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  • Task 3. Noun

  • Example

  • Bob – Marie – garden

  • Учебное пособие для слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие для слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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    adjective and noun
    1. fast ……….. a) heating

    2. remote ……….. b) fries

    3. social ……….. c) food

    4. high ……….. d) control

    5. central ………. e) cleaner’s

    6. common ………. f) rights

    7. French ………. g) worker

    8. dry ………. h) languages

    9. human ………. i) school

    10. modern ………. j) sense
    1. They should put a ……………… outside the school so that children don’t get run over.

    2. It’s freezing in here – why don’t you get ………..……..installed?

    3. When I don’t have time to cook I send the kids out to get some……

    4. Is the ………..…you get from your parents enough for your needs?

    5. Can you send me the …….. quickly - the house next door is on fire.

    6. When you leave primary school and get to ………….., lessons get much more difficult.

    7. He’ll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn’t got any…………… .

    8. Who’s got the ………..… for the TV? I’m bored with this program.

    9. Could you get my suit from the ………….. for me on your way home?

    10. After the last break-in, they decided to get a …………..…installed.
    5. What is the abstract noun related to each of the following adjectives?

    Example: tender - tenderness

    1. affectionate 8. attentive

    2. excited 9. wise

    3. stupid 10. popular

    4. secure 11. weak

    5. amused 12. equal

    6. graceful 13. hopeful

    7. original 14. resentful

    6. Which verbs are related to these abstract nouns?

    Example: argument - argue

    1. collection 6. action

    2. emptiness 7. excitement

    3. satisfaction 8. boredom

    4. intensity 9. ownership

    5. strength 10. adjustment.

    7. Find a synonym with the suffix in brackets, for each of the following nouns.

    Example: animosity (-ity) - hostility

    1. astonishment (-ment) 7. decrease (-tion)

    2. inquisitiveness (-ity) 8. community (-hood)

    3. fraternity (-hood) 9. vision (no suffix)

    4. possibility (no suffix) 10. liberty (-dom)

    5. substitution (-ment) 11. fury (no suffix)

    6. fame (-dom) 12. wealth (-ity)
    8. Complete each of the quotations with one of the words in the box.

    imitation advice injustice kingdom darkness

    1. Better to light a candle than to curse the………………………… .

    2. Do not ask of the ignorant.

    3. Better to suffer than to commit it.

    4. ………. is the sincerest form of flattery.

    5. It’s easy to govern a …………….. but difficult to rule one's family.

    9. Find at least one more noun using each of the suffixes.

    - ion : - ship:

    - ment: - hood:

    - ness: - th:

    - ity:

    Task 3. Noun

    1. Make abstract nouns from the words below. Put them in the correct column. Add two extra abstract nouns to each of the columns.
    absurd achieve adult combine complex deep excite free friend friendly generous imagine member mother owner prosperous recognize tender ugly wide wise










    Write down 4 other abstract nouns which do not use a suffix, e.g. love. Do not write down any of the words already mentioned in this Task.
    2. Complete the sentences by forming an abstract noun from the word in brackets at the end of the sentence.
    Example: His face was so red with.. .anger… that I thought he would have a heart attack there and then. (angry)

    1. The cat purred with ……………as it drank the cream.(satisfy)

    2. Rose has a rather difficult …………….with her father. (relate)

    3. His writing shows a great deal of ……………….. . (sensitive)

    4. Sal hasn't ever known true………………….with Bill. (happy)

    5. Dick hasn't much of a sense of …………………. .(humorous)

    6. Patrick is looking forward to his ……………………. . (retire)

    7. Penny always showed great ………………………to me. (kind)

    8. I wonder if women will ever achieve full …………….. . (equal)

    9. I don't think I've ever experienced ……………….. . (bored)

    10. This work is spoiled by the student’s ………………….. .(care)

    3. Put these abstract nouns into the correct column: pleasant or unpleasant.

    discouragement improvement hostility rage brotherhood companionship faith bitterness luck calm fear




    4. Add one of the following nouns to complete these sentences.
    dust bread salt butter comfort paper grass silence lunch flu sunlight lemon juice
    1. He could eat only a morsel of ….. .

    2. I think I’ve got a touch of ….. .

    3. A shaft of ….came through the window.

    4. I think I’ll have a spot of …… .

    5. How many sheets of …. do you need?

    6. Tufts of …….. grew along the bank.

    7. There wasn’t a speck of …. to be seen.

    8. Her enquiries were met with a wall of …. .

    9. Their offer of help was my only crumb of ….. .

    10. Just add a knob of … and a dash of … ..

    11. I think we should take that story with a pinch of …. .
    5. Make pairs using collective nouns from the box.
    Example: a pride of lions

    a flock, a pack, a swarm, a herd, a school, a bunch, a pride, a shoal

    sheep, whales, wolves, flies, goats, cows, dogs, flowers, elephants, fish, deer, keys, bees, cattle, lions, birds, balloons.
    6. Complete the sentences with collective nouns.

    1. A number of bulls or cows is a …

    2. A large number of people is a …

    3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a…

    4. A number of sticks is a …

    5. A group of people who play, act or work together is a…

    6. A group of people chosen to direct some work is a …

    7. A group of relatives is a …

    8. People listening to or watching a performance are an…

    9. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a…

    10. A group of pupils is a …

    7. In the following groups, there is one noun that we cannot use in the phrase, either for reasons of meaning or collocation. Underline the one that doesn’t fit.
    1. a torrent of water 2. a touch of frost

    abuse salt

    words flu

    snow irony
    3. a pool of water 4. a ray of sunshine

    spilt milk hope

    blood paper

    strawberries light
    5. a bunch of flowers 6. a flock of birds

    people sheep

    bread tourists

    bananas grass
    7. a trace of perfume 8. a gang of hooligans

    blood thieves

    smoke actors

    children kids
    9. a lump of coal 10. a point of honour

    ideas question

    sugar order

    meat light

    8. Choose the right answer.

    1. The new government is/ are better than the old. It has/they have much more success.

    2. All the government agree/agrees that the situation is difficult. They are making/ It is making new plans for the year.

    3. Class 9 “B” are\is responsible for the project.

    4. Our class has/have decided to hold its\our ski races next Friday.

    5. The average European family has/have 3-4 members. They are/It is smaller than at the beginning of the last century.

    6. My family are\is angry with me. It doesn’t/ They don’t like my idea of going to Africa alone.

    7. Our team are/is going to lose the game.

    8. The police have/has arrived.

    9. The police is/are looking for Mr. Harrison.

    10. What are/is the contents of this play?

    11. These trousers is/are terribly unflattering.

    12. When I'm ill my hair becomes/become greasy.

    13. His luggage was/were left on the platform.

    14. The news was/were unexpected.

    15. His experience of travel is/are limited
    9. Rewrite the following using the correct possessive form.
    Example: the butterflies - the wings ...the butterflies’ wings...

    1. the students - the books

    2. drive - three hours

    3. the department store - the staff

    4. living - the cost

    5. bread - the price

    6. the baby - the pram

    7. John and Paul - the wives

    8. the men - the changing rooms

    9. the sea - the waves

    10. a climb - two hundred metres

    11. the house - my father's closest friend

    12. the president - the decision

    13. my physics professor - the report

    14. the park - the playground

    15. the Smiths - the car

    16. my mother-in-law - the garden

    10. Complete the news story adding ’s or ’.
    The two girls disappeared from (their grandmother) ……..…..garden in Ilkley yesterday evening. Josie and Cara Sharp, aged 7 and 9, were staying at (their grandparents) …………… house for a week. They were in Ilkley for a (children) ………..theatre course. The police have asked the course teachers for (the other children) ……….. names and addresses, and they have also put Josie (and Cara) …….. photos on local television. (The two girls) …………..mother, Mrs Jenna Sharp, has appeared on TV as well. A shopkeeper thinks she saw Josie and Cara getting into (a man) ……….. car; police officers have asked for (the shopkeeper) …………… help with a photofit picture of the man. The police have also got (local people) ……. help in looking for the girls near the town.
    11. Rewrite the sentences using the correct possessive form.

    He put his briefcase on the car – the roof.

    He put his briefcase on the roof of the car.

    1. The walk to school takes ten minutes.

    2. We are going on holiday two weeks from now.

    3. She received the parcel in the post – this morning.

    4. Paul never pays attention to his parents – the advice.

    5. That girl on the stage is a friend – my.

    6. Sarah – David – bicycles are being repaired.

    7. Simon lost a week of pay when he was ill.

    8. The girl shook the man – the hand.

    9. Can I see the menu – for today, please?

    10. We had a barbecue in Bob – Marie – garden.

    11. The inspector looked at the passengers – the tickets.

    Task 4. Article
    1. Delete a/an or the if they are not needed.

    1. He gained his doctorate with a thesis on the seagull.

    2. Some types of the seagull have red spots on the beak.

    3. I’ve always wanted a rabbit as a pet.

    4. I used to play a piano in a jazz band.

    5. A cor anglais is a sort of oboe.

    6. Beethoven has written a fine trio for two oboes and cor anglais.

    2. Choose the alternative that best fits the meaning of each sentence.

    1. Accidents/The accident will happen, I’m afraid.

    2. A tortoise is a/the sort of reptile.

    3. My dog has hurt his/the leg.

    4. Look me in the/my eye and tell me what you’re saying is true.

    5. A/The liver is used to help purify the blood.

    6. Can’t you think of anything else? You’ve got food on the/your brain.

    7. Have you ever considered taking up a/the musical instrument?

    8. What on earth is a/the CD-ROM?

    9. I used to play a/the trumpet when I was younger.

    10. Frank Whittle invented a/the jet engine.

    3. Choose one of these nouns to complete each of the following sentences. Write THE or a possessive before it.
    head (2) stomach eye hair toes

    1. Now he’s released from the responsibilities of the office, he can really let…….down.

    2. The new male supervisor will really have to be on ……….. .

    3. A lot of young vandals who go looking for trouble are not right in………….. .

    4. Can you do this calculation in ………..?

    5. Wasn’t it Goethe who said that a meal should please …first and then……….?

    4. Fill in a possessive pronoun or the.

    1. We always wash ...... hands before eating anything.

    2. Wipe .......... feet before you come in.

    3. She looked him in .......... eye and told him the truth.

    4. I trapped .......... finger in the door.

    5. He lost ......... jacket at the party.

    6. Julia says that Mike pulled ......... hair

    7. He hit .......... knee on the table.

    8. She felt something tap her on .......... shoulder.

    9. The branch snapped back and hit him in .......... face.

    10. I like ......... shoes. I wonder where she bought them.

    5. Add the where necessary before the endings to make complete sentences.

    1. Richard plays…

      1. bass guitar in a rock group.

      2. balalaika in his spare time.

      3. goalkeeper for his school team.

      4. fool in class.

      5. lead in his new film

    1. Life would seem strange now without….

      1. telephone.

      2. video.

      3. camera.

      4. cinema.

      5. e-mail.

      6. computer.

      7. satellite television.

      8. Internet.

      9. airplane.

    6. Add THE where necessary to these sentences.

    1. A bird in hand is worth two in bush.

    2. They lived from hand to mouth.

    3. He gained upper hand.

    4. They walked along hand in hand.

    5. On other hand, perhaps he was right.

    7. Write in THE where necessary.

    1. There are countless varieties of English in use in English-speaking world.

    2. Concepts of language vary from country to country and from generation to generation; English you hear spoken nowadays is in no way recognizable as language used by last generation, let alone in time of Shakespeare.

    3. Government is now insisting that mathematics is taught with methods reminiscent of 1950s.

    4. Music of today deserves a different name from music of Beethoven, Bach and other comparable geniuses.

    5. Many people in public sector of work are just looking for sun, sand and relaxation when they go on holiday.

    6. The death of President has left the country in chaos.

    7. Environmentalists say water people drink is not fit for animals.

    8. We learn many things throughout life.

    8. Correct any errors in these sentences.

    1. That’s a really good advice.

    2. Marriage is something to be taken seriously.

    3. What will music sound like in the future?

    4. When it comes to depression, laughter is often the best remedy.

    5. High heels were invented by the woman who was kissed on the forehead.

    6. A man falls in love just as he falls downstairs. It is the accident.

    7. A little learning is the dangerous thing.

    8. One should always be in love; that is the reason one should never be married.

    9. Complete these short sentences with an appropriate article: a(an), the or - (no article).

    1. He's got asthma.

    2. The ring is just a band of………gold.

    3. It prints seven pages……..……minute.

    4. Let's have a weekend in………..mountains.

    5. It's in………Tasman Sea.

    6. Sorry - it's……….wrong answer.

    7. It appeared in………...New York Times.

    8. She's always been………...Catholic.

    9. What's for…………..dinner?

    10. We’re going on a day trip by ……….coach.

    11. They're flying to…….Seychelles.

    12. We've had over…….dozen applicants.

    13. She works in …….…..television.

    14. It's all ………..better if you can come early.

    15. He was crowned……..….king.

    10. Choose the correct alternative.

    1. Catherine loves cats/the cats.

    2. Look at cats/the cats! They are chasing a bird.

    3. You cut the cake/cake and I'll pour coffee/the coffee.

    4. Life/The life will be very different in the future.

    5. Life/The life of a mayfly is extremely short.

    6. Children/The children usually like playing games.

    7. Children/The children have gone to the park.

    8. All people/the people in this room are my relatives.

    9. All people/the people should have freedom of speech.

    10. Villages/The villages in this part of the country are very beautiful.

    11. Paul was only/the only person who remembered me.

    12. In Stone Age/the Stone Age, people lived in caves.

    13. He is learning to play flute/the flute.

    11. Read the following proverbs and fill in a(n), the or -.

    1. ..... Rome wasn't built in .............. day.

    2. .............. actions speak louder than .............. words.

    3. ............. apple ............. day keeps ............. doctor away.

    4. When in .............. Rome, do as .............. Romans do.

    5. Where there's .............. will there's .............. way.

    6. You can't teach .............. old dog .............. new tricks.

    7. You can't get .............. blood out of .............. stone.

    8. You cannot make .......... omelette without breaking ........... eggs.

    9. .............. more you get, .............. more you want.

    10. .............. home is where .............. heart is.

    11. Fire is .............. good servant but .............. bad master.

    12. Complete the article with the words from above each paragraph.

    (- = no article)
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