to start) a bargain. 10. Normally by now the court-room (to be) almost empty but for one or two lawyers. 11. To say that John Forsyte accompanied his mother to Spain unwillingly (to be) scarcely adequate. 12. She didn't know anything or she (not to agree) to accept them. 13. Nobody ever (to say) that he is a shy and timid man. 14. I don't know what I (to do) without you, my dear boy. 15. The sensation with which James dropped the letter was similar to that he (to have) entering his bedroom and finding it full of black beetles. 16. But for that letter on the table she (not to accuse) you. 17. He (to do) everything but nobody asked him to. 18. And then you were surprised because she threw your slippers at you. I (to throw) the fire-irons at you. 19. She was just the sort of person I (to expect) the wife of a professor to be.
Ex. 40. Translate into English.

1. Я просто выучил текст наизусть, иначе я бы все перепутал. 2. Если бы не ты, я бы никогда не справился с этой работой. 3. Я бы не сказала, что это легкое упражнение. 4. Он бы вам этого не посоветовал. 5. Она не просила помощи, да они и не помогли бы ей. 6. Крем хорош, но с меньшим количеством сахара был бы лучше. 7. Врач об этом не знал. Он запретил бы ей вставать. 8. Мне ничего не сказали об этом. Я бы охотно пошла. 9. Если бы не дождь, мы бы сейчас погуляли. 10. Если бы не моряки, никого бы не спасли. 11. Он не знает о конференции, иначе он был бы здесь. 12. Не огорчайся. Никто не сделал бы этого лучше. 13. Наверно поезд опоздал, иначе они бы уже приехали. 14. Почему ты не разрешаешь ей носить косы? Она бы очень мило выглядела. 15. Конечно, он остановился бы поговорить с нами, но он очень спешил. 16. Почему ты не пошел туда в другой день? Они были бы рады. 17. Почему ты ей об этом не скажешь? Я уверена, что она бы не обиделась. 18. Уехать тогда изменило бы всю ее жизнь. 19. Ветер становился сильнее. Оставаться на скале было бы опасно. 20. Уже десять. Ждать дольше было бы бессмысленно. 21. Конечно, он был прекрасным лыжником. Иначе ему не удалось бы завоевать золото. 22. Она была еще совсем неопытной. Иначе она бы так не поступила. 23. Я знаю все обстоятельства дела, иначе я бы так не говорила.
Ex. 41. In pairs, make up short dialogues, using patterns with the Conditional Mood.


I went to the cinema yesterday.

I would have joined you but for my toothache.

1. We had a house party yesterday. There were many guests, but you didn't even ring us up. 2. I didn't allow to think about it. 3. The situation hadn't been so tragic. 4. We worked hard. 5. He was so desperately nervous. 6. He became very aggressive when he learnt about it. 7. He must be cold-blooded. 8. She felt so miserable when she heard the news. 9. Strange as it is but he had paid much attention to this matter. 10. Lucky you are that you have found the key to your flat. 11. I can't be proud of my son. 12. I think it's an admirable suggestion. 13. It was difficult to say whether he was nearer to forty or to sixty. 14. Yes, he was having the most amazing time. 15. She had a sore throat. 16. He made friends with ease. 17. My brother is very absent-minded. 18. To the present day I can't make out why I did so.
Ex. 42. Translate into English.

1. Я была бы очень рада встретиться с вами вновь. 2. Если бы не невезение, то он бы выиграл в лотерею. 3. «А что бы вы сделали тогда на моем месте?» – «Я бы уехала». 4. Татьяна едет отдыхать в Юрмалу. А я бы поехала на Кипр. 5. Марина не хочет мириться с Валерием. На ее месте я бы помирилась с ним. Он славный парень. 6. Катя опять купила новое платье. Я бы посоветовала ей не тратить так много денег. 7. Какой сладкий джем! Я не положила бы так много сахара. 8. – Ты опять гулял под дождем? – Я не стала бы делать этого. У тебя ведь простуда. 9. – Не беспокойтесь, я позвоню вам. – Была бы очень вам признательна. 10. Что вы сказали? Не могли бы вы повторить это? 11. Какая жалость, что вы не читали эту книгу! Вы могли бы найти в ней много полезной информации. 12. – Я надеюсь получить эту работу. – Если бы не низкая оплата, любой ухватился бы за такой шанс. 13. – Агата готова принять предложение Росса. – Если бы не финансовые трудности, это была бы неплохая партия. 14. Моя дочь не хочет читать романы Диккенса. А я бы их перечитала. 15. – А вы изменили бы свое решение при других обстоятельствах? – Нет, я бы стоял на своем. 16. Жаль, потому что из него точно получился бы хороший актер.

Ex. 43. Translate into English.

1. Спасибо, что ты помогла мне уложить вещи. Иначе я опоздала бы на поезд. 2. Если бы не дождь, мы поехали бы за город на субботу и воскресенье. 3. Если бы не жара, было бы приятно пройтись домой пешком. 4. Если бы не твоя рассеянность, ты не забыл бы о собрании. 5. Хорошо, что я взяла зонтик. Иначе я промокла бы до костей. 6. Если бы не ее болезнь, она была бы хорошей студенткой. Она очень способна к языкам. 7. Хорошо, что мы заказали билеты заранее. Иначе нам пришлось бы долго стоять в очереди. 8. Если бы не Вы, я никогда не смогла бы увидеть так много интересных мест в Москве. Я Вам очень благодарна. 9. Они очевидно не получили нашу телеграмму. Иначе они пришли бы встретить нас. 10. Если бы не болезнь доктора Пейдж, Менсону не пришлось бы вести за него практику. 11. Если бы не его рассеянность, он не забыл бы свои очки дома. 12. Их нет дома. Иначе кто-нибудь ответил бы на мой звонок. 13. Хорошо, что мы поторопились. Иначе мы опоздали бы на поезд. 14. Спасибо за Ваш совет. Иначе я не решила бы эту сложную задачу. 15. Если бы не честность и трудолюбие доктора Менсона, он не завоевал бы уважение жителей поселка. 16. Если бы не доклад, он пошел бы с нами вчера в кино. 17. Если бы не Вы, мы не нашли бы дорогу обратно. 18. Согласиться на это, значило бы все испортить. 19. Пойти туда, это значило бы получить большое удовольствие.
Subjunctive II and the Conditional Mood


Ex. 44. Replace the infinitives by the correct form of the Oblique mood.

1. Oh, that she never (to come) to see it again! 2. But for the promise, she never (to come). 3. If only he (to be) free this week! He (to be) your untiring guide around the city. 4. Oh, I (not to make) the mistake! Everything (to look) different now. 5. If only we (can avoid) misunderstandings! It (to make) things so much simpler in future! 6. If you (to warn) me before I (can avoid) the mistake! 7. "If mother (to cry)! It (to be) better," Lanny thought. 8. Sarie tried to see herself as a coloured person, "If she (to be) coloured and Lanny white? How she (to feel)?" 9. If Lanny (to read) the letter as soon as it came! He (can wire) and (put) Celia off. 10. If Lanny (can go) straight to his house and (walk) in! What a pleasant surprise it (to be)! 11. If Lanny (to be) on that lorry. He (to be) back home over an hour now.
Ex. 45. Translate into English.

1. Если бы он был здоров! Он бы ни минуты не остался дома. 2. Если бы она знала раньше о вашей поездке! Она послала бы с вами подарки своим друзьям. 3. Если бы мы только могли убедить его не уезжать! Мы сейчас уже завершали (завершили) бы эту работу. 4. Если бы я слышал прогноз погоды! Я захватил бы плащ. 5. Если бы была хоть малейшая возможность! Они бы обязательно ухватились за нее. 6. Если бы вы не сомневались, что он говорил правду! Насколько бы вам обоим было легче и проще все эти годы! 7. Ах, если бы я только мог остаться здесь с вами! Мы бы вместе могли отправиться вниз по Волге. 8. Если бы нам не нужно было так торопиться! Я уверен, с ним бы этого не произошло. 9. Было бы благоразумнее с вашей стороны обратиться к врачу немедленно. Вы бы не были сейчас в больнице. 10. Было бы неплохо прокатиться на лодке. Мы бы совсем не чувствовали жары.
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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