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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
Анкорфилософия в англиии
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Answer the following questions.

  1. Where do you go on holiday?

  2. Do you go by train/ plain/ car?

  3. Were you at the airport?

  4. Was your luggage checked by the customs officer|?

  5. When do passengers have any problems at the customs?

  1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary.

Text 2.

(from “Airport” by A.Hailey)

U.S. Customs inspector Harry Standish was trying to clear up a tiresome problem. Most of the passengers, who arrived aboard a Scandinavian airline DC-8 from Copenhagen, had cleared customs and had left. Only this well-dressed American woman posed a problem insisting that all she had bought in Europe was some perfume, costume jewelry, and shoes. The total declared value was ninety dollars – ten dollars less than the free exemption she was allowed.

“Madam,”- said U.S. Customs Inspector Harry Standish quietly to the naughty woman whose several suitcases were spread open on the Customs inspection table between them, “are you quite sure you don't wish to change your story?”

She snapped back: “I suppose you're suggesting I should lie when I've already told you the truth.”

Harry Standish ignored the second remark, as Customs officers were trained to ignore many insults they received and answered politely, “I'm not suggesting anything, madam. I merely asked if you wished to amend your statement about these items - the dresses, the sweaters and the fur coat.”

The woman, whose American passport showed that she was Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman, had just returned from a month in England, France, and Denmark, replied acidly, “No, I don’t. Furthermore, when my husband’s lawyer hears of that interrogation …”

“Yes, madam”, Harry Standish said. “In this case, I wonder if you would mind signing this form. If you like, I’ll explain it to you.”

“Why should I sign anything?” Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman demanded.

He answered patiently, “To make things easier for yourself, madam. We're merely asking you to confirm what you've already told us. You say the dresses were purchased…”

“How many times must I tell you? They were bought in Chicago and New York before I left for Europe; so there were sweaters. The coat was a gift – purchased in the United States. I received it six months ago.”

Why, Harry Standish wondered, did people do it? All the statements just made, he knew with certainty, were lies.

“Suppose I refuse to sign?”

“Then we shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the investigation.”

There was the brief hesitation, then, "Very well. You fill out the form. I’ll sign.”

"No, madam, you fill it out. Now here, please, describe the items and alongside where you say they were obtained, please, give the name of the stores; also from whom you received the fur coat as a gift.”

“Madam,” Inspector Standish said, "is there anything else to declare

It was Customs Bureau policy to give travelers the utmost opportunity to make voluntary declarations.

“In that case, Madam," Inspector Standish said, "Will you kindly open your handbag?"

For the first time the naughty woman betrayed uncertainly. "But surely purses are never inspected."

“Normally, they are not. But we do have the right.”

Mrs. Mossman was noticeably pale. The Inspector instructed the young Customs officer beside him: “Inspect everything very carefully. Check the things in the bag and cases, the seams and hems of all the clothes. Make a list. You know what to do.” He was leaving when Mrs. Mossman called after him “Officer!”
Words and expressions

  1. customs inspector - таможенный инспектор

  2. naughty – непослушный

  3. to be spread - распространяться

  4. snap back - откидывать назад

  5. to suppose - предполагать

  6. to suggest - предлагать

  7. to insult – оскорблять

  8. politely - вежливо

  9. merely - только, просто

  10. to amend - изменять

  11. to demand - требовать

  12. patiently - терпеливо

  13. to confirm - подтверждать

  14. to refuse - отказываться

  15. be obliged - быть обязанным

  16. todetain - задерживать, брать под стражу

  17. hesitation - нерешительность

  18. sign - знак

  19. to be obtained - быть полученным

  20. utmost - все возможное

  21. opportunity - возможность

  22. betray - предавать

  23. uncertainly - нерешительно

  24. noticeably – заметно

  25. seam – шов

  26. hem - кромка

с) Discuss the following questions.

1. Why were Mrs. Mossman’s things detained?

2. What finally happened to Mrs. Mossman?

3. Why do customs officers have to be good judges of character?

4. What do you think the rates of duty depend on?

5. Should the authorities introduce restrictions for imported goods? Why?

  1. opportunity insult suppose

    confirm hesitation refuse demand betray
    Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Translate them into Russian.

  1. The exhibition is a unique ___________ to see her later work.

  2. The president was accused of ___________ his election promises.

  3. Such low wages are ___________to hard-working employees.

  4. He always ___________ the highest standards of behaviour from his children.

  5.  Dan didn't answer his phone, so I ___________ (that) he's busy.

  6. He's in trouble but he ___________ all (my offers of) help.

  7. Seventy people ___________that they will attend the conference.

  8. I have no ___________ in recommending Ms. Shapur for the job.

  1. Complete the sentences with nouns/ verbs/ adjectives or adverbs. Translate them into Russian.

  1. Notice/ noticeable

  1. I ________ that the door was open.

  2. There was a ________ improvement in her health.

  1. Obtain/ be obtained

  1. She has to ________ her parents’ permission before she does anything.

  2. Details can ________ from the Department for Education.

  1. Hesitate/ hesitation

  1. I would have no ________ in recommending him for the job.

  2. My mother never ________ to tell me when I look bad.

  1. Amend/ amendment/ be amended

  1. Until the constitution is ________, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.

  2. I have made several ________ to the script.

  3. He will try to ________ the bill to shift more of the money to conservation.

  1. Betrayal /betray

  1. It was hard to avoid a sense of ________.

  2. Although she often seems quite cold, her smiling eyes ________ her true nature.

  1. Suppose/supposed

  1. He explained the ________ economic benefits of lower taxes.

  2. We have no reason to ________ that he’s done anything illegal.

  1. Suggest/ suggestion/ suggestive

  1. He had some good ________ for making improvements in our service.

  2. They said they had no intention of hiding the facts, but their behavior was _________ of the opposite.

  3. The report ________ various ways in which the service could be improved.

  1. Insult/ insulting/ insultingly

  1. You can't offer such a low salary to someone who is so highly skilled - it's __________.

  2. The instructions are so easy they are an ________to your intelligence.

  3. She ____________ignored me and walked on.

  1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary.

Text 3.

At the Customs House.

The moment a traveler crosses the border his luggage is taken to the customs-house by porters. Every country has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are liable to duty and what are duty-free.

Sometimes an article which falls under customs restrictions and is liable to duty is allowed in duty-free if the traveler does not exceed a certain fixed quota. These are listed in a duty-free quota list. Customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles list. This is a list of items which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it. An official paper (from the proper authorities) giving permission to take items, which fall under special customs restrictions, in or out of a country is known as an import or export license.

If the traveler has any item which comes under customs restrictions he is asked to declare it. That is, he is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. The declaration is made either orally or in writing on a special form. The practice seems to vary in different countries. Upon payment of duty the traveler is given a receipt. As a rule, personal effects are duty-free.

It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling. The formalities at the customs-house usually take some time. Only after passing through the customs the person realizes that his journey is drawing to an end (or beginning, as the case might be).

  1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Путешественник, пересекать границу, багаж, таможня, таможенные правила, подлежащий оплате таможенными пошлинами, не подлежащий оплате таможенными пошлинами, попадать под ограничения, таможенные ограничения, список товаров, таможенная декларация, устно, письменно, на специальном бланке, квитанция, личные вещи, требовать, проверять багаж, давать квитанцию.

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. duty-free goods

  2. to declare

  3. effects (pl.)

  4. to smuggle

  5. restrictions

  6. tariff

  7. liable

  8. border

  9. luggage

  10. value

  1. to make known publicly or officially, according to rules, custom, etc.; to make a full statement of property

  2. responsible, esp. in law for paying for something

  3. the cases, bags, boxes, etc. of a traveler

  4. the dividing line between two countries

  5. things you can buy at airports or on ships without paying the full price because there is no tax on them

  6. belongings, personal property

  7. to take (esp. goods) from one country to another illegally

  8. a tax collected by a government, usually on goods coming into a country

  9. the worth of something in money or as compared with other goods

  10. rules or laws that strictly
    control what you are allowed to do

  1. Translate the following phrases.


  1. I'll take your luggage to the check-in-counter.

  2. Your ticket, please. - Here you are, sir.

  3. Can you put your luggage on the scales?

  4. No overweight.

  5. How many pieces of luggage do you have?

  6. Will you put your luggage on the belt?

  7. May I ask you to step through here?

  8. Are you wearing any jewelry, madam?

  9. They are loading right now.

  10. You’d better hurry up!


  1. Сколько весит мой багаж?

  2. Перевеса нет.

  3. Где мои багажные квитанции?

  4. Вот мои вещи.

  5. Небольшая ручная кладь.

  6. Теперь все в порядке?

  7. Извините, мисс! Поставьте чемодан сюда.

  8. Не нужно кричать, я хорошо слышу вас.

  9. Вам придется заполнить декларацию.

  10. Это в этом направлении или в том?

  1. Respond to the following.

  1. I'll take your luggage to the check-in-counter.

  2. You'll have to fill in the declaration, sir.

  3. Follow me please. I'll show you the way.

  4. Is everything all right now, officer?

  5. Please show me your handbag, madam.

  6. Do you have anything to declare, sir?

  7. What’s inside this bag?

  8. Your ticket and your passport, please.

  9. Sorry to have kept you so long.

  10. Have a good flight!

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the duties of a customs inspector?

  2. What is the meaning of the question "Have you anything to declare" one hears at the customs-house so often?

  3. What does the phrase "I have nothing to declare" mean?

  4. Do customs restrictions vary in different countries?

  5. Have you ever gone through a customs inspection? If so, relate your experience.

6) What is a duty-free item?

7) What do we mean by saying that something is an item liable to duty?

8) Why is smuggling punished by law?

9) Can you name some of the "personal effects" a person usually takes along
on a journey?

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. Все пассажиры должны знать таможенные правила.

  2. На таможне человек должен показать свою сумку, вытащить из неё личные предметы.

  3. Существуют таможенные ограничения на некоторые товары.

  4. Если путешественник превысил количество определенных товаров, ему нужно заплатить таможенную пошлину.

  5. Пассажиров проверяют на таможне, чтобы предотвратить контрабанду.

  6. В аэропорту пассажиру следует: получить посадочный талон, зарегистрировать багаж, пройти зону безопасности, где ему нужно вытащить из карманов ключи, мобильный телефон, монеты.

  7. В зоне ожидания вылета, каждый пассажир может купить что-нибудь в магазине беспошлинных товаров.

  8. Человек ждёт объявления полёта и проходит к выходу на посадку.

Working in groups:

  • Make up 4-5 sentences in Russian using the words from this part of the unit within 10-15 minutes.

  • Give the list of sentences to another group.

  • Translate the sentences into English.

Unit 2

Arrival in a new country.

Essential Words and Expressions

1. advice – совет, консультация

2. to advise – советовать

3. attractions, sights– достопримечательности

4. condition – условие

5. a certificate from the doctor – справка от врача

6. cultural capital –культурная столица

8. to confirm – подтверждать

9. a cage – клетка

11. еxport – экспорт

12. to еxport – экспортировать

13. flight – перелёт

14. to fly –летать

15. a fee – пошлина

17. import – импорт

18. to import – импортировать

19. internationalveterinarypassport – международный ветеринарный паспорт

20. it is necessary to confirm необходимо подтвердить

22. necessity – необходимость

23. to obtain – получать

25. permission – разрешение

26. to pay –оплатить

27. payment of a fee – оплата пошлины

28. a quarantine – карантин

29. rule – правило

30. to return – вернуть

32. statecommitteeforenvironmentalprotection– государственный комитет по охране окружающей среды.

33. state – государство

34. search– досмотр / обыск

35. to search – обыскивать

37. tourist – турист

39. to transport – транспортировать
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