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15. Modal verbs Модальные глаголы

Modal verbs

Ways of using



Ways of using





b) разрешение
c) вероятность в настоящем или в будущем

She can speak fluent German.

Can/could I interrupt for a moment?
Of course, I could be wrong.

Be able to


was/were able to)


a) умение

b) разрешение

She is able to speak fluent German.

Am I able to interrupt for a moment?



a) разрешение (в первом лице: формальный стиль)

b) вероятность в настоящем или в будущем

May I speak to you for a moment?

There may be a storm later.

Be allowed to(am/is/are/

was/were allowed to)


a) разрешение

She is allowed to go to parties on weekends.



а) обязанность


в) логическую необходимость

I must go home now. It’s late.(=I have decided this)

You mustn’t smoke in here.
He’s not answering his phone. He must be in a meeting.

Have to /have got to

Don’t have to


shouldn’t =Ought to/ought not to

Выражает необходимость в силу обстоятельств (приходится, нужно)

Выражает совет, пожелания

I’ve got to be at work early tomorrow morning. (=my boss decided this, I have an early meeting)

You don’t have to buy a ticket if you don’t want to.

You should be in bed by now. (=this is the right thing). =You ought to be in bed now.

You shouldn’t eat so much chocolate. (=it’s not a good idea).

16. Choose the correct alternative

a) If you like, I can/may make an appointment for you to see Dr. Krall tomorrow.

b) Passengers mustn’t/don’t have to smoke while on board the plane.

c) Don’t let Sylvie climb that tree. She can/might fall.

d) You probably shouldn’t/mustn’t keep your passport in that pocket: it should/could easily be stolen.

e) I’m afraid Karen can’t/couldn’t come to the party tomorrow because she’s got flu.

f) Oh no! It mustn’t/can’t be seven o’clock already! Jill and Graham will be here in fifteen minutes!

g) I absolutely ought to/have to leave the house at six if I want to be at the station by six-thirty.

h) Be careful, that pot’s very heavy. You have to/could hurt your back.

17. Find the mistakes and underline them. Then write the correct sentences.

1. I can’t to come to your Christmas party next week. I can’t come

2. Do you can ride a bicycle?

3. They say she cans run very fast.

4. Could they to go to the air show tomorrow?

5. We can’t visit the folk dance festival yesterday.

6. He didn’t can get to the school ball last Saturday.
18. Rewrite the sentences with perhaps or maybe, without changing the meaning.

1. I may play football next Saturday. (perhaps)

Perhaps I will play football next Saturday.

2. He might come with us to the New Year’s Dance. (maybe)

3. Chelsea might win the Champion League. (perhaps)

4. They may invite us to their engagement party. (maybe)

5. She might go to the Easter Races without you. (perhaps)

6. We may put up the Christmas decorations tonight. (maybe)
19. Write the rules by completing them with you must (+) or you must not (-)

1. drive on the left in Britain. (+) You must drive on the left in Britain.

2. cross the road at the zebra crossing (+)

3. walk on the grass (-)

4. smoke inside the restaurant (-)

5. wear a seat belt when you drive (+)

6. go out without your identity card (-)

20. Tick the correct sentences.

1. a)(˅) Notice: Deep water. You must not swim here.

b)( ) Notice: Deep water. You don’t have to swim here.

2. a)( ) Mother: You mustn’t get up early tomorrow. There is no school.

b)( ) Mother: You don’t have to get up early tomorrow. There is no school.

3. a)( ) Teacher: You mustn’t run in the corridors. It’s dangerous.

b)( ) Teacher: You don’t have to run in the corridors. It’s dangerous.

4. a)( ) Policeman: You mustn’t drive so fast. It’s 50-km-per-hour zone.

b)( ) Policeman: You don’t have to drive so fast. It’s 50-km-per-hour zone.

5. a)( ) Classmate: You mustn’t give in your essay until Friday. There’s lots of time.

b)( ) Classmate: You don’t have to give in your essay until Friday. There’s lots of time.

6. a)( ) Judge: I’m banning you from driving for 12 months. You mustn’t drink and drive again.

b)( ) Judge: I’m banning you from driving for 12 months. You don’t have to drink and drive again.

21. Replace the phrases in bold with a modal verb phrase. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

1. Is it true that cats are able to see in the dark? ______can______

2. It’s necessary for you to wear sunscreen when you go to beach. ________

3. It’s impossible for it to be that expensive. I’m sure there is a mistake. ______

4. Do you think it’s the right thing for me to buy Alex a birthday present?______

5. The doctor said I’m not allowed to lift anything heavy. ______________

6. It’s possible that we’ll be a bit late tonight. ________________

7. It’s not necessary for you to join the team if you don’t want to. ___________

8. Frank’s not in his office. I suppose it’s possible that he’s at lunch. _________

9. Come on, put those books away – it’s not a good idea for you to be studying at this time of night. ___________

22. Complete these sentences so that they are true for you.

1. I can ________________________________________________________

2. I can’t _______________________________________________________

3. Tomorrow I may _______________________________________________

4. This week I ought to ____________________________________________

5. Tomorrow I have to _____________________________________________

6. Tonight I might ________________________________________________


23. Read the following text and do the tasks after the text:

Students These Days

My son, Danny, is in his second year at university studying computing. He’s not enjoying it. He tells me it’s boring and too hard. He says he has to go to too many lectures, and he doesn’t really have enough time to do the essays and projects he has to write. He wants to drop out and apply to do American studies at a different university, but I say he shouldn’t. Last night we had a big argument about it while we were having dinner. “You don’t understand. It was different when you went to university!” he shouted and then he left the house.

Actually, I really do understand and he is right to say things were different when I went to university. Twenty five years ago, being a student in Britain was really easy. We didn’t have to pay anything to study at university. It was completely free. In fact, when I went to university the government actually GAVE me money. And I mean, gave. I got a grant of over two thousand pounds (which was a lot of money in those days) and I was free to spend it, and I never had to pay any of it back at all. Nowadays, lots of students (or their parents!) have to pay two or three thousand pounds for their course. They also have to pay for food, somewhere to live, books, bills and everything else. The government gives you a loan, which you then have to pay back after you graduate. Most people have to get a part-time job while they are studying.

I used to work in the summer holidays, but I didn’t have to get a job during term-time, so I could just concentrate on studying. I say concentrate on studying, but actually a lot of the time we just sat around and chatted to each other, watched French films, read books, went on demonstrations or went to parties. I only had to go to ten hours of lectures each week, so I had lots of time to write my essays and do everything else I wanted to do. And of course, almost all students lived away from home. We had a lot of freedom – we didn’t have to worry about coming home late or bringing friends home, because our parents weren’t there. It was fun and easy.

I. Answer the following questions

1) Does Danny like to study at university? Why?

2) Did students pay to study at university twenty five years ago?

3) How much do students pay nowadays?

4) Did students use to work during term-time?

5) Did students twenty five years ago have more freedom than students nowadays?

II. Choose T (true) or F (false)

1) T F Danny’s mother didn’t want he to change his university.

2) T F When mother went to university the government actually gave her money.

3) T F Most people don’t have to get a part-time job while they are studying.

4) T F Danny’s mother really concentrated on studying.

5) T F Almost all students lived away from home twenty five years ago.



1. Work in groups. Think of three reasons you have decided to enter our University.

скругленная прямоугольная выноска 3

скругленная прямоугольная выноска 4скругленная прямоугольная выноска 5


2. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Rostov State University of Civil Engineering”.

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering – Ростовский государственный университет гражданского строительства

Research Institute- научно-исследовательский институт

lyceum - лицей

up-to-date facilities- современное оборудование

competition - конкурс

hostel - общежитие

spare time activities- культурные мероприятия

qualification - квалификация

technically equipped classrooms – технически-оборудованные аудитории

project competitions – проектные конкурсы

subject competitions – олимпиады по предметам

to ensure - гарантировать

extension - расширение

joint educational projects – совместные образовательные проекты

gain - приобретать

slogan – лозунг

3. Match information in columns A and B to make sentences about Rostov State University of Civil Engineering


1. It was established a. was introduced

2. University is headed b. as Civil Engineering Institute

3. multilevel training system c. wide range of activities

4. it is considered d. by professor V.S.Vagin

5.students are offered e. are technically equipped

6. classrooms f. to be the center of education


3. Read the text and underline or mark the main ideas of this text.

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering is the largest University in the south of Russia with the dynamic development. It is a leading institution of national higher education and it is considered to be the center of education, science, culture and sport in Rostov-on-Don. It was established as Civil Engineering Institute in 1944 and in 1997 it got the status of a University.

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering has 7 institutes, 3 faculties, a lyceum, a preparatory center, a center of scientific and technical construction examination, a certification center, two research institutes: “Dortrans Research Institute” and “Research Institute of Territorial Management and City Planning» and other departments.

Nowadays the University is headed by professor V.S.Vagin.

In 1992a multilevel training system was introduced. Now there are 5 levels of study, each comprising 2 years. Having completed the first level students could get a certificate of education. At the second level they study Bachelor of Sciences courses. Then, other 2 years give an opportunity to get a Master of Sciences degree and the qualification of an engineer. On the fourth level students can get a Candidate of Science degree after defending a thesis. The final fifth level gives an opportunity to get a Doctor of Sciences degree.

At present more than 11,000 students get training in Rostov State University of Civil Engineering. They get qualifications in 33 special subjects, 17 programs for masters in the fields of «Building», «Economics», «Transport systems», «Environmental protection» and others.

The University provides access to new learning opportunities, research and creative work. Students and young scientists participate in a number of degree project competitions, subject competitions and All-Russian and regional conferences.

The modern university facilities provide opportunities to ensure high quality training and research. The University has 14 buildings, 13 research departments and a library of 800,000 volumes, 5 reading rooms, an IT centre and 40 computer rooms.

Non-resident students live in three comfortable hostels. Students improve their health at the University Sanatorium and the Health Center.

The Academic body of the University has always been interested in extension of scientific and technical cooperation with other leading higher educational institutions and business companies in Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain, Mexico, China, India, Finland and Austria. Foreign scientists and researchers give lectures to the students of the University. They also take an active part in different joint educational projects.

The University is famous for being not only the educational and scientific center, but also the cultural center which offers a wide range of spare time activities for students.

There are different competition social programs “The Beauty of the University”, “The Braves” - a sport holiday. There are several artistic groups: the ensemble of ballet dancing “RISIane”, the pop band, the student theatre of variety miniatures “STEM”. There is also a singing theatre “Fantasy”, a theatre of folk dancing “Donskoye razdolie”.

The slogan of the University «Glorious in the Past, dynamic at Present and aimed at the Future» reflects the higher education philosophy with the combination of traditions, innovations, experience and creative research in its concept.


4. Decide if the sentences (1-6) below are true or false.

1. Rostov State University of Civil Engineeringdates back to February, 1944 when Rostov Civil Engineering Institute was opened. T\F

2. The University maintains cooperation with higher education and leading companies of Mexico, France, Great Britain, Poland and China. T\F

3. The Academic body of the University is not interested in extension of scientific and technical cooperation with the leading higher educational institutions. T\F

4. The academic year starts on the first of November and terminates as a rule at the end of August. The academic year is divided into three semesters. T\F

5. The University trains civil engineers, architects and economists. T\F

6. Heading the South-Russian Association of Institutions of Higher Civil Engineering Education, the University, along with the educational activities, carries out research, certification, expertise in the field of construction. T\F
5. Make up at least 10 questions about the text above.

6. Work in pairs.

Develop the situation: S1 is a student of the Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, S2 is a foreigner, who would like to enter this University. S1 asks as many questions about RSUCE as he/she can, S2 answers these questions.
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