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  • Task 14. Sentence. Passive Voice

  • Учебное пособие для слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие для слушателей программы дополнительного (к высшему) образования Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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    * Present participles (verb + ing) describe what somebody or something is.

    It was a fascinating story. (What kind of story? Fascinating.)
    * Past participles (verb+ ed) describe how somebody feels.

    We were fascinated by his story.

    (How did we feel about his story? Fascinated.)

    2. Underline the correct participle.
    On Saturday, I took my children to the circus. I thought I would have a 1) boring/bored time, but actually I was quite 2) astonishing/ aston­ished by the 3) amazing/amazed acts. We were 4) stunning/stunned by the acrobats. They balanced on top of each other with incred­ible ease. We were really 5) impressing/ impressed by their performance. The children found the lion-tamer's act 6) exciting /excited. I felt 7) terrifying/terrified when he put his hands into the lion's mouth, but the children were 8) amusing/amused and they clapped loudly. A magician performed many incredible tricks; it was 9) fascinating/fascinated to watch him make various objects disappear and reap­pear. The children were more 10) interesting/interested in the elephant act. When the huge animals came into the arena, the audience cheered. The elephants were well-trained and their tricks were 11) entertaining/entertained. Some children from the audience were invited to ride on the elephants' backs. My children were 12) disappointing/disappointed when they were not chosen, but their disappointment faded when the clowns took the centre ring. It was quite a 13) captivating/captivated show. By the time we got home we all felt 14) exhausting/exhausted.
    3. Make the past participle:
    1. She has never ………….. (let) her daughter have a boyfriend.

    2. Have you already ………….. (read) today's newspaper?

    3. The house has been ……………….. (sell).

    4. He has ……………… (lose) his wallet again.

    5. I have ………………. (write) three essays this week.

    6. That clock was ………………. (make) in Switzerland.

    7. He had ………………… (run) 6 miles when he hurt his ankle.

    8. I have never ………………. (see) such a beautiful view.

    9. He has ……… (teach) hundreds of students during his career.

    10. Have you ever ……………….. (meet) a famous person?

    11. Because she hadn't ……… (pay) the bill, the electricity went off.

    12. They have ……… (send) Christmas cards to all their friends.

    13. Where have we …………. (put) the car keys?

    14. We have never ………….. (sing) in public before.

    15. She had …………….. (wear) her blue dress many times.

    16. John had never ……(speak) English before he came to London.

    17. Why have you …………… (stand) up? Are we leaving?

    18. Have you ever ………. (swim) in the Atlantic Ocean?

    20. I have never …………… (say) that I didn't love you.

    21. David jumped into the air. He had ……….. (sit) on a drawing pin.

    22. The weatherman had ………… (tell) us it would be sunny, but it rained all day.

    23. I'm sorry I'm so tired. I haven't …………….. (sleep).

    24. Have you ……….. (think) about changing jobs?
    4. Write what each word is followed by: F.I. (full inf.), B.I. (bare inf.) or -ing form.
    Example: refuse + F.I.

    would + …… would like + …… hear + ……

    finish + …… it's no use + …… object to + ……

    dislike + …… it's no good + …… promise + ……

    admit + …… would rather + …… decide + ……

    deny + …… be known + …… let + ……
    5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the infinitive or the -ing form. Mind the tenses.
    Example: The police made the bank robbers ..give.. (give) themselves up.

    1. He is not likely .......................... (return) before five o'clock.

    2. The criminals were forced .................... (surrender).

    3. They might not .................. (complain) about the meal if the service hadn't been so dreadful.

    4. Man is said ....... (invent) the wheel about ten thousand years ago.

    5. You must ........ (starve) to have eaten such a big dinner last night.

    6. She'd better ....................... (have) a good excuse for being so late.

    7. They hope ............ (make) a lot of money in their new business.

    8. The wind tends ....................... (increase) just before sunset.

    9. He should ........... (tell) his parents the truth when they asked him.

    10. Imagine .............. (live) in a big house like that!

    11. I'd rather not ........................... (visit) my parents this weekend.

    12. She's too tired ........................... (concentrate) on her work today.

    13. You should ................. (see) his face when she told him the news.

    14. It was such a shock ............. (hear) from her after all these years.

    15. The doctor worked for fifteen hours without .......... (take) a break.

    16. John's father let him ................. (borrow) his car for the weekend.

    17. There's no point ............. (get) there early, because the gates don't open till 10 am.

    6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the infinitive or -ing form.
    Whatever else Christmas may 1) ..stand for...(stand for), one thing it still means is 2) …(eat). Christmas has traditionally been a time of the year when people have tried 3) … (cheer) themselves up during the cold months of winter. Last year more than 10 million turkeys were bought in Britain alone during the festive season 4) … (satisfy) the nation's appetite. Health experts may continue 5) … (complain) about all this self-indulgence, but they fail 6) … (realise) that there is nothing new about celebratory feasting, particularly at this time of year. The Roman Saturnalia, which was supposedly a festival 7) … (honour) the god of agriculture, started on 19 December. Among other things, the Saturnalia involved 8) … (light) candles and 9) … (give) gifts. People who had spent the whole year 10) … (save) money suddenly became extravagant. In addition to 11) … (exchange) gifts, this time of year was also an occasion for masters and slaves alike 12) … (eat) excessively. At one Saturnalia feast an emperor is reported 13) … (spend) the equivalent of £600,000 on a dinner for twelve guests which consisted of twenty courses and lasted all day. So, when mealtime comes round on 25 December, there's no point in 14) … (have) a guilty conscience. In fact the occasional seasonal feast may promote good health and stop year-round 15) … (overeat).
    7. Fill in the correct form of the infinitive or the -ing form.

    I advise you ...to take... (take) some money in case the banks are shut.

    1. My mother used ……(encourage) us to eat lots of vegetables.

    2. Don't forget ......... (lock) the door when you leave the office.

    3. Do you remember......... (swim) in Lake Langaron last summer?

    4. When you finish this exercise go on .......... (do) the composition on page 11.

    5. Would you mind ........(turn) the radio down? I've got a headache.

    6. Why don't we try ............ (eat) some Thai food for a change?

    7. The stopped running ............. (have) a rest.

    8. He put off ........... (tell) her the bad news.

    9. I really regret........... (spend) so much money at the weekend.

    10. I suggest................ (look) this word up in a dictionary.

    11. David was too afraid .......... (swim) in the rough sea.

    12. He doesn't look old enough ......... (be/married).

    13. I couldn't stop........ (wonder) whether I had done the right thing.

    14. In general I prefer ............. (watch) films on the big screen rather than on TV.

    15. I'm sorry, I didn't mean ............... (hurt) you.

    16. Don't you dare .................(be) late again.

    17. I need to get a job. I’m tired of ........ (have) to rely on my parents for money.

    18. Have you considered ............(learn) another language?

    19. I can't stand …..... (listen) to you complaining all the time.

    8. Underline the correct item.
    Countries all over the world have superstitions which some people believe and others don’t. Several superstitions are the same in many countries. Many people avoid 1) walking/to walk under ladders, as this is believed to bring bad luck. Some people expect things 2) go/to go wrong on the thirteenth day of the month, particularly if it's a Friday. Some say you must never 3) put/to put up an umbrella inside the house or 4) to place/place a pair of new shoes on the table. In many places, it is considered unlucky 5) to see/seeing a black cat, while in others this is thought 6) to be/be a symbol of good luck. 7) Break/Breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck and if you spill salt, you must 8) to throw/throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder immediately.

    These are just a few superstitions which some people believe in.

    9. Fill in the correct form of the infinitive or the -ing form.
    In the past decade academics have been involved in 1)..investigating... (investigate) differences between men and women. Researchers have been especially interested in 2) .................. (discover) what women can 3) ............... (do) better than men. As far as language is concerned, studies show that girls begin 4) ....................... (talk) before boys and are capable of 5) ................. (produce) more varied and sophisticated sentences. In addition to 6) ................. (have) a better command of the

    language, women also appear 7) ................ (have) better social skills and are more likely 8) ........... (be) complimentary than men. Another area that has been investigated is how men and women lead. Women try 9) .................. (share) power and make their employees 10) ............ (feel) more worthwhile. Men, on the other hand, like 11) .................... (demonstrate) their authority more formally and seem 12) ................... (care) more about hierarchy. However, it is worth 13) ...........(remember) that study results reflect averages, and there will always be exceptions.
    10. Put the verbs in the dialogue into the to-infinitive or the gerund.

    Helen has been called to the office of her boss, Andrea.

    A: Take a seat, Helen. Would you like1 to have.. (have) some coffee?

    H: Er, no thank you.

    A: I asked 2………(see) you 3……. (talk) about your work. I think there are a few things that we need 4 …..………(discuss).

    H: Oh dear. Is there some problem? I do love 5 ……….(work) here and I think I'm getting better at6…………….(do) the job.

    A: Yes, I'm sure you are, Helen, but sometimes you are rather slow 7 …………….(learn). In a hotel of this reputation, we cannot afford s………… (make) mistakes and I am sorry 9………….(say) that you have made rather a lot. There are some things you are very good at, like 10………. (welcome) the guests, 11.……………...(talk) to them and 12………….… (give) them any help they require.

    H: That's true. I was rather shy when I first started I3………….. (work) here but now I'm much better at14 …….……...(communicate) with the guests. They have often said to me that it is nice15 ……. (see) such a friendly face at reception.
    A: That's good. It's true 16……….(say) that you have got much better at 17……..(deal) with people. But you do not pay enough attention to 18…… (ensure) that the administrative part of your job is carried out efficiently.

    H: 19…….. (Keep) the records is not my favourite part of the job, I must admit....

    A: But it's essential 2°……… (do) that properly. It's no use 21…… (be) nice to all the guests if you are creating problems for them by 22…. (fail) 23 ……(carry out) your job efficiently. I know there is a lot of work 24 ……. (do) at reception, but last week you made three mistakes with the billing. That's not good enough.

    H: Yes, I'm sorry about that, but sometimes the bills are very complicated 25…… (work out).

    A: I know, but we can't make mistakes and that's that. And what about you 26 …… (accept) that booking for the penthouse suite at the weekend when we were using it for a conference? It was very careless of you 27…… (do) that. I had to do a lot of 28………(apologize) 29 ….. (calm down) those guests. They were furious.

    H: Yes, it was terrible. I do try 3°……. (get) everything right but I can't help 3I …………(make) mistakes sometimes. I just don't know what32……….. (do) about it.

    A: Well, I do. You've got a month 33. ……. (prove) to me that you can do the job efficiently, and if you can't, you'll have 34 ……… (start) 35 ……… (look) for another job.

    Task 14. Sentence. Passive Voice
    1. Rewrite the jumbled phrases to make sentences with the correct word order.

    1. to stand/when he arrives/visitors/expects/His Excellency

    2. to stay/a legal assistant/I wouldn't like/for long

    3. brought/to the team/Amanda/all her expertise

    4. has become/a very inexperienced salesman/the Sales Manager

    5. into the box/sparkling, diamond encrusted/he placed/18-carat gold ring/carefully wrapped/the

    6. provided/all rubbish/please/in the bins/put

    7. so her daughter/the bracelet/bought/for her/Susan liked/it

    8. all day long/their resistance/stand/the prisoners/ they/ to/ made/reduce

    9. of destruction/all sick/the scenes/us/made/in the film

    10. an easy program/trying/first/recommended/the trainer

    2. Rewrite the sentences, putting the words into the correct order. Add commas where necessary.

      1. enormous they old staying building grey are an in.

      2. and looks now old he tired rather.

      3. young met student charming we medical a.

      4. angry an man is young he aggressive.

      5. heavy her gold a gave necklace he beautiful.

      6. moment at rather seem the unhappy you.

      7. thoughtful a be man young seems very he to.

      8. impractical is time-wasting expensive the and project.

      9. beginning hair grey turn to is my.

      10. young actress a Diana successful well-respected and is.

    3. Fill in: what (a/an), how, so or such (a/an).
    Example: ...What a... strange man he is!­

    1. ....................inconsiderate of you!

    2. It was........ lovely meal!

    3. ...............................sweet she is!

    4. ...................... shiny hair she has!

    5. .......................nice eyes he's got!

    6. The journey was................ long!

    7. He's ................ interesting person!

    8. ...................awful day I had!

    9. ........................ tasty biscuits!

    10. ................... high he jumps!

    11. Her pies are ....................... delicious!

    12. They are .............. noisy neighbours!

    13. ............................ warm the sea is!

    14. ….......... odd thing to do!

    15. .....................dirty Tommy is!

    16. ................. nice weather we're having!

    4. Put each verb into the simple present passive or active.
    Gorillas (find) 1………... in several countries in central Africa. They are about 1.6 metres tall, and they (cover) 2………..with black or brown hair. Gorillas’ lives (spend) 3………in groups. Each group (have) 4 ……....five to ten gorillas in it. The gorillas in a group (walk) 5………..about 0.5 to 1.0 km per day, looking for food. They (not eat) 6…………all the leaves in one part of the forest before moving on; some leaves (leave) 7………… on the trees and plants. At night gorillas (sleep) 8 ……in nests; these nests (make) 9 ………. of branches and leaves. The number of gorillas living in Africa today (not know) 10………..,but it is certain that this number is getting smaller. Why? Because in the countries where the gorillas (live) 11……., more and more trees (cut down) 12….... every year.

    5. Write the passive verbs in the correct tenses.

    1. Potatoes…….to Europe from South America in the 1500s. (bring)

    2. Your class …….by Mrs Nash on Monday next week. (teach)

    3. Five hundred years ago, Latin ..............by people all over Europe. (speak)

    4. I'm working at home today because my office ……….. (paint)

    5. Someone’s been using my desk - all my papers ………… (move)

    6. ‘Two’ and ‘too’ …..... the same. (pronounce)

    7. How many languages ……….in 2100? (speak)

    8. What kind of oil……….in Mexican cooking? (use)

    9. ‘Where’s your car?’ ‘It ……….. .’ (repair)

    10. Oh, dear, I'm late - my name ……… yet? (call)

    6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   14

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