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философия в англиии. Пособие по Таможенному делу Кетова Ахметшина 2019. Учебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов очной формы обучения специальности 38. 05. 02 Таможенное дело Редактор Е. Ю. Лаврентьева Подписано к печати Формат 60х8416. Бумага писчая
Анкорфилософия в англиии
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a) Match the words from the left column with the words from the right  one and make word combinations:

1) tax a) equipment

2) customs b) laundering

3) death c) fraud

4) double d) evasion

5) money e) property

6) intellectual f) bottom

7) inside g) penalty

8) commercial h) pocket

9) high-tech i) violations
b) Use these word combinations to complete the sentences.

1) He has been found guilty of …..

2) Drug dealers may face …

3) A lot of money was spent on the … of the new check- point.

4) We investigate the cases of …

  1. Read the texts and complete the chart below.

a) Heroin Confiscated

Russian border guards and customs officers at Sheremetyevo airport seized more than 2kg of heroin from a Pakistani tourist. The man’s documents aroused the suspicions of passport control officers. Customs officers searched his baggage and found the heroin between double sides of his suitcase. The amount is worth $200,000 on the black market.

b) Hippy Chick

A German woman was arrested at Waterloo International Terminal with a kilo of cocaine worth £130,000 strapped to her hips. She was stopped by officers on her arrival and later she was jailed for two and a half years.

c) Icon Smuggler Arrested

A Latvian man was arrested after Russian customs officers discovered 65 ancient icons hidden in his car as he tried to cross the border. Experts are trying to determine the age and value of the icons.

d) Spaniard’s Full Tank

A Spanish motorist has been jailed for eight months after customs officers found 7 kg of 100% pure cocaine hidden in a fuel tank of his car. His smuggling bid was stopped by drug detector dog Josh who gave a positive identification after which officers searched the car.

e) Ivory Seized From Korean

Customs officials at Moscow international airport seized 537 kg of ivory (elephant tusks) found in the luggage which belonged to the wife of North Korean diplomat. Most countries forbid the export or import of ivory.

f) Customs Catch

Moscow customs officials have confiscated more than $70,000 from a US citizen after she tried to smuggle the currency into Ukraine. The money was carried in the inside pockets of her coat. The woman has been detained and a criminal case has been filed.

g) Cat Dodgers’ Fine …£ 1,500

Tree French students, who smuggled two cats into Britain in their car, were each fined £500 under the anti-rabies laws. But the tourists had only £102 on them when they were arrested. Now they face thirty days in jail unless the French Consul agrees to pay the balance of the fine.

h) Russian Gets 25 Years in Jail for Smuggling

A court in United Arab Emirates has sentenced a 40-year-old Russian national to life imprisonment, or 25 years behind bars for smuggling and illegally selling medicine. He had been found guilty of smuggling medicine into the country and organizing its subsequent sale. The drugs included Diazepam and Phenobarbital.

i) Russian Customs Seize Monkeys on Banana Boat

Russian Customs have seized four rare monkeys from an Ecuadorian sailor at St.Petersburg port. The suspect hid the animals in a box on a vessel that shipped bananas to Russia. He hoped to sell them on for a profit. The animals experienced health problems after their 25-day trip, and one of them later died.



Object of smuggling

Place of concealment



a Pakistany tourist

2 kg of hero in worth $200,000

double sides of the suitcase










  1. Say what you can remember about:

1) one of the main duties of the customs

2) the ways smuggled goods can enter the country

3) the actions that are regarded as smuggling

4) customs violations connected with smuggling

5) the most common objects of smuggling

6) the most common places of concealment

7) methods of detecting cases of contraband

8) high-tech equipment that customs officers use

9) the way people are punished for smuggling

  1. Complete the table with the words in a box.

Drugs, density meters, money laundering, currency, X-ray screening systems, inside pockets, belts, counterfeit goods, mirror kits, people, inside the body, transport, arm and ammunition, corruption, precious metals and stones, toys, flexible fiber-scopes, souvenirs, books, shoe heels, metal detectors, antique, trademark infringements, remote operated cameras, copyright infringements, intellectual property, commercial fraud, double bottoms and sides of bags.

The customs violations connected with smuggling

Objects of smuggling

Places of concealment

High-tech equipment

  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Контрабанда может доставляться в страну пассажирами, а также поступать с грузом и транспортными средствами.

2. Хранение и продажа контрабанды должны быть запрещены законом.

3. Ты можешь не указывать в декларации личные вещи.

4. Существуют различные таможенные правонарушения, связанные с контрабандой: отмывание денег, коррупция, нарушение прав интеллектуальной собственности и др.

5. При проведении таможенного досмотра используются различные виды оборудования: сканеры, металлоискатели, видеокамеры на гибких штативах, камеры с дистанционным управлением, наборы зеркал и др.

6. В транспортных средствах есть зоны, труднодоступные для визуального осмотра.

7. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

8. Незаконный ввоз и вывоз в страну запрещенных, ограниченных к вывозу и ввозу или облагаемых пошлиной предметов, называется контрабандой.

9. Одной из основных задач таможенников должно быть предотвращение провоза контрабанды.

10. Лицо, признанное виновным в провозе контрабанды, может быть подвергнуто штрафу или привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

11. Сотрудники нашего управления занимаются расследованием фактов нарушения таможенного и налогового законодательства, а также выявлением лиц, занимающихся незаконным перемещением через границу наркотиков, оружия, культурных ценностей и других товаров.
Find examples of the Gerund in the text. Copy them out.

  1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Gerund.

1) The man wasn’t afraid of (to fine) for (to break) the rules.

2) If you carry some prohibited articles you risk (to accuse) of smuggling.

3) The high-tech equipment must go through a number of tests before (to install).

4) They succeeded in (to detect) smuggling.

5) The importance of (to use) drug detector dogs can’t be overestimated.

6) After (to establish) cooperation with banks we shall be able to prevent money


7)He passed thecustoms control by (to go) through the Green channel without (to stop) by anyone.

8) I don’t enjoy (to work) in shifts and overtime.

9) Before (to search) the cargo we usually process the documents.

  1. Translate the following terms into Russian.

Give the definitions of the words below using the pronouns which or that

1. tax avoidance; 2. tax evasion; 3. tax mitigation; 5. trafficker; 6. unreported income; 7. violation; 8. deception; 9. to smuggle; 10. intimidation.

  1. Fill in the gaps using the words given below and translate the sentences into Russian.

Minimize taxation, tax advisors, legislation, smuggling

taxpayer’s responsibility, relating, motivation, taxes, legal liability, immigrants
1. Customs officers arrested the band that has been … opium in the UK for eight years.

2. There are not any … in the Russia Federation, and any tax avoidance is considered as a violation of a law.

3. To pay … is a civil duty.

4. Individuals usually require tax advisors to … .

5. Tenants have … for any damage they cause.

6. Before an item of … becomes law it may be known as a bill.

7. Illegal … are smuggled into the country by boat.

8. Documents … immigration laws were discussed during last Parliament session.

9. What was your … for becoming a Customs Officer?

10. It is the … to ensure that returns made to the tax authorities are correct and complete.

a) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

1. to facilitate a) a crime

2. to face b) the amount of tax

3. to establish с) procedures

4. to commit d) a victim

5. to carry out e) illegal entry into a country

6. to lure f) into disrepute

7. to reduce g) significant risk

8. to bring h) to a battle

9. to coerce i) by the state

10. to lead j) by false promises

b) Replace the Russian expressions by the phrases in the appropriate form in the sentences below.

1. The modern customs policy of some countries (способствует нелегальному въезду в страну).

2. All the people if they want to receive vast sums of money (столкнутся с серьезными рисками).

3. Customs tariffs on the exported goods (устанавливаются государством) in accordance with the working legislation, as well as with the foreign and domestic policy of the country.

4. He was sent to prison because he (совершил преступление).

5. You couldn’t leave the country until you (выполните все) customs (процедуры).

6. He (был завлечен обманными обещаниями) into this business.

7. There are several ways (уменьшить сумму налога), both legal and unlawful.

8. The high crime rate (навлек на) this district (дурную славу).

9. The criminals (удерживали жертву силой).

10. The unreasonable policy of the President (привела к борьбе) between three branches of Government.

  1. Read and translate the text.

Text 2

World’s ‘most wanted’ people smuggler arrested

Police in Sudan have arrested one of the world's most wanted people smugglers. The smuggler is Mered Medhanie, 35, from the East African country of Eritrea. He has the nickname of 'The General' because of the way he plans and carries out people smuggling. Police say Mered's actions resulted in the deaths of hundreds of migrants – people trying to leave Africa to go to Europe to try to find a better life. At least 359 migrants died when their boat sank near Lampedusa in the Mediterranean Sea in 2013. The Sudanese police found Mered in a secret hideout in the capital Khartoum. They worked closely with Britain's National Crime Agency (NCA) and British intelligence services.

Sudan will give Mered to the police in Italy, where he could get a long prison sentence. Detectives say he controlled a huge organization that smuggled thousands of migrants from Africa and the Middle East across the Mediterranean to Europe. He charged people up to $5,500 each to make the high-risk journey in dangerous boats. He became very rich from his activities. The NCA said Mered was a high-level human trafficker and that he did not care about people's lives. An NCA spokesperson said: "Medhanie is a prolific people smuggler and has absolute disregard for human life." Italian police said Mered's plan was to make a huge amount of money and then move to Sweden, where his wife lives.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. The people smuggler was from Eritrea.

  2. The people smuggler's nickname was 'The President'.

  3. The article said Mered was responsible for thousands of deaths.

  4. The people smuggler was found in a secret hideout in Italy.

  5. Mered could get a long prison sentence in Italy.

  6. Mered made people pay over $5,000 to cross the Mediterranean.

  7. Police said Mered wanted to make a huge amount of money.

  8. Mered's wife lives in Italy.

  1. Match the words from the left column with their synonyms from the right one.

  1. people smuggler a. very big

  2. way b. led to

  3. resulted in c. located

  4. at least d. trip

  5. found e. method

  6. long f. total

  7. huge g. relocate

  8. journey h. lengthy

  9. absolute i. human trafficker

  10. move j. more than

а) Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Country resulted services nickname secret better arrested sank

Police in Sudan have (1) ____________ one of the world's most wanted people smugglers. The smuggler is Mered Medhanie, 35, from the East African (2) ____________ of Eritrea. He has the (3) ____________ of 'The General' because of the way he plans and carries out people smuggling. Police say Mered's actions (4) ____________ in the deaths of hundreds of migrants – people trying to leave Africa to go to Europe to try to find a (5) ____________ life. At least 359 migrants died when their boat (6) ____________ near Lampedusa in the Mediterranean Sea in 2013. The Sudanese police found Mered in a (7) ____________ hideout in the capital Khartoum. They worked closely with Britain's National Crime Agency (NCA) and British intelligence (8) ____________.
b) Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Thousands life huge level prison amount each prolific

Sudan will give Mered to the police in Italy, where he could get a long (9) ____________ sentence. Detectives say he controlled a (10) ____________ organization that smuggled (11) ____________ of migrants from Africa and the Middle East across the Mediterranean to Europe. He charged people up to $5,500 (12) ____________ to make the high-risk journey in dangerous boats. He became very rich from his activities. The NCA said Mered was a high-(13) ____________ human trafficker and that he did not care about people's lives. An NCA spokesperson said: "Medhanie is a (14) ____________ people smuggler and has absolute disregard for human (15) ____________." Italian police said Mered's plan was to make a huge (16) ____________ of money and then move to Sweden, where his wife lives.
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