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НазваниеУчебное пособие для слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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Planning a big day out this summer? It's not just the rides that could turn your stomach!

The risk of food poisoning should be the last thing on (1)……..mind when you're enjoying a quiet day out (2)…....summer. But, in (3)……… UK, there were around 95,000 reported cases of (4) ...... food poisoning in (5)……last year alone - a four-fold increase on the number of reported cases just ten years ago.

We checked food safety at 13 of our top tourist attractions. We tested the food on offer and inspected hygiene standards at restaurants, cafes and kiosks on site. Standards were generally poor. About (6)……third of the 65 food samples we bought failed to meet satisfactory microbiological guidelines. Sandwiches came out worst - in five of (7)…..25 samples we bought we found food-poisoning bacteria. But, to judge from our inspections, the results are not that surprising. Only one in seven food outlets passed (8) …….of our inspection criteria. (9).... majority of problems we came across were staff-related, and showed a lack of training in (10)…food safety.

each half most the the these these This - -
What we found

At (11) .......... tourist attraction we bought a selection of sandwiches and other food products. Our tests revealed specific food-poisoning bacteria in five of (12) ......... sandwiches. High levels of other general bacteria were also found in more than (13) ......... of the sandwiches - while (14) .......... bacteria don't make you ill, they do point to (15) .......... poor hygiene practices.

Five sandwiches contained food-poisoning bacteria at levels that are not satisfactory according to guidelines. (16) .......... could cause food-poisoning - (17) .......... children, elderly people and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable. We've informed (18) .......... food outlets and tourist attractions concerned; (19) ......... (but not all) have taken positive action as a result of (20) ......... disturbing findings.

Task 5. Adjectives
1. Put each adjective into the correct box below. Each box will contain ten adjectives.
amazing attractive cold correct dead enormous exciting extinct expensive fascinating freezing good interesting huge large minute paralysed shy sick ugly

Non-gradable adjectives

Gradable adjectives

2.Write the adjectives in the correct columns. Put them into pairs of adjectives with similar meanings.
starving nice filthy devastated wonderful hungry delicious big tasty furious ugly impossible small hideous terrified good enormous tired thirsty angry vital parched dirty upset important terrible frightened minute exhausted perfect difficult bad





3. Choose the suitable answer.

  1. He is a ... man.

a) handsome b) more handsome c) the most handsome

  1. The road was ... now than last time.

a) long b) longer c) the longest

  1. We were ... to the yard than to the house.

a) close b) closer c) the closest

  1. My heart was ... .

a) heavy b) heavier c) the heaviest

  1. It was ... proof that could be offered.

a) strong b) stronger c) the strongest

  1. Her dog is ... one I ever saw.

a) small b) smaller c) the smallest

  1. He was ... than the day before.

a) good b) better c) the best

  1. The place looked ... than ever.

a) lonely b) more lonely c) the most lonely

  1. My sister's future is ... care in my life.

a) dear b) dearer c) the dearest

  1. The sun set ... to the horizon.

a) near b) nearer c) the nearest
4. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form.

The company’s annual report shows that sales figures were 1 ………. (low) than the previous year. This is no surprise due to the recession but what is 2 …………..(disappointing) than this is the clear evidence that some of our very 3 …………(old) clients have switched to another supplier. We are aware that there are 4 ……..(cheap) suppliers than ourselves but this may not be the 5 …………. (important) factor. One old client was heard to say that their new supplier was 6 ………. (efficient) and 7 …………(flexible) than we are. If this is the case, then this is 8 ………....(worrying) than anything else. The economic situation is getting 9 ……… and ………(critical) and if we do not compare favourably with our 10 ……….. (big) competitors, then we will not survive. We used to have the 11 ……….(high) reputation in the business but we are in danger of losing that forever. It is not easy to be the 12 ……….(good) but that is what we should be aiming for.
5. Fill in "as" or "like".

  1. Although it lives in the sea, the whale is classed ...... a mammal. It may look …. a dangerous beast, but it is real­ly .... gentle ... a lamb.

  1. My friend George describes himself ..... a great singer. He thinks he has a voice ….an angel, but when he sings it sounds ….a cat wailing! He works ...... a taxi driver and everybody keeps telling him not to give up his job!

  1. McTaverty's Tavern has been described ….. the best restaurant in Perthshire, with dishes that smell delicious and taste ….they have been made with only the finest ingre­dients. Surprisingly, the prices are not .... high .... you might expect.

  1. Maria works….. a criminal lawyer and is regarded ….. an expert in her field. She works extreme­ly hard and at the end of a long day in court all she feels ….. doing is collapsing in front of the TV.

  1. If you want to go on a diet, do ...... your doctor tells you. There are some foods such .... vegetables which you can eat .... much of ..... you want. Why not try soya meat? It tastes just .... real meat and can be used in the same way …mince, but is a low-fat food.

  1. ….. I was saying, you look exactly .... my cousin Hilary - you know, the one who works .... an air hostess.

  1. Fred was known ...... an unpunctual person and ...... usual, he was late again. After standing in the rain …... an idiot for half an hour, gradually getting wetter and wetter, I decided to go home before I began to look …. a drowned rat.

  1. Howard and Hugh aren't related but they look almost exactly the same .... each other. They are referred to ….. "The Twins". When they walk into a room, it's ….. seeing double.

  1. For ...... long ....... I live, I'll never forget my first holiday in Hawaii. It was …..paradise. I intend to return there …..soon ….. I can afford the air fare.

  1. Trying to make sense of the written word is a bit …. being lost in a forest: all the trees look the same, just ...... for a young child all the words look the same …. each other.

6. Fill in: the + adjective or the + adjective + people.

This charity provides shelter for ...the homeless people... (homeless) of London.

  1. It is important to look after ............. (elderly), especially in winter.

  2. Ambulances took ................. (injured) to hospitals in the area.

  3. ................. (old) in the village are upset about the new road.

  4. They are changing the building to make it easier for ................ (disabled) to get around.

  5. ......... (young) in the audience cheered loudly at the end of the concert.

  6. ..................... (poor) of our town receive help from the council.

  7. Christine is a nurse who looks after ................ (sick).

  8. ................ ( strong) in the group carried the heavy equipment.

  9. ................. (rich) can afford to live in luxury.

7. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

  1. a(n) oval jewellery blue enamel box

  2. a prehistoric clay cooking brown pot

  3. a striped new small canvas bag

  4. a pair of triangular ugly plastic orange earrings

  5. a(n) antique enormous Chinese beautiful vase

  6. a(n) leather brown expensive wallet

  7. old a plastic large bag green

  8. wooden square two tables

  9. red a dress silk beautiful

  10. silver a of jugs antique pair

  11. bowl small a plastic

  12. winding road country a long

  13. boots some old football dirty

  14. cotton long a skirt yellow

  15. squeezed cold juice a freshly glass of orange

8. Rewrite the sentences putting the adjectives into the correct

place, then identify what kind of adjectives they are.

I love ice-cream. (strawberry, Italian, tasty)

I love tasty Italian strawberry ice-cream. (opinion, origin, material)

  1. They have a sofa (leather, navy-blue, modern)

  2. He loves his bike. (new, red, expensive, mountain)

  3. He's just sold that suit to a woman. (beautiful, slim, tall, French, young)

  4. She bought curtains. (brown and orange, dinning-room)

  5. She baked cakes. (chocolate, delicious, birthday, round)

  6. June has a puppy. (tiny, brown, fluffy)

  7. She was given a dress. (black, spectacular, Italian, evening)

  8. He bought a racquet. (tennis, graphite, new)

  9. He has a grandfather. (French, ninety-year-old, wonderful)

  10. We watched a film. (boring, German, black and white)

  11. She wears lipstick. (pink, horrible, glossy)

  12. We used to have a teacher. (strict, old, biology, American)

  13. It was a dress. (wedding, antique, cream, stunning, lace)

  14. Yesterday we went to the club. (huge, sports, modern)

  15. Mary has a job. (sales, demanding, new)

  16. The house has a kitchen. (large, well-equipped, white, modern) .

  17. It was a pool. (marble, huge, white, swimming)

  18. I have rarely seen such a film. (American, well-made, detective)

9. Put the adjectives in the correct order.
Rent our house in Italy for your holidays!

It's a 1) …………………. (stone, beautiful, large) villa on the coast, with spectacular views of the sea. You will love the 2) …………………(old, huge, marble) swimming pool we have in our 3)……….(mountainside, terraced, colourful) garden. There is a 4)……………(sunny, stone, rectangular) patio at the front with many 5) ……………..(terracotta, flower-filled, circular) pots. The house has five 6)……………….(elegant, white, medium-sized) bed­rooms and three marble bathrooms - each with its own 7) ……………(antique, little, wonderful) wall-painting. The living room has a 8) ……………….. (cool, lovely, marble) floor with 9)……...…………... (expensive, Persian, antique) rugs and comfortable sofas. You can eat in the many 10) ……...... (Italian, excellent, traditional) restau­rants nearby and enjoy using the facilities in the new sports centre.


a) Put in the adjectives and write the story.
One day, a time ago, (long fine)

a girl (beautiful little)

in a coat (red)

was walking through a forest (dark)

with a bag (big)

of apples (red wonderful)

to see her grandmother. (old)

Under a tree (tall green)

she saw a wolf (big bad)

with teeth. (white long)
b) Put the words in the correct order and continue the story.
‘good little, girl morning’, said big the bad wolf. ‘ going you where are that with bag heavy day this fine on?’

‘going my see to grandmother I’m old’ girl the said little.

‘lives the small she in house a new supermarket near.’
c) Put in the adjectives to finish the story.
big friendly stupid little
‘OK,’ said the wolf in a ………….voice. ‘I’ll see you later.’ ‘I don’t think so,’ said the …….girl, who was not ………… . She took a ………….pistol out of her bag and shot the wolf dead.
11. Underline the adjectives functioning as nouns in the sentences.

  1. As a zoologist, he has always been interested in the unusual in the animal world.

  2. Never speak ill of the dead.

  3. As far as my musical tastes are concerned, I’ve always been attracted to the exotic.

  4. Bernstein conducted both Mozart and Haydn but seemed to show a preference for the latter.

Task 6. Adjective
1. Underline the correct adjective.

  1. A gold/golden eagle glided gracefully across the sky.

  2. She ruined her silk/silky suit by washing it.

  3. We had to climb over a low stone/stony wall.

  4. He approached the task with steel/steely determination.

  5. Leathery/Leather coats never seem to go out of fashion.

  6. We spotted the metal/metallic blue car speeding into the tunnel ahead.

  7. The manager's stone/stony expression showed that all was not well.

  8. She was given an expensive gold/golden watch for her twenty-first birthday.

2. Underline the correct adjective.
1. She gave him a stone / stony look when he criticized her daughter.

2. These metal / metallic chairs are suitable for outdoor use as they are weatherproof.

3. The sky was full of light feather / feathery clouds.

4. She is admired for her gold / golden hair and metal/metallic blue eyes.

5. The old farmer had dark leather / leathery skin.

6. This new body milk gives you smooth, silk / silky skin in a matter of days.

7. She had a lead / leaden expression on her face.

8. The gold / golden candlesticks were very expensive so we bought some silver / silvery ones instead.

9. He wears woolly / woollen suits and expensive leather/leathery shoes.

10. She has a steel / steely manner towards her colleagues.
3. Underline the correct item.
While Lizzie was tidying the attic of her grandmother's house, she came across an old 1) wooden/wood chest. When she looked inside, she found a doll wrapped in 2) silk/silky, paper. The doll had 3) gold/golden hair and was wearing a long 4) woolen/wool coat. She was beautiful and Lizzie had never seen her before. She sat down on the cold 5) stony/stone floor to examine the doll more carefully. She was wearing a real 6) gold/golden necklace and, underneath the coat, a 7) silky/silk dress. The doll had belonged to her grandmother when she was young. Lizzie carefully wrapped her up again and placed her gently back in the box.

Compound adjectives are formed with:

  • present participles: a smart-looking man, a sharp-cutting knife

  • past participles: a much-liked colleague, a well-known singer

  • cardinal numbers + nouns: a one-month holiday, a seventy-mile speed limit, a three-year degree

  • prefixes and suffixes: anti-social behaviour, a part-time worker

  • badly, ill, poorly, well + past participle: a badly-treated animal, a well-established firm

4. Make compound adjectives to describe the following.
Example: A student who has been taught well. – a well-taught student

  1. A letter that you have been waiting for for a long time.

  2. A person who loves having fun.

  3. A garden which is tended perfectly.

  4. A life that is free of trouble.

  5. A visit that was not timed well.

  6. A journey of seven days.

  7. A story which is written well.

  8. A building which has twelve storeys.

  9. A train which moves fast.

  10. A student who works hard.

  11. An office which has good lighting.

  12. A holiday which lasts two weeks.

  13. A report which has ten pages.

5. Match items from the two lists to make 20 compound adjectives. Use some words more than once. Put the compound adjectives into two groups.






























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