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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
Анкорфилософия в англиии
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Participle (смыслового глагола в 3 форме) и только переходные глаголы (обозначают действие, которое по своему смыслу переходит на некий предмет) могут образовывать формы страдательного залога.

Passive Voice




Present Simple

is/am/are + Ved (V3)

Letters are sent every day. – Письма отправляют каждый день.

Past Simple

was/were + Ved (V3)

Letters were sent yesterday. – Письма отправили вчера.

Future Simple

will/shall + be + Ved(V3)

Letters will be sent tomorrow. – Письма отправят завтра.

Present Continuous

is/am/are + being + Ved (V3)

Letters are being sent now. – Письма отправляют сейчас.

Past Continuous

was/were + being + Ved (V3)

Letters were being sent at 5 yesterday. – Письма вчера отправляли в 5 часов.

Future Continuous

Present Perfect

has/have + been + Ved (V3)

Letters have been already sent. – Письма уже отправили.

Past Perfect

had + been + Ved (V3)

Letters had been sent before he phoned. – Письма отправили

до того, как он позвонил.

Future Perfect

will/shall + have/has+ been +Ved (V3)

Letters will have been sent by 5 tomorrow. – Письма отправят завтра до 5 часов.

Perfect Continuous

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

(добавляется частица notпосле вспомогательного глагола)

Вопросительная форма

(вспомогательный глагол выносится на первое место в предложении)

The rules are broken by me at customs. -

Правила нарушаются мной.

The customs inspection is passed. -

Таможенный контроль пройден.

The rules are not broken by me at customs. -

Правила не нарушаются мной на таможне.

The customs inspection isn’t passed. -

Таможенный контроль не пройден.

Are the rules broken by me at customs? –

Правила нарушаются мной на таможне?

Is the customs inspection passed? -

Таможенный контроль пройден?

  1. Read and translate the text.

Text 1.

Customs violations

Different types of customs violations are used by criminals. The most common of them are aimed at tax evasion, as well as evasion of licensing and certification by the authorities. There are also such types of offenses as false Declaration and pseudo re-export.

False Declaration is a violation when the goods are not declared or are declared under the wrong description of the goods. A variety of schemes are implemented by criminals. One such scheme is the Declaration of one type of goods after another. To prevent this type of offense, the documents for the goods and the goods are checked by customs officers, various tests are conducted in customs laboratories.

According to the Customs code, re-export is a customs procedure that implies that goods are imported to the customs territory of the Russian Federation for re-export no later than 6 months from the date of acceptance of the cargo Declaration for customs clearance. In order to protect income and guarantee payment, the trader is required to transfer to the customs Deposit account the amount of duty payable on the import of goods for home use.

Other customs violations include: underestimation, forgery, registration of goods with fake supporting documents, violation of currency legislation when making sales transactions, etc.

  1. Match the Russian words and expressions on the left with the English words used in the text on the right.

1)валютное законодательство

2) домашнее пользование

3) ложное декларирование

4)псевдо реэкспорт


6)таможенное правонарушение

7)таможенный кодекс

8)таможенная территория

9)уклонение от уплаты налогов

10)уклонение от лицензирования

11)таможенная лаборатория

12)таможенный депозитный счет

13) неправильное описание товара

14)защита доходов

15) проверять документы

  1. the wrong description of the goods

  2. to check the documents

  3. tax evasion

  4. Customs code

  5. for home use

  6. evasion of licensing

  7. in order to protect income

  8. the customs Deposit account

  9. pseudo re-export

  10. customs violations

  11. currency legislation

  12. false declaration

  13. forgery

  14. customs territory

  15. customs laboratory

  1. Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words.

  1. avoidance

  2. perpetrator, lawbreaker

  3. to need, want, expect, call for

  4. method, operation, methodology, algorithm, technique

  5. commodities

  6. salesman

  7. fee

  8. infraction, wrongdoing

  9. to preclude

  10. bring in from abroad

  1. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. False declaration is a violation...

2. The criminals implement …

3. Other customs violations include…

4. Criminals use different …

5. In order to protect income and guarantee payment…

6. The most common of them are aimed …

7. To prevent this type of offense, customs officers check...

8. Re-export is a customs procedure which implies that goods are imported …

9. One such scheme is the Declaration …

10. There are also such types of offenses as …

  1. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1) The most common of them are aimed _____ tax evasion.

2) There are also such types of offenses ____ false Declaration and pseudo re-export.

3) The criminals implement a variety _____ schemes.

4) To prevent this type ____ offense, the documents ____ the goods are checked by customs officers.

5) Customs authorities check the goods, conduct various tests _____ customs laboratories.

6) ____ order to protect income and guarantee payment customs require the trader to transfer to the customs Deposit account the amount ____ duty payable ____ the importation ____ goods for home use.

7) False Declaration is a violation when the goods are declared ____ the wrong description of the goods.

8) Other customs violations include forgery and registration of goods ____ fake supporting documents.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. There are such types of offenses as false Declaration and pseudo re-export.

  2. Criminals use a lot of schemes for the implementation of the crime.

  3. Tax evasion is a customs offense.

  4. Evasion of licensing is not a customs offense.

  5. Declaration of one type of goods after another is not a customs offense.

  6. Customs officers check the goods after suspicion of an offense.

  7. Re-export is a customs procedure that implies that goods are imported to the customs territory of the Russian Federation for re-export no later than 6 months from the date of acceptance of the cargo Declaration for customs clearance.

  8. Evasion of certification is not a customs offence.

  9. Customs offenses include underestimation.

  10. Customs offenses do not include forgery of documents.

  1. Find words in the text corresponding to the following definitions.

  1. someone who is involved in illegal activities or has been proved guilty of a crime

c _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle, etc.

v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad or illegal

s _ _ _ _ _

  1. an official organization that has the power to make decisions, and has particular responsibilities

a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. a special room or building where different tests are made

l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. an amount of money that is paid into a bank account

d _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. an act or instance of escaping, avoiding, or shrinking something

e _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. to send commodities to other countries or places for sale, exchange

e _ _ _ _ _

  1. a person or body of persons in whom power is vested, as a governmental agency

a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. the government department that collects duties imposed by law on imported or exported goods.

c _ _ _ _ _ _

  1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is the customs violation?

2) What is a false declaration?

3) What schemes are used by criminals at a high tax rate?

4) What actions are made by customs officers to prevent such an offense?

5) What is re-export?

6) What can be falsified that can only be proved with a laboratory study?

7) When are the goods imported into the Russian Federation for re-export?

8) What does a trader do to protect the income and guarantee the payment of customs authorities?

9) What is counterfeiting?

10) What is underestimation?

  1. Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice.

1. Таможенные правила не нарушаются им.

2. Товар незаконно перевозится?

3. Таможенная проверка проводится?

4. Правила таможенного кодекса нарушаются ими.

5. Во многих странах борются международным терроризмом.

6. Товары не задекларированы?

7. Деньги нужно перечислить на таможенный депозитный счет.

8. Различные типы таможенных нарушений используются преступниками.

9. Документы на товары проверяются таможней.

10. Различные тесты проводятся в таможенной лаборатории.

  1. Complete the sentences providing the short information about the Customs offences using the terms given below.

One of the tasks of the Customs authorities is to________ and establish any breach of the current Customs_________.

Only Customs offences which are regarded as relatively serious are brought before the ____________ or courts of law.

When a Customs offence has been established, the __________ are empowered, in certain circumstances, to take the necessary _______ measures and to seize or detain the goods and means of________.

The _______ applied vary according to the seriousness or the importance of the_______. After discovering a Customs offence the Customs authorities will inform the _______ of the nature of the alleged _________ and possible penalties.

a) transport

b) investigate

c) Customs authorities

d) regulations

e) person concerned

f) penalties

g) offence

h) offences

i) administrative tribunals

j) precautionary

  1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. of / by different / used / customs / are / criminals / types / violations/ .

  2. them / most / evasion / aimed / the / of / are / common / authorities / tax / by /at / the .

  3. implemented / variety / by / are / criminals / schemes / a / of/ .

  4. goods / documents / the / for / customs / checked / are / by / the / officers/.

  5. tests / various / customs / conducted / are / laboratories / in/ .

  6. goods / are / the / to / territory / imported / customs / the/ .

  7. amount / customs / the / transfer / the / account / required / the / to / trader / is / to / of / Deposit / duty/ .

  1. Read and translate the dialogue.

Customs officer: What is the purpose of your visit?

Andy: I am visiting my relatives.

Customs officer: How long are you going to stay here?

Andy: I will stay for 10 days.

Customs officer: Could I see your passport, please?

Andy: Here it is.

Customs officer: Please fill in an immigration form.

Customs officer: Now I have to issue a Declaration. Open your bag, please.

Andy: I'm not going to declare it. I have personal items with me.

Customs officer: I must make sure of it.

Andy: I have nothing to hide. I am not going to open my bag.

Customs officer: You raise suspicions. Open your bag immediately

Andy: I'm not going to open my bag!

Customs officer: You're in custody, go to the observation room.

* in the exam room*

Customs officer: Hmm ... Package with white powder. What is it?

Andy: It's flour.

Customs officer: I don't believe you and I will be handing you over to the police.

  1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of Andy’s trip?

2. How many days does Andy want to spend abroad?

3. Why did the customs officer suspect Andy?

4. What was there in Andy's bag?

5. Why didn't Andy want to open his bag?

6. What measures did the customs officer take against Andy?

7. How did Andy want to cheat the customs officer?

8. What is a synonym of an exam room?

9. Is drug smuggling a customs offence?

10. Where will the drugs be sent after Andy's arrest?

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