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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
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Choose the right answer.

1)  How old is Mered Medhanie?
a) 35 b) 38 c) 33 d) 31

2)  Where does Mered Medhanie come from?
a) Estonia b) Ecuador c) Eritrea d) Ethiopia

3)  What is Mered Medhanie's nickname?
a) The Smuggler b) The One c) The President d) The General

4)  How many migrants died on a boat that sank near Lampedusa in 2013?
a) around 359 b) at least 359 c) exactly 359 d) less than 359

5)  Which national crime agency helped in the arrest of Mered Medhanie?
a) Britain's b) Italy's c) Eritrea's d) Sudan's

6)  What kind of punishment could Mered get?
a) community service b) a fine c) the death penalty d) a long prison sentence

7)  How much did Mered charge people to cross the Mediterranean?
a) over $5,500 b) exactly $5,500 c) up to $5,500 d) about $5,500

8)  What high-level thing was Mered Medhanie according to the NCA?
a) risk b) a human trafficker c) rich d) intelligence

9)  What did police say Mered Medhanie had no regard for?
a) smuggling b) boats c) human life d) the sea

10)  Where does Mered Medhanie's wife live?
a) Eritrea b) Sweden c) Sudan d) Italy

Unit 7


Essential Words and Expressions

  1. barter – бартер

  2. banker – банкир

  3. certain political jurisdictions – некоторые политические юрисдикции

  4. circulating banknotes – банкноты в обращении

  5. circulation – циркуляция

  6. foreign exchange markets – валютный рынок

  7. commission – комиссия

  8. commodity money – товарные деньги

  9. cost – цена

  10. currency exchange – пункт обмена валюты

  11. deposit – задаток

  12. to determine – определять

  13. digital currency – цифровая валюта

  14. embassy – посольство

  15. exchange rate – валютный курс

  16. fiat money – бумажные деньги

  17. to follow up – следовать

  18. haulage – доставка

  19. inflation – инфляция

  20. kopeck – копейка

  21. license –лицензия

  22. losses – убытки

  23. synonymous –синонимичный

  24. to make restitution – возмещать убытки

  25. medium of exchange – средство обмена

  26. modern technologies современные технологии

  27. monetary units – денежная единица

  28. negotiations – переговоры

  29. payment –оплата

  30. perhaps – пожалуй

  31. pertaining –относящийся

  32. pounds – фунты

  33. protection money – взятказа молчание

  34. share – акция

  35. ransom money – выкуп

  36. rent – аренда

  37. technology development – развитие технологий

  38. turn over – оборот

  39. wallet – бумажник

  40. towithdrawbalance– снимать, выводить баланс


Прошедшее длительное время

- отвечает за события, которые происходили в прошлом и продолжались какое-то время.

Образование Past Continuous

Утвердительные предложения

I/He/She/It + was + V-ing

We/You/They + were + V-ing

I was being at the currency exchange office. – Я находился в пункте обмена валюты.

We were exchanging currency in the bank at 11 a.m. – Мы обменивали валюту в банке в 11 часов утра .

He was meeting with a lawyer yesterday at 10 a.m. – Он встречался с юристом в10 часов утра.

You were talking about new share.

Вы разговаривали о новой акции.

Отрицательные предложения

I/He/She/It + was not + V-ing

We/You/They + were not + V-ing

He wasn’t meeting with his client at 4 o’clock.Он не встречался с клиентом в 4 часа.

We were not exchanging currency in the bank. – Мы не обменивали валюту в банке.

He wasn’t getting currency in the office. – Он не получал деньги в офисе.

Youwerenttalkingaboutnewshare. – Вы не разговаривали о новой акции.

В разговорной речи was и were объединяются с not, образуя сокращенную форму, например: She wasnt writing. You weren’t talking.
Вопросительные предложения

Was + I/he/she/it + V-ing

Were + we/you/they + V-ing

Was he meeting with his client at 4 o’clock? – Он встречался с клиентом в 4 часа?

Was that firm carrying on negotiations? – Эта фирма вела переговоры?

Was she breaking customs regulations? – Она нарушала таможенные правила?

Were you talking about your credit? – Вы разговаривали о вашем кредите?

  1. Underline the correct form of the verb.

    1. I was / were exchanging currency in the bank.

    2. We was / were talking about inflation when our director called us.

    3. He weren’t / wasn’t meeting with his client.

    4. Was / were that firm carrying on negotiations?

    5. When was / were you talking about your credit?

    6. Was / were she breaking customs regulations?

    7. My boss was / were going to the bank while I was / were sending the parcel.

    8. Was / were you buying the tickets at 5 o’clock yesterday?

    9. He was / were reading the report while his assistant was / were showing the presentation.

    10. He was / were making money, and he always talked of it with the air of a connoisseur.

  1. Write what Mrs. Robinson was doing at a certain time.

ExampleMrs. Robinson was packing her bags at 6 a.m.


6 a.m.                          

to pack her bags


7 a.m.                         

to drive to the airport


9 a.m.                         

to fly to Liverpool


10 a.m

to have a business meeting


1 p.m.                        

to exchange currency in the bank


2 p.m.                        

to check in at a hotel


3 p.m.                        

to talk to her boss on the phone


4 p.m.                        

to check the balance

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Tom was working as a secretary in an office for a big financial corporation. It was a Russian well-established company. He was answering phone calls and arranging business appointments. Tom also was sending faxes or e-mails. He was spending most of the time doing exactly that.

When Tom came home, his brother Albert was sending some documents to the Embassy of Turkey. His wife was watching TV in the living room. His mother Mrs. Brown was talking on the phone with her business partner. His father Mr. Brown was filling in the declaration with his colleague. Albert’s son was listening to the latest news. And Albert’s daughter was choosing the law firm.
1) Tom was working as a secretary, wasn’t he?

2) Where was Tom working?

3) What was Tom doing at work?

4) Was Albert sending any documents to the Embassy of Turkey?

5) What was his wife doing?

6) Was Mrs. Brown talking on the phone?

7) Was Mr. Brown filling in the declaration or sleeping?

8) He was arranging business appointments, wasn’t he?

9) Was Albert’s daughter choosing the law firm, wasn’t she?

10) What was Albert’s son listening to?

  1. Complete the sentences using the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1) She _________(to break) customs regulations.

2) Jack _________ (to talk) on the terrace when Tony came. 

3) Alex _________ (to look) at the price-list in the shop.

4) Some visitors _________ (to wait) for the director. 

5) The secretary _________ (to speak) to somebody on the phone.

6) When she met him, they _________ (to work) for the same company.

7) We _________ (to pack) our things when our taxi came.

8) Was he _________ (to read) of the transport document when you came in?

9) We _________ (to exchange) currency in the bank.

10) Tom _________ (to lose) his credit card, when he went to the shop.

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) The first money was coined many years ago.

2) I was counting money all day.

3) All the time people were inventing different money systems.

4) They were thinking of buying a house, but then he lost his job and they had to put off their plans.

5) We were using money as a universal means of payment all day yesterday.

6) They were leaving the ransom money under the bridge at 6 p.m.

7) The swindler was extorting hush money.

8) I was going to deposit some money at 10 a.m.

9) When I called Lily, she was changing her money.

10) I was stashing money away for a new car during 2 years.

  1. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Вчера в 5 часов вечера я говорил с таможенным офицером.

2) В воскресенье с 2-х до 4-х мы были в аэропорту.

3) Он шел в банк обменять валюту.

4) Когда я позвонил ему, он оплачивал налоги.

5) Он постоянно говорил о деньгах.

6) Что вы делали в банке вечером с 5 часов до 7 часов?

7) Когда я ему звонил, он был на таможенном контроле.

8) Мы смотрели баланс кредитной карты.

9) Во время обеда он проверял остаток счета.

10) Он возмещал убытки.

  1. Change positive sentences into negative ones.

1) Parents were giving Sam pocket money in summer.

2) She was always checking money in her bank account.

3) My son was talking with friend when I was preparing the report.

4) I was going to spend my bonus money on a trip.

5) We were drinking some coffee when boss called for us.

6) I was waiting in the car while my boyfriend was getting a credit card.

7) He was always boasting about his financial successes.

8) She was working in the bank the whole morning.

9) We were opening a bank account while they were working in the office.

10) When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing.

    1. Read and translate the dialogue.

- What were you doing yesterday? I tried to reach you all day!

- I was talking on the phone.

- Who were you talking to?

- I was talking to my friend Alex. He was very upset, and he needed my help.

- What happened?

- He was trying to access his account several times all day yesterday.

- Was he sure that he entered the correct pin number?

- Absolutely. He was using the services of the bank during 10 years and he was never denied access.

-Oh… And what was that?

-These were problems with the server. Everything is OK now.

-That's good!

- The operator was watching Alex`s account from his computer, when Alex talked about his problem.

-What kind of transactions was Alex going to make?

-My friend was going to get cash to buy a car.

-Wow. It is good idea! Have a nice day for you and Alex!

- Have a nice day too!

    1. Give English equivalents of the words.

Доступ, учетная записьбанк,сервер, оператор, пин-код, компьютер, наличные, отказать, операции.

  1. Match the phrases from the dialogue with their Russian equivalents.

1. What were you doing yesterday?

1. Он нуждался в моей помощи.

2. And what was that?

2. Мой друг собирался получить наличные деньги.

3. He needed my help.

3. Хорошего дня.

4. My friend was going to get cash.

4. И что это было?

5. Who were you talking to?

5. Он вводил правильный пин-код.

6. Have a nice day.

6. Что ты вчера делал?

7. He entered the correct pin number.

7. Купить машину.

8. The operator was watching Alex`s account.

8. С кем ты разговаривал?

9. To buy a car.

9. Он пытался получить доступ к своему аккаунту несколько раз.

10. He was trying to access his account several times.

10. Оператор смотрел учётную запись Алекса.

  1. Translate the text using the dictionary.

Text 1.


Money is something what we cannot imagine our life without. It exists almost in all fields of life. Money is something that is accepted as payment goods, service and so on. Different countries have different currencies, for example, rubles in Russia, yuan in China or dollars in the United States of America. Modern money is a special piece of paper or a coin. A government declares it as a legal tender, so money derives its value.

In ancient times people in some countries were making money of the shells while in others people were making money out of teeth or feathers. However, such money could be easily falsified. All the time people were inventing different money systems. Currencies have two monetary systems: fiat money and commodity money. Some currencies are legal tender in certain political jurisdictions, which means they cannot be refused as payment for debt. Others are simply traded for their economic value. With the popularity of computers and the Internet digital currency has arisen.

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