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  • Task 15. Passive Voice / Causative Form 1. Rewrite the sentences using have something done

  • (eyes; test) 2. A: ‘What a lovely dress - where did you buy it’B: ‘I didn’t. I ...............by the dressmaker down the road.’ (make)

  • (service) 4. A: ‘Your hair looks different! What have you done to it’B: ‘I .... ………......, that’s all.’ (just; cut)

  • (repair) 8. A: ‘Oops! Sorry Ive spilt some wine on your trousers.’B: ‘Don’t worry. I was going to ..................... anyway.’ (clean)

  • (cut down) .10. A: ‘I’ve got a terrible toothache.’B: ‘Well, why don’t you go and ………….’ (that cavity; fill)

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    Tea 1)…(make) from the leaves of the tea plant. At first, it 2) …(use) as a medicine, but it 3)…(become) an everyday drink in the 3rd century AD.

    First, the leaves 4) …(pick) from the plant and they 5)… (spread) onto a cloth. They 6)…(leave) there for up to twenty hours. Next, the leaves are rolled up until they 7)…(break) into small pieces. Finally, the leaves 7)…(dry). 8)…(pack) into containers the tea is sent to different countries. It 9)…(sell) to customers as loose leaves, as tea bags and as instant tea.

    10)…(make) tea, we 11)…(boil) water and 12) …(pour) it over the dry tea in a teapot. This 13)…(leave) for three to five minutes. We can then add milk, lemon or sugar. In Britain, it was the custom 14)…(serve) tea in the afternoons with sandwiches and cakes. This custom 15)…(start) by the Duchess of Bedford around 1840. Today, tea 16)…(drink) all over the world.

    People of all ages 1) …..(love) eating ice cream. It 2) ……(be) a wonderful dessert, especially when it 3) ……..(decorate) with tasty syrups and whipped cream.

    Ice cream 4) ………(introduce) to Europe from the East. In 1670, Francisco Procopio 5) ……..(open) a café in Paris, serving ices and sherbets. The ices and sherbets 6) ………(become) so popular that by 1676 there 7) …….(be) 250 ice makers in Paris.

    The main ingredients which 8) …….(use) for ice cream are milk, cream, sugar and eggs. These ingredients 9) …….(combine) to make a mixture which 10) ……. (put) in a large container and 11) ……..(refrigerate) for several hours. Then, nuts or chocolate pieces 12) ……..(add) to make different flavours. After that, the ice cream 13) …….(package) individually and finally it 14) …….(freeze).

    The Academy Awards Presentation 1) ...was ..first… organized... (first/organise) in 1929 and since then, it 2) ............... (hold) every year. The presentation 3) ................. (attend) by those at the top of the film industry and 4) .............. (watch) on TV by millions of viewers who want to see who 5) .................. (present) with the golden statue which 6) ................ (desire) by everyone in the motion picture world.

    The voting for the Academy Awards 7) ................... (conduct) secretly and the results 8) ................. (not reveal) to anyone until the envelope 9) ................ (open) on stage in front of the audience. Awards 10) .................. (give) for the best individual or collective work and 11) ................ (separate) into different categories. Up to five nominations 12) ........................ (make) in each category. The awards, which 13) ................... (know) as Oscars, 14) ...................... (consider) to be the highest honour anyone in the film industry can 15) .................... (give).

    Coffee 1) ........................ (say) to originate from Kaffa in Ethiopia and most species of coffee plant 2) ..................... (find) in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. The species which 3) ................. (think) to be the earliest coffee plant 4) ..................... (ever, cultivate) by man is Coffea arabica. Today it 5) ................ (grow) mostly in Latin America.

    The coffee shrub 6) ....................... (reach) a height of 8-10 metres and 7) ................ (have) white scented flowers. It 8) ............... (produce) a red fruit which 9) ............. (call) a cherry. The cherry 10)................ (contain) two seeds which 11) ................(join) together. These seeds, which 12) ................ (also/know) as beans, 13) .................. (first/roast) and then they 14) ................. (grind) to make coffee. The grounds 15) ........................ (then/process) in a variety of different ways. Sometimes they 16) .................. (filter) and sometimes they 17) ................. (soak) in water to make the drink which is popular with so many people. Coffee is available as grounds or as instant coffee powder and 18) ................ (drink) by one third of the world's population.
    7. Fill in by or with.

    1. She was woken up .............. a loud noise.

    2. The parcel was tied up .................... string.

    3. John was told off .................... his mother.

    4. This picture was painted .................... a famous artist.

    5. The chair was covered .................... a woollen blanket.

    6. The walls were decorated .................... posters.

    7. My car was repaired .................... my father.

    8. This dessert was made .................... fresh cream.

    Task 15. Passive Voice / Causative Form

    1. Rewrite the sentences using have something done.

    Example: His teeth are checked twice a year.

    He has his teeth checked twice a year.

    1. My hair is trimmed once a month.

    2. Central heating is going to be installed in our house next month.

    3. Sam's burglar alarm was fitted last week.

    4. My car is being repaired at the moment.

    5. Our new furniture is going to be delivered tomorrow.

    6. The windows will be cleaned.

    7. A new jumper has been knitted for me.

    8. The lock has to be fixed.

    9. A new pair of glasses is going to be made for him.

    10. She told her son to carry the shopping to the house.

    11. Dad is going to arrange for someone to cut the grass.

    12. They used to employ a cleaner who cleaned the house.

    13. Did the mechanic repair Paul's motorbike?

    14. The boss asked his assistant to type the letter.

    15. A plumber fixed the dripping tap for Joe.

    16. Have you told the secretary to make some photo­ copies?

    17. The chef was cooking Tom's lunch.

    18. Did you tell the shop to deliver the sofa to you?

    19. My purse was stolen last Friday.

    20. Did you employ a painter to decorate your house?

    21. The man had asked the porter to take his luggage to his room.

    22. When will your glasses be made?

    23. She asked him to do the shopping.

    24. Their house was burgled last night.

    25. He employed a carpenter to build the fence.

    26. His shop's windows were smashed in the riot.

    27. The gardener cuts their grass once a week.

    28. They will ask the porter to carry their bags for them.

    29. I must get someone to clean the windows.

    30. The hairdresser is styling Lucy's hair.

    31. The doctor has bandaged his arm for him.

    32. The dentist was checking Tom's teeth.

    33. The cleaner had washed the floor for me.

    34. It's worth asking someone to repair the roof.

    2. Rephrase the following using have, make or get.

    He insisted that Peter left immediately. - He made Peter leave immediately.

    1. Janet persuaded Diane to drive her to the airport .

    2. My car radio is being fitted by Gary today.

    3. She asked her sister to translate the article.

    4. I finally persuaded the landlord to change the locks.

    5. My mother insisted that I should wear a dress to the wedding.

    6. I'll ask John to pick me up at the station.

    7. Sue persuaded her colleagues to change their minds.

    8. She is going to ask them to rewrite the assignment.

    9. I can't believe he asked me to return the cheque.

    10. He insisted that they should stay at home.

    11. I'll try to persuade him to give you the money he owes you.

    12. The receptionist asked her to wait outside his office.

    13. The doctor insisted that she should go to hospital.

    14. He asked the porter to carry his luggage.

    3. Turn the following into the passive.
    Example: They say he is a millionaire.

    He ...is said… to be a millionaire.

    It ...is said… that he is a millionaire.

    1. They expect the plane will be landing soon.

    2. They believe he was working illegally.

    3. They say he is feeling better.

    4. They thought he had been brave to do so.

    5. They think he has escaped from prison.

    6. They expect he'll pass his exams.

    7. They say she lied to the police.

    8. They say they miss too many lessons.

    9. They know she was always late for work.

    4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.


    People say that she owns several companies.

    It is said that she owns several companies.

    She is said to own several companies.

    1. Dad is cleaning the floor at the moment.

    2. The phone company cut off our telephone yesterday.

    3. You must do the washing-up after dinner.

    4. She will have typed all the letters by five o'clock.

    5. They are interviewing two candidates at the moment.

    6. He has torn his shirt again.

    7. Mark feeds the dogs every morning.

    8. We shouldn't reveal anything to the press.

    9. Where have they sent those parcels to?

    10. People think that he will win the race.

    11. I object to her taking my books without permission.

    12. They had sold all the tickets by the time we arrived.

    13. People make jam from fruit.

    14. They saw him talking to the manager.

    15. Who took that beautiful photo?

    16. When did they open their shop?

    5. Complete the second sentence in these exchanges using the verb in brackets and any other words given. Use the causative form with have or get.

    A: ‘Your hair looks nice.’

    B: ‘Thanks, I’ve just ..............................’ (cut)

    B: ‘Thanks, I’ve just had it cut.’
    1. A: ‘I’m finding it difficult to read small print nowadays.’

    B: ‘Why don’t you go and …………..... ?’ (eyes; test)

    2. A: ‘What a lovely dress - where did you buy it?’

    B: ‘I didn’t. I ...............by the dressmaker down the road.’ (make)

    3. A: ‘My car’s been making some funny noises just lately.’

    B: ‘You should………………….....’ (service)

    4. A: ‘Your hair looks different! What have you done to it?’

    B: ‘I .... ………......, that’s all.’ (just; cut)

    5. A: ‘This house is freezing.’

    B: ‘Yes, we need …………………… .’ (central heating; install)

    6. A: ‘The living room looks lovely.’

    B: ‘I’m glad you like it. We’ve ..................... .’ (just; redecorate)

    7. A: ‘Why aren’t you wearing your watch?’

    B: ‘I ……………...........at the moment.’ (repair)

    8. A: ‘Oops! Sorry I've spilt some wine on your trousers.’

    B: ‘Don’t worry. I was going to ..................... anyway.’ (clean)

    9. A: ‘That tree is blocking the view from my front window.’

    B: ‘Well, you don’t expect me ……......, do you?’ (cut down) .

    10. A: ‘I’ve got a terrible toothache.’

    B: ‘Well, why don’t you go and ………….?’ (that cavity; fill)
    6. Complete each space in this text with a suitable word. The first (0) is given as an example.
    It’s been one of those days and it isn’t over yet. First of all, I had to take the car to the garage to have the brakes…repaired…(0). The car was in a bad enough state, but we ….….(1) had it damaged even more by some idiot as we were waiting at the traffic lights the other day. He bumped into the back of the car and we told him he would have to pay to ………. (2) the car ……….(3) and he said he would …….. (4) it paid for by his insurance company. I certainly hope he does. The mechanic told me I could’ve ........ (5) myself killed driving the car and that we should’ve …….…..(6) the brakes checked months ago.

    I left the car at the garage, then went straight to the hairdresser to have my hair …… (7). I wanted to have ....... (8) cut really short, so it took ages. After that, I had to take Bill’s suit to the dry-cleaner’s to ….... (9) it cleaned after he had had wine ……………..( 10) over it at the party last night. Next, I had to go to the supermarket. When I had finished, my bags were so heavy I had to …………(11) them delivered to my house - and that cost more money. And the day isn’t half over yet. I’ve still got to have my photograph…………(12) for a new passport - my old one ………(13) stolen when we had our house………..(14) a few months back. What a life! Things can’t get worse, can they?

    There are at least eighteen types of inversion:
    1. neg intro

    2. intro adverbial (in, down, prepositional phrase)

    3. intro -ed

    4. comparative

    5. intro comparative

    6. as

    7. so... that...

    8. had, should, were

    9. there is

    10. here is

    11. intro -ing

    12. emphasis

    13. the bigger, the better

    14. questions

    15. "story speech"

    16. nor

    17. so do I/neither do I

    18. intro adjective
    7. Chris Young, a fashion designer, is talking to his staff about keeping the designs for his next show a secret. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
    Under no circumstances 1) ...should you tell... (you/should/ tell) anyone about the plans for the show next week and in no way 2) ....................... (you/must/give) our competitors any clues about our designs. Not until the day after the fashion show 3) .............................. (you/will/be able to) talk to reporters about the clothes. Only in this way 4) .................................. (the show/will/be) a success. If you all follow these orders, not only 5) ............................. (you/will/get) a large bonus after the show, but you will also be given some time off.
    8. Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets.

    1. There are no circumstances where audience members may consume alcohol. (Under no circumstances)

    2. Nobody has won so many matches for his team since 1994. (Not since)

    3. We won’t consider you for the basketball team until you grow up. (Not until)

    4. The gang didn’t know that the police had them under surveillance. (Little)

    5. You can’t use my car at any time. (At no time)

    6. They started to argue soon after they had gotten married. (No sooner)
    9. The following sentences may (or may not) include inversions. Choose the correct option.
    1. Thank goodness …….. hurt in the train accident.

    a) didn’t more people get c) more didn’t get people

    b) didn’t get more people d) more people didn’t get

    2. The study showed …….. for maternal and child health.

    a) how is nutrition important c) that how important nutrition is

    b) how important nutrition is d) that how nutrition is important

    3. Only by working three jobs …….. able to support his large family.

    a) he was c) he’s being

    b) he is d) was he

    4. The boss didn’t know what to do, …….. the rest of us.

    a) so did c) neither

    b) either d) nor did

    5. It was not until Andrew stopped smoking …….. healthy again.

    a) did he feel c) then he felt

    b) that he started to feel d) that he did feel

    6. …….. you see Frank at the conference, give him my regards.

    a) Should c) Might

    b) Would d) Could
    7. Strange ........ , he chose not to undergo surgery.

    a) may it seem c) was it that

    b) as may it seem d) as it may sound

    8. Try …….. he could not save the drowning woman.

    a) did he hard c) as hard as

    b) as he might d) though he did

    9. So ……. that she licked the plate clean.

    a) being hungry c) hungry was she

    b) great her hunger d) had she hunger
    10. Effie disliked the film, ………

    a) as did Frank c) nor Frank

    b) and also disliked it Frank d) so Frank did
    11. …….. the medicine than she began to feel better.

    a) Not until she swallowed c) No sooner had she swallowed

    b) Hardly did she swallow d) Having swallowed
    12. Only by speaking more …….. improve your fluency in English.

    a) you are able to c) does

    b) is it possible to d) will it

    10. Rewrite the sentences using the words / phrases given.

    He not only dropped the eggs, but he slipped on them.

    Not only ...did he drop the eggs, but he slipped on them.­..

    1. She has seldom been to such a good party.

    Seldom .......................................................................

    2. I have rarely met such polite people.

    Rarely ........................................................................

    3. They have not once visited the museum in the town.

    Not once .......................................................................

    4. I realised only then that the window was broken.

    Only then ...................................................................

    5. I not only took the picture, but I developed it.

    Not only ........................................................................

    6. They have never taken such an important exam before.

    Never before .............................................................

    7. I had no sooner closed the door than Bill opened it again.

    No sooner ......................................................................

    8. He has seldom heard such an amusing joke.


    9. They have rarely taken a day off work.

    Rarely ............................................................................

    10. He has not once asked us to help him.

    Not once .......................................................................

    11. They had no sooner sat down than the film started.

    No sooner .....................................................................

    12. He noticed only then that the music had stopped.

    Only then .....................................................................,

    13. She has never attended an audition before.

    Never before ........................................................

    14. I not only broke the glass, but I cut my finger on it.

    Not only ....................................................................
    1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   14

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