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Учебнометодическое пособие по формированию грамматической компетенции (английский язык) для студентов второго образовательного уровня

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НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие по формированию грамматической компетенции (английский язык) для студентов второго образовательного уровня
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Трудности анализа и перевода форм с окончанием –ing

Окончание -ing имеют:

1. Герундий, который обычно переводится: а) существительным; б) деепричастием; в) инфинитивом; г) придаточным предложением.

2. Причастие I, которое соответствует русскому а) причастию и б) деепричастию.

3. Отглагольные существительные.

4. Причастные союзы типа dependingon (в зависимости от того как).

5. Причастные предлоги типа dependingon (в зависимости от).
Наибольшее количество ошибок при анализе форм с окончанием -ing происходит тогда, когда герундий стоит в начале предложения в функции подлежащего, и его ошибочно принимают за причастие I в функции обстоятельства и переводят деепричастием.

Чтобы избежать этой ошибки, нужно найти сказуемое, тогда глагольная форма с окончанием -ing, стоящая слева от сказуемого, будет герундием в функции подлежащего.

Heating will cause a greater motion of electrons.

Нагревание вызывает ускоренное движение электронов.

Герундий имеет ряд отличительных признаков.

1. Наличие перед формой с окончанием –ing какого-либо предлога (of, after, before, by, for, from, in, on, without)

There are two ways of measuring engine power. – Существует 2 способа


2. Наличие перед ing-формой притяжательного местоимения (my, her, etc)

The professor approved of my solving problem. – Профессор одобрил мое

решение задачи.

3. Наличие существительных в притяжательном или общем падежах

We know of Newton’s having developed - Намизвестно, чтоНьютон

theprinciplesofmechanics. разработал основные принципы механики.
4. Герундий и причастие могут выполнять функцию левого определения. Различать их в этой функции можно только на основе смыслового содержания, учитывая, что причастие выражает действие определяемого существительного, например: a writing man – пишущий человек, тогда как герундий указывает на назначение предмета и на русский язык передается существительным,

например: a writing table – письменный стол, т.е. стол для письма.

Сравнение: a smoking man – курящий человек (причастие)

a smoking room – комната для курения (герундий).
Отглагольное существительное тоже имеет окончание –ing (verbal noun). Признаком такого существительного является наличие перед ing-формой артикля и предлога of перед идущим за ней существительным. Отглагольное существительное может употребляться в форме множественного числа.

The readings of the voltmeter were correct. – Показания вольтметра были правильны.
Причастные союзы и предлоги, как правило, ошибочно принимаются за причастия. Следует помнить, что причастные союзы обычно встречаются в сложноподчиненных предложениях на границе между главным и придаточным предложениями; причастные предлоги чаще встречаются в простых предложениях. Рекомендуется выучить значение этих немногих слов:

providing (если), including(включительно), considering (в отношении), regarding, concerning (относительно, в отношении), following (вслед за), seeing(если только, поскольку).

Трудности анализа и перевода форм с окончанием –ed

Окончание – ed имеют:

1. Правильные глаголы в PastSimple.

We used this new device successfully.

Мы успешно применили этот новый аппарат.

2. Причастие II правильных глаголов.

The device used in our work is up to date.

Аппарат, применяемый в нашей работе, современный.

3. Причастный союз provided(при условии если).

Provided he comes he will help us.

Если только он придет, он нам поможет.

4. Причастные предлоги типа comparedwith (to) (по сравнению с),contrastedto(в отличие от).

5. Прилагательные с окончанием -ed.

Ошибки обычно делают при анализе и при переводе первых двух форм с окончанием –ed.

Следует помнить, что:

1) за причастием II, как правило, находится группа слов, начинающаяся обычно предлогами;

This apparatus is successfully used by our workers.

Этот аппарат успешно применяется нашими рабочими.

2) если за причастием II не следует предложная группа слов, то при переводе такое одиночное причастие следует ставить перед определяемым им словом;

We have discussed the efficiency of the device used.

Мы обсудили эффективность применяемого аппарата.

3) если в предложении встречаются две формы с окончанием – ed (т.е. причастие II и сказуемое, выраженное правильным глаголом в PastSimple) и при этом после причастия нет предложной группы, то из этих двух форм (обычно стоящих рядом) первая – причастие II, а вторая – сказуемое данного предложения.

The radio equipment used operated from a 12 volt d.c. source.

Используемая радиоаппаратура работала от источника постоянного тока напряжением в 12 вольт.

Miscellaneous exercises

Infinitive / Gerund /Participle
1. Define - ing forms and translate them into Russian.

1. Altering the motion of a body we increase or decrease its speed. 2. Tsiolkovsky’s having lost his hearing as a result of scarlet fever (скарлатина) made him leave school after the third form. 3. The energy produced by splitting of the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear or atomic energy. 4. The melting point of aluminum is 657°C. 5. The melting snow fills the river.
2. Translate the following sentences. Note the words which help you to define whether the word with the suffix -ing is a Verbal Noun, a Gerund or a Participle.

1. Our aim is solving this complex problem. 2. They succeeded in obtaining good results working with this metal. 3. The building of the house will be finished next month. 4. In testing the devices they found some serious faults. 5. The growing importance of automatic equipment in industry attracts world-wide attention. 6. Russian scien­tists played a great role in the spreading of the metric system in Russia. 7. After graduating from Petersburg University A. S. Popov remained there as a post-graduate at the Physics Department. 8. After Hertz had published his experiments proving the existence of electromagnetic waves, A. S. Popov thought of a possibility of using Hertz waves for transmitting signals over a distance. 9. On March 24, 1896 he de­monstrated the transmission and reception of a radiogram consisting of two words: Heinrich Hertz. 10. Using the new method it is possible to increase accuracy and speed of spectral analysis. 11. Thousands of scientists, using the most modern equipment, are studying the atmos­phere.
3. Open the brackets using the proper form of the Infinitive or Participle.

1. I heard him (to speak) to his friend about his voyage to far-away countries. 2. They wanted us (to do) this work as soon as possible. 3. For a long time they watched the girls (to play) tennis. 4. We didn't expect him (to be) so rude with his parents. 5. The revolution made lots of people (to leave) their native country. 6. I can't let you (quarrel) on trifles. 7. He was known (to be) an ethnologist and a linguist. 8. All of sudden she felt her limbs (to tremble). 9. The teacher was closely watching the students (to write) the dictation. There was no way to peep into a scribble.
4. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets in the following sentences.

  1. The teacher decided (accepting/to accept) the paper.

  2. They appreciate (to have/having) this information.

  3. His father doesn't approve of his (going/to go) to Europe.

  4. We found it very difficult (reaching/to reach) a decision.

  5. Donna is interested in (to open/opening) a bar.

  6. George has no intention of (to leave/leaving) the city now.

  7. We are eager (to return/returning) to school in the fall.

  8. You would be better off (to buy/buying) this car.

  9. She refused (to accept/accepting) the gift.

  10. Mary regrets (to be/being) the one to have to tell him

  11. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday.

  12. Carlos hopes (to finish/finishing) his thesis this year.

  13. They agreed (to leave/leaving) early.

  14. Helen was anxious (to tell/telling) her family about her promotion.

  15. We arc not ready (to stop/stopping) this research at this time.

  16. Henry shouldn't risk (to drive/driving) so fast.

  17. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on.

  18. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to her country.

  19. There is no excuse for (to leave/leaving) the room in this condition.

  20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave /leaving) the game.

5. Study the following common verbs and use them in the correct form to complete the following sentences.

These ones always take the gerund: succeed in, consider, deny, look forward to, avoid, risk;

these ones always refer to the infinitive: manage, pretend, offer, promise, hope, plan.

1. She finally ….. to escape by stealing a key. 2. He…..to carry the old man’s suitcase. 3. I’ve never been to France before. I’m …..going there next year. 4. They ….. reaching the frontier the following day. 5. She realized that she …..breaking a leg if she jumped from the window, but she knew there was no other choice. 6. Her mother made her ….. to write home every week. 7. It was nice to see you. I …..to see you again soon. 8. When he gets out of prison, he…... to travel. 9. I would like you to ….. working for me. 10. He …..stealing the car, although a witness saw him. Give up smoking if you want to…..getting a cough. He …..to be asleep, but in fact he heard everything they said.
6. Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the to-infinitive.

Example: They go on (read) the book. They go on reading the book.

1. I can't imagine Peter (go) by bike. 2. He agreed (buy) a new car. 3. The question is easy (answer). 4. The man asked me how (get) to the airport. 5. I look forward to (see) you at the weekend. 6. Are you thinking of (visit) London? 7. We decided (run) through the forest. 8. The teacher expected Sarah (study) hard. 9. She doesn't mind (work) the night shift. 10) I learned (ride) the bike at the age of 5.
7. Choose the correct answer.

1. Paula has given up…..

a) to smoke b) smoking c) smoke

2. I promised…..in time.

a) to come b) having come c) come

3. I saw him yesterday. He seems…..weight.

a) losing b) to have lost c) lose

4. Let me…..your bag.

a) to carry b) carrying c) carry

5. I don't enjoy…..very much.

a) dance b) danced c) dancing

6. It was funny. I couldn't help…..

a) laughing b) laugh c) to laugh

7. Would you mind ….. the door, please?

a) close b) closing c) closed

8.I'd prefer…..a taxi.

a) get b) to get c) having got,

9. He is very good at…..languages.

a) to learn b) learn c)learning

10. He is use….. alone.

a) having lived b) to live c) to living

11. David insisted on….. for the meal.

a) to pay b) pay c) paying

12.It is no use of…..about it.

a) worrying b) worry c) to have worried

l3. I had difficulty in…..a permission.

a) to get b) getting c) got

14. Let's go the pool …..a swim.

a) to have b) having c) had

15. Ann was surprised…..you last week.

a) see b) to see c) having seen

16. He prevented them from …..the same mistake.

a) do b) to do c) doing

17. Did you notice anyone…..?

a) to go out b) go out c) went out

18……her work, she came home.

a) to have finished b) having finished c) to finish

19.She denied….. there.

a) to go b) went c) going

20.Tony mentioned…..the bus to school instead of walking.

a) to take b) took c) taking

21 Ann was made …..her suitcase.

a) to open b) opening c) open

22. Do you know how….. to his house?

a) getting b) get c) to get

23. I remember…..the door.

a) locking b) to lock c) to be locked

24. The coat is dirty. It needs…..

a) to clean b) clean c) cleaning

25. I bought a new car instead of…..to America.

a) to fly b) fly c) flying

26. He is looking forward to…..them again.

a) see b) have seen c) seeing

27. She was busy….. in the garden.

a) working b) to work c) to be working

28. I don't enjoy…..very much.

a) driving b) drive c) drove

29. I can't afford…..tonight. I'm too tired.

a) to be going out b) to go out c) go out

30. His mother made him …..the room.

a) to clean b) cleaning c) clean

31. Has it stopped…..yet?

a) rain b) to rain c) raining

32. Can you remind me…..some coffee?

a) to buy b) buy c) having bought

33. Why do you keep me….. questions?

a) being asked b) asked c) asking

34. I refuse…..his questions.

a) to answer b) answer c) having answered

35. I've enjoyed…..them.

a) meet b) meeting c) being met

36. The girl began…..at night.

a) cry b) to cry c) having cried

37. He is against the discussion of…..this question.

a) postpone b) having postpone c) postponing

38. 1 can't stand…..here anymore.

a) work b) being work c) working

39. They translate a story into English without…..a dictionary.

a) to use b) use c) using

40. …..in that country all his life, he knew it very well.

a) living b) being lived c) live

41. She went out….. some bread.

a) buy b) buying c) to buy

42. I was glad …..them.

a) see b) to see c) saw

43.You must…..back at 11 o'clock.

a) be b) to be c) were

44. I'd rather…..in last night.

a) stay b) have stayed c) to have stayed

45. Ann made him …..

a) to apologize b) apologize c) apologized

46. She was made …..

a) to apologize b) apologize c) apologized

47. She entered without…..at the door.

a) knock b) knocked c) knocking

48. He isn't tall enough…..the top shelf.

a) reach b) to reach c) reaching

49. She is too short….. such a long dress.

a) wear b) wore c) to wear

50. She called me only…..that she would be late.

a) say b) to say c) saying

51. Dad let him…..TV.

a) to watch b) watch c) watched

52. She left Holland….. in another country.

a) to live b) live c) living

53. It was kind of you….. me your jacket.

a) to lend b) lend c) having lent

54. I think you'd better…..tennis.

a) to play ' b) play c) played

55. I don't know what …..

a) suggest b) suggested c) to suggest

56. …..vegetables is good for our health.

a) eaten b) eat c) eating

57. She wasted her time…..on the computer.

a) to play b) playing c) play

58. He pretended….. a lot of money but in fact he had won nothing at all.

a) win b) to win c) to have won

59. I watched him….. in the kitchen. It took him an hour.

a) paint b) to paint c) painting

60. I saw her….. the kitchen. I didn't wait until she had finished.

a) paint b) to paint c) painting
8. Fill in each space with either the Gerund ("-ing") or the Infinitive (to ...) form of the verb.

Example: "Reading in the dark is difficult." OR "Don't forget to brush your teeth."

  1. When I mentioned…..married, she didn't say anything.

a. to get b. getting

  1. If he keeps….. things from work, he's going to get fired.

a. to steal b. stealing

  1. Bill enjoys…..mystery novels.

a. to read b. reading

  1. I plan …..to college in the fall.

    1. to go b. going

  2. I plan on…..to college in the fall.

a. to go b. going

  1. I suggested…..to a restaurant after the movie.

a. to go b. going

  1. The doctor wants…..with you.

a. to speak b. speaking

  1. I really miss…..as a flight attendant.

a. to work b. working

  1. The little boy's teacher asked…..with his mother.

a. to talk b. talking

10. I don't mind…..with your cat. I love cats

  1. to play b. playing

9. Provide the "to" or the "-ing" form of the verb. It may be necessary to provide a preposition as well.

1. They were thinking... some time on the North African coast. (spend)

2. The factory owner was accused... the health of his workers. (endanger)

3. He was planning... a holiday in the USA. (take)

4. The burglar decided... into the house... a window. (get, break)

5. The removal men were asked... the furniture into the van. (load)

6. He hurt his back... ... the sofa on his own. (try, lift)

7. The danger... on thin ice must be obvious. (skate)

8. Shopaholics just cannot stop themselves... things. (buy)

9. He bought the books... his friends, not.... (impress, read)

10. The newspaper printed a story about a man... a dog. (bite)
10. Verb Forms Quiz - Gerund or Infinitive? Choose the correct answer.


I remember _____ the Queen in London.

a. meet b. to meet c. meeting d. to meeting

1. Did you remember …..the letter?

a. post b. to post c. posting d. to posting

2. I'm not used …..up this early.

a. get b. to get c. getting d. to getting

3. I used….. to the cinema a lot.

a. go b. to go c. going d. to going

4. I regret ….. Mary about the wedding.

a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. to telling

5. Mrs Jones, I regret…..you that your credit limit has been exceeded.

a. inform b. to inform c. informing d. to informing

6. Stop.....this terrible noise at once!

a. make b. to make c. making d. to making

7. I wanted to stop…..some presents, but we didn't have enough time.

a. to b. to buy c. buying d. to buying

8. Look, it's starting…...

a. rain b. to rain c. raining d. to raining

9. I started…..English when I was four.

a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. to learning
11. Fill in the correct tense of the infinitive or the -ing form.

Example: We’d better not bother her - she seems to be studying (study).

1. The accused denied….. (do) anything wrong.

2. Paul pretended ... (win) a lot of money but in fact he had won nothing at all.

3. She must….. (work) outdoors when we rang. She didn’t answer the phone.

4. Jan hoped….. (get) the prize but someone else won it.

5. He seemed…..(swim). He was all wet.

6. I should….. (give) him some money before I went out but I forgot.

7. She says she would love….. (come) to dinner with us tonight.

8. He must….. (practice) that piece for hours - he plays it very well now.

9. Peter claims …..(choose) as the best-dressed man of the year.

10. They could ... (prepare) a meal for us last night instead of making us go out to eat.

11. John must…..(be) very busy these days - I never see him.

12. The house looks so clean now. They must…..(clean) all day.

13. Jan should…..(give) us her new address before she left.

14. The two men appeared ... (try) to break into the building when the police arrived.

15. You should…..(study) now instead of watching TV.
12. Fill in the -ing form or the infinitive in the appropriate tense.

Tom: Do you think Mary would like 1) to go (go) to the theatre with me


Jo: I don't think so. She seems 2)…..(study) very hard at the moment.

Tom: That's a shame! I would have liked 3)….. (go) out with her.

Jo: I wouldn't mind 4)…..(come) with you.

Tom: OK. But I think you should 5) ....(talk) to Mary. The last time I saw her

she claimed 6)…. (work) till 2 o'clock every morning for the past

month. It's not good for her, you know.

Jo: I know. I must 7)…..(talk) to her about it. But you know how she hates

8)..(tell) what to do.
13. Complete the conversation between a travel agent and a woman, using the Infinitive or the -ing form.

A: Good morning, madam. Can I 1) help (help) you?

W: Yes. I'd like 2)….. (book) a holiday please.

A: Certainly. I must 3)….. (ask) you a few questions. Now - where would

you like 4) …. go)? How long are you going 5)….. (stay)? Would you

prefer 6)… (have) a relaxing beach holiday or 7)….(go) sightseeing?

Which countries are you interested in 8)….. (visit)? What means of

transport do you prefer ?

W: Well, young man. I don't know where 9)….. (go) or how long

10)…..(stay). I hate 11)... (go) to the beach and I don't enjoy sightseeing.

I don't want 12) ... (visit) any foreign countries because foreign food

makes me 13) … (feel) ill. As for means of transport, I'm too frightened

14)... (fly) in an airplane. I hate 15)…..(go) on boats, I don't like

16)…..(travel) by train and 17)…..(travel) on a coach makes me

18)…..(feel) sick.

A: Well madam, I don't know what 19)…(suggest). I don't want

20)… (appear) rude, but I really think you should 21) … (stay) at home.
14. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive without "to".

Last night I heard car breaks screeching (screech) and people 2)..... (shout) in the street. When I looked out of the window I saw a crowd of about twenty people 3)..... (stand) around a young boy 4).....(lie) in the street. Next I saw the driver of the car 5)..... (approach) the crowd and 6).....(kneel down) by the boy. He was 7) ....(look) very anxious. 8)..... (watch) the drama from my window, I began 9).....(consider) the boy's family. Then a few minutes later I saw a young woman 10).....(run) towards the scene and 11)..... (push) her way through the crowd. Soon, I heard an ambulance siren 12)..... (scream) in the distance 13).....(get) closer and closer. Then I saw the ambulance stop in front of my house. I watched the ambulance men 14)..... (get out) and 15).....(run) to the injured boy. Minutes later I saw them 16)..... (run back) to their ambulance with the boy on a stretcher followed by his mother.
15. Fill in infinitive with or without "to", or the -ing form.

1. Charlie goes swimming..... (swim) every morning in summer.

2. Thompson admitted .…. (murder) his wife.

3. He left England..... (live) in another country.

4 .I think you'd better..... (go) home.

5. It was kind of you..... (lend) me your jacket.

6. He ran all the way home without.....(stop).

7. The teacher made him..... (write) the composition again.

8. What's the use of.....? (cry)?
16. Fill in the infinitive or -ing form.

The rules in my new school are very strict. The teachers don't allow 1) talking (talk) in class at all. We are only permitted 2)..... (speak) if they ask us a question. On the first day the headmaster advised us all 3)..... (work) very hard. In fact, he recommended 4)..... (study) for at least four hours every evening! We are not allowed 5)..... (leave) the school at lunchtime but we are encouraged 6).....(join) one of the school clubs. Next week I'm starting chess.
17. Fill in the infinitive or -ing form in the appropriate tense.

My uncle Ted likes 1) to tell/telling..(tell) stories. He claims 2).....(meet) lots of famous people and 3) .....(see) many strange things in his life. Many people believe him because he seems 4)..... (tell) the truth. Even if they didn't believe him, nobody would risk 5..... (say) so, because he's a very big and frightening man. One day he pretended 6)..... (talk) to the President on the phone while my brother and I were in the room. "Hello, Mr President," he said. "You seem 7)..... (have) some problems running the country and I would like 8)..... (offer) you some advice." My brother and I started 9)..... (laugh) and my uncle Ted slammed down the receiver. "You must 10)..... (hear) something amusing," he shouted. "What is it?" We were very frightened. We hated 11).....(think) what he would do to us if he thought we were laughing at him, so we pretended 12).....(tell) jokes to each other.
18. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the -ing form.

1. Remember to go…..(go) to the bank. You've got to pay the bills.

2.1 don't remember..... (see) this film before.

3. When he had written his first book he went on..... (write) seven more.

4. She went on.....(talk) even after her friend had fallen asleep.

5.1 regret..... (leave) school at the age of 16.

6.1 regret..... (tell) you that you have failed the test.

7. He means..... (build) a boat and travel round the world.

8. Doing well on this course means … (study) very hard.

9. I've been trying..... (start) this car for hours.

10. Why don't you try..... (put) some petrol in the tank?

11. Don’t want to drive a car; I'm afraid of.....(have) an accident.

12. He's afraid..... (walk) alone at night.

13. She forgot..... (invite) her best friend to the party.

14. I'll never forget….. (see) snow for the first time.

15. On the way home he stopped..... (buy) some chocolate.

16. The baby didn't stop..... (cry) all night.

17. These windows are dirty. They need..... (wash).

18. I want..... (speak) to Sally, please.

19. Translate the following sentences into English using Participle or Gerund.

  1. Она любит смотреть на играющих детей.

  2. Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы он зашел к нам сегодня?

  3. Она сидела и улыбалась.

  4. Мои часы нужно починить.

  5. Она показала мне письмо, написанное в 1941 году.

  6. Он не выносит, когда ему лгут.

  1. Не желая прерывать разговор, он ушел, не прощаясь.

  2. После сдачи экзамена я поехал к своим родителям.

  3. Потеряв ключ, я не мог войти в комнату.

  1. Недавно он бросил курить.

  2. Услышав шаги, он поднял голову.

  3. Я был рад, что нашел своего друга.

  1. Не зная причины ее отсутствия, я решил позвонить ей.

  1. Дождь прекратился?

  2. Купив билеты, он пошел на платформу.

  3. Мы отложим обсуждение доклада.

  4. Просмотрев журналы, он включил телевизор.

  5. Он не возражал против того, чтобы его осмотрели.

  6. Играя в саду, он упал и ушибся.

  7. Мы с нетерпением ждем вашего ответа.

  8. Том подошел к смеющейся девочке.

  9. Вы не возражаете, если я буду курить здесь?

  10. Он лежал, на диване и читал книгу.

  11. Его коллекцию марок стоит посмотреть.

  12. Потерянную книгу, наконец, нашли.

  13. Терпеть не могу, когда меня ждут.

  14. Будучи расстроенным, он решил уйти, не прощаясь.

  15. После проверки, контрольные работы были возвращены студентам.

  16. Прочитав доклад, я нашел в нем несколько ошибок.

  17. Я не могла не рассмеяться.

  18. Она ушла, оставив ребенка с няней.

  19. Я гордился тем, что работал с ним раньше.

  20. Не чувствуя себя виноватым, он отказался извиниться.

  21. Я предлагаю пойти домой.

  22. Сделав уроки, он пошел гулять.

Chapter 10
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