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  • Read the text and I. Answer the following questions

  • II. Choose T (true) or F (false) 1) T F



  • There is a hydraulic/water resources engineer

  • A materials and testing engineer

  • 3.Read and translate the topic “Economist”. Economist

  • 4. Translate from English into Russian.

  • 5. Translate from Russian into English.



  • 7. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

  • SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS Read and translate the text with a dictionary Economics: The Subject Matter of Economics

  • Учебное пособие Кривцова, Кочетова. Учебное пособие для обучающихся по техническим и экономическим направлениям подготовки бакалавров

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    9. Read the following text and do the tasks after the text:

    The Threat to Kiribati

    The people of Kiribati are afraid that one day in the not-too–distant future, their country will disappear from the face of the earth – literally. Several times this year, the Pacific island nation has been flooded by a sudden high tide (волна). These tides, which swept across the island and destroyed houses, came when there was neither wind nor rain. “This never happened before,” say the older citizens of Kiribati.

    What is causing these mysterious high tides? The answer may well be global warming. When fuels like oil and coal are being burned, pollutants are released; these pollutants trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting glaciers and polar ice-caps.

    If the trend continuous, scientists say, many countries will suffer. Bangladesh, for example might lose one-fifth of its land. The coral island nations of the Pacific, like Kiribati and the Marshall Islands, however, would face an even worse fate – they would be swallowed by the sea. The loss of these coral islands would be everyone’s loss. Coral formations are home to more species than any other place on earth.

    The people of these nations feel frustrated. The sea on which their economies have always been based, is suddenly threatening their existence. They don’t have the money expensive technological solutions like seawalls. And they have no control over the pollutants, which are being released mainly by activities in large industrialized countries. All they can do is to hope that industrialized countries will take steps to reduce pollution.

    Read the text and

    I. Answer the following questions

    1) Why are the people of Kiribati afraid that one day their country will disappear from the face of the earth?

    2) What is the reason of global warming?

    3) What nations would be swallowed by the sea?

    4) Why are coral islands vital important for the environment?

    5) Can the nations of coral islands do anything to save their land?

    II. Choose T (true) or F (false)

    1) T F Several times this year, the Pacific island nation has been flooded by a usual high tide.

    2) T F Warmer temperatures create more water by melting glaciers and polar ice-caps.

    3) T F Bangladesh would be swallowed by the sea.

    4) T F The people of Kiribati don’t pollute their island.

    5) T F Coral formations are just for beauty.


    10. Read the supplementary text and translate it with a dictionary.





    1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “What's it like to be a Civil Engineer?”

    water supply schemes – система водоснабжения

    sewerage systems – канализационная система

    harbors - порт

    dockyards – судоремонтный завод

    site – строительная площадка

    supervision - руководство

    foundation - фундамент

    construction - строительство

    advise on – советовать о

    meet a client's needs – удовлетворять нужды клиентов

    supervise labor – руководить рабочими

    natural disasters – природные бедствия

    water resources engineer – инженер в области водных ресурсов

    highway engineer –инженер по дорожному строительству

    culvert – кульверт, водопроводная труба

    overpass - эстакада

    structural engineer –инженер в области строительства

    materials and testing engineer- инженер по исследованию стройматериалов


    2.Read and translate the text “What's it like to be a Civil Engineer?”

    What's it like to be a Civil Engineer?

    Civil engineers plan, design, construct, operate and maintain roads, bridges, dams, water supply schemes, sewerage systems, transportation systems, harbors, canals, dockyards, airports, railways, factories and large buildings.
    Civil engineers may work in offices or on site. They may be required to work long hours and meet strict deadlines while working under minimal supervision. Civil engineers deal with various professional, skilled and semi-skilled people.
    Consulting and contracting engineers often travel interstate, and some travel overseas. It may be necessary for some civil engineers to change residence every few years as their work takes them from one major engineering site to another.

    Civil engineers may investigate sites to determine the most suitable foundation for a proposed construction; research and advise on the best engineering solution to meet a client's needs and budget. These engineers organize the delivery of materials, machinery and equipment needed for the construction project and supervise labor. They work with other engineers, architects, landscape architects and environmental scientists.

    Civil engineers operate computers to assist with the design of civil engineering projects; research, advise on the control and minimization of air, water and solid waste pollution, and the management of water resources. They supervise the testing and commissioning of completed works.

    These engineers also analyze risks associated with natural disasters (including cyclones, earthquakes, fires and floods), and design structures and services to meet appropriate standards.

    Civil engineers have different specializations:

    There is a hydraulic/water resources engineer which designs and supervises construction and advises on the operation, maintenance and repair of water resource facilities such as dams, aqueducts, hydro-electric plants, and water supply, drainage and sewerage systems.

    A highway engineer specializes in analyzing population and growth statistics, traffic patterns and volume to project future requirements. Duties may include designing efficient and safe traffic systems, studying roadway and embankment design, and maintaining facilities such as culverts and overpasses.

    Traffic engineers look at the symptoms of general traffic conditions, and make a competent diagnosis, they take traffic counts, analyze accident statistics, study speed data, examine roadway conditions, conduct research and study what other professionals are doing and the results they have achieved.

    A structural engineer designs the frameworks of buildings, towers, bridges, water treatment facilities, tunnels and other structures to ensure strength and rigidity.

    A materials and testing engineer conducts research, development, testing and evaluation of the quality or suitability of materials and products such as asphalt, concrete, steel, cement, timber and plastics, taking into account factors such as stresses and strains, estimated load, water pressures, wind resistance and temperature fluctuations related to projects.

    An Ecological engineer designs facilities and information systems in the manufacturing, finance or transportation industries. They are involved in planning, designing and building structures, transportation systems, water supply infrastructure and wastewater treatment facilities.

    Potential applications of ecological engineering in cities have included the field of landscape architecture, urban planning, and urban horticulture, which can be synthesized into urban storm water management. Potential applications of ecological engineering in rural landscapes have included wetland treatment and community reforestation through traditional ecological knowledge.
    3.Read and translate the topic “Economist”.


    I'm a student of the Rostov-on-Don State University of Civil Engineering. In the near future I'll graduate from the University and become a professional economist. I'm sure that the profession of an economist is one of the most important nowadays in our country. What makes a good economist? Whatever he does, an economist should have a special training in economic theory, mathematics and statistics and our University offers such training. At the University we are taught various general and special subjects, such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Accounting, Money and Banking, Economic Theory, Statistics, Computer Science, Business Ethics, Foreign Languages. The profession of an economist is quite diversified. The graduates of the faculty work at the educational institutions, various research centers and laboratories, in industry, business, banks. Being employed in industry and business, our graduates work as managers, as executive managers, sales managers, financial managers. Some of us work as accountants. An accountant is one of the prestigious and widely required professions in a society. You shouldn't mix an accountant with a book-keeper. While a book-keeper is mostly involved in calculations, like balance sheets, income statements, invoices, an accountant is responsible for designing the financial policy of a company. Some of us work at the banks, at the firms, others work for the government or are employed by various agencies and by military services. Economists should be able to solve many problems facing our country.

    diversified– разнообразный

    accountant – бухгалтер-экономист

    book-keeper – бухгалтер

    to involve – включать, содержать

    balance sheet – балансовый отчет

    income statements – расчетная ведомость

    invoice – счет, фактура

    to be responsible for – отвечать за что-либо
    4. Translate from English into Russian.

    To graduate from; graduates; in view of; various; diversified; to be employed; an executive manager; a financial manager; an accountant; widely required; a book-keeper; balance sheets; income; statements; invoices; military services; to face problems.
    5. Translate from Russian into English.

    В ближайшем будущем; в настоящее время; предлагать; знание; вовлекать; разносторонний; исследовательские центры; менеджер по продажам; престижный; расчет; быть ответственным за что-либо; финансовая политика; сталкиваться с проблемами, доход; балансовый отчет; счет-фактура.


    6. Translate the text “What is home?” orally.

    What is home?

    (after Ernestine Schumann-Heink)

    A roof to keep out the rain? Four walls to keep out the wind? Floors to keep out the cold?

    Yes, but home is more than that. It’s the laugh of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father. Warmth of living hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, comradeship.

    Home is first school and first church for young ones, where they learn what is right, what is good and what is kind. Where they go for comfort when they are heart or sick.

    Where joy is shared and sorrow eased. Where mothers and fathers are respected and loved. Where children are wanted. Where the simplest food is good enough for kings because it is earned. Where money is not so important as loving kindness. Where even teakettle sings from happiness.

    That is home. Sweet home.


    Review test

    It covers: модальные глаголы, времена групп Simple, Continuous, Perfect в активном и страдательном залоге, косвенная речь, согласование времен, условные предложения.

    7. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

    1. If he worked harder, he ……………… more successful.

    a) would be b) will be

    c) would have been d) will have been

    2. Mike told that he ……….. sky diving. It wasn’t dangerous.”

    a) likes b) liked

    c) would d) had liked

    3. Christine told that she really ……… water skiing the previous summer

    a) enjoyed b) had enjoyed

    c) has enjoyed d) enjoys

    4. Julia asked Elena ………..she often went skiing

    a) if b) that

    c) - d) so

    5. Rob asked if Mick …………..to Siena.

    a) has ever been b) had ever been

    c) was d) was been

    6. Dave told that he ……….this CD before I played it.

    a) hadn’t heard b) hasn’t heard

    c) didn’t hear d) doesn’t hear

    7. If you hadn’t used all the coffee, we …………. some left now.

    a) would have b) have left

    c) would left d) would’ve had

    8. If you asked him, I’m sure he ……. us his camper van.

    a) will lend b) lend

    c) would lend d) would have lend

    9. If they tried kayaking once, I’m sure they ……. it.

    a) will enjoy b) would enjoy

    c) enjoy d) would have enjoyed

    10. If we’d left earlier, we …….. (not be) back so late.

    a) would not been b) wouldn’t have been

    c) will not been d) had been

    11. Emily never ... horror films.

    a) is watching b) has watched

    c) watches c)has been watching

    12. Jim ... vegetables for 2 hours.

    a) picked has b) been picking

    c) picks c) have picked

    13. Who ... my personal letters all the years?

    a) has read b) will read

    c) read d) had been reading

    14. ... you ... for a long time? No, I just came here.

    a) Has / waited b)Are / waiting

    c) Have / been waiting c) Do / wait

    15. He is tired. He ... hard.

    a) worked b) has been working

    c) is working d) works

    16. You must always ... yourself at school!

    a) behave b) has behaved

    c) behaves d) is behaving

    17. Jo asked if the children …..enjoying themselves?

    a) will b) were

    c) had d) is

    18. I want ….. this article.

    a) your to read b) were reading

    c) you to reading d) you to read

    19. The student said it …….. not easy to study such subject as architecture.

    A) is b) has been

    c) was d) did

    20. She ... three foreign languages.

    a) is speaking b) has been speaking c) has spoken d) speaks

    21. He ………… when we come back.

    a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) will sleep d)would sleep

    22. I never ……….a camel.

    a) ride b) have ridden

    c) rode d) had ridden

    23. I think it will make ……….. the words.

    a) his learn b) him to learn

    c) him learn d) him learning

    24. Sammy wanted to know how ……….. to travel to Spain?”

    a) are we going b) we were going c) we are going d) were we going

    25. When I arrived, Tom …..on the sofa and …….over the phone.

    a) was sitting /speaking b) sat/ spoke c) sat/ was speaking d)sits/ speaks

    26. I wasn’t hurry because I ………… breakfast.

    a) have just had b) had just had

    c) had breakfast d) have breakfast

    27. We were late. The meeting ……… an hour before.

    a) has started b) had started

    c) started d) starts

    28. My car …………… last night.

    a) stole b) steal

    c) was stolen d) has been stolen

    29. Is this a very old film? Yes, it ………… in 1949.

    a) made b) was made

    c) had been made d) has been made

    30. She has a very good job. She ……….. $ 3.000 a month.

    a) has been paid b) is paid

    c) was paid d) are paid

    31. New car …….. yesterday.

    a) was stolen b)was steal

    c) is stolen d) had been stolen

    32. A new hospital ………. by the end of the next year.

    a) was built b) will be built

    c) will have been built d) will built

    33. The car ……….. repaired right now.

    a) is repaired b) is being repaired

    c) repairs d) is repair

    34. Many modern buildings ……….. of glass and steel.

    a) are made b) have been made

    c) were made d) is made

    35. The flat ……….. last week.

    a) was sold b) has been sold

    c) is sold d) sold


    Read and translate the text with a dictionary
    The Subject Matter of Economics

    No one comes to economics as a traveller to an unknown land. Much of our everyday experience is related to economics. Studying economics is directly connected with very important things that involve everyone, such as unemployment, inflation, wages, poverty, taxes, banks, foreign currencies. Economics is the science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of wealth and with the various related problems of labour, finance, taxation etc. Economics is concerned with the economy or economic system. The economic system determines how the nation's resources of land, labour, machinery and raw materials are allocated and used. The problem of allocating resources is a central theme of economics, because most resources are scarce. The allocation of scarce resources and the distribution of the product of those resources are a major part of the subject matter of economics.

    The distribution is determined by the amounts of money paid as wages, rent and other forms of income.

    Economists use assumptions to build models, both for explanation and for prediction of economic events. They summarize conclusions on economic questions into economic principles. Western economists believe that all economic questions can be analyzed by examining the decisions of individuals and the outcome of those decisions made by people as consumers or as managers of firms. The Marxist analysis of Western economies is based on the interrelations between social classes – workers and capitalists.
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