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  • Task 17. Clauses / Linking Words 1. Fill in: where

  • When (time conjunction) + present tense

  • Учебное пособие для слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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    Task 16. Reported Speech

    1. Change this direct speech into reported speech:
    1. “He works in a bank”

    She said ___________________________________________

    2. “We went out last night”

    She told me ________________________________________

    3. “I’m coming!”

    She said ___________________________________________

    4. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived”

    She told me ________________________________________

    5. “ I’d never been there before”

    She said ___________________________________________

    6. “I didn’t go to the party”

    She told me ________________________________________

    7. “Lucy’ll come later”

    She said ___________________________________________

    8. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”

    She told me ________________________________________

    9. “I can help you tomorrow”

    She said ___________________________________________

    10. “You should go to bed early”

    She told me ________________________________________

    11. “I don’t like chocolate”

    She told me ________________________________________

    12. “I won’t see you tomorrow”

    She said ___________________________________________

    13. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”

    She said ___________________________________________

    14. “I visited my parents at the weekend”

    She told me ________________________________________

    15. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before”

    She said ___________________________________________

    16. “I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London”

    She said ___________________________________________

    17. “They would help if they could”

    She said ___________________________________________

    18. “I’ll do the washing-up later”

    She told me ________________________________________

    19. “He could read when he was three”

    She said ___________________________________________

    20. “I was sleeping when Julie called”

    She said ___________________________________________
    2. Fill in the gaps with one of the introductory verbs from the list below in the past simple.
    deny suggest boast insist promise complain

    warn remind agree advise accuse threaten

    'I'm the fastest runner on the team,' he said.

    He ...boasted... about being the fastest runner on the team.
    1. 'I didn't take your jacket,' he said to her.

    He.............................................. taking her jacket.

    2. 'You should go to the doctor's,' Mum said to me.

    Mum .................................... me to go to the doctor's.

    3. 'I'll call you next week,' she said to him.

    She ................................... to call him next week.

    4. 'Yes, I'll set the table for dinner,' he said to her.

    He .................................. to set the table for dinner.

    5. 'He always forgets my birthday,' she said.

    She ....................... that he always forgot her birthday.

    6. 'Let's go for a walk,' she said.

    She .............................................. going for a walk.

    7. 'Leave, or I'll shoot,' the man said to them.

    The man .................................. to shoot them if they didn't leave.

    8. 'Don't forget to feed the cat,' she said to him.

    She ............................................... him to feed the cat.

    9. 'You broke my CD player,' she said to him.

    She ............................ him of breaking her CD player.

    10. 'Don’t go near the edge of the cliff,' Dad said to them.

    Dad..................................them not to go near the edge of the cliff.

    11. 'You must do your homework before you go out,' she said to us.

    She ........................... on us doing our homework before we went out.
    3. Read the text below and add the word which best fits each space.

    I have just been through the annual humiliation of buying a swimming costume. When I was young, some were designed for the fuller figure and did a good job. I wondered ................ (1) I would find anything suitable. After all, today’s stretch fabrics are styled for a flatter shape. I saw one floral costume and ............. (2) if I should try it on. I looked like a hippopotamus! The sales assistant tried to be kind. She wanted ............... (3) know where I ............... (4) going for my holidays and how long I .............. (5) be away. At last she gave up and suggested ................. (6) I looked for something in the maternity department to cover my ‘mature hips’. I said that I would go there the ............ (7) day. I’ll never have any luck, I ......... (8) as I walked home. The next day I did find a plain blue costume and the assistant invited me to enter the chamber of horrors known as the fitting room. As I pulled the costume on, I stared in disbelief - my whole bust had disappeared under my armpits! A young sales girl was standing at the exit. She asked me rather rudely ................. (9) I was going to buy the costume or ................. (10). I pushed it into her hands and fled.

    4. Read the letter and then complete the text.

    Dear all,

    Sorry I haven’t written for a few weeks. I’ve been too busy. I’m having a great time; I’m going to parties every night. I’m doing a bit of work too. We had an exam last week. I hope I’ll get good marks.

    I only have one shirt – I’ve lost the others. Mum, can you buy me six more? And I can’t find my raincoat. Is it at home?

    My room here isn’t very nice - I'll have to look for a better one. And the food here in college isn’t much good, so I’m living on hamburgers. I’ve spent nearly all my money. Dad, can you send some more?

    Can you give me Aunt Ellen’s address? And I haven’t heard from Sarah. Where is she living? And does John want to come and spend two or three days down here with me?

    That’s all for now. Love to everybody.


    In his letter Joe …said…he was sorry that he ..hadn’t written … for a few weeks. It was because he 1…..…..too busy. He 2……….his family that he 3 ……....a great time, but he 4 ………some work too. He said he 5 …….an exam 6 ………week…….., and he hoped he 7…… get good marks.

    Joe 8……..…that he only 9 one shirt, because he 10…… .the others. He asked his mother 11 …….him six more. And he asked 12 .

    his raincoat 13…….at home.

    His room 14…….not very nice, he said, so he 15……..have to look for a better one. And because of the bad college food he 16……on hamburgers.

    He said he 17…….nearly all his money, and asked his father 18……him some more.

    Joe also asked his family 19…….him his Aunt Ellen’s address. And he 20…….them that he 21…..from Sarah, and asked 22……… she 23 …….. .

    At the end of the letter, Joe asked 24 …… John 25 to go and spend a few days with him.

    Task 17. Clauses / Linking Words
    1. Fill in: where, whose, who, which, when and why.
    Buying a present for someone is often a tricky business. The first thing 1) ... which... you have to decide is what to buy and the shop 2) .................. you should go to buy it. Then you might want to buy a joint present with a friend, so you have to find a time 3) .................. you are both free. It is probably most difficult buying a present for someone 4) .................. you don't know very well and 5) .................. tastes you know little about. You have to try to find something 6) .................. you think they would like. However, it is also no easy job buying a present for a close member of your family, such as your mother. I never know what excuse to tell my mother when I go out. I can't tell her the reason 7) ............... I'm going out because I want to surprise her on the big day. Still, it is worth all the trouble just to see the look of pleasure on someone's face the moment 8) .................. they receive your gift.
    2. Complete the sentences with who, which or where.
    The Coca-Cola Company, 1) .............. was founded in 1892, is famous all over the world. The company, 2) ...................... produces many soft drinks, is based in Atlanta. John S. Pemberton, 3) ............................, invented Coca-Cola, intended the drink to be used as a cure for common illnesses. Frank Robinson, 4) ....................... worked for John Pemberton, chose the name Coca-Cola.

    Fanta, 5) .................. was originally produced in Germany, was bought by the Coca-Cola Company. Sprite, 6) .................... was introduced in 1961, is also made by the Coca-Cola Company.

    The US Patent Office, 7) ........................ the trademark 'Coca-Cola' was registered, has also registered the trademark 'Coke' and the glass Coca-Cola bottle.

    In America, 8) .............. Coca-Cola was first produced, there is a large soft drink industry, but the Coca-Cola Company is the most successful.
    3. Fill in who, which, whose, where or why.
    One of the most famous buildings in the world is the White House, 1) …….... is the official home of the US president. The White House is in Washington DC, 2) .................. there are many other important buildings and monuments. The city, 3) .................. was founded in 1790, was deliberately planned as a national capital. George Washington, 4) ................. was the first US president and 5) .................. name was given to the city, wanted it to be the place 6) .................. the nation's government would permanently reside.

    The White House, 7) ................. was originally named Executive Mansion, was built in pale grey sandstone. The colour of the stone, 8) ............ was so different from the surrounding red brick buildings, was the reason 9) ............. the mansion became known as the White House. The main building, 10) .................... many presidents have lived, is part of a large complex 11) .................. consists of over 130 rooms.

    People find the White House fascinating and that is the reason 12) ............... the parts of the complex 13) .............. are open to the public are toured every year by one and a half million people 14) ............ want to see the place 15) ............... their president lives and works.
    4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Clauses of Manner)

    He talked about Denmark as though he ...had been... (be) there.

    1. She looks as if she ....................... (be) really ill.

    2. It looks as though it .......................... (rain).

    3. She behaves as if she ................. (be) in trouble.

    4. The weather here is so bad, it looks as though we ............(have to) holiday abroad.

    5. It smells as if you .................. (put) lots of herbs in the stew.

    6. Mary looked as though she .................. (have) little sleep the night before, but she had gone to bed quite early.

    7. When he speaks, it sounds as if English .................... (not/be) his first language.

    8. She spoke about university as though she ...................... (spend) years there but in fact she'd only spent a month there.

    9. I spoke to Simon last night and he sounded as though he ........ (be) really upset about something.

    10. She sounded as if she ........................... (be) French.

    11. This sauce tastes as if you ................ (put) too much pepper in it.

    12. My sister isn't rich but she spends money as though she ................ (have) loads of it.

    13. She acts as though she ............... (be) very confident, but in fact she's quite shy.

    14. She treats me as though I ........................ (be) her child.

    15. He talks about karate as if he ............... (have) a black belt but we know he's only just started lessons.

    16. Little Tommy was trembling as though he ............... (see) a ghost.

    17. She behaved as if nothing ............................ (happen).

    18. When Laura broke off their relationship, John behaved as if the world ............... (end).

    19. That woman looks as though she ................ (faint). Bring her some water.

    5. Underline the appropriate time phrase and put the verbs into the correct tense (Clauses of Time)
    The World Wildlife Fund is currently launching its most important campaign ever to help protect our vanishing species of wildlife from extinction. 1) (Before/As soon as) the turn of the century there 2) ..................... (be) more an 40,000 tigers in India, while now there are around 3,750. 3) (Before/Until) twenty years ago the numbers of Black Rhinos 4) ............... (exceed) 60,000. Now, less than 2,500 remain. 5) (As long as/As soon as) animal habitats continue to be burned, polluted and destroyed, species 6) ..................... (continue) to disappear. 7) (While/When) there 8) ..................... (be) still a demand for illegal rhino horns and tiger bones, the hunting of wildlife will continue. 9) (By the time/Every time) people 10) ................. (become) aware of the situation, it may be too late. We must act now 11) (before/until) these animals 12) ......................... (disap­pear) forever. That's why WWF is urging all governments to get tough on illegal traders. 13) (Every time/While) a crime against wildlife 14) ................ (be/exposed), we are one step clos­er to our goal.
    * When (time conjunction) + present tense. When I arrive, I'll call you.

    When (question word) + will/would. When will he arrive?

    When is used for things which are sure to happen.

    When he gets promoted, he'll be given more money.

    If is used for things which may happen.

    If he works hard, he'll be promoted.
    6. Fill in "if" or "when" and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    Example: I will visit you ...when... I ...finish... (finish) work today.

    1. The aeroplane will take off without us ............ we ........... (arrive) late at the airport.

    2. .............. you ............. (not/reach) a decision yet, I'll call back tomorrow.

    3. ............................... (you/finish) this report?

    4. ............... John .............. (return) from work, we can go shopping.

    5. ........... Jack ........... (ring) while I am out, tell him to be here at 12.00.

    6. ............... I ................... (be) ready, I'll give you a call.

    7. .......... we can't come up with the money soon, the deal ............ (fall through)

    8. .......... the star .............. (arrive) at the hotel, she will be greeted by crowds of fans.

    9. .................. (you/stop) lying about your age?

    7. Fill in: where, wherever, everywhere or anywhere (Clauses of Place).

    1. ……………I looked, people were dancing.

    2. ............................... Ruth goes, she always misses England.

    3. Now that Hilary has a car she can go ................... she wants.

    4. David tends to be happy ................................. he is living.

    5. I don't mind ...................... we go to eat, as long as it's cheap.

    6. Have you seen my watch ................................ in the house?

    7. You can see these advertisements ................................ you go.

    8. I couldn't find a parking space .................... close to the office.

    8. Join the sentences using the words in brackets (Clauses of Reason).

    It was raining. The match was called off. (due to)

    ...Due to the rain, the match was called off....

    1. He left her. He couldn't put up with her complaints. (for)

    2. We can't go on holiday. There's too much work to do. (since)

    3. I can't come with you. I have to visit my uncle. (as)

    4. She made mistakes. She wasn't experienced. (because)

    5. I didn't know that she had been married. She seldom talks about herself. (since)

    6. She took a break. She wasn't feeling well. (because)

    7. She was soaked to the skin. It was raining very hard. (as)

    8. He is in debt. He will have to reduce his spending a lot. (on the grounds that)

    9. They turned back. They didn't want to get stuck in the traffic. (for)

    9. Fill in: so, such or such a(n) (Clauses of Result).
    A few years ago, I spent my holiday on the Greek island of Santorini. I was 1) ........ worried about traveling alone that I became quite nervous. However, about five minutes after the ferry had left I met 2) ............ nice American couple that I stayed with them for the whole holiday. When we docked, we were pushed onto a bus that was filled with 3) ............. a lot of people that we felt as if we couldn't breathe. At the bus station there were 4) ................. many people waiting to offer us accommodation that we decided to ignore them, preferring to walk along the main road to find somewhere to stay ourselves. After an hour or so we started to think that not accepting any of the men's offers of accommodation had been 5)................ bad idea that we decided to ask someone for help. We asked an old man if he knew of anywhere we could stay. He led us to a lovely little apartment on the edge of a cliff. It was 6) ............... gorgeous a flat, and the view was 7) ............... good that we took it immediately. We had brought 8) .............. few things with us, and it took us 9) ............... short time to unpack that we were on the famous black sand beach in no time. We had 10) ................ nice time together and we became 11) ................ good friends that we still keep in touch, sending letters and Christmas cards. This year Scott and Anne are coming to Scotland to spend Christmas with me. It will be great to see them again.
    10. Join the sentence in as many ways as possible as in the example (Expressing Purpose - Clauses of Purpose):
    We took some food. We might get hungry on the journey.

    We took some food so that we wouldn't get hungry on the journey.

    We took come food in case we got hungry on the jour­ney.

    We took some food to avoid getting hungry on the journey.

    We took some food so as not to get hungry on the journey.

    1. She studies hard. She wants to get a good job when she finishes university.

    2. We flew direct to Rome. We didn't want to get stuck in London.

    3. He has joined a gym. He wants to be healthy and fit for the summer.

    4. She didn't go to town yesterday. She didn't want to spend any money.

    11. Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

    He's taking driving lessons. He wants to be able to drive to work. (so that)

    ...He’s taking driving lessons so that he'll be able to drive to work....

    1. She left her jewellery in a safe deposit box. It may be stolen. (fear)

    2. The beekeeper put on a veil and helmet. He didn't want to be stung by the bees. (avoid)

    3. She is on a strict diet. She wants to fit into her black dress for the party. (as)

    4. He left home early. He wanted to be at the restaurant on time. (in order to)

    5. I'll bring something for dessert. We may want to eat something sweet later. (in case)

    6. This is a bread bin. You use it to keep bread fresh. (for)

    7. I brought my umbrella. The weather forecast said it would rain later. (in case)

    12. Fill in an appropriate purpose word and put the verbs into the correct form.
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We have produced this information sheet 1) ...with a view ... to ...making... (make) the registration procedure easier for you. Read it carefully 2) ........................ (familiarize) yourself with the procedure.

    Each faculty must register at a certain time so please do come on time 3) ........................ (not/make) the process more difficult. You must report to the registrar's office 4) ...................... (give) her your personal details. You must also bring your passport with you 5) ...................... they ................... (verify) these details. After this you must go to the main section 6) .................... (have) your photograph taken. You will then be given your student identification card which may be used 7) ..................... (take out) books. We have included a map of the campus 8) .................... you ................ (not/get) lost.

    We look forward to seeing you on registration day.

    Yours faithfully,

    Jane Smith
    13. Choose the correct answer (Clauses of Contrast).
    1. ...... the heavy snow, we managed to get to the office.

    A In spite of B However C While

    2. ............ needing a rest, the team continued to work.

    A In spite B Despite C Although

    3. I like peaches. I don't like bananas, ............ .

    A whereas B on the other hand C though

    4. The film was good, ............ it was also very frightening.

    A despite B but C in spite

    5. Paul drives a car, ............ Charles rides a motorbike.

    A whereas B even though C despite

    6. ............ she isn't fond of classical music, she went to the concert.

    A However B Even though C While

    7. ............ being hungry, Sally didn't eat anything.

    A However B Yet C In spite of

    8. The alarm went off , ............ he didn't wake up.

    A whereas B yet C while

    9. ............ we left the house early, we still missed the bus.

    A Although B Despite C In spite of

    10. He wasn't wearing a coat, ............ it was very cold.

    A whereas B even though C despite
    14. Underline the correct item.

    1. Yet/No matter what he does to please her, she always finds something to complain about.

    2. Although/However I set my alarm clock for 7.00 am, it didn't go off.

    3. Despite/Even though the bad weather forecast, Susan and Jim went climbing.

    4. She tries hard, although/yet she makes little progress.

    5. Tom's wife drives better than he does, whereas/although he won't admit it.

    6. Lots of people drive fast although/in spite of police warnings.

    7. Bad mannered though/yet he is, he has got lots of friends.

    8. She is a brilliant singer; while/nevertheless, she refuses to sing in public.

    9. Rich as/even though they are, they never buy expensive things.

    10. However/While much she denies it, she does dye her hair blonde.

    11. She speaks Japanese fluently, yet/despite she has never visited the country.

    12. In spite of/However all the bad publicity, the film became a box office success.

    13. Jane turned up at the wedding even though/despite she wasn't invited.

    14. However/Though hard he tries, he'll never outsmart Pat.

    15. Much as/yet I admire her, I can't accept her point of view on this matter.

    16. The northwest of the country gets a lot of rain whereas/as the east gets more snow.

    15. Fill in: although /though/even though, despite, while/whereas, but, however/no matter how, or nevertheless.

    "... And now for a quick look at what's in store for Librans this month. It may seem like all work and no play at the moment. 1) …..……., if you apply yourself, you'll feel satisfied with a job well done. And don't worry! 2) …….…. difficult things may be right now, you'll soon have a chance to relax. 3) .………. having a lot on your mind, you must be careful not to neglect your partner. 4) …………. you are probably feeling confident and secure in your relationship, he/she is likely to be in need of some extra love and attention. There will be a lot of demands on your time this weekend 5) ……..…… the situation will ease by the end of the month. And 6) ………... there may be lots of changes in store for you, there's nothing you can't cope with."
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