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Учебнометодическое пособие по формированию грамматической компетенции (английский язык) для студентов второго образовательного уровня

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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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Modal Verbs

Модальные глаголы используются для того, чтобы показать отношение говорящего к действию или состоянию, выраженному инфинитивом. Эта группа имеет ряд отличий от остальных глаголов:

- модальные глаголы не имеют неличных форм;

- не образуют аналитические временные формы;

- не имеют окончание –s в 3-ем лице ед. числа;

- присоединяют инфинитив без частицы to;

- образуют отрицательную и вопросительную формы без вспомогательных глаголов;

- имеют сокращенную отрицательную форму.

- большинство модальных глаголов относятся к настоящему или будущему, только can имеет форму прошедшего времени - could.

Функции модальных глаголов.






(способность, умение)


(в настоящем или будущем)


was/were able to

(повторяющиеся действия в прошлом)

was/were able to



wasn’t/weren’t able to

(повторяющиеся или одиночные действия в прошлом)

Can you swim? No, I can’t. I can run fast though. – Умеешь ты плавать? Нет, не умею. Однако я умею быстро бегать.
She could/was able to dance for hours when she was young. – Она могла танцевать часами в молодости.

He was able to win the race. – Он смог выиграть гонки.

I couldn’t/wasn’t able to find my key. - Я не смог найти свои ключи.

He couldn’t/wasn’t able to ski when he was young. – Он не умел кататься на лыжах в молодости.

Possibility/ probability


may (возможно)
might ( возможно)
could (возможно)
must (вероятно; должно быть)


(Это невозможно; Я так не думаю)

can he be? (Разве это возможно?)

He may be before noon. – Он возможно вернётся до обеда.

There might be some cheese in the fridge. – В холодильнике возможно есть сыр.

He could still be at home. – Он возможно ещё дома.

They look alike. They must be twins. – Они очень похожи. Должно быть они близнецы.

You have been sleeping all day. You cant be tired. – Ты весь день спал. Ты не можешь быть уставшей.

Can he still be at work? – Разве он может быть ещё на работе?



can (неофициальное обращение)

could (более вежливое обращение)

may (официальное обращение)

might (ещё более официально)

Can I borrow your pen? – Можно мне взять твою ручку?

Could I borrow your car? – Разрешите мне взять вашу машину?

May I use your phone? – Разрешите воспользоваться вашим телефоном?

Might I see your driving license, please? – Вы позволите взглянуть на Ваши водительские права?

Requests, offers, suggestions

(просьбы, предложения)

can (просьба)
Could (вежливая просьба; предложение)

Would you like (вежливое предложение)

Shall I/we (предложение)

will (предложение, просьба)

Can you help me tidy my room? – Ты мог бы мне помочь убрать мою комнату?

Could I have a little more cake? – Можно мне ещё немного торта?

Would you like some more lemonade? – Хотите ещё лимонада?

Shall I post this letter for you? – Хотите я отправлю Ваше письмо?

Shall we buy him a present? – Может быть мы купим ему подарок?

I’ll make you some coffee if you want. – Я сделаю тебе кофе, если ты хочешь.

Will you do me a favour? – Вы не окажете мне любезность?

Advice (совет)

had better

You should go to the dentist. – Тебе следует пойти к стоматологу.

You’d better see your dentist. – Тебе следует пойти к стоматологу.

Obligation, necessity

(обязанность, необходимость)

must (должен, обязан)

have to (должен, вынужден)
I’ve got to


We must follow the school rules. – Мы должны следовать школьным правилам.

I must see a doctor. – Мне нужно к врачу.

I have to do my homework every day. – Мне приходится делать домашнее задание каждый день.

I’ve got to leave early today. – Мне нужно уйти рано сегодня.

Absence of necessity/ prohibition

(отсутствие необходимости, запрет)

mustnt (запрет)
cant (запрет)

dont need/have to (нет необходимости в настоящем/ будущем)

didnt need/have to (не было необходимости в прошлом)

You mustnt park here. – Здесь нельзя парковаться. (Это запрещено)

You cant enter the club without a card. – Вы не можете войти в этот клуб без карточки.(Не разрешается)

You don’t need/have to do it now. You can do it later. – Тебе не нужно делать это сейчас. Ты можешь сделать это позже.

He didnt need|have to go to work yesterday because it was Sunday/ – Ему не нужно было идти вчера на работу, так как было воскресенье.

1. Must выражает обязанность, долг, необходимость с точки зрения говорящего. Переводится словами должен, нужно, надо, должно быть, нельзя (в отрицательных предложениях).

Эквивалентом модального глагола must является tohave (to), tobe (to).

Everybody must be responsible for his words and doings.

Каждый должен быть в ответе за свои слова и дела.

You mustn’t walk.

Тебе нельзя идти пешком.

2. Tohave (to) выражает обязанность или необходимость, обусловленную обстоятельствами. Переводится словами должен, приходится, вынужден, надо.

Some job has to be done in the area of disaster.

Кое-какую работу нужно выполнить в районе бедствия.

3. Tobe (to) выражает необходимость совершения действия по плану, по договоренности. Переводится словами должен, предстоит, намечено, планируется.

On Friday the students were to discuss the results of their first session.

В пятницу студенты должны были обсудить результат своей первой сессии.

4. Модальный глагол need выражает наличие или отсутствие необходимости совершения действия и обычно употребляется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в настоящем времени. Переводится словами нужно, не нужно (в отрицательных предложениях).

Need he go there?

Нужно ли ему идти туда?

He needn’t go there immediately.

Ему не нужно идти туда сейчас же.

5. Глаголы долженствования shouldи oughttoимеют одну форму для всех лиц и являются почти синонимами. Они используются для выражения долженствования и обязанности для того, чтобы дать совет и чтобы сказать, как правильно и хорошо что-либо сделать.

You ought to / should do this work yourself.

Вы должны (Вам следует...) сделать эту работу самостоятельно.

В большинстве случаев как should, так и oughtмогут быть использованы почти одинаково. Но между ними есть небольшое смысловое различие.

Когда мы используем should, то выражаем наше собственное субъективное мнение. Переводится словами следует, желательно, следовало бы, надо бы, хорошо бы. Oughttoимеет более объективную силу и используется, когда мы говорим о законе, моральной обязанности и правилах. Переводится словами желательно, следует, рекомендуется, надо.

You ought to help your partner.

Надо помочь Вашему партнеру.

Oughtи shouldупотребляются, когда мы говорим о настоящем или будущем, а не о прошедшем.

6. Модальный глагол canвыражает физическую или умственную возможность. Переводится словами могу, умею; не могу, не умею, нельзя (в отрицательных предложениях). Эквивалентом модального глагола can является tobeable (to). Выражает реальную возможность, физическую или умственную способность.

I can play computer games.

In this case the operator is able to view early dangerous objects.

Я могу (умею) играть в компьютерные игры.

В этом случае оператор может сразу же заметить опасные объекты.

7. Модальный глагол mayвыражает допущение возможности, разрешение совершить действие. Переводится словами могу, можно, вероятно, может быть; нельзя (в отрицательных предложениях). Эквивалентом модального глагола may является tobeallowed (to).

You may finish your experiment next week.

Вы можете закончить свой эксперимент на следующей неделе

They are not allowed even to think about it.

Они даже не могут подумать об этом.

8. Модальные глаголы в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive Passive переводится:

1) can, may – можно;

2) must, should – нужно, необходимо, следует.

Investment can be classified into net investment and gross investment.

Инвестиции можно классифицировать на чистые инвестиции и валовые капиталовложения.

Motion may be defined as a continuous change in position.

Движение можно определить как постоянное изменение положения.

The solution is formulated in terms of complex integrals that must be solved numerically.

Решение представлено в виде сложных интегралов, которые нужно решать численным методом.

Some more calculation should be done to make the conclusion.

Чтобы сделать заключение, следует произвести еще кое-какие расчеты.

9. Модальные глаголы must и may в сочетании с Perfect Infinitive употребляются для выражения предположения о совершении действия в прошлом.

This fact must have been noted at the beginning of the article.

Этот факт, должно быть, упоминался в начале статьи.

This method may have given good results.

Этот метод, возможно, дал хорошие результаты.

Для выражения действия, которое могло бы произойти, но не произошло, PerfectInfinitive употребляется в сочетании с модальными глаголами could, might, oughtto, should.

They ought to have given the necessary explanation.

Им следовало бы дать необходимые объяснения , но они этого не сделали.

You could have taken part in the experiment.

Вы могли бы принять участие в эксперименте, но вы этого не сделали.

В научно-технической литературе отмечается тенденция к взаимозаменяемости модальных глаголов, объединенных значениями необходимости и долженствования.
1. Translate the sentences.

1. Esperanto can be learned in much less time than any other language.

2. You should use a variety of methods to acquire new content.

3. Typically, these robots can walk well on flat floors.

4. These airplanes can be smaller and lighter without human pilot.

5. The computer must solve a great deal of information and decide on the best way to manipulate an object.

6. The presence of the stationary waves may be detected in many ways.

7. Electricity can be transmitted via the natural media.

8. Different languages such as Java and Pascal can also be used for Windows programming.

9. You can easily create and modify table definitions.

10. They disagree about what should be called nanotechnology and what should not.

11. You don’t have to worry that the code will not be accessible.

12. It is quite evident that not every experiment can be relied upon.

13. As a consequence, one usually has to rely on the experience and even the intuition of the engineer.

14. According to the kind of electronic design, Evolutionary Electronics can be classified into three categories.

15. Among the features described above, the third one should be emphasized.

16. This can be used to teach the network to classify speech patterns.

17. It is what the average C++ programmer will be able to come up with.

18. The virtual machines software itself must be written separately for each type of computer on which it runs.

19. Protocols may be implemented by hardware, software, or a combination of the two.

20. The question is how this can best be done.

21. Sometimes, composite operators must be used for a better definition of the relations.

22. The data transmitted by an application may have been broken down into smaller packets which are easier to handle.

23. IP network and every machine that is connected to it have to have a unique IP address assigned to it.

24. The operating system must make sure that the requirements of the various users are balanced.

25. Error detection was used in the cyclic system example to reject a state that could not be properly decoded.

26. Many limitations must be taken into account during the process.

27. Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value.

28. In this usage, technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems.

29. The word "technology" can also be used to refer to a collection of techniques.

30. This new-found knowledge may then be used by engineers to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology.

31. The Internet can now be accessed virtually anywhere by numerous means.

32. The machine was slow but it could perform basic arithmetic as well as more complex equations.

33. These computers, both developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle an enormous amount of data.
2. Rewrite the following sentences using can, could, may or might.

1 It is possible that he is Italian.

2 Do you know how to play the piano?

3 You are not allowed to speak during the exam

4 It is not possible that they are still on holiday.

5 You are not allowed to smoke on the plane.
3. Fill in: can't, might, must or could.

I wonder where Paul is. He 1) can't be at work because he never works on a Sunday. He 2).....be at Sally's, but I doubt it because they haven't been speaking lately. I wonder if he 3)..... be at his cottage in the country. No, he 4).....be because he told me they've rented it to someone else for the summer. He 5)..... have gone bowling, but I'm almost sure he told me he'd got tired of it. I know! He 6)... have gone swimming, because I remember him asking me if I wanted to go with him.
4. Fill in:would you, I'll, shall, could, why don't you or how about.

Husband : I've got a splitting headache.

Wife: 1) ..Why don't you go and lie down?

Husband : Yes, I think I will. 2......you bring me some aspirin?

Wife : Yes, of course I will. 3).....I call the doctor?

Husband : No. 4)..... wait and see how I feel later.

Wife : 5).....like a glass of water?

Husband : Yes, please. 6)..... you also telephone the office to say I'm ill?

Wife : Yes. 7).....you tell me where to find the number?

Husband : 8).....looking in the address book by the phone?

Wife : 9).....I say you'll be in the office this afternoon?

Husband : Yes, you 10).....say I'll be in about 2hours , I should be all right

by then.
5. Fill in: should, shouldn't, ought to or had better.

David : You 1) should, really do something about your car.

Sally : What do you mean?

David : It's in terrible condition. You 2)...get a new one before the police

stop you.

Sally : But I can't afford a new one!

David: Well, you 3)...at least have the exhaust seen to. And you 4)... have the

brakes repaired before you kill somebody.

Sally : I suppose I 5)... . But you 6)... lend me some money to pay for the


David : Sally, have you spent the money I lent you last week? You 7)... have

spent it all!
6. Fill in can or be able to in the appropriate tense and form.

  1. I've been looking for your glasses but I haven't been able to find them yet.

  2. By the time Phillis was ten, she…..speak three languages.

  3. If you don't tell me what your problem is, I….. help you.

4. I got home early last night, so I ... watch my favorite program on TV.

5. I…. ate anything when I was younger, but now I have to be more careful.

6. He…..pass the exam because he had studied hard.
7. Fill in: mustn't, needn't or can't.

In this school students 1) can't/'mustn't smoke. Students 2)... wear school uniforms, but they 3)... wear dirty clothes. Students 4)... leave school until 3pm. They 5)... forget to do their homework. They 6)... bring a doctor's note if they are sick. Older students 7)... park their cars in the teachers' car park. Students 8)... walk or ride their bikes across the grass. Students 9)... be late for class or talk loudly in lessons. Students 10)... forget these rules, but teachers 11)... obey them as they have a separate set of rules to follow.
8. Fill in: can't, must(n't), need(n't), ought to, have (got) to or don't have to.

Jo : Hello, Mum, Are you still awake? You 1) needn’t have waited up for me.

Mum : Do you know what time it is? It's after midnight and you 2)... go to

school in the morning.

Jo: I'm sorry, but I missed the last bus.

Mum : Well, you 3)... have phoned me then. You 4)... come in at any time

you want.

Jo : Oh Mum, you 5)... worry about me. Anyway, you 6)... walk miles to

find a telephone that works.

Mum : Then next time you 7)... be sure to catch the bus. You 8) ... walk in the

dark alone.

Jo : Yes, Mum. I'm going to bed now, I 9)... to get some sleep. And by the

way, I 10)... go to school in the morning - tomorrow's Saturday

9. There are mistakes in all of the following sentences. Find the mistakes and write the verbs out again correctly.

1. That mustn't be the postman. He never comes this early.

2. I might not to, come to class on Wednesday. I've got to go to the dentist.

3. Could you riding a bicycle when you were seven?

4. You couldn't borrow my new blouse. I want to wear it myself.

5. Don't think we should buy him a shirt. He could not like the colour.

6. That can be you when you were a baby. It looks just like you.

7. Helen must forget that we had a meeting this morning as she still hasn't arrived.

8. Do you think Mum might have bought me those new trainers I wanted for my birthday?

9. You mustn't have been so rude to her. No wonder she won't speak to you anymore.

10. That can't be Mike in the photo. He doesn't have a beard.

11. I suppose I could lend you my calculator, but I was sure you'd lose it.

12. You should be freezing. Quickly, come inside by the fire and I'll get you a hot drink.

13. They shouldn't pull down that house. It was one of the oldest buildings in the city.

14. But he can't do it. He was here with me all day

15. That mustn't be the postman. He doesn't come on Saturdays
10. Fill in the correct modal verb and form of the infinitive.

There was a bank robbery in town this morning and PC Jones was sent to investigate. He's reporting his findings to the Chief of Police. Complete what he says.

"Well sir, it 1) must have been (be) a professional gang because it was a very clever job. They 2)... (know) exactly what they were doing because they didn't leave even one clue behind them. It definitely 3) ... (be) Freddy Fingers and his gang because they are in prison. I thought it 4)...(be) Harry but he was in hospital at the time of the robbery, so it 5) ... (be) him either. I 6) ... (be) sure, but it 7)... (be) Sly Steve's gang, because they are the only suspects who don't have an alibi; they 8) ... (commit) the robbery. 9)... (I/ bring) them in for questioning, sir?"
11. First write a synonym, then write the meaning of the verbs in bold type.

ability (present/future) - ability (past) - possibility - deduction - permission - request - offer - suggestion -advice - criticism - absence of obligation/necessity prohibition

  1. He can't speak German. He is not able to (ability - present)..

  2. He might be in his office.

  3. You may go home now.

  4. Could you lend me £5?

  5. Shall we dance?

  6. You ought to take more exercise.

  7. She shouldn't have told you that.

  8. You don't have to apologise.

9.1 couldn't find my socks.

  1. She must have left her bag on the train.

  2. You had better ask your mother.

  3. I'll carry your bag if you like.

  4. You mustn't make any noise.

  5. His car needs washing.

  6. We can go to the beach if you like.

12. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb as in the example.

1. It's not possible that he's finished already. He can't have finished already.

2. It wasn't necessary for you to give him a present. You…..

3. I advise you to stop eating chocolate. You …..

4. I insist that you do your homework. You…..

5. It was wrong of him to kick that dog. He…..

6. It's possible that she's already phoned him. She

7. I'll take the dog out if you like. Would…..

8. Will you let me speak to George, please? May

9. Let's go to a disco. What …..

10. It's possible that he is lying. He…..

11. He wasn't able to write until he was eight. He…..

12. Talking is not permitted during the test. You…..

13. It would be a good idea for me to give up smoking. I had…..

14. I'm sure that he has gone home. He…..

15. It isn't right to speak to your mother like that. You…..

16. It isn't possible for me to come to the party tonight. I…..

17. He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week. He …..


Chapter 3
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   12

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