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Учебнометодическое пособие для студентов ii курса факультета иностранных языков 1 mood and modality. General characteristics

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§7.3 Predicative, attributive, attributive-appositive clauses.

The Suppositional Mood or Subjunctive I is used in predicative, attributive and attributive-appositive clauses after such nouns as order, request, suggestion, resolution, proposal, desire, wish, plan, idea, arrangement, demand, fear, anxiety, worry, etc.

1) predicative clauses:

e.g. My suggestion is that nobody (should) leave the room.

Her only wish will be that nobody (should) ask her any questions.

Her only fear was lest there (should) be something wrong with her child.

2) attributive clauses:

e.g. Johnson gave orders that no one (should) leave the camp.

Lenny had a desire that Lilly (should) be with him.

They came to an agreement that they (should) meet twice a year.

3) attributive–appositive clauses:

e.g. Orders were given that we (should) start at nine.
Ex. 162. Analyze the choice of moods in predicative clauses.

1. My proposition is that we should go there and see what we can do. 2. Our plan was that he should go their for treatment. 3. You know, my desire is that he marry Jean.4. My idea was that we should try to find a really gifted writer. 5. His only wish was that they should forget all about him. 6. The first thing he asked was that he should be allowed a round of golf after lunch. 7. His only anxiety was lest he should not be allowed to finish the house he was building. 8. His greatest fear was lest his feet should fail him. 12. My friendly advice is that you take it easy. 13. The strikers' demands were that they be paid their money immediately
Ex. 163. Analyze the choice of moods in attributive clauses.

1. Не gave an order that nobody should leave the place until dark. 2. Bill rejected the proposal that he should buy an estate. 3. She accepted Dick's suggestion that she should dismiss her taxi and ride back with him. 4. I told him of the chief's request that he should see to the matter himself. 5. They came to an agreement that they should meet twice a year. 6. After all we can't ignore their demand that the work should be finished as soon as possible.
Ex. 164. Analyze the choice of moods in attributive-appositive clauses.

1. The decision was taken that the manuscript should be sent to the museum. 2. Orders were given that he should be sent to Vietnam. 3. Orders were given that half of the workmen be discharged at once.
Ex. 165. Complete the following statements.

l. In those letters she repeatedly expressed a wish... . 2.She religiously followed the doctor's recommendation ... . З.Не quite forgot the rule... . 4.Finally we made the arrangement ... . 5. My only wish is ... . 6. I'm sure the instruction will be ... . 7. I’ve heard of no order ... . 8. The poet's dying wish was ... . 9. After several successful experiments we came to the conclusion ... . 10. After all we can’t ignore their demand... .
Ex. 166. Paraphrase the sentences according to the following patterns:

1) He suggests that we should do it ourselves.

His suggestion is

} that we should do it ourselves.

He makes the suggestion
2) He arranged that she should be interviewed.

The arrangement was

} that she should be interviewed

He made the arrangement
3) He will recommend that you should stop smoking.

His recommendation will be

} that you should stop smoking.

He will make the recommendation

l. He ordered that the women and children should be taken care of first. 2. I suggest that we should not take any steps until we hear from her. З. Тhеу arranged that I should spend the summer at aunt Mary's. 4. They will demand that the law should be reconsidered. 5. They recommended that nothing should be done without the doctor's advice.
Ex. 167.Open the brackets.

l. He had to satisfy the editor's requirements that a short story (not to be) longer than one hundred lines. 2. The arrangement was that they (to take) the Fishers to a play and to supper at the Savoy afterwards. З. Му desire was that he (to leave) off his work and go on a holiday. 4. She accepted Dick's suggestion that she (to dismiss) her taxi and go back with him. 5. His only request was that he (to allow) to visit his son. 6. She was filled with a great desire that her husband (to see) her new dress. 7. They came to an agreement that they (to meet) for talks twice a year.

Ex. 168. Translate into English.

1. Почему ты настаиваешь на том, что ты должен сдавать экзамен досрочно? 2. Ее заветная мечта о том, что когда-нибудь она станет известной актрисой. 3. Мой совет таков, что вам нужно бросить курить. 4. Зимой они опасались, как бы их дачу не ограбили. 5. Порядок таков, что вы прежде всего должны зарегистрироваться. 6. Ветер был настолько сильным, что путники опасались, что старая хижина развалится. 7. Все опасались, что с похищенными детьми будут плохо обращаться. 8. Рекомендация врача заключалась в том, чтобы мне перейти на диету. 9. Заключенные опасались, что стражник выдаст их. 10. Я предлагаю, чтобы мы организовали пикник в воскресенье. 11. Вся страна опасалась, что президент опять может солгать. 12. Вы согласны, чтобы мы работали вместе? 13. Я предлагаю, чтобы мы продолжили переговоры. 14. Партнеры настаивали, чтобы Фрэнк организовал эту встречу.
Ex. 169. Paraphrase the following sentences to use Mood forms in subject; object; predicative and attributive clauses.

Model: I suggest going to the country.

Subject clause: It is suggested that we should go to the country.

Object clause: I suggest that we should go to the country.

Predicative clause: The suggestion was that we should go to the country.

Attributive: The suggestion that we should go to the country was quite sudden.

Attributive–appositive: The suggestion was made that we should go to the country.

1. I suggest our starting off as soon as the car is repaired.

2. He very much insisted on being given time to finish his work.

3. He gave instructions for the shop window to be refurnished.

4. Don't forget that the doctor advised you to give up smoking.

5. It's very important not to confuse such things.
Ex. 170. Open the brackets. State the type of the subordinate clause.

1. It was agreed that he (to start) on his new job on Monday. 2. I'm afraid lest (not to be able) to make my point clear. 3. I suggested that she (to take off) her coat and (to move) towards the fire. 4. It was surprising that she (to make) friends with our boys. 5. It's important that I myself (to speak) with your captain. 6. My fear was lest I (not to get back in time). 7. It outraged me that he (to remind) me of my duty. 8. Her only disappointment was that he (not to come) to the party. 9. It's odd how little our days (to vary) here. 10. Tom seemed very worried, and insisted that we (to stop) playing and go home. 11. The arrangement was made that Mr. Dodd (to have) a room at the local pub. 12. It's important that children (to teach) to know the right things from the very beginning. 13. It was surprising that after such a long journey he (to look) in first-class physical condition. 14. It's funny that you (to think) so. 15. Their recommendation was that I (to go) and (to see) him at once. 16. It's not at all necessary that I (to explain) anything to you. 17. Of course it was quite possible that Mrs. Lee (to be) badly ill. 18. It's advisable that you (to talk) to the old man in a quiet relaxed tone. 19. The necessity is that you (to find) a specialist who could deal with it. 20. The officer ordered that the bridge (to destroy) at dawn. 21. He was anxious that you (to know) the truth. 22. They demanded that the doctor (to tell) them what was the matter. 23. He had given instructions that everything possible (to do). 24. He decided that his son (to have) a proper education.
Ex. 171. Translate into English.

1. Очень важно, чтобы вы использовали каждую возможность говорить друг с другом по-английски. 2. Странно, что вы не поняли лекцию; она была очень проста. 3. Вам не кажется сомнительным, чтобы она забыла о таком важном деле. 4. Его поразило, что такие вещи еще возможны в наш век. 5. Перед тем как переводить текст, рекомендуется сначала ознакомиться с ним полностью. 6. Очень может быть, что первая часть словаря готова, но что-то сомнительно, чтобы был закончен весь словарь. 7. Разве не удивительно, чтобы люди в таком возрасте показывали такие высокие спортивные результаты? 8. Меня удивляет, что столько внимания было уделено вопросам, которые, на мой взгляд, несущественны.
Ex. 172. Translate into English.

1. Геологи опасались, как бы дожди не помешали им вернуться вовремя. 2. Комиссия потребовала, чтобы этот вопрос обсудили на открытом собрании. 3. Режиссер распорядился, чтобы во время репетиции в зал никого не впускали. 4. Он боялся, что голос выдаст его. 5. Когда дети уходили на речку или в лес одни, мать очень беспокоилась, как бы с ними что-нибудь не случилось. 6. Сомневаюсь, чтобы он смог пройти такое расстояние за один день. 7. Комиссия предложила, чтобы в отчет было включено больше фактов.
Ex. 173. Translate into English.

1. Желательно, чтобы вы больше читали вслух. 2. Существует общий порядок, чтобы все желающие ехать в санаторий предварительно прошли медицинскую комиссию. 3. Почему вы так настаиваете, чтобы это задание было поручено только одному человеку? 4. Не может быть, чтобы он не знал, как ответить на этот вопрос. 5. Мы все боялись, чтобы старый деревянный мост не обрушился под тяжестью машины. 6. Меня, по правде сказать, очень удивляет, как это они вернулись настолько раньше нас. 7. Требуется, чтобы все документы были сданы секретарю заранее. 8. Его опасения, как бы его не подняли насмех, быстро рассеялись. 9. Не верится, чтобы кто-нибудь усомнился в искренности его слов. 10. Директор распорядился, чтобы новые станки были установлены до конца месяца.


1. Subordinate clauses of purpose are introduced by the conjunctions ‘so that’, ‘in order that’. The predicate of these clauses is expressed by may (can) + infinitive and the rules of the sequence of tenses are to be observed in this case.

e.g. Leave the door open so that Danny may enter.

He opened the door a little so that he could hear what they were saying.

2. If the verb in the subordinate clause is in the negative form the Suppositional Mood is preferable.

e.g. I stood up, my back turned, so that he shouldn’t see my face.

3. In literary style we find clauses of purpose introduced by the conjunction ‘lest’ (чтобы не). In this case the Present Suppositional mood or Subjunctive I is used. As the conjunction is negative the verb is in the affirmative.

e.g. Do it at once lest it should be late.

I took her for a walk lest she be offended.
Ex. 174. Translate into Russian. Analyze the choice of the forms.

1. Не ran lest hesitation should grip him again. 2. She clenched her teeth lest she should cry out. 3. He held his breath lest he should be discovered. 4. "I did not know about it," he said rather hastily, lest the other should feel hurt. 5. I took the dog downstairs so that it shouldn't be in the way. 6. Well, don't you talk to him just at present lest you might make him feel uneasy. 7. I had to lie so that he might not have an opportunity of seeing you. 8. She said it so that you might be able to come. 9. Tell me, tell me at once so that our lives may drift apart. 10. He had an early breakfast so that he might catch the first tram. 11. She implored him to marry her, so that the child could have a name. 12. We wear these oxygen helmets so that we can't introduce our bacteria into their atmosphere. 13. My mother tied my boots together when she packed them, so that I could not lose them one without the other.

To do smth

so that
in order that

smb may (can) do smth

smb might (could) do smth

smb shouldn’t do smth

To do smth


smb should do smth

smb do smth

Ex. 175. Open the brackets.

1. Let's walk a bit slower so that they (to catch up) with us. 2. Show her the plan so that she (see) what you are talking of. 3. We left earlier so that we (to reach) the place before the holiday rush began. 4. The letters were ten feet high so that people in fast cars (to read) them from afar. 5. The gates are never locked in order that the children (to come) at any moment. 6. I did it only that you (to know) how fond of you I am. 7. Put it right here so that she (to see) it the moment she wakes. 8. Speak lower so that the children (not to hear) you. 9. Mother always labelled her fruit preserves so that we (not to take) the wrong jars. 10. She kept the window closed so that the noise (not to get in). 11. Hold the paper in front of your face so that she (not to recognize) you.
Ex. 176 Open the brackets.

1. I went there yesterday so that I (to see) it myself. 2. He told me the whole story so that I (to explain) to you his behaviour. З. Не adjusted the lamp so that his face (to remain) in shadow. 4. He kept watching the large mirror which faced the entrance so that he (to see) her the moment she entered. 5. She wound the scarf around her throat lest the damp October wind (to get) at it. 6. She stood here motionless lest she (to frighten) the deer away. 7. And whatever you do tell them nothing lest they (to get in) first. 8. Bring him in at once so that I (to see) my only daughter's son at last. 9. And she put the cage with the canary in his room lest he (to feel) lonely. 10. They took a short cut across the field so that they (to be) home for tea. 12. I’ll ask him to take you to the station in his car lest you (to have) to walk all the way.
Ex. 177. Make the sentences complete by using the Subjunctive Mood in adverbial clauses of purpose, introduced either by so that or lest.

l. Show her the way to the station … . 2. Pack you clothes at once .... . 3.Ask her to dinner... . 4. We carefully packed each priceless cup in cotton wool ... . 5. I did all my shopping early in the morning... . 6. He’ll stay in bed a couple of days longer ... . 7. I have kept this letter ... . 8. Stay away from those people ... . 9. Cut your expenses ... . 10. The children hid in the barn ... . 11. Let's make a stop ... . 12. Control what your kids watch ... . 13. Change your shoes ... . 14. Switch off the gas ... . 15. You'd better tell the truth ... . 16. Stay calm ... . 17. Don't display your feelings ... . 18. Eat more fruit and vegetables ... . 20. Follow me carefully ... . 21. Close the window ... . 22. Put a cactus near the computer ... .
Ex. 178. Fill in the blanks.
1. Try to come early so that I ... time to see you alone. (to have) 2. He followed her into the room and shut the door that the servants ... .(to hear) 3. I put on my hat so that I ... to come up again. (to have) 4. She told her old friend this much, in order that there ... no misunderstanding. (to be) 5. He turned the bills around so that the man ... them all properly. (to see) 6. He sat quite still not daring to move lest he ... the chain of thought that followed the first idea. (to break) 7. They crept behind the bushes so that they ... a watch upon the place. (to keep) 8. And the car too was drawn up behind the wall so that it ... from the road. (to see) 9. I did not say a word lest I ... her again. (to upset) 10. They stood aside so that the procession ... . (to pass)

Ex. 179. Translate into English.

1. Подними ее, чтобы ей было видно. 2. Я подчеркнул выражение в тексте, чтобы он смог сразу найти его. З. Я оставлю письмо на столе, чтобы она сразу его увидела. 4. Она держала окно открытым, чтобы голубь мог влетать и вылетать. 5. Покажите гостье ее комнату, чтобы она могла отдохнуть. 6. Дай ему руку, чтобы он не упал. 7. Положи книгу на верхнюю полку, чтобы дети не могли ее достать. 8. Запри дверь, чтобы собака не выбежала в сад. 9. Дайте ей воды, чтобы она могла успокоиться.
Ex. 180. Translate into English.

1. Он шел быстро, чтобы не опоздать к ужину. 2. Она вышла из комнаты, чтобы никто не увидел, что она расстроена. 3. Он остановился, чтобы никто не подумал, что он собирается бежать. 4. Я должен был это сделать, чтобы не испугать детей. 5. Мы придем пораньше, чтобы помочь тебе с вещами. 6 Мне пришлось придумать все это, чтобы иметь возможность уехать. 7. Привяжи собаку, чтобы она кого-нибудь не укусила. 8. Пойдем на озеро, чтобы дети могли искупаться. 9. Покажи мне это письмо, чтобы я могла тебе поверить. 10. Он ушел, чтобы никому не мешать. 11. Напиши родителям пару строчек, чтобы они не волновались. 12. Приходи пораньше, чтобы мы смогли поговорить.
Ex. 181. Complete the sentences by adding an adverbial clause of purpose.

1. I must stay here so that ... . 2. He wanted no one to take notice of him so that... . 3. He repeated the address twice so that … . 4. She told me what she knew about that person lest ... . 5. She was growing desperately frightened and stretched out her hand lest ... . 6. He spent all his free time reading so that ... . 7. The doctor sent the patient to hospital in order that ... . 8. The Englishman spoke slowly so that ... . 9. The children went to bed earlier than usual so that ... . 10. The children are taught to read and write in the kindergarten so that ... . 11. You must pull yourself together in order that ... . 12. The roses must be covered in winter lest ... . 13. The child must spend much time in the open air so that ... . 14. He wears glasses so that ... . 15. They painted the walls of their drawing-room green so that... . 16. He bought himself a new bicycle in order that ... . 17. I called on you in order that … . 18. The boy didn't show his poem to somebody lest ... . 19. She always paid much attention to her hair-do in order that ... . 20. He read a lot of books about London so that ... . 21. He must stay in bed for several days in order that ... . 22. He took many pictures during his travelling so that ... . 23. He switched off the TV lest ... . 24. They'll stay with us for a month so that ... . 25. He wrote his father long letters full of warmth in order that ... .
Ex. 182. Paraphrase the following sentences , using oblique moods in clauses of purpose.

Model: Iimmersed myself in a study of the newspapers in order to talk about current events.

I immersed myself in a study of the newspapers so that I might talk about current events.
1. He lowered his voice in order not to be heard by neighbours. 2. He must ask her mother delicately in order to avoid any topic that was painful to her. 3. He was gallantly silent in order to give their friends an opportunity to argue to their heart's delight. 4. The mother sang her lullaby quietly in order to comfort her child. 5. He brought a tape-recorder in order to record the concert. 6. He couldn't see her often, but he wanted to be nearby in order to be able to help her. 7. Gray asked him for his address in order to be able to summon him at once. 8. You have invented a very useful younger brother called Ernest to come up to town as often as you like.

Ex. 183. Translate into English.

1. Анна надела парик и темные очки, чтобы никто не узнал ее. 2. Я пригласил всех своих родственников на свадьбу, чтобы никто не обиделся. 3. Запишите мой номер телефона, чтобы не забыть его. 4. Приходи вовремя, чтобы не пропустить начало матча. 5. Сконцентрируйтесь, чтобы не наделать ошибок в тесте. 6. Позвони им еще раз, чтобы они не забыли о нашем заказе. 7. Поставь сигнализацию, чтобы машину не угнали. 12. Я объясню это еще раз, чтобы не было недопониманий. 13. Петя, придержи панаму рукой, чтобы ее не сдуло ветром! 15. Уберите подальше деньги, чтобы они не пропали.
Ex. 184.Translate into English.

1. Отец писал маленькому сыну письма крупно и отчетливо, так чтобы мальчик мог прочитать их сам. 2. Дориан Грей спрятал свой портрет на чердаке, так чтобы никто не видел, как он меняется. 3. Им нужно хорошо подготовиться, чтобы выполнить весь объем работы. 4. Для того, чтобы ты мог играть так же хорошо, как твоя сестра, тебе нужно много тренироваться. 5. Для того, чтобы мы могли помочь, ему придется рассказать все, как было. 6. Врачу пришлось приложить немало усилий, чтобы поставить пациента на ноги. 7. Родители повели детей в зоопарк, чтобы они смогли посмотреть редких животных. 8. Лиззи работала, не покладая рук, чтобы ее любимый брат смог бы получить образование. 9. Он подошел ближе к лампе, чтобы прочитать письма. 10. Джим продал свои золотые часы, для того чтобы быть в состоянии купить подарок жене.
Ex.185.Translate into English.

1. Молодые спортсмены упорно тренировались, чтобы не подвести команду. 2. Шоферу пришлось сбавить скорость, чтобы не сбить ребенка, выбежавшего на дорогу за мячиком. 3. Он поставил будильник на шесть часов, чтобы не проспать. 4. Он ничего не сказал матери о своих неприятностях, чтобы не расстраивать ее. 5. Ему пришлось проверять вычисления еще и еще раз, чтобы в них не закралась ошибка. 6. Мать одела ребенка во все теплое, чтобы он не замерз. 7. Девочка внимательно следила, чтобы молоко не убежало и ей не пришлось бы отмывать плиту. 8. Элиза убежала от своих хозяев, чтобы они не продали ее маленького сына в рабство. 9. Был сильный гололед, и пожилой мужчина шел очень осторожно, чтобы не поскользнуться. 10. Он записал место и время встречи, чтобы не забыть об этом! 11. Мальчик отвернулся, чтобы никто не увидел слезы на его глазах. 12. Аня занимается много и упорно, чтобы не отстать от группы. 13. Он всегда делает по утрам зарядку, чтобы не потерять спортивную форму. 14. Закрой пол газетами, чтобы не испачкать его во время ремонта. 15. Она встала рано и тихо пошла на кухню, чтобы не разбудить младшую сестру. 16. Путники всю ночь жгли костер, чтобы не замерзнуть. 17. Она так устала и чувствовала такую слабость, что вынуждена была прислониться к стене, чтобы не упасть. 18. Она вышла пораньше, чтобы не опоздать на поезд. 19. Поезд увеличил скорость, чтобы не выйти из графика. 20. Он промолчал, чтобы не выдать своих чувств. 21. Она делала все, чтобы не выглядеть старше своих лет. Но, к сожалению, ей это не удавалось.
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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