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  • Mixed Conditionals All types of conditionals can be mixed by combining an if - clause from one type with a main clause from another

  • Type 2

  • It is possible to use almost any combination of tenses in conditional sentences. The context determines the choice of tense.

  • Harry and Sarah, a husband and wife, are talking. H

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    Task 18. Conditionals
    1. Match the items in column A with those in column B in order to make correct Type 0 conditional sentences.



    1. wash woollen clothes in hot water

    a. they die

    2. put food in the fridge

    b. it becomes ice.

    3. don't water plants

    c. it gets rusty.

    4. put water in the freezer

    d. they shrink.

    5. leave metal out in the rain

    e. it falls to the ground.

    6. drop something

    f. it stays fresh for longer.

    7. throw a pebble into the sea

    g. you get green.

    8. mix blue and yellow

    h. it sinks.

    2. Put the verb into the correct tense (Second Conditionals):
    1. If I … (be) you, I … (get) a new job.

    2. If he … (be) younger, he … (travel) more.

    3. If we … (not / be) friends, I … (be) angry with you.

    4. If I … (have) enough money, I … (buy) a big house.

    5. If she … (not / be) always so late, she …be) promoted.

    6. If we … (win) the lottery, we … (travel) the world.

    7. If you … (have) a better job, we … (be) able to buy a new car.

    8. If I … (speak) perfect English, I …have) a good job.

    9. If we … (live) in Mexico, I … (speak) Spanish.

    10. She … (be) happier if she … (have) more friends.

    11. We … (buy) a house if we … (decide) to stay here.

    12. We … (come) to dinner if we … (have) time.

    13. She … (call) him if she … (know) his number.

    14. They … (go) to Spain on holiday if they … (like) hot weather.

    15. She … (pass) the exam if she … (study) more.

    16. I … (marry) someone famous if I … (be) a movie star.

    17. We never … (be) late again if we …buy) a new car.

    18. You … (lose) weight if you … (eat) less.
    3. Put in the correct third conditional verb form (Third Conditionals):
    1. If you … (not / be) late, we … (not / miss) the bus.

    2. If she … (study), she … (pass) the exam.

    3. If we … (arrive) earlier, we … (see) John.

    4. If they … (go) to bed early, they … (not / wake) up late.

    5. If he … (become) a musician, he … (record) a CD.

    6. 8. If she … (go) to university, she … (study) French.

    9. If we … (not / go) to the party, we … (not /meet) them.

    10. If he … (take) the job, he … (not / go) traveling.

    11. He … (be) happier if he … (stay) at home.

    12. She … (pass) the exam if she … (study) harder.

    13. We …(not / get) married if we … (not / go) to the same university.

    14. They … (be) late if they … (not / take) a taxi.

    15. She … (not / meet) him if she … (not / come) to London.

    16. He … (take) a taxi if he … (have) enough money.

    17. I … (call) you if I … (not / forget) my phone.

    18. We … (come) if we … (be) invited.

    19. She … (not / do) it if she … (know) you were ill.

    20. He … (be) on time if he … (leave) earlier.
    4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, then identify the types of conditionals.

    If you ...don't put up ... (not/put up) this shelf, you won't have anywhere to put your books. (1st type)

    1. If he ............................... (change) jobs, he would be a lot happier.

    2. If I were you, I ........................... (tell) her how you feel.

    3. If you continue to shout so loudly, you ......... (wake up) the baby.

    4. Even if he ........... (ask) them, they wouldn't have agreed to come.

    5. Unless you .......... (feel) any better, you can take the rest of the day off.

    6. If she ......................... (not/threaten) him, he wouldn't have left.

    7. I ........................... (not/trust) him if I were you.

    8. If you're patient for a few minutes, I ............ (be able) to finish this.

    9. He ................ (not/go) with her if he had known she would behave so irresponsibly.

    10. I wouldn’t have been able to do it unless she ……. (help) me.

    11. Sometimes if you ............... (take) a chance, it pays off.

    12. If he ......... (wake up) earlier he wouldn't have been late for work.

    13. If they will go on making so much noise, I ........... (have to) punish them.

    14. If we ........... (intend) to spend the day in London, we would have bought a day pass.

    15. Keep your voice down in case he .......................... (overhear) us.

    16. If she ................... (be) more experienced, she would be more likely to get the job.

    17. If the food............. (not/be) so bad, we wouldn't have complained.

    18. Sales will increase provided that the advertising campaign .............. (be) successful.

    19. If you ............... (spend) less on clothes, you would be able to save some money.

    5. Finish the sentences with a clause in the correct conditional:

    1. If it is sunny tomorrow …….

    2. If you sit in the sun too long …….

    3. If I were you …….

    4. If she had studied harder …….

    5. If I won the lottery …….

    6. If I hadn’t gone to bed so late …….

    7. If she hadn’t stayed at home …….

    8. If I go out tonight…….

    9. If I had listened to my mother…….

    10. If I hadn’t eaten so much …….

    11. If it rains later …….

    12. If I were the opposite sex …….

    13. If I have enough money……..

    14. If you don’t wear a coat in the winter…….

    15. If I weren’t studying English …….

    6. Underline the correct word or expression.

    1. I'll lend you the money on condition that/unless you pay it back soon.

    2. Even if/But for her help, I'd be in trouble now.

    3. Unless/Provided it stops raining, we won't be going to the park.

    4. I couldn't lend them the money even if/or I wanted to.

    5. Try to be here on time, and/otherwise we'll miss the beginning of the film.

    6. 'I'll wear Mum's necklace for the party.'

    'What if/Otherwise you lose it?'

    1. Supposing/Providing we went to London – what could we do there?

    2. Be late again provided/and you'll have to see the manager.

    3. In case of/On condition that an emergency, call this number.

    4. You can go to the party in case of/as long as you are home before 11 pm.

    5. Don't shout or/what if you'll wake the baby.

    7. Underline the correct form of the verb.
    My brother Kevin has always been a fitness fanatic. He believes that if you 1) look after/looked after your body, it will look after you. Whenever anyone is ill, he 2) says/will say, ‘If they had taken care of themselves, they 3) wouldn't get/wouldn't have got ill. And the same thing 4) happens/will happen to me if I 5) didn't keep fit/don't keep fit.’ I would often say to him, ‘If I were you, Kevin, I 6) would try/would have tried to slow down a little bit. You will wear yourself out.’

    Last month, however, I went to the doctor's and he told me that I was unfit. He said that if I 7) don't start/didn't start taking regular exercise, I 8) would be/would have been in danger of becoming ill. I started going to the gym with Kevin and, after a week, I said to him, ‘I feel better already. If I 9) know/had known how good it feels to exercise, I 10) would start/would have started years ago!’
    8. Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    If I were world leader, I 1) ..would try.. (try) to stop the destruction of the earth and I 2) ............. (make) the world a better place for all people. If the world’s problems had been tackled sooner, the quality of life 3) ................. (improve) long ago. First of all, I would try to bring about peace in the world. As long as there is fighting between nations, millions of people 4) ...................... (continue) to suffer and die. If wars continue, children 5) ................... (be left) without parents and 6) ................. (grow up) in a world of misery and fear. But as long as people disagree over land and possessions, the fighting 7)................ (go on). Therefore, I would ensure that all people were treated as equals and given the same opportunities in life. It would also help if all countries 8) ................ (stop) producing arms so there would no longer be the weapons with which to fight. In addition, I would introduce laws to reduce pollution. If pollution levels had been controlled earlier, life 9) ................. (not/become) so unbearable. If I 10) ................. (have) the power, I would ban all cars from city centres and increase public transport. If there were more trees, the air we breathe 11) ………….. (be) cleaner. Unless measures are taken soon, it 12) ................. (be) too late both for ourselves and our children.

    Mixed Conditionals

    All types of conditionals can be mixed by combining an if - clause from one type with a main clause from another. Any tense combination is possible if the context permits it.


    Main clause

    Type 2
    If they were working all day,

    (They were working all day
    If she got back late last night

    Type 1
    they will be tired now.

    so they are tired now.)
    she won't come to work today.

    Type 2
    If I were you,

    (You are not me
    If he were a better driver,

    (He is not a good driver
    If you were more sensible,

    Type 3
    I would have accepted the job

    so you didn't accept the job.)
    he wouldn't have crashed the car.

    so he crashed the car.)
    you wouldn't have spoken to your boss like that.

    Type 3
    If she had finished earlier,
    (She didn't finish earlier
    If she hadn't missed the bus,

    Type 2
    she would be going to the party tonight.

    so she isn't going to the party.)
    she would be here now.

    9. Rewrite the following as mixed conditional sentences.

    She didn't study hard. She won't pass the exams.

    If she had studied hard, she would pass the exams.

    1. You didn't wake me up. Now I'm late for my appointment.

    2. She isn't well-qualified. She didn't get the job.

    3. We didn't go to the restaurant. We don't like fast food.

    4. She didn't bring her umbrella. Now, she's getting wet.

    5. I don't know them very well, so I didn't go to the party.

    6. He isn't at the lecture because he wasn't told about it.

    7. They didn't take a map with them. They're lost now.

    8. The driver isn't careful. He crashed his car into a wall.

    9. I didn't buy tickets. We can't go to the theatre tonight.

    10. He didn't reserve a table. He has to wait for an hour.

    11. Sue forgot to go to the bank. Now she can't go shopping.

    12. They missed their flight. They won't arrive until tomorrow.

    10. Match the clauses and make conditional sentences

    Example: I - F - If you had told me about this problem earlier, everything would be al right now.

    1. If you had told me about this problem earlier,

    1. he probably won't be at the meeting.

    1. If you were a more sensitive person,

    1. you could always ring them up.

    1. If they don't contact you soon,

    1. his wife would never have left him.

    1. If he hadn't died so young,

    1. you wouldn't have said that to her.

    1. If he didn't work so hard all the time,

    1. I would have had them by now.

    1. If the train hadn't been delayed,

    1. everything would be all right now.

    1. If he was feeling ill this morning,

    1. would you hurry up and get ready?

    1. If you're coming with us,

    1. you wouldn't be so busy this month.

    1. If I really wanted to have children,

    1. we would be there by now.

    1. If you had worked harder last month,

    1. I'm sure he'd be a famous musician by now.

    It is possible to use almost any combination of tenses in conditional sentences. The context determines the choice of tense.
    11. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.
    Mary was telling Julie about her planned trip to a tropical island. It sounded wonderful. "If I were you, I 1) ...would be... (be) so excited," Julie said. "I am," replied Mary," but I wish you 2) ............... (come) with me. We 3) ............... (have) such fun!" "I know. If only I 4) ................ (know) earli­er, I 5) ................. (not/spend) all my money on redecorating the kitchen. Anyway, what clothes are you planning to take with you?" "Well, I'm hoping to buy some new ones. If you 6) .................. (finish) work early today, we 7) ................... (go) shopping in town." "If I 8) ................. (be) you I'd make sure I took light clothes and lots of insect repellent. What 9) ............................. (you/do) when you get there?" "Sunbathe, swim and go for long walks on the beach." "Make sure you 10).............. (send) me a postcard and take lots of pictures." "Don't worry, I will."
    12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

    1. If only I ..................... (do) some of this work yesterday.

    2. I wish I ..........................(afford) to buy some new clothes.

    3. If only he .............................................. (talk) so much.

    4. I wish she ....................... (not/leave) so early last night.

    5. I wish they ....................................... (visit) more often.

    6. If only we ......................................... (not/miss) the train.

    7. If only you ...................... (ask) me to help you before.

    8. I wish I ...................................... (have) more free time.

    9. If only we ....................... (not/have) to go to work today.

    10. I wish she ............................... (tell) me what is wrong.

    13. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.

    1. Harry and Sarah, a husband and wife, are talking.

    H: Shall I make the children something to eat?

    S: I wouldn't bother. You know how much they eat when they visit their grandparents.

    H: That’s true. If they ..have been eating..(eat) all afternoon, they 2…. (not want) anything when they get home.

    S: Are we going to pick them up soon?

    H: No, my parents are bringing them over. We agreed that if I 3……. (take) them there, they 4…….(bring) them back.

    S: Oh good. Well, if we 5 …….(not collect) them, I6……(go back) upstairs and do a bit more work. I've nearly finished that report now. If I 7 …….. (do) another half hour's work, I 8 …… (finish) it by the time the children get home.
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