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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
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Madam! / Miss! Гражданка! Мадам! /Мисс!

  • Officer! Офицер! (Обращение к представителю власти в униформе: полицейскому, таможеннику).

  • Mr. Brown! Господин Браун!

  • Mrs. Brown! Госпожа Браун!

  • Miss Brown! Мисс Браун! (Обращение к девушке или незамужней женщине).

  • Dear friends! Дорогие друзья!

  • Ladies and Gentlemen! Дамы и господа! (Обращение к пассажирам).

    1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. Sir, is it your bag?

    2. Mr. Brown, what is the purpose of your visit?

    3. Miss Black, could you show me your passport, please?

    4. You don't need to shout, madam, I can hear you well.

    5. Excuse me, Professor Bright! Could you repeat that, please?

    6. Ladies and Gentlemen! Could I have your attention please?

    7. May I ask you to step through here, sir?

    8. Are you wearing any jewelry, madam?

    a) Read and translate the vocabulary, find the Russian equivalents of these words.

    1. Aisle - a walkway between or along sections of seats in a theater, classroom or airplane.

    2. aisle seat - seat located in the aisle part. (window seat)

    3. flight attendant - a person who attends and offers service in the duration of the flight.

    4. baggage claim area - a place where you get your baggage.

    5. boarding area - a place where you enter a plane.

    6. boarding pass - a sheet of paper needed to board an airplane.

    7. carry-on luggage - things that are being carried onto and stowed in the passenger compartment of an airplane.

    b) Read the dialogue. Practice it in pairs.

    At the airport check-in counter

    Check- in Clerk : Good morning, Sir.
    Passenger: Good morning .
    Check-in Clerk : May I see your ticket , please?
    Passenger : Oh yes. Here it is.
    Check-in Clerk : Thank you Mr. Robinson.
    Passenger: I was wondering if I could have a smoking seat, please?
    Check-in Clerk: I´m afraid this is a non-smoking flight, Sir. Would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat?
    Passenger: Well, I´m not sure. You see, it´s the first time that I will be flying by airplane and I´m feeling a bit uneasy about it. What I really want is the safest seat.

    Check-in Clerk: Oh I see, well there´s really nothing to worry about.
    Let´s see, I can give you an aisle seat right next to one of the exits. Then you´ll have more leg room, too.
    Passenger: Oh good! That sounds alright.
    Check-in Clerk: And could I see your passport, please?
    Passenger: Oh yes, here it is…….

    Let’s practice: Practice with a partner and take turns in asking the questions when you check-in at the airport!

    1. Read the text and try to guess the meaning of the words printed in bold.

    Text 1.

    At the airport.

    John arrived at the airport two hours ago to catch his plane to Madrid. At the check-in-counter, a ticket agent looked at his ticket and his passport; his baggage was checked in (weighted on the scales). John's suitcases were very heavy, so he had to pay an excess baggage charge (amount of money for additional weight).

    Next he was given a boarding pass (a ticket that allows him to get on the plane). The boarding pass has a seat number written on it, and John was given a window seat in the non-smoking section. His suitcases were labeled and sent off to be loaded into the hold of the airplane.

    While waiting for the flight to be called, John goes to the newsstand to buy a newspaper. Then he goes through the security check, where his carry-on luggage (the bags he is keeping with him on the plane) is searched. Then John goes into the duty-free shop where he has a chance to buy some things cheaply. The goods he buys here are cheap because they are not taxed.

    In the departure lounge John joins the other passengers who are sitting and waiting until it is time for their flight to depart. After a few minutes John hears the announcement: flight 156 to Madrid now boarding at gate 3, and he goes to board (get on) her plane.

    1. Complete the sentences using the words from the text.

    1. When you arrive at the airport you first go to the c______________________.

    2. You have to have a b_______________ so that you can get on the plane.

    3. After the security check, you wait in the d_________________.

    1. You can buy many things cheaply at the d____________________.

    2. When you hear the a_______________, you go to the g________to board your plane.

    1. Match the words with their definitions. Translate them into Russian.

    1. airport

    2. plane

    3. check-in-counter

    4. ticket

    5. passport

    6. departure

    7. baggage

    8. boarding pass

    9. suitcase

    10. flight

    11. duty-free shop

    12. announcement

    13. gate

    1. a public or official statement that gives people  information about something

    2. the act of leaving a place, job, etc., or an occasion when this happens

    3. a place where planes arrive and leave, consisting of  runways

    4. an official document containing your photograph and

    showing which country you are a citizen of.

    1. the suitcases, bags etc. in which you carry your possessions when you travel.

    2. the place at an airport where people get on a plane

    3. place where goods are cheaper than the usual price because you do not pay tax

    4. an aircraft with wings and at least one engine

    5. a card that passengers have to show before they are allowed  to get on a plane or a ship

    6. a journey through air or space in a vehicle such as a plane

    7. a large container with flat sides and a handle used for carrying clothes and other things when you travel

    8. a desk where you go to give in your bags and cases and have your ticket checked at an airport

    9. a piece of paper that shows you have paid for a journey on a train, plane etc.

    1. Complete the following sentences with words from the exercise 2. and translate them into Russian.

    1. The customs officials may want to search your ___________.

    2. Our __________ arrived at Delhi airport over 2 hours late.

    3. You must have a valid ___________ and be free to travel in the next few weeks.

    4. Observers expect the president to make an ___________ about his plans tonight.

    5. Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before ______________.

    6. We drove to the __________ and caught the next ________ to Nice.

    7. I’d like a return _______ to Sydney.

    8. All passengers for flight LH103 please proceed to _______ 16.

    9. The company runs _______________ at airports throughout south-east Asia.

    10. She has to wait in line at the _____________.

    1. Working in groups:

    • Make up 4-5 sentences in Russian using the words from this part of the unit within 10-15 minutes.

    • Give the list of sentences to another group.

    • Translate the sentences into English.

    Extra Activities

    What Do You Think?

    Look at the pictures below and describe them. Use the dictionary if it is necessary.

    Pic. 1 Pic. 2

    Pic. 3 Pic. 4

    1. Who are these people?

    2. What are they doing?

    3. What do we have to show the Customs Officer?

    4. What items are permitted on board?

    5. What items are prohibited on board?

    *Для выражения в английском языке функции долженствования и обязательства (obligation) существует модальный глагол MUST.

    MUSTуказывает на внутреннюю обязательность и необходимость выполнения какого-либо действия (то, что говорящий считает обязательным для выполнения, потому что он сам так решил);

    • не изменяется по родам и числам, не имеет формы прошедшего и прошлого времени.

    MUSTNTотрицательная форма глаголаmust; означает "нельзя что-либо делать", "запрещается, не разрешается что-либо делать". При использованииMUSTNT выражается категорический запрет.
    Эквивалентом глаголаMUSTявляется глаголHAVETO.

    haveto – указывает на внешнее обязательство: то, что кем-то навязано, предписано какими-либо правилами (может переводиться как «должен», «вынужден»).

    Важно помнить, что:MUSTNT DONTHAVETO
    DONTHAVETO + V1- означает "нет необходимости что-либо делать", "необязательно что-либо делать".

    1. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb (MUST or HAVE TO) in the appropriate form.

    1. Hurry up! We __________ leave in five minutes.

    2. Stop right there! You __________cross this line!

    3. You __________ sign every page. Just sing the first one.

    4. If you skip the classes again, I will __________talk to your parents.

    5. You __________text while driving. It’s illegal in our state.

    6. When I was a student, I __________work part time to pay for my education.

    7. You __________help me. You owe me nothing.

    8. You __________ smoke in the restaurant. Smoking is prohibited here.

    9. Soldiers __________follow the orders.

    10. You __________write on the table. You have a notebook for this.

    11. We __________ wait for Sandy, we can’t go without her.

    1. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb (MUSTN’T or DON’T/ DOESN’T HAVE TO).

    1. It is forbidden. You ______ do that.

    2. You ______ ask my permission. You can do what you want.

    3. I'll tell you a secret. You ______ tell anybody else. Promise?

    4. You ______ speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It's dangerous.

    5. You ______ park here. There is a double yellow line.

    6. Be on time. You ______ be late or we will leave without you.

    7. He's a millionaire. He ______ work but he does because he enjoys it.

    8. This is very important. You ______ forget what I said.

    9. It's very informal here. You ______ wear a tie unless you want to.

    10. In boxing, you ______ hit your opponent below the belt.

    11. I ______ wear a suit at work on Fridays. It's 'dressing down day".

    What is customs clearance?

    • the act of passing goods through customs so that they can enter or leave the country

    • a document given by customs to a shipper to show that customs duty has been paid and the goods can be shipped.

    When you arrive in a new country, you'll have to answer some questions.

    Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

    1. can /I/ passport/ please/ see/ your?

    2. How /do /in /intend /long /States /stay /the /to /United /you?

    3. Is /of/ purpose/ the /visit /what/ your?

    4. declare/ anything/ do /have/ to/ you?

    5. your /enjoy /stay?

    Going through the US Customs

    1. Before watching the video, do the following exercise:

    1. Match the following words with the definitions and translate them into Russian.

    1. hub

    2. to complete

    3. properly

    4. quickly

    5. to mean

    6. destination

    7. purpose

    8. currency

    9. to pack

    10. transit

    11. to declare

    12. random

    13. secondary

    14. to hide

    15. to allow

    1. a central airport that passengers can fly to from smaller local airports in order to make international or long-distance flights;

    2. to write all the details asked for on a form or other document;

    3. correctly, or in a satisfactory way;

    4. at a fast speed;

    5. to express or represent smth. such as an idea, thought, or fact;

    6.  the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken;

    7. why you do smth. or why smth. exists;

    8. the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time;

    9.  to put smth. into a bag, box, etc.;

    10. the activity or process of moving someone or smth. from one place to another;

    11. to state officially how much you have earned or how much property you own so that you can pay the correct amount of tax;

    12. chosen or happening without any particular method, pattern, or purpose;

    13. less important than something else;

    14.  to put smth. in a place so that no one can find or see it;

    15. to give someone permission to do or have smth.; let, permit;

    1. Now watch the video, put down recommendations and answer the questions below.


    1. What questions are usually asked at the Customs?

    2. What is not recommended doing at the Customs?

    3. What should tourists do if they are going to the USA?

    1. Read and translate the dialogue. Does the passenger use the recommendations given in the video? Comment the answers, please.

    Customs officer: Would you mind putting yourbaggage on here, pleasema’am? Where are youtraveling from?
    Page : From Marseille.
    Customs officer : Marseille. Are you resident inFrance, or do you live in theUnited States?
    Page : I live in France.
    Customs officer : Can I see your passport,please?...
    Thank you. How long are youstaying in the USA?
    Page : For 5 days.
    Customs officer : And what's the purpose ofyour visit ma’am?
    Page : I'm here on business.
    Customs officer : I see. Well then, you understand that you've come into the Green Channel, which means youhave nothing to declare.
    Page : Yes.
    Customs officer : Is this all your baggage?
    Page : Yes, that's all.
    Customs officer : Is anybody else traveling with you, ma’am?
    Page : No, I'm traveling alone.
    Customs officer : OK then. What type of goods have you got; cigarettes, cigars...?
    Page : No, I don't smoke.
    Customs officer : Nothing else at all in the tobacco line?
    Page : No.
    Customs officer : Any drinks at all? Spirits? Liquors? Wine?

    Page : Just two bottles of red wine.
    Customs officer : Were those bottles purchased in the duty-free shop, or...?

    Page : Yes, at Marseille airport.
    Customs officer : I see. Are you bringing any gifts for anybody in the States?

    Page : Well, the wine is a present, but that's all.
    Customs officer : Any other valuable items - jewelry, laptop?
    Page : No, just my personal things.
    Customs officer : OK. Thank you, ma’am. Would you let me have a look inthere...?

    Is the laptop going back to France with you?
    Peter : Yes, of course. It's my working tool.
    Customs officer : Do you have a camera?
    Page: No, I don't.
    Customs officer : That's fine. Thank you very much. Have a pleasant stay!

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