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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
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Future Simple

Простое будущее время

Используется для того, чтобы:

- описать событие, которое произойдёт в будущем.

We will go to Thailand next week. - Мы поедем в Таиланд на следующей неделе.
- описать будущий факт.

Tickets will become cheaper in May. –Билеты станут дешевле в мае.
- предположить.

I think tomorrow they will cancel the flight. –Я думаю, завтра они отменят рейс.
- выразить намерение, которое возникло в момент речи.

I want to rest. I think I'll go to America. –Я хочу отдохнуть. Думаю, я поеду в Америку.


(affirmative sentence)


(negative sentence)



I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will take a passport on a trip

I (you, he, she, it, we, they) won’t take a passport on a trip

Will I (you, he, she, it, we, they) take a passport on a trip


inaday – через день.

in a week – через неделю.

in five years – через пять лет.

in the future – в будущем.

later – позже.

nextday – на следующий день.

nextweek – на следующей неделе.

nextmonth – в следующем месяце.

nextyear – в следующем году.

oneofthesedays – в один из этих дней, на днях.

probably – вероятно.

perhaps – возможно.

someday – однажды, когда-нибудь.

soon – скоро, в скором времени.

tomorrow – завтра.

the day after tomorrow – послезавтра.

  1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary.

Тext 1.

Hello! My name is Thomas, and in three months, I will go to Germany. I`m a tourist from France. I have a dog named Jerry. I can’t leave him at home so I`ll take it with me to Germany.

I'll be transporting Jerry in good conditions because every animal has to have a cage, food and water. There are many import and export rules. Some countries will require an import permit. Some countries will need to comply with quarantine. It is easy to take the animal out of Germany. Why is it harder to bring a pet to Germany? The animal will need a veterinary passport and a doctor's certificate. The animal will need to be vaccinated against rabies and other diseases.

In order to export exotic animals one will need to follow very strict rules. Why will it be difficult to export exotic animals? As a rule, the export of such animals is prohibited. It is a contraband and is punishable. They are transported across the border with the permission of the State Committee for environmental protection. To obtain permission, you will need to confirm that the animal was legally purchased.

I will stay at the hotel on the day of arrival. There are many hotels for people with pets in Berlin. I want to visit Reichstag in Germany. Is it allowed to walk pets around the Reichstag? A week after my visit to Berlin I will fly to Weimar. Weimar is the cultural capital of Germany. This city will be interesting for me to visit because of the popular sights. What are the most famous sights of Weimar? Where would you advise me to go? I will not have much time to sightsee in Germany. I'll be home with my friend in two weeks.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

1) Thomas will go to Germany in 3 days.

2) Thomas will take a cat with him.

3) The name of the dog is Jerry.

4) Thomas wants to visit Berlin.

5) Thomas will go to Germany to work.

6) Frankfurt is the cultural capital of Germany.

7) Thomas will go to Weimar.

8) Thomas will visit Reichstag in Berlin.

9) Tomas will leave the dog with a friend.

10) Thomas will stay at the hotel suitable for living with pets in Berlin.

  1. What are the required documents to bring a dog into Germany?

Work in pairs and mark the documents which Tomas needs to have.

Discuss your answers with your partner.

1) Visa______.

2) Invitation______.

3) certificate of birth______.

4) driver’s license______.

5) international veterinary passport______.

6) 2 photos______.

7) German language exam_____.

8) German currency_____.

9) Passport_____.

10) Payment of a fee_____.

11) First-aid kit__________.

12) Lifebuoy__________.

13) Military ID_________.

14) Inoculation against rabies_________.

15) Certificate Master of Sport ________.

16) Pensioner’s ID________.

17) City map_____.

18) Honorary title_________.

19) Green card________.

20) Medical commission________.

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1) I'll______the Potsdam Square in Berlin.

A. visit B. visited C. visiting.
2) I will______on holiday with a pet.

A. going B. goes C. go
3) I will definitely take a________to the Reichstag.

A. walking B. walk C. walks
4) The doctor will_______me permission to take a pet.

A. get B. give C. gave.
5) __________exotic animals are very difficult.

A. exported B. export C. exporting

6) You`ll need to______your passport on a trip.

A. take B. took C. tooking

7) You will need to______ a ticket.

A. bought B. buy C. not bought
8) During the flight you will need to_______ the phone.

A. turn off B. switched off C. turn on
9) I hope I will not be______to go by plane.

A. afraid B. was afraid C. frightened
10) I will need to______a warm jacket in Berlin.

A. wear B. wore C. worn

  1. Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.


Auxiliary verb


A. The plane

B. Thomas ' leave

C. This year they

D. I think tomorrow

E. Probably, prices for tours to Russia

F. I'm flying for the first time and I hope that I

G. Three days later I

H. They organize

I. After a hard week at work, I

J. While staying in Germany, Thomas

1) will

2) shall

1. go to Weimar

2. be a great day to visit the sights of Weimar

3. rise in winter

4. land in Germany in three hours.

5. spend the weekend in Miami.

6. go to America to celebrate Christmas

7. visit Reichstag for the first time

8. not be afraid

9. organize a wedding trip in a travel Agency

10. last a week

а) Answer the questions below.

1) Will Thomas bring a pet to Germany?

2) How long does it take to fly to Weimar?

3) Why is Weimar the cultural capital?

4) What will you advise Tomas to visit?

5) What are the most famous sights in Weimar?

6) Why is it necessary to follow the rules of animal transportation?

7) Why do you think the quarantine is needed?

8) Why is it difficult to export exotic animals?

9) What animals are considered to be exotic?

10) Why is it hard to bring a pet to Germany?
b) Our country is very large. What would you recommend Thomas to visit in Russia or in your city? Use the phrases given below.

  1. This city was founded.............. .

  2. I advise Thomas to visit…...because…… .

  3. Also in this city there is.......... .

  4. In this city there are many beautiful............. .

  5. The main attractions of this city............ .

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. international veterinary passport

2. State Committee for Environmental Protection

3. tourist

4. a quarantine

5. hotel

6. visa

7. Reichstag

8. attraction

9. cage

10. passport

a. marking in the passport as a sign of permission to enter, exit or travel through the country

b. the person who is engaged in tourism.

c. an official document issued by a government

d. an establishment providing accommodation, meals, and other services for travellers and tourists

e. an official document issued by a doctor

f. a structure of bars or wires in which birds or other animals are confined

g. a large building in Berlin next to the Potsdam Square

h. a group of people appointed for a specific function

i. temporary isolation of pets

j. the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something

  1. a) Read the dialogue and learn it by heart. Practice it in pairs.

Travel agent: Hello! Can I help you?

Tomas: I would like to reserve a tour to Germany.

Travel agent: When would you like to leave?

Tomas: On 14th January if it is possible.

Travel agent: Are you going by yourself?

Tomas: No, I need a ticket for me and my pet.

Travel agent: Do you want to stay in Berlin or Weimar?

Tomas: In Berlin.

Travel agent: I can offer you several hotels, where one can stay with animals.

Tomas: Good. I was thinking about a tour from the 14th till 28nd January.

Travel agent: The All inclusive tour for one week will cost 300$..

Tomas: Ok. Tell me, please, about the hotel.

Travel agent: Тhis hotel is located near the Reichstag. It has everything for a comfortable stay with pets, as well as a buffet, a swimming pool, a sauna.

Tomas: Great. I like it!

Travel agent: Ok. Let’s check if there are tickets available for these flights on the days you mentioned.

  1. Answer the following questions.

1. When would he like to leave?

2. How much does the tour cost?

3. How long will Thomas be in Germany?

4. What attraction is near the hotel?

5. What services are provided by the hotel?

6. Who will be staying in the hotel?

7. How many tickets does Thomas need?

8. How many days will the journey last?

9. Is it possible to stay in a hotel with a pet?

10. Which city will be visited by Thomas first?

  1. Translate the Russian words and phrases into English.

1) For путешествия, Thomas needs a паспорт and билет.

2) Томас `ll go on отпуск в the capital of Germany.

3) Томас `ll go заграницу in the summer.

4) Томас `ll have to pass таможенный контроль.

5) Томас`ll have to weigh багаж.

6) Томас`ll turn off телефон in самолёте.

7) Thomas купит a ticket в туристическом агентстве.

8) To deliver питомца to Germany легко, because it does not require a lot of документов.

9) In другой стране Томас`ll definitely visit главные достопримечательности and will take много фотографий.

10) Оn борту the aircraft одеялo, напитки and завтрак will be offered.

  1. Insert words from the box into the text.

interesting comfortable forest train countries also nature travelling wild animals plane foot
Nowadays (1)__________ is a popular activity among people. It is very (2)_________ to see new places, other towns and (3)_________. People like travelling and they travel a lot. They can travel for pleasure or on business purposes.

There are different ways of travelling. You can travel by (4)_______, by ship, by (5)________ or by car. Some people travel on (6)_______. You can go along little lanes where the fast car can’t go. You can wander through meadows, pass quiet lakes and wonderful woods. (7)_______ you can see (8)_________ and flowers in the forest. You can feel the beauty of (9)_______. But I think, it’s not a very (10)_________ way of traveling.

  1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary.

Text 2.

A guide of London Stansted Airport

First time flyers

From professionally managed fear of flying courses, hosted by some of the world’s most well-known airlines, to hints and tips on what you’ll need when arriving at the airport and checking in, there’s plenty to help make your first journey in the skies a pleasant and memorable one.

Flight tickets

Your tickets and/or itinerary will detail all your flight information. This should include: 

  • The airports you are flying from and to

  • Your flight number, departure and arrival times

  • Your baggage allowance

  • The check-in time. This is important in order not to miss your flight. It’s important you stick to this time as it gives you enough time to check-in your luggage and make your way to the plane.

  • Please note that you may not be issued with a ticket, you may just get a confirmation number depending on the airline

Hold baggage

Hold baggage items are large items for checking-in. All baggage items, including hand luggage and hold luggage, must be screened by airport security. It's important to pack with this in mind to avoid unnecessary delays at airport security. You won’t see large items again until you land at your destination airport. This normally includes items like suitcases and large rucksacks. Be sure to stay under the weight limit as you can be charged if you exceed it. Baggage allowances vary between airlines and classes of travel. 

Hand baggage

You are normally allowed to take one item of hand luggage on board the aircraft, not exceeding 56cm x 45cm x 25cm. Restrictions currently apply to hand baggage at UK airports.

Arriving at the airport

There are numerous different ways to get to the airport, whether that’s by public transport or car. If you are arriving by car, take a look at the car parking options below.

Waiting for your flight to depart

Once you check-in, display screens will let you know when you can go to the departure lounge. You have to show your boarding card and pass through ‘Security Control’, where your hand luggage will be screened, when you go to departures. Tax free shopping and a range of cafes, bars and restaurants are all available for you to relax and unwind in before a flight once you pass through Security Control.

Gate and boarding

Airport screens will display the gate number for boarding your plane in plenty of time before flight departure. Signs will guide you in the direction of the gate. Some gates are a longer walk from the departure lounge, so make sure you leave plenty of time to find the correct gate. When you reach the gate, there will be a lounge area where you can wait in comfort until you’re called for boarding. Airline attendants will call you forward; simply hand over your boarding ticket and board the plane. As you walk into the plane a member of the cabin crew will welcome you aboard, check the remaining portion of your boarding card and show you to your seat ready for take-off.


Once you land at your destination airport and leave the plane you will show your passport to security officials and then head to baggage reclaim to pick up the luggage that you checked-in at London Stansted. Screens in the airport will show your flight number above the carousel that your luggage will be on. After you have collected your luggage you are free to head through customs and out into the arrivals hall where your journey is complete!

Words and expressions

  1. firsttimeflyers - пассажиры, впервые летящие на самолете

  2. fearofflyingcourses - курсы по борьбе со страхом полетов

  3. airlines - авиалинии (авиакомпании)

  4. checking in - регистрация

  5. itinerary - маршрут

  6. baggage allowance - норма багажа

  7. holdbaggage - багаж, перевозимый в грузовом отсеке; сдаваемый багаж

  8. weight limit - лимит веса

  9. hand baggage - ручная кладь

  10. departure lounge - зал ожидания

  11. boarding card - посадочный талон

  12. security control - контроль безопасности

  13. the gate - выход

  14. cabin crew - экипаж

  15. baggage reclaim - пункт выдачи багажа

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. What information is mentioned in the ticket?

  2. Will you see any of your hand baggage before your landing at the destination airport?

  3. What documents do you have to show to go to departure lounge?

  4. What will you show to security officials?

  5. Will you have a chance to go shopping or visiting cafes after passing through Security Control?

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. The ticket includes such information as your flight number, departure and arrival times, the time you will be flying, the weather at the airport of arrival.

  2. The check-in time is the same for all airlines.

  3. You are normally allowed to take more than one item of hand luggage.

  4. You can have your hold baggage on board the aircraft with you.

  5. Baggage allowances vary between airlines and classes of travel.

  6. Every gate is close to the departure lounge.

  7. The remaining portion of the boarding card will be checked by a member of the cabin crew.

  8. After the landing at your destination airport you will show your passport to the pilot.

  9. Screens at the airport will show your flight number above the carousel that your luggage will be on.

  10. After the flight you should head to baggage proclaim to pick up your luggage.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Ваш билет будет детализировать всю информацию вашего полёта.

  2. Сдаваемый багаж перевозится в багажном отделении самолета, и вы не увидите его снова, пока не приземлитесь в аэропорт назначения.

  3. Как только вы зарегистрируетесь, на мониторах вы увидите, когда вы сможете пройти в зал ожидания.

  4. Чтобы пройти в зал ожидания, вам необходимо будет показать ваш посадочный талон.

  5. Вам будет необходимо пройти через Контроль безопасности, где ваша ручная кладь будет обследована.

  6. Знаки покажут Вам как пройти к выходу.

  7. Член экипажа поприветствует вас на борту, проверит оставшуюся часть посадочного талона и покажет вам ваше место.

  8. Как только вы приземлитесь в аэропорту назначения и покинете самолет, вы покажете паспорт сотрудникам службы безопасности и затем направитесь в пункт выдачи багажа.

  1. Read and translate the text.

Text 3.

Arrival in a new country

What to do on arrival in a new country

When you arrive in the country, there are several steps you can take to help things go smoothly. It may be an unsettling time for you and your family so any preparations you can make will be a real benefit.

Things that you can do

  • register with the local authorities - this may give you access to the local welfare services after a short period of time

  • if you are moving to another European Economic Area country (EEA - is the European Union countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) you must apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival

  • register with the British Consulate, this will help the Consulate keep in touch with you if you have any problems

  • make sure your passport is valid and fill in the next-of-kin details on the back page - if your passport is about to go out of date apply to the British Consulate to have it renewed - if you travel on an Irish passport you may contact the Irish Embassy or Consulate

  • open a foreign bank account - if you are retiring - in many countries your pension can be paid directly into your bank account there

  • if you haven't already started, learn the local language, you will find day-to-day life much easier

  • if you haven't got one already make a will - you can get professional legal advice on how to do this, your local British Consulate can provide a list of English-speaking lawyers who can help you

  • check local traffic regulations - driving is permitted on a valid UK licence in EEA countries, although you may be required to exchange it for an EEA national licence once you have gained residence status

  • for non-EEA countries you will need to take an International Driving Permit (IDP), which must be obtained before you leave the UK

  • make sure you are fully insured to drive and that your car complies to the regulations of that country

  • stay in touch - remember to give your family and friends in the UK your address abroad

  • keep your vote by registering in the UK as an overseas elector

Cultural awareness

Understanding country's laws and customs can help you adjust to a new home abroad. Daily life may be unsettling at first, so any preparation could help you adjust more quickly. Appreciating cultural and legal differences could also help you avoid potentially embarrassing or difficult situations. A few tips on how to get started:

  • get a good guidebook and find out about local laws, customs and culture

  • learn the local language or use a phrase book

  • respect local customs and dress codes, think about what you wear and how you fit in

  • be discreet about your views on cultural differences and behave and dress appropriately, particularly when visiting religious sites, markets and rural communities

  • you should take particular care not to offend Islamic codes of dress and behaviour with regards to sexual relations, alcohol and drugs - in some countries, for example, it is illegal to drink, and importing alcohol into the country can lead to severe penalties

  • always ask an individual's permission before you take a photograph and respect their wishes - in some cultures, taking a woman's photograph can cause great offence

  • don't haggle too aggressively - in most countries where haggling is the norm, it is done with humour and not for too long - it is important to remember that the discount you are haggling over could be a few pence for you, but significant income for a seller

  • it is best to err on the side of caution - behaviour that would be regarded as harmless elsewhere can lead to serious trouble.

  1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Гладко (плавно), тревожное время, приготовления, социальные услуги, вид на жительство, обновить паспорт, банковский счет, местные правила дорожного движения, зарубежный избиратель, культурные особенности, законы и обычаи, приспособиться, дресс-код, быть осторожным (сдержанным), суровые наказания, персональное разрешение, торговаться агрессивно, безобидное поведение.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. Registering with the British Consulate may give you access to the local welfare services after a short period of time.

  2. Registering with the local authorities may give the opportunity to the Consulate to keep in touch with you if you have any problems.

  3. If your passport is about to go out of date apply to the Ministry of Justice to have it renewed.

  4. A local British Consulate can provide a list of English-speaking lawyers who can help you.

  5. European Economic Area countries are the same as those in European Union.

  6. If you are abroad and you are a citizen of UK, you can register as an overseas elector.

  7. Understanding country's laws and customs can help you adjust to a new home abroad.

  8. Always ask an individual's permission before you take a photograph and respect their wishes - in some cultures, taking a woman's photograph can cause great offence.

  9. In most countries where haggling is the norm, it is done with humour. 

  10. Everybody abroad can understand what to interpret as a harmless behavior and what as problem behavior.

Unit 3.

Customs Declaration

Essential Words and Expressions

  1. declaration – декларация

  2. to declare – декларировать

  3. to import – импортировать

  4. to export – экспортировать

  5. to complete – заполнять

  6. to fill up – заполнять (форму)

  7. tolistdown – перечислять в списке

  8. a citizen – гражданин

  9. citizenship - гражданство

  10. to require – требовать; syn. to demand

  11. to notify – извещать, уведомлять

  12. to post – размещать, публиковать, отправлять

  13. toaffect – влиять на, сказываться на; syn.influencesmth.

to have an influence / impact on smth. – иметь влияние на что-либо

  1. security - безопасность

  2. environment – обстановка, условия, окружающая среда

  3. to ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать, способствовать

  4. to acquire – приобретать, получать; syn.- get, obtain, receive

  5. imposedquantitylimits – наложенные ограничения на количество

  6. allowance – выплата, пособие, вознаграждение

  7. explicitly – явно, прямо, недвусмысленно

  8. to levy duty – взимать пошлину

  9. landingcard – карты прилета и вылета с указанием данных о себе

  10. tosubmit – представлять, передавать, направлять, излагать

  11. to cause – вызывать, быть причиной

  12. to delay – откладывать

  13. to cancel – отменять

  14. appropriate – уместный, подходящий, соответствующий

  15. tobeawareof – быть осведомленным о чем-либо

  16. temporary – временный, ant. permanent - постоянный

  17. currency – валюта

Grammar Review

Present Simple Active

PresentSimple(настоящее простое время, действительный залог) используется:

  1. когда мы говорим о регулярных повторяющихся или неповторяющихся действиях в настоящем;

Слова — указатели

everyday /week/month/year – каждый день/неделю/месяц/год

once/ twice/ three times a day, a week, a month – раз, два, три раза в день, неделю, месяц

always - всегда

never – никогда

rarely, seldom, hardly ever – редко

sometimes – иногда

often – часто

usually – обычно

  1. когда мы говорим о фактах, законах природы, неопровержимой правде;

  2. когда мы говорим о расписании, программах.

Affirmative sentence:

I, you, we, they


He, She, It


I break the customs rules. – Я нарушаю правила на таможне.

You charge customs duties. – Ты взимаешь таможенные пошлины.

He protects rights to objects of intellectual property – Он защищает права на объекты интеллектуальной собственности.
Negative sentence:

I, you, we, they




He, She, It


I DONT break the customs rules. – Я не нарушаю правила на таможне.

You DONT charge customs duties. – Ты не взимаешь таможенные пошлины.

He DOESN’T protect rights to objects of intellectual property – Он не защищает права на объекты интеллектуальной собственности.




How often














DO you break the customs rules? – Ты нарушаешь правила на таможне?

DO you charge customs duties? – Ты взимаешь таможенные пошлины?

DOES he protect rights to objects of intellectual property – Он защищает права на объекты интеллектуальной собственности?

  1. Put the verbs in the correct forms.

  1. The customs officer______________(inspect) the luggage.

  2. He____________(try) to prevent smuggling.

  3. Passengers __________ (fill up) the customs declaration.

  4. If passengers___________ (carry) items which fall under restrictions, they should declare them.

  5. My wife often______(exceed) fixed quota.

  6. Every passenger_____(get) a boarding pass.

  7. Customs restrictions also ____________(include) a prohibited articles list.

  8. Most countries ________(require) travelers to complete a customs declaration form.

  9. The moment a traveler ___________(cross) the border his luggage is taken to the customs-house by porters.

  10. The customs officer___________(require) travelers to complete a customs declaration form when bringing notified goods.

  1. Change positive sentences into negative ones.

  1. On arrival in most countries as a foreigner you have to show your passport, a landing card and often acustoms declaration form.

  2. He needs a visa and a vaccination certificate, depending on the entryrestrictions.

  3. Customs carry out spot checks / random checks on luggage.

  4. The customs officer sometimes uses sniffer dogsto search for drugs and explosives.

  5. In most cases, you have to clear customs at the port of entry.

  6. Refugees (беженцы) look for political asylum.

  7. Customs officers also look out for illegal immigrants, someof whom may be economic migrants.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Многие путешественники планируют путешествие заранее (in advance).

  2. Мои друзья никогда ничего не забывают.

  3. Таможенник всегда тщательно проверяет багаж.

  4. Таможенная служба старается предотвратить случаи контрабанды.

  5. У вас есть предметы, которые следуют задекларировать?

  6. Вы знаете, что находится в этой сумке?

  7. Почему вы не отвечаете на вопросы?

  8. Мой друг не берет с собой много валюты.

  9. Я обычно расплачиваюсь кредитной картой, когда я выезжаю за границу.

  10. Мои родители всегда имеют список необходимых вещей.


Глагол в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice) означает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим.

Формы страдательного залога образуются при помощи глагола to be в соответствующей форме и
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