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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
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Participle II (Причастие II) смыслового глагола.



V ed/3

By + кто совершает действие (непосредственный исполнитель действия)

You, we, they


With + при помощи чего совершается действие (орудие, приспособление и т.п.)

He, she, it


The customs regulations are sometimes broken. – Таможенные правила иногда нарушаются.

The declaration is filled up by the traveler. – Декларация заполняется путешественником.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct Passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple tense.

  1. English ____________________ (speak) in many countries.

  2. The post ______________________ (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning.

  3. ______________________________ (the building/use) anymore?

  4. How often ______________________________ (the Olympic Games (hold)?

  5. How _______________________ (your name/spell)?

  6. My salary _____________________ (pay) every month.

  7. These cars _________________________ (not make) in Japan.

  8. The name of the people who committed the crime ________________ (not know).

  9. His travel expenses ________________________ (not pay) by his company.

  1. Put the verbs in the correct forms.

  1. Every passenger___________(give) a boarding pass (a ticket that allows to get on the plane).

  2. A seat number _________(write) on the boarding pass.

  3. My friend usually__________(give) a window seat.

  4. My suitcases_________(label) and __________(send off) to be loaded into the hold of the airplane.

  5. Upon payment of duty the traveler____________(give) a receipt.

  6. The moment a traveler crosses the border his luggage __________(take) to the customs-house by porters.

  1. Change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice in the following sentences.

  1. On arrival in most countries as a foreigner you have to show your passport, a landing card and often acustoms declaration form.

  2. You need a visa and a vaccination certificate, depending on the entryrestrictions.

  3. Customs carry out spot checks / random checks on luggage.

  4. They use sniffer dogsto search for drugs and explosives.

  5. Refugees (беженцы) look for political asylum.

  6. Customs officers also look out for illegal immigrants, someof whom may be economic migrants.

  1. Read the text and translate it using the dictionary.

Text 1

What is customs declaration?

Customs declaration is a form that lists down the details of goods that are imported or exported when a citizen or visitor entering the customs territory (country's borders).

Most countries require travelers to complete a customs declaration form when bringing notified goods (alcoholic drinks, tobacco products, animals, fresh food, plant material, seeds, soils, meats, and animal products) across international borders. Posting items via international mail also requires the sending party to complete a customs declaration form.

The declaration form helps the customs to control the goods that entered the country, which can affect the country's economy, security or environment. The levy duty is applied to ensure that restricted items are not brought into the country. Similar restrictions may apply to goods being exported if export restrictions are in place.

Travelers have to declare everything they acquired abroad and pay customs duty tax on goods exceeding imposed quantity limits, though some countries offer a duty-free allowance of certain products which may not need to be declared explicitly.

  1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. customs declaration 

  2. a citizen

  3. require

  4. notify

  5. affect

  6. security

  7. environment

  8. levy 

  9. ensure

  10. acquire

  11. quantity

  12. allowance

  13. explicitly

  1. to inform someone officially about something;

  2. someone who has the right to live permanently in a particular country and has the right to the legal and social benefits of that country as well as legal obligations towards it;

  3. to need someone or something;

  4. the amount of something

  5. an amount of money that someone receives regularly, in order to pay for the things, they need

  6. a form declaring the nature and value of goods, etc., for customs purposes;

  7. to make certain that something happens or is done

  8. to change or influence something;

  9. safety from attack, harm, or damage;

  10. the place in which people live and work, including all the physical conditions that affect them;

  11. in an extremely clear and direct way;

  12. to impose and collect (a tax, tariff, fine, etc)

  13. to get something, for example by buying it or being given it

  1. Complete the sentences using the words from the ex. 1. in the correct forms. Translate them into Russian.

  1. We need to create a safe working ____________ for all employees.

  2. The cause of the accident is still unclear and ____________ further investigation.

  3. She married an American and became a US ____________.

  4. They will ask you to sign a ____________.

  5.  The information received is highly confidential and relates to internal ________.

  6. Our new system ____________ that everyone gets paid on time.

  7. Taxes should not be ____________ without the authority of Parliament.

  8. How can such a large quantity of knowledge be ____________?

  9. They monitor both the ____________ and quality of materials used.

  10. Winners will be ____________ as soon as possible.

  11. Did the newspapers really ____________ the outcome of the election?

  12. Nothing in the contract says ____________ how its terms will be enforced.

  13. Will the government abolish the married person’s tax ____________?

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Таможенная декларация – это важный документ, который должен быть заполнен каждым пассажиром.

  2. Прежде чем выезжать за границу, ознакомьтесь с таможенными правилами и ограничениями.

  3. Декларация помогает таможенным инспекторам предотвращать контрабанду и регулировать поток товаров, импортируемых в страну.

  4. Часто таможенные инспекторы требуют показать квитанцию (a receipt) на вещи, купленные за границей.

  5. Если вы превысили допустимое количество предметов (товаров), вам придётся заплатить пошлину.

  6. Заполняйте декларацию внимательно. Не указывайте недостоверных данных!

  7. Если у вас есть вопросы, как заполнять документ, вы можете спросить у стюардессы (flight attendant) в самолете.

  8. Важно помнить, что если вы отправляете посылку с ценными вещами, вам тоже придётся заполнять декларацию.

  9. Вам необходимо указывать точный адрес места, где вы планируете остановиться.

  10. Штрафы за нарушение закона могу быть очень высокими.

  11. Количество товаров может быть ограничено.

  12. Таможенный инспектор всегда задаёт прямые, четкие и понятные вопросы.

  13. Спокойный голос, краткие ответы и наличие всех документов гарантируют вам отсутствие проблем.

  1. Look through the customs declaration (р. 50-53), translate it and put down the unfamiliar words.

  2. Make a copy of it and fill up the form.

  3. Make up a dialogue with your groupmate.

Student A is a customs officer; Student B is a passenger who has something to hide (скрывать).

  1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships.

Ввозить, вывозить, декларировать, ничего не иметь для декларирования, валюта, ценные вещи, гражданство, предметы искусства, острые предметы, оружие, лекарства и наркотики, превышать, состоять из, ювелирные украшения и драгоценные камни, место проживания (жильё), объем двигателя, подходящий, цифрами, словами, необязательно к заполнению, общая стоимость, запрещенные товары, место назначения, место отправления, быть осведомленным, штамп (печать).

  1. а) Study the list of words before reading the text:


  1. to ascertain - устанавливать

  2. Customsallowances - нормы провоза (чего-либо) через границу

  3. a baggage reclaim tag - бирка получения багажа

  4. articles of personal nature - предметы личного характера

  5. to check baggage for concealments - проверять багаж на предмет сокрытий

  6. a criminal offence - уголовное правонарушение

  7. tobeinthepubliceye - быть в центре общественного внимания

  8. to act with courtesy and diplomacy - действовать вежливо и дипломатично

  9. a container - контейнер, емкость; to contain – содержать в себе; contents - содержимое

  10. to place out of the passenger's reach - помещать вне досягаемости пассажира

  11. to have a comprehensive selection of tools and equipment - иметь широкий выбор инструментов и оборудования

  12. tomakefulluseoftheequipmentatsmb'sdisposal - в полной мере использовать оборудование, находящееся в чьем-либо распоряжении

  13. to facilitate – облегчать, содействовать, способствовать

  14. to establish - устанавливать

  15. to suspect – подозревать; suspicious – подозреваемый

  16. frequency - частота

  17. legitimate – законный

  18. tinned goods – консервированные товары

  19. toiletry - туалетные принадлежности

  20. corkscrew - штопор

  21. screwdriver - отвертка

  22. razor blade – лезвие для бритвы

  23. hammer – молоток

  24. plier – плоскогубцы

  25. scissors – ножницы

  26. medical syringes – медицинские шприцы

  27. explosives-munitionsfuses- взрывчатые вещества-предохранители боеприпасов

  28. grenade and mine – граната и мина

  29. flammable liquids - воспламеняющиеся жидкости

  30. flammable solids - воспламеняющиеся твердые вещества

  31. oxidizing peroxides - окисляющие пероксиды

  32. maintenance kits – наборы инструментов

  33. rats’ bane – крысиный яд

  34. corrosivessuchasmercury- коррозионные вещества, такие как ртуть

  35. fuel - топливо

b) Read and translate the text.

Text 2.

In dealing with any passenger, the single most important point to establish is «Why has this passenger travelled? »

You should:

    • Establish reasons for traveling.

    • Examine passport to ascertain previous and current journeys from drug production or suspect areas. If the passenger is a frequent traveler establish reasons for frequency of travel.


Please, keep your passport safe. Do not leave it in the suitcase, bus, hotel room or car. It's better to keep the passport separately from your documents and money.

Examine ticket to ascertain method of payment and whether ticket matches the passenger's journey. (Remember: Late booked or cash tickets are often used by smugglers.)

All the above should be carried out for all passengers. As for their reasons for travelling, your basic questions are:

  • Is this all your baggage? Did you pack it yourself?

  • Do you know what the baggage contains?

  • Are you carrying any items for anyone else? Are you travelling alone?

  • Do you know what the Customs allowances are? (Check that the passenger has correct baggage reclaim tags.)

Practical examinations

Passenger travelling on business:

Examine any documents in order to verify whether the passenger is engaged in legitimate business. Make sure that documents relate to up- to-date transactions.

Visitors or residents returning from holidays:

Look for gifts, clothing, souvenirs and the usual items you would normally expect to find with this type of passenger. These will link passengers to the baggage and reasons for travel. (Be suspicious of passengers arriving with only light baggage containing few, if any, articles of personal nature.)

All passengers:

Always check baggage for concealments; Regularly examine articles within the baggage by X-ray and/or opening them (e.g. tinned goods, toiletries, cigarette cartons, etc.). Don't overlook the common place.

Search of person:

Carry out a search of person where suspicion still exists.


Please, don't leave cash and valuables in identity documents which you show during Customs clearance. Otherwise the fact of passing cash and valuables to the Customs officer will be considered as the criminal offence which means bribery.

Points to remember prior to baggage examination:

  • Adopt a positive approach. You must believe that if there are goods concealed, you will find them.

  • You are a representative of this department and in the public eye. At all times, act with courtesy and diplomacy. Be firm, but fair and confident.

  • Do not be drawn into arguments. Remain calm however provoked.

  • Do not hesitate to seek assistance or advice from colleagues.

  • Experience has proved that goods, and in particular drugs, can be concealed within baggage and its contents in many different ways. Remember the basic concept that wherever there is a space there can be a concealment.

Helpful hints

The examination of baggage can be separated into two clearly defined areas:

the contents and container.

Remove the contents carefully and systematically. Examine individual items as necessary during this process. Separate any items worthy of closer attention and place out of the passenger's reach.

To facilitate the examination of certain articles, each baggage station should have a comprehensive selection of tools and other equipment including an X-ray machine. You should make full use of the equipment at your disposal. When using tools to examine contents, exercise care to minimize damage. If it is necessary to damage an article, try to establish its value prior to examination.


  • toy or replica guns (plastic or metal), catapults;

  • household cutlery – knives with blades (of any length), corkscrews, paper knives, razor blades;

  • tradesman's tools, drills, screwdrivers, hammers, pliers etc.;

  • darts, sport bats, arrows, billiard cues;

  • scissors (of any size), steel nail files;

  • medical syringes (except of medical need);

  • knitting needles;

  • or any other article which the Security of Russian Airport authority consider might be used or could be applied for causing injury or incapacitation of a passenger.

On November 6, 2006, new security rules restricting the amount of liquids that you can take through security checkpoints came into effect at all airports in the EU and in Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. The rules are applied to all passengers departing to EU whatever their destination.


  • water and other drinks, soups, syrups;

  • creams, lotions and oils;

  • perfumes;

  • sprays;

  • gels, including hair, body and shower gels;

  • shaving foam and cream, deodorants;

  • mascara;

  • any other item of similar consistency.

You are allowed to carry a small amount of liquid in your hand luggage. The liquid should be individually packed. The volume of a pack shouldn’t exceed 100 ml. All the packs should be put in one transparent, re-sealable plastic bag. The total volume of the bag shouldn't exceed 1 liter per person.


  • explosives-munitions, including detonators, fuses, grenades, mines;

  • gases: propane, butane;

  • flammable liquids including fuel, methanol;

  • flammable solids and reactive substances including magnesium, fireworks and flares;

  • lighters;

  • oxidizing and organic peroxides;

  • maintenance kits for bodywork;

  • poisonous or infectious substances such as rats’ bane, infected blood;

  • radioactive materials including medicinal and commercial isotopes;

  • corrosives such as mercury, accumulators of transport facilities;

  • fuel delivery system components of transport facilities which contained fuel.

  1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the most important point in dealing with a passenger?

2. Why is it important to verify whether a passenger is engaged in legitimate business?

3. Why should a Customs officer be suspicious if a passenger returning from holidays has only light baggage?

4. What points are highly important before baggage examination?

5. What can make the examination of baggage more successful?

6. What precautions should be taken when using tools to examine contents?

  1. a) Working in pairs mark the questions which you would ask passengers on arrival. Discuss your answers with your partner. Explain your choice.

 What time is it by your watch?

 What is the purpose of your visit?

 Is it your bag?

 What is your home address?

 Where have you arrived from?

 How many foreign languages do you speak?

 Are you travelling alone?

 Do you need a doctor?

 What is your occupation?

 What has taken you aback?

 What is your wife's name?

 Is it a real diamond in your ring?

 Is your suitcase very heavy?

 How much do you earn per hour?

 Where did you buy your ticket?

 Do you use any drugs?

 Is this all your baggage?

  1. In addition to clothing, toilet articles and other articles of an obviously personal nature, the following shall, in particular, be considered to be personal effects.

Find 7 personal items in the list below and explain your choice.

  • personal jewellery

  • table and 4 chairs for camping

  • binoculars

  • portable musical instruments

  • CD player

  • TV set

  • wheel-chairs for disabled people

  • sporting firearms

  • refrigerator

  • piano

  • arms with ammunition

  • X-ray machine

  1. Study the following. Discuss with your partner what important «warnings» are missing in the list.


When handling suspected material (chemicals):

 never taste or sniff suspected material;

 keep away from sources of ignition and heat (e.g. motors, lighters, direct, hot plates);

 wear safety goggles (защитные очки) and suitable gloves;

 handle the material at a well ventilated place;

 take special care when transporting the material.

  1. Read and translate the dialogue in Russian. Roleplay this conversation.

Passenger: Are you going to examine my things?

Customs Officer: In a moment, sir. Meanwhile, can I ask you to look through these lists, please.

Passenger: What lists?

Customs Officer: The Prohibited Articles list and the Duty-Free Quota list. Here they are.

Passenger: Thank you.

Customs Officer: Do you have anything to declare, sir?

Passenger: Nothing from the first list.

Customs Officer: Do you have any items above the fixed quota?

Passenger: Well, I haven't got through the second list, you know. They are both rather long.

Customs Officer: Will you please open your suitcases, sir?

Passenger: Yes, of course, here you are.

Customs Officer: What are these things?

Passenger: They are for my personal use.

Customs Officer: You have suits above the fixed quota, sir.

Passenger: But they are not new.

Customs Officer: All the same. You will have to pay duty on this extra one.

Passenger: Well, all right.

Customs Officer: Now, I see you have books.

Passenger: Are they prohibited?

Customs Officer: They'll have to be looked through, sir. Can you put them aside, please?

Passenger: What? Are you going to read them all?

Customs Officer: No, our interpreter will just skip through them. That's all. Now, what are these things?

Passenger: Oh, just a few things for my family. Are they liable to duty too? Am I liable to pay duty on them too?

Customs Officer: No, they are not. Well, the examination is over, sir. You may pay the duty for the suit over there. When you bring the receipt, I'll stamp your documents, sir.

  1. Translate the following dialogue into English.


Таможенник: Приготовьте, пожалуйста, ваш багаж для досмотра.

Пассажир: Мне показывать весь багаж?

Таможенник: Да, таковы наши правила. Иногда пассажиры скрывают нелегально провозимые вещи в одежде, игрушках, книгах. Наша обязанность предотвращать контрабанду. А это что такое?

Пассажир: Это образцы тканей, которые я везу на выставку.

Таможенник: У вас есть на них декларация?

Пассажир: К сожалению, у меня только разрешение от моей фирмы.

Таможенник: В таком случае я вынужден задержать ваш багаж до тех пор, пока вы не предъявите декларацию.


Таможенник: У вас есть вещи, подлежащие декларированию?

Пассажир: У меня есть несколько предметов из золота, которые я везу в качестве подарка своим друзьям.

Таможенник: Согласно нашим таможенным правилам вы можете ввозить в нашу страну золотые изделия, но вы обязаны указать их в декларации.

Пассажир: Мне нужно платить за них пошлину?

Таможенник: Нет, если стоимость товара не превышает 1500 евро. Таким образом государство защищает свой рынок.

  1. Translate the following statements into Russian and speculate on them. Use a dictionary if necessary.

  1. Where admission, free of import duties and taxes, is claimed in respect of goods in a traveler’s unaccompanied baggage, the Customs authorities may require proof that the person concerned is in fact arriving from abroad.

  2. Non-residents who are only passing through the country are not allowed greater facilities.

  3. Tents and other camping equipment are not considered to be personal effects.

  4. The personal effects of non-residents cannot be granted temporary admission.

  5. The Customs authorities should require a Customs document and security for the temporary admission of non-residents' means of transport for private use.

  6. Fuel carried in the normal tanks of the means of transport shall be admitted free of import duties and taxes.

  7. Travelers shall be permitted to export goods for commercial purposes, subject to compliance with the necessary formalities and payment of any export duties and taxes chargeable.

  8. Transit passengers who do not leave the transit area are required to pass through the Customs control.

  9. The proportion of consignments to be physically examined by Customs should be kept to a minimum.

  10. Nothing creates delays and high costs in today's Customs procedures.

  1. Watch the following video and discuss the situations that happened to passengers.

Analyze the customs officers’ behavior. What questions were asked? Why?

What customs regulations were violated by the passengers?


  1. Read and translate the text.

Text 3.

Types of customs declaration forms

When an individual is transporting the goods, the form is called a customs arrival card, or a landing card. The traveler is required to fill up the form, sign and submit to the customs or border protection officer before entering the country.

When an individual or an organization ships goods across the borders, one must use other customs declaration forms, such as a commercial invoice, or a pro-forma invoice, an import declaration form, an ATA Carnet

Incoterms on these forms define the shipment and customs declaration. The importer is usually required to provide information about the goods' country of origin and the certificate of origin. Errors on the forms can cause delays or confiscation of the goods. For that reason, importers often use a customs brokerage to clear goods through customs.

Some nations require a customs declaration form from each person crossing the border, while other nations require only one form per family traveling together. A family is usually defined as family members residing in the same household, who are related by marriage, adoption, blood, or domestic relationship.

  1. Look at the list of export documents below and translate their definitions.

Using your own words try to explain what the purpose of each document is.

  1. ATA Carnet

  1. Incoterms

  1. Commercial invoice

  1. Pro-forma invoice

  1. The certificate of origin

  1. A customs brokerage

is an international customs document that permitsthe tax-free and duty-free temporary export and import of nonperishablegoodsfor up to one year.

It consists of unified Customs declaration forms which are prepared ready to use at every border crossing point.

The acronym ATA is a combination of French and English terms "Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission."
are commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) relating to international commercial law.

A series of three-letter trade terms related to common contractual sales practices, the Incoterms rules are intendedprimarily to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the global or international transportation and delivery of goods. Incoterms inform sales contracts defining respective obligations, costs, and risks involved in the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer, but they do not themselves conclude a contract, determine the price payable, currency or credit terms, governcontract law or define where title to goods transfers.
is a customs document. It is used as a customs declaration provided by the person or corporation that is exporting an item across international borders.

Although there is no standard format, the document must include a few specific pieces of information such as the parties involved in the shipping transaction, the goods being transported, the country of manufacture, and the Harmonized System codes for those goods.
is most often used to describe a practice or document that is provided as a courtesyor satisfies minimum requirements, conformsto a norm or doctrine, is considered a formality.
is a document used in international trade. In a printed form or as an electronic document, it is completed by the exporter and certified by a recognized issuing body, attestingthat the goods in a particular export shipment have been produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country.

A "Certificate of Origin" is also called a "Form A"
firms facilitate the shipment and delivery of goods across geographical borders for individuals and organizations.

  1. Match the following words with their definitions.

  1. to attest

  2. courtesy

  3. to conform

  4. to govern

  5. obligations

  6. to intend

  7. to permit

  8. perishable (goods)

ant. nonperishable

  1. to facilitate

a) smth. you must do for legal or moral reason;

b) polite behaviour, or a polite action or remark;

c) food products that decay quickly

d) to obey smth. such as a rule or law;

e) to control and manage an area, city, or country and its people;

f) to allow someone to do smth. or to allow smth. to happen;

g) to make it possible or easier for something to happen;

h) to have a plan in your mind to do smth.;

i) to give proof or be evidence that smth. is true.

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Use the words from the texts of Unit 3.

  1. Декларирование товаров – это важнейшая стадия совершения таможенных операций.

  2. Существует ряд таможенных процедур, который необходимо соблюдать, чтобы ввезти товары на территорию другой страны.

  3. Таможенная процедура необходима для определения условий нахождения товаров на или вне таможенной территории и их допустимого количества.

  4. Таможенный инспектор проверяет ваш паспорт, чтобы выяснить, были ли вы (if/whether you were) на территории страны, где производятся или могут производиться наркотики.

  5. Каждый таможенник должен выполнять свою работу внимательно и ответственно, так как они являются представителями важного ведомства в глазах общественности.

  6. Каждый специалист знает важное правило, везде где есть место, может быть спрятана контрабанда.

  7. Чтобы облегчить проверку определенных предметов, каждый пункт досмотра должен иметь полный набор инструментов и другого оборудования, включая рентгеновский аппарат.

  8. Инкотермс содержится в договорах для определения соответствующих обязательств, издержек и рисков, связанных с доставкой товара от продавца покупателю.

  9. Документ должен включать в себя определенные части, такие как: стороны соглашения, информация о грузе, стране производителе и другое.

  10. Некоторые документы обязательны для предоставления таможенным органам.

  11. Вы не сможете экспортировать товар без сертификата о происхождении.

Unit 4

The History of Russian Customs

Essential Words and Expressions

  1. to connect – связывать

  2. to collect revenue – собирать доходы

  3. collection – сбор

  4. trading and transit duty – торговая и транзитная пошлина

  5. to displace – сменять, заменять

  6. a commodity’s value – стоимость товара

  7. to entrust – доверять, передавать, поручать

  8. principality – княжество, власть князя

  9. to inherit – наследовать

  10. aid – помощник

  11. to swear an oath – приносить присягу

  12. to contribute to – вносить вклад

  13. under the patronage – под покровительством

  14. to pioneer – положить начало

  15. tobeabolished – быть аннулированным, отмененным

  16. tocarryout – выполнять, осуществлять, проводить

  17. Domestic and imported commodity Transaction – Продажа отечественных и импортных товаров

  18. to be levied – облагаться

  19. priority of fiscal and economic function - приоритет фискальных и экономических функций

  20. supervisory function – надзорная функция

  21. law-enforcement and protective function - правоохранительная и защитная функции

  22. the Collegium of Commerce – Коммерц-коллегия

  23. the Minister of Commerce – министр торговли

  24. Decree on the Government Regulation of Foreign Trade – Декрет о государственном регулировании внешней торговли

  25. the Main Customs Administration – Главное таможенное управление

  26. theMainAdministrationofStateCustomsControl – Главное управление государственного таможенного контроля

  27. theStateCustomsCommittee – Государственный таможенный комитет


PastSimple(прошедшее простое время, действительный залог) используется:

когда мы говорим о событиях, которые произошли в прошлом и никак не связаны с настоящим (часто указывается, когда конкретно произошло действие/ событие)

Слова — указатели

Yesterday – вчера

The day before yesterday – позавчера

Lastweek, month, yearна прошлой неделе (в пошлом месяце, в прошлом году)

In 1886, 2000, 2016 – в 1886 году

A minute ago, 2 days ago, a week ago – минуту назад, 2 дня назад, неделю назад

when I was a student. – когда я был студентом
Affirmative sentence:

I, you, we, they


He, She, It

  • Peter the Great pioneered the modernization of the Russian Customs Service. –

Петр Великий положил начало модернизации Таможенной службы России.

  • At the checked-in desk I showed my passport and suitcases and took the boarding pass. – На стойке регистрации я показал паспорт и свои чемоданы и взял посадочный талон.

Negative sentence:

I, you, we, they

He, She, It




  • Peter the Great DIDN’T pioneer the modernization of the Russian Customs Service. – Петр Великий не положил начало модернизации Таможенной службы России.

  • At the checked-in desk I DIDN’T show my passport and suitcases. – На стойке регистрации я не показывал паспорт и свои чемоданы.





How often













  • What DID you show at the checked-in desk?

Что ты показывал на стойке регистрации?

  • What DID you declare last time?

Что ты декларировал в прошлый раз?

  1. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple form of the verb in brackets.

  1. They _______________ (watch) TV last night.

  2. Priscila _______________(talk) to her friends yesterday.

  3. I_______________(have) a terrible headache yesterday.

  4. Bob ___________ (come) home from school late.

  5. They ______________ (arrive) late and _______________ (miss) the bus.

  6. She ______________ (study) hard and ___________________(pass) the exam.

  7. He _____________ (call) the office to tell them he was sick.

  8. I ___________ (speak) to the director as he was leaving the room.

  9. Dr. Johnson _________________ (get up) early this morning.

  10. Mary ____________ (do) her homework and ____________ (go) to school.

  11. Chris _____________ (find) a ten-dollar bill.

  12. The dog _______________ (follow) us down the road.

  13. Those students ________________ (work) hard last semester.

  14. Lúcio _______________(stop) at the corner and ________________ (call) us.

  15. I _________________(try) to talk to Helen last night.

  16. I _________________(pay) the phone bill yesterday.

  17. My dad _________________(catch) a cold when he ___________ (be) in Canada.

  18. She _____________________(leave) home early yesterday.

  19. They__________(know) each other very well when they_________(be) kids.

  20. She was cleaning the vase when she __________________ (drop) it.

  1. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box.

carry cook like live open play start tidy travel wait

  1. We ______________to Liverpool last Saturday.

  2. The girl ______________ the door.

  3. She ______________ a big bag.

  4. They ______________ in a castle.

  5. Jason and Martin______________tennis yesterday.

  6. Mark ______________an omelette for lunch.

  7. I really ______________ the party.

  8. We ______________for Susan because she was late.

  9. The film______________at half past seven.

  10. Frank______________his room.

  1. Rewrite the sentences using the Past Simple tense.

  1. We move to a new house. →

  2. They buy cheese and wine abroad. →

  3. He doesn't check my luggage. →

  4. They sell cars. →

  5. Does he visit his friends? →

  6. Do they steal bags in the airport? →

  7. He takes decisions in our office. →

  8. We don’t know the people well. →

  9. I pack my luggage myself. →

  10. We don’t take any bags from other people. →

  1. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

A) Last year I ________ (go) to England on holiday.

It ________ (be) fantastic. I ________ (visit) lots of interesting places. I ________ (be) with two friends of mine. In the mornings we ________ (walk) in the streets of London.

the evenings we________ (go) to pubs. The weather ________ (be) strangely fine.

It ________ (not / rain) a lot. But we ________ (see) some beautiful rainbows. Where ________ (spend / you) your last holiday?
B) Last weekend we____________(go) to Edinburgh by train from London. We ___________(stay) at a hotel. It ___________(be) cold and windy when we ____________(arrive) in Scotland, but the hotel ___________(be) warm and comfortable. On Sunday morning we ___________ (get up) at 8 o’clock and ___________(have) a good breakfast. We ___________(walk) around the city and ___________(look) at the lovely shops. We ___________(visit) the Edinburgh castle in the afternoon and ____________(enjoy) sitting in the gardens. We ___________ (not/go out) in the evening, we ___________ (stay) in the hotel and ___________ (talk) to some people from America.
Answer the last questions from the text A.

  1. Put the words in the correct order using the Past Simple tense.

1) they/ uniform/ study/ when/ wear/ they/ at school.

2) not/ English/ speak/ at work/ I.

3) he/ abroad/ on business trips/ goes/ often.

4) passenger’s baggage/ customs/examine/ officers.

5) contraband/ find/ we/ sometimes.

6) with/am/ polite/ customers/ I/ always.

7) you/ computer/ special/ use/ programs?

8) like/ outdoors/ not/ to work/ she.

9) on the night shift/ work/ you/ often?

10) work/ machine/ not/ X-ray/ this.

11) passengers/ customs/ through/ pass/ control.

12) help/ to detect/ drugs/ dogs.

13) check-point/ modern/ our/ got/ computers/ has.

14) department/ that/ duties/ and/ collects.

15) business/ customs officers/ health/ protect/ public/ and.


Глагол в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice) означает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим.

Формы страдательного залога в прошедшем времени образуются при помощи глагола to be в форме WAS/ WERE +
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   13

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