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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
Анкорфилософия в англиии
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Make sentences using the words.

1) money /a special piece / or / a coin / is / of paper /.

2) invented / money / people / systems /.

3) monetary / currencies / two / systems / has /.

4) money / be / of the shells / could / made / in ancient times /.

5) can not / imagine / life / our / without / money / we /.

6) countries / different / currencies / have / different /.

7) in / modern / everybody / uses / money world /.

8) would / to change / I / my / money / like /.

9) not / life / we / without / can / our / imagine / money /.

10) it / a government / tender / as / declares / a legal / .

  1. Answer the questions.

1) What is money?

2) What currency has arisen with the popularity of computers and the Internet?

3) What are the names of different currencies?

4) What were people making money in ancient times of?

5) Can you imagine your life without money?

6) What monetary systems do people classify currencies into?

7) Were people inventing different money systems all the times?

8) What currency do different countries have?

9) Can people falsify money?

  1. Group the following terms according to the titles in the table.



Economic processes

Currency, devaluation, banker, bank officer, cash, client, credit card, rouble, cashier, kopeck, balance, pay, dollar, deflation, cent, cash machine, pound, interest, euro, loan, scholarship, fund, credit, purse, fixed deposit, pension, inflation, bonus.

  1. Translate the words.



1. exchange bureau



3. extra charges

4. signature


этот курс уже включает комиссию

6. currency exchange



8. monetary unit




товарные деньги

11. digital currency

12. relative values


курс обмена

14. to settle a bill



16. withdraw cash

17. to spend money


брать деньги в долг

19. to count money

  1. Choose the correct verb.

1) When you called me I ... currency.

a) was exchanging

b) were exchanging

c) am exchanging

2) In the morning Sam... .

a) does not work

b) was not working

c) do not work

3) Money ... a universal means of payment and a means of exchange.

a) are

b) is

c) –

4) Plastic cards … you to pay for things without cash

a) allows

b) are allowing

c) allow

5) Officially, the first paper money … by the Bank of Sweden in 1661.

a) was using

b) was used

c) used

6) Kate … money at 6 pm yesterday.

a) was spending

b) spent

c) was spent
7) They … to save some money lately.

a) were trying

b) are trying

c) have been trying

8) This time last year Alex … shares.

a) was buying

b) bought

c) has been buying

9) The prices … year by year

a) grow

b) are growing

c) growing

10) Mr. Green … to invest a lot of money in our bank today.

a) wants

b) want

c) wanted

a) Read and translate the text.

Text 2.

Money in our life

Everybody uses money in our modern world. We all need money, we think about it and work for it. It is difficult to imagine today’s life without banknotes and coins, credit cards and cash. Modern technologies have influenced the way of payment: and plastic cards are becoming more and more popular today and they can be accepted even abroad. It’s really convenient and safe for travelers because you don’t have to carry the money in your wallet or exchange the currency in order to make purchases in foreign countries.

We need money to live and buy desired things and services. We can’t travel around the world, buy a car, rent an office, use the Internet or just buy food and clothes without money. People who earn a lot of money can afford luxury goods: expensive cars, fantastic mansions, and unique works of art. The more money you earn, the more products you can buy.

b) Translate the text from Russian into English.

Самый распространенный вид денег – это бумажные деньги или банкноты. В каждом государстве есть своя официальная валюта и на каждой банкноте обозначена ее стоимость.

Современные пластиковые карты становятся все более популярными. Они позволяют производить расчет без наличных денег. Такие карты, как Visa и Master Card, принимаются за границей. Это очень удобный способ оплаты, так как деньги просто переводятся банком с одного счета на другой.

  1. Match sentences from the left column with the phrases from the right column to make up the dialogue.

1) You must provide a list of necessary documents and confirm your solvency.

2) What’s credit term?

3) Your passport, please?

4) Interest corresponds to the credit term. You can see it on the notice board.

5) Right. What amount?

6) Hello. Can I help you?

7) You must sign a contract and open the loan facility account with our bank

8) Right. Your application will be reviewed in the nearest term.

1) I want to apply for getting a loan.

2) I want to get a loan at your bank.

3) What is your interest on the loan?

4) 1200 dollars.

5) Could you explain your policy to me?

6) Two years.

7) Here you are.

8) What are the preconditions for getting a credit card?

  1. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English.

— Здравствуйте. Чем могу помочь?

— Я хочу получить кредит в вашем банке. Какие у вас проценты по кредиту?

— Проценты соответствуют сроку кредита. Вы можете посмотреть на доске объявлений.

— Какие предварительные условия для получения кредитной карты?

— Вы должны подписать договор и открыть кредитный счет в нашем банке.

— Не могли бы вы объяснить, на каких условиях это осуществляется?

— Вам необходимо предоставить перечень необходимых документов и подтвердить свою платежеспособность.

— Я хочу подать заявку на получение кредита.

— Хорошо. На какую сумму?

— 120.000 рублей.

— Срок кредита?

— Два года.

— Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?

— Вот, пожалуйста.

— Хорошо. Ваша заявка будет рассмотрена в ближайшее время.

  1. Make a short conversation according to the situation «Exchanging money»:

Student A: You often have to go on business trip abroad. You would like to exchange currency into euro in the Currency exchange Office.

Student B: You work in the Currency exchange Office and your function is to exchange money.
Use words and expressions below to make up the dialogue.

  • I’d like to exchange Rubles into euro.

  • What’s the buying rate for Roubles at your Exchange Office today?

- Today it’s _____ euro to one Rouble.

- to charge any commission…..

- Our rates include commission, so there are no extra charges here.

- How much are you going to change?

- May I see your passport, please?

- Would you prefer your currency in large or small bills?

- Put your signature on the receipt.

- Could I have new notes, please?

Unit 8

Immigration control

Essential Words and Expressions

  1. anxiety это больше беспокойство, страх, заботы

  2. approach – подход

  3. assertions – утверждения

  4. burnishing – выглаживание

  5. case – случай

  6. credentials – полномочия

  7. concerns – опасения

  8. consequences – вытекающие последствия

  9. to damage – наносить ущерб

  10. approach – подход

  11. to extinguish – уничтожить

  12. to flourish – разрастаться

  13. hardliner – сторонник жесткой линии

  14. hell-bent – безрассудство

  15. hugely – чрезвычайно

  16. immigration control – иммиграционный контроль

  17. inflame – воспламенять

  18. issue – вопрос

  19. main stream – основной

  20. oxygen – кислород

  21. to remember – помнить

  22. shaped – образный

  23. to starve – голодать

  24. substantive – основной

  25. terms – условия

Present Perfect (Present Perfect Simple)

Настоящее совершенное время

Как образуется Present Perfect:

Утвердительное предложение

Подлежащее + 2. has/have + 3. participle II + 4. др. члены предложения

Our department (1) has (2) bought (3) a new uniform for me (4) – Наш отдел купил мне новую униформу.
Это основная форма, от которой образуются остальные типы высказываний. Для ее отработки приведем в present Perfect примеры утвердительных предложений с переводом.

They have finished the project A-20 this week – Они завершили проект А-20 на этой неделе.

I have used this computer since 2010 - Я пользуюсь этим компьютером с 2010 года.

She has lived in England for three months - Она жила в Англии 3 месяца.
Отрицательное предложение

Подлежащее + 2. has not/have not + 3. participle II + 4. др. члены предложения

Children (1) have not (2) done (3) their homework yet (4) – Дети еще не сделали свою домашнюю работу.

Гораздо чаще и в разговорной речи, и на письме применяются сокращенные hasn’t/haven’t.

He hasn’t been in Africa for five month – Он не был в Африке 5 месяцев.

havent fed my dog yet – Я еще не покормил мою собаку.
Вопросительное предложение

Has/have + 2. подлежащее + 3. participle II + 4. др. члены предложения

Has (1) she (2) answered (3) allyourquestionsalready (4)?Онаужеответиланавсевашивопросы?

Have youever cooked aCaesarsalad? –Выкогда-нибудьготовилисалатЦезарь?

Have they gone to the city’s museum twice? – Они ходили в городской музей два раза?

  1. Read and translate the text.

Text 1.


Nowadays, immigration is a hugely emotive subject … and it was a debate too often in the past shaped by assertions rather than substantive arguments. We have all heard them. The assertion that mass immigration is an unalloyed good and that controlling it is economic madness … the view that Britain is a soft touch and immigrants are out to take whatever they can get. I believe the role of politicians is to cut through the extremes of this debate and approach the subject sensibly and reasonably.

The last government, in contrast, actually helped to inflame the debate. On the one hand, there were Labor ministers who closed down discussion, giving the impression that concerns about immigration were somehow racist. On the other, there were ministers hell-bent on burnishing their hard-liner credentials by talking tough … but doing nothing to bring the numbers down.

This approach had damaging consequences in terms of controlling immigration … but also in terms of public debate. It created the space for extremist parties to flourish, as they could tell people that mainstream politicians were not listening to their concerns or doing anything about them. I remember when immigration was not a central political issue in our country - and I want that to be the case again. I want us to starve extremist parties of the oxygen of public anxiety they thrive on and extinguish them finally.

Above all, I want to get the policy right: good immigration, not mass immigration. That is why I believe it is time for a new approach - one that opens up debate, not closes it down; where politicians do not just talk, but also actually act.


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