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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
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Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Иммиграция, оочень эмоциональный предмет, заявления, весомые аргументы, Великобритания – гостеприимная, разжигать дебаты, министры, одержимые идеей, подход, контроль иммиграции, публичные обсуждения, процветать, центральный политический вопрос, ообеспокоенность общественности, уничтожить (погасить).

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. Immigration is an unalloyed good.

  2. The role of politicians is to approach this issue unwisely.

  3. On the one hand, Labor ministers who closed down discussion, giving the impression that concerns about immigration were somehow racist.

  4. Concerns about immigration were somehow racist.

  5. This approach has had a positive impact on immigration control.

  6. It created the space for extremist parties to flourish.

  7. First, I want to get the right policy: bad migration.

  8. Author believes that the time has come for a new approach-which opens the debate.

  9. This speech belongs to David Cameron.

  10. UK has an acute problem of immigration

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. How was immigration discussed in the past?

  2. What do immigrants have to do?

  3. How should politicians approach this discussion?

  4. What do extremist parties thrive on?

  5. How urgent is the problem of immigration in Russia?

  6. What is David Cameron's position on immigration?

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect tense.

  1. He ______ (finish) discussion.

  2. She ______ (score) twenty points for the caught immigrant.

  3. We ______ (watch) as immigrants arrive this season.

  4. It's amazing! She ______ (drive) fifteen kilometers this morning to another country!

  5. She ______ (buy) some really good things to travel!

  6. Oh, no! I ______ (lose) my money at passport control!

  7. Police officer ______ (write) list of violations to immigrants.

  8. Lee, you ______ (steal) my passport!

  9. I am tired. I ______ (immigrate) to America.

  10. Faster! They ______ (start) boarding the ship!

  11. Oh no! She ______ (drop) bomb!

  12. This is my passport in France. I ______ (change) it for five years.

  13. They ______ (live) in Miami already two years.

  14. Joe's gone. He ______ (pick up) his stuff from 7: 00.

  15. Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

These are some sentences from Nigel’s letter home from Africa. He has made four mistakes in using ‘for’ and ‘since’. Correct his mistakes.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I've lived in Africa since two weeks and I love it! Africa is beautiful! I haven’t travelled to any faraway place for last summer. I’m so happy now!

I’ve already seen Mr. Rambler. He is working for WWF here and taking photos of wild animals. I haven’t seen any lions yet. I think I’ll see them later.

Thank you for the trip. I’ve dreamed of Kenya for my childhood. I haven’t seen you since ages! I miss you so much!

Love, Nigel.

  1. Write questions in the Present Perfect tense.


Ben (eat) a hamburger?

Has Ben eaten a hamburger? - Yes, he has.

Ben and Kate (drink) a cola?   

Have Ben and Kate drunk a cola?- No, they haven't.

Things to do



to look at immigration controls

to drink a cola

to eat hamburger

to speak in English

to swim on a ship

to visit the acropolis

to drive a car

  1. Ben (see) how does immigration control work?

  2. Ben and Kate (speak) English?

  3. Kate (swim) on a ship in different countries?

  4. Kate (visit to) the Acropolis?

  5. Ben and Kate (drive) the car for passing of immigration control?

  1. Make up questions in the Present Perfect tense.

Example: (travel to different countries)

- Have you ever traveled to different countries? - Very often.

1. (pass the passport control)

- ______________________

- ______________________

2. (do not pass immigration control)

- ______________________

- ______________________

3. (let migrants)

- ______________________

- ______________________

4. (get impressions)

- ______________________

- ______________________

5. (go to the airport)

- ______________________

- ______________________

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect tense.

Reporter: Have you traveled a lot this year?

Trish: Yes, I have I went six times to Germany throughout the year.

Reporter: Who ______________ (you travel) with?

Trish: With my coach and team.

Reporter: Where ______________ (you still be) in this year?

Trish: Mostly in Britain. But we've also travelled to Holland.

Reporter: ______________ (you visited) many countries?

Trish: Yes, we ______________.

Reporter: And how many countries ______________ (you want to visit)?

Trish: Only three.

Reporter: That's great. ______________ (you have) any problems with immigration control?

Trish: No, I ______________.

Reporter: Thanks, Trish, and good luck.

  1. Read and translate the dialogue.

- Hello, sir. Can I have your valid passport and your landing card, please?

- Hi. Here they are.

- What is the purpose of your visit to the United Kingdom, Mr. Vronsky?

- I am going to visit my friends during my vacation.

- Are you travelling alone?

- Yes.

- Are your friends meeting you?

- Yes. They are waiting for me now.

- Do you have a girlfriend here?

- No. They are just my friends.

- How long will you be staying in the UK?

- For three weeks.

- Where will you be staying? Do you have any hotel reservations?

- I’m going to stay at my friend’s place. He lives in an apartment. This is his address in Brighton.

- Are you going to work here?

- No. Just tourism, sightseeing and visiting my friends.

- Do you have a return ticket?

- Yes. It’s for August 25th.

- May I see it?

- Sure. Here it is.

- Thank you. What’s your job?

- I’m a wholesale trader at a building materials warehouse.

- How much money are you bringing?

- I have 4000$ in cash and my credit cards as well. I’m going to cover all my expenses in the country.

- Do you have your recent bank statement with you? May I see it?

- OK. Here you are, sir.

- Have you visited the United Kingdom before?

- No. this is the first time I’ve arrived here.

- Fine. Welcome! And enjoy your stay!

  1. Translate the following words and expressions.






immigration control



условия договора





  1. Put the underlined words into the correct word order.

  1. Immigration long a problem really wasn’t ago time.

  2. Many countries because immigrants welcomed they needed workers.

  3. The USA, Australia and Canada millions people come encouraged of to and live in their countries.

  4. Today, however, immigration is becoming a problem.

  5. Many immigration control to trying are countries.

  6. is Immigration big today business.

  7. More and more people from poor countries live to want countries rich in.

  8. easier to is It travel nowadays because of cheap transport and more open borders. 

  9. their to the risk lives get People chance of starting a new life in a rich country. This can cause anger in the countries immigrants go to.

  10. It is an will with forever that be us issue, I think.

Go to the link below and check yourself.


  1. Fill in the form using words from the box, make sentences and speak about this person.

15 march 1962; Paris, France; Doctor; Canadian; English for beginners; Gauvinf@hotspot.com

Name: Francois Gauvin

Date of Birth: __________

Place of birth: __________

Nationality: ___________

Occupation: ___________

Course: ____________

E - mail: _____________

  1. Read and translate the text.

Text 2.

The end of the melting pot?’

If present levels of immigration continue, by the year 2050 America’s population will increase by 50% to 383 million. More importantly the racial balance will change. Hispanics will overtake Blacks (or African Americans, as they are now called) to become the largest minority at 21%. Asians and Pacific Islanders will increase 5 times to more than 12%. This will push the total of minorities to over 50% of the population. The USA is a country of immigrants but today’s newcomers are different. Immigrants in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries became part of the great American melting pot. They learnt the language and integrated into the culture of their new home. But today’s immigrants keep their own culture. They have their own television channels, daily newspapers and magazines. The English language has almost disappeared in many places. Parts of Florida, California and Texas are now Spanish-speaking. The Hispanic community is a billion dollar market and companies produce adverts in Spanish. In a huge supermarket in Rockville, Maryland, every customer is from the Far East.

You’ll hear Japanese, Korean and Chinese, but you won’t hear any English. And this language problem won’t get any better. Immigrant parents are demanding education for their children in their own language. If this happens, it will soon be possible to grow up in America and never speak English. Politicians are asking: how far will this go? What kind of country will it produce? Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia recently told the senate: “When I phone the local garage I can’t understand the person on the other end of the line and he can’t understand me. These people are all over the placer and they don’t speak English. Do we want more of this? Both Democrats and Republicans are demanding strict immigration controls. The biggest problem is illegal immigration. African Americans are very worried about this, because the illegal immigrants compete with them for houses, schools, and especially jobs. Work is the key to the problem. While the white middle classes complain, many of them (including politicians and lawyers) employ illegal immigrants as cheap nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, chauffeurs and maids and if there are jobs, the immigrants will continue to come.

  1. Find the English equivalents in the text.

Уровни иммиграции, расовое соотношение, наиболее многочисленное меньшинство, «плавильный котёл», интегрироваться в культуру, языковая проблема, испаноговорящие, требовать образование, политики и юристы, нанимать нелегальных иммигрантов.

  1. Choose the correct answers to these questions according to the article.

a) What is the article about?

-America’s population is getting too large.

-African Americans will soon be in the majority in the USA

-The USA is changing because of immigration. 

b) Why are today’s immigrants different from earlier immigrants?

-They integrate easily into American culture.

-They come to the USA for jobs.

-They keep their own language and culture.

c) Why are African Americans worried about the situation?

-The immigrants compete with them for jobs and houses.

-The immigrants do not speak English.

-The immigrants become politicians and lawyers.

  1. Read the text again and find:

- All the racial groups mentioned.

- Reasons why people are concerned about the situation.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

a) America’s population will be 383 million by the year 2050. 

b) Hispanics make up 10% of the population at the moment.

c) African Americans are currently the largest racial minority in the USA.

d) Today’s immigrants try to integrate into American culture.

e) The number of people who don’t speak English is increasing.

f) Robert Byrd wants stricter immigration controls.

g) Illegal immigrants only compete for jobs.

h) Illegal immigrants can’t find jobs in the USA

Unit 9

The International Organization and Agreement

Essential Words and Expressions

  1. World Customs Organization (WCO) – Всемирная таможенная организация (BTAO);

  2. CustomsCooperationCouncil – Совет таможенного сотрудничества ;

  3. HarmonizedCommoditydescriptionandCodingSystem - гармонизированная система описания и кодирования товаров ;

  4. WorldTradeOrganization – Всемирная торговая организация (ВТО);

  5. Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade – рамочные стандарты безопасности и облегчения мировой торговли;

  6. standard – стандарт, критерий, правило;

  7. to promote – содействовать; стимулировать; активизировать ;

  8. HarmonizedSystemCommittee – Комитет по гармонизированной системе;

  9. Technical Committee – Технический комитет;

  10. Technical Committee on Customs Valuation – Технический комитет по таможенной оценке;

  11. TechnicalCommitteeonRulesofOrigin – Технический комитет по правилам происхождения товаров;

  12. capacity buildingукрепление потенциала;

  13. to fall under the jurisdiction – попадать под юрисдикцию;

  14. to enhance communication – улучшение связи;

  15. membership – членство;

  16. to reduce – понижать, сокращать;

  17. tocombatбороться с чем-либо;

  18. tobesophisticatedизощренный,сложный, опытный, изысканный;

  19. capability – способность, возможность;

  20. beneficial – выгодный, полезный, благотворный.

  1. Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

  1. customs issues;

  2. international standard classification of commodities;

  3. intergovernmental organization;

  4. to fall under the jurisdiction;

  5. trade facilitation;

  6. anti-corruption;

  7. to bring together

  8. developing instruments and best practices on customs competencies;

  9. to take an office;

  10. top priorities;

  11. to enhance communication

  12. the Policy Commission and the Finance Committee;

a) занимать должность;

b) собирать, объединять;

c) совершенствовать инструменты и передовой опыт в сфере таможенного дела;

d) межправительственная организация;

e) общепринятая международная классификация товаров;

f) первоочередные задачи;

g) улучшение связи;

h) вопросы таможенного дела;

i) политическая комиссия и финансовый комитет;

j) попадать под юрисдикцию;

k) борьба с коррупцией;

l) содействие развитию торговли

a) Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

Text 1.


The World Customs Organization (WCO) is an intergovernmental organization that helps its Members (Governments usually represented by Customs administrations from 173 countries) communicate and cooperate on customs issues.

It was established in 1952 as the Customs Cooperation Council; it adopted its current name in 1994. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, it develops agreed rules on customs procedures and provides advice and assistance to customs services. It has established an international standard classification of commodities called the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, which is used to classify goods for tariff purposes and application of tariffs.

The WCO has 174 members. The former Secretary General was Michel Danet (1999-2008) from France.

The WCO does not deal with tariff and trade disputes; these issues fall under the jurisdiction of the World Trade Organization.

In June 2005, the WCO adopted the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade ("SAFE"), an international instrument containing 17 standards that promotes security, trade facilitation, anti-corruption, and revenue collection.

The WCO Secretariat is headed by a Secretary General, who is elected by the WCO membership to a five-year term. The current WCO Secretary General is Kunio Mikuriya from Japan, who took office on 1 January 2009.

He provides leadership and executive management for the global Customs community’s priorities, including developing global Customs instruments, standards, and tools; securing and facilitating global trade; realizing revenues; building Customs-business partnerships; and delivering capacity building in support of Customs reform and modernization.

The WCO is governed by the Council, which brings together all Members of the Organization once a year, in a meeting chaired by an elected Chairperson. Additional strategic and management guidance is provided by the Policy Commission and the Finance Committee.

Several WCO committees, such as the Harmonized System Committee, the Permanent Technical Committee, the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation, Technical Committee on Rules of Origin, the Capacity Building Committee, and the SAFE Working Group, provide a platform for developing instruments and best practices on customs competencies.

  1. Follow the link below and learn more about the World Customs Organization: http://www.wcoomd.org/en.aspx

Share what you have discovered with your partner(s) at the next lesson.

  1. Answer the questions given below.

1. What is the WCO and what help does it provide for its members?

2. How many members of the World Customs Organization are there?

3. When was the WCO established, how was it named then and when did it adopt its current name?

4. Where is the WCO Headquarters?

5. What are the WCO functions?

6. What classification has it established?

7. Whose jurisdiction are tariff and trade disputes in? Does the WCO deal with them?

8. Who is the WCO Secretariat headed by?

9. Who was the former head of the WCO Secretariat and who is its current head?

10. What are the top priorities in the work of the current head of the WCO Secretariat?

11. What is the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade?

12. What term is a Secretary General elected for?

13. What is the WCO governed by? What does this body do?

14. What is additional strategic and management guidance provided by?

15. What do the WCO committees provide?

  1. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box.

represent issue assistance promote

membership capacity competency

  1. We should raise the __________ of discrimination with the council.

  2. Mr Kobayashi was chosen to ___________ the company at the conference.

  3. She’s in London to ___________ her new book.

  4. The players displayed varying degrees of _____________.

  5. You should carry your ____________ card with you at all times.

  6. We offer financial _________ to students.

  7. The company aimed to double its electricity-generating ______________.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Всемирная таможенная организация является межправительственной организацией, которая помогает своим членам сотрудничать по таможенным вопросам.

  2. ВТО разрабатывает правила таможенных процедур и предоставляет консультации и помощь таможенным службам.

  3. Международный стандарт классификации товаров используется для установления и применения тарифов.

  4. В ВТО 182 члена, которые регулируют 89% мировой торговли.

  5. Всемирная торговая организация занимается вопросами тарифных и торговых споров.

  6. Генеральный секретарь обеспечивает руководство данной организацией с целью создания международных таможенных инструментов, содействия глобальной торговле и наращивания потенциала в поддержку модернизации таможенных органов.

  7. Работа таможенных органов оказывает существенное влияние на движение товаров через международные границы.

  8. Правительствам следует провести анализ существующей таможенной практики и разработать программу реформ для повышения эффективности импорта и экспорта.

  9. Необходимо учитывать национальные интересы торговых и транспортных организаций для обеспечения полной координации деятельности перевозчиков.

  1. Read the beginning of the dialogue and finish it using the texts and questions to the texts as well as the expressions below:

Commentator: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is Bill Smith with the programme “World Today”. Today we are going to speak about Customs and their work coordinator, the World Customs Organization or WCO. Our guest Mr. Black, a World Customs Organization executive, is going to answer all my questions about the work of this organization.

Mr. Black: Good morning, all the listeners. Hello, Bill, and thank you for inviting me to tell you a few words about the work of the organization I represent...
Expressions to be used in the dialogue

  • Well... Видите ли… / Well, the thing is... Дело в том, что...

  • Frankly speaking... Откровенно говоря...

  • My best wishes /All the best (I wish you) good luck/ I wish you every success!

Желаю Вам всего хорошего Всего доброго/всего наилучшего/ счастья/успехов/удачи

  • Could you tell me (us)... Не могли бы Вы сказать...?

  • MayI (we) ask? Можно обратиться /спросить?

  • Tell me, please... Скажи(те), пожалуйста...

  • What do you think about it? Что Вы об этом думаете?

  • And what does it mean? А как это понимать?

  • Is it clear now? Теперь понятно?

  • And after that? /And then? А потом?

  • Yes, but why? Да, а почему?

  • Well, and...? Ну, и...?

  • Please, explain it. Объясни, пожалуйста.

  • Sorry, I didn't quite catch it. Простите, не понял(а).

  • Whatdoyoumean? Что ты имеешь в виду?

  • It's clear. Понятно.

  • I follow you, go on. Я тебя (Вас) хорошо понимаю, продолжай(те).

  • Yes, withpleasure. Да, с удовольствием!

  • Yes, whynot? Да, а почему бы и нет?

  • Certainly! Sure! Разумеется! Конечно!

  • Probably. Possibly. Вероятно. Возможно.

  • Quite possible. Вполне возможно.

  • I'm not ready to speak on this subject just now. Я сейчас не готов(а) говорить на эту тему.

  • Let me see. Дайте подумать.

  • Now I see. Теперь ясно.

  • I understand everything. /I get it. Я все понял.

  • I can't understand/get you. Я не могу Вас понять.

  • Could you speak slower, please? Говорите, пожалуйста, медленнее.

  • Sorry, I can't tell you anything. К сожалению, не могу сказать.

  • I must think it over. Мне надо подумать.

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

  1. Why do WCO and WCS cooperate with each other?

  2. What crime is prevented by these international organizations?

  3. What international documents were signed by WCO and WCS?

  4. What are the main goals of these documents?

Text 2.

BRUSSELS, 7 January 20161

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at reducing the amount of illegal wildlife products moving across international borders. The MoU was signed by Dr. Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, and Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the WCO.

As the criminal networks that profit from wildlife trafficking have become more organized, the illegal cross-border trade in wildlife has been made more sophisticated through the use of superior technology. Stopping the trafficking of illegal wildlife and wildlife products is essential to conserving endangered species such as elephants, tigers, marine turtles, pangolins, and many others.

With the signing of this MoU, WCO and WCS agree to exchange information, collaborate on policy decisions, and cooperate in multiple ways in efforts to stop illegal wildlife trade. WCO and WCS affirmed that the issue should be addressed through commensurate and coordinated national, regional and international measures.

Customs officials across the globe are on the front line in efforts to prevent smuggling of illegal wildlife products across international borders. A total of 180 governments are members of the WCO, representing more than 98 percent of world trade. WCS staff members have conducted training for WCO and Customs officials in many countries, an example of beneficial collaboration that could expand under this agreement.

Susan Lieberman, WCS Vice President of International Policy, said, «By working side by side with those on the front lines of combating trafficking, we collaborate to stop this scourge and enable more effective conservation of endangered species».

«I am pleased to be able to count on the support of WCS to meet the complex challenges posed by the illegal wildlife trade. Together we will work to strengthen Customs enforcement capabilities and promote exchange of information and partnerships between relevant stakeholders», said WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya.

WCO and WCS are members of the Transport Task Force of United for Wildlife, where both have worked collaboratively and productively for the past year with other members to engage the transport industry in efforts to halt wildlife trafficking.

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. wildlife trafficking

2. to reduce

3. to combat

4. to be sophisticated

5. essential

6. endangered species

7. effort

8. commensurate

9. beneficial

10. enforcement

11. capability

12. stakeholder

13. scourge

  1. a species of animal or plant that is seriously at risk of extinction

  2. take action to reduce or prevent

  3. absolutely necessary; extremely important

  4. the power or ability to do something

  5. the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation

  6. cause great suffering to

  7. make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size

  8. developed to a high degree of complexity

  9. a determined attempt

  10. person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business

  11. corresponding in size or degree; in proportion

  12. producing good results or helpful effects

the poaching or other taking of protected or managed species

a) Surf the Internet and find 2-4 examples of the following documents.

  1. convention

  2. pact

  3. contract

  4. treaty

  5. agreement

  6. concord

  7. resolution

  1. Make up sentences concerning the above document (Text 2.) using the list of verbs below.

to sign to complete to foster

to conclude to adopt to support

to endorse to approve to pass

to enact to ratify to accept

to confirm to back to sanction

to accomplish to achieve to work out

to benefit to put into practice to function

to negotiate to provide to enter into

to turn down to decline to reject

  1. Study the Resolution of the Customs Co-operation Council.

    1. Answer the following questions:

  • How many parts does the resolution consist of?

  • What information does it include?

  • Why is this document adopted?

  • What recommendations are given in this resolution?

    1. Make 5 sentences using the words in BOLD and let your groupmates translate them into Russian.




(June 2005)


Recognizing that the implementation of the principles contained in the WCO of Standards will be an important step in enhancing security of the international trade supply chain and lead to a greater facilitation of legitimate trade;

Noting the increased concern with respect to acts of international terrorism and organized crime and the importance and vulnerability of global trade;

Considering that Customs administrations contribute to the economic and social

development of nations through the collection of revenue, and that implementing the

Framework of Standards will also be equally important in this regard;

Taking into account the Resolutions of the Customs Co-operation Council on Security and Facilitation of the International Trade Supply Chain (June 2002) and Global Security and Facilitation Measures concerning the International Trade Supply Chain (June 2004), and IMO Conference Resolution No. 9 on the enhancement of security in co-operation with the WCO;

Believing in the need for Customs administrations to implement standards regarding integrated Customs procedures and in the need for co-operation between Customs administrations and business;

Noting that Members and Customs or Economic Unions may need to consider modifications to their legal or other provisions to support the implementation of the WCO Framework of Standards.


1. To adopt the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade.

2. That the Members of the Council and Customs or Economic Unions should:

2.1. implement as soon as possible in accordance with each administration’s capacity and necessary legislative authority the principles, standards and other provisions contained in the WCO Framework of Standards;

2.2. encourage any necessary improvements in Customs capability and integrity to provide a comprehensive framework for global trade security;

2.3. identify the required sustainable capacity building measures including the modifications to national legal and administrative rules and procedures, where appropriate, and pursue their realization to enable a comprehensive implementation of the provisions of the Framework of Standards;

2.4. foresee the provision of technical assistance in order to encourage the implementation of the Framework of Standards;

2.5. submit to the WCO an indicative timetable for implementation of the Framework of Standards suitable to their capacities;

2.6. endeavor to secure the full co-operation of business in the implementation of the Framework of Standards;

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