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45*. Vocabulary Revision. Complete the sentences with the words from the list: processing, databases, information, communicate, networks, access, link, available, to share, Internet.

The Internet, computer-based global (1)________ system. The Internet is composed of many interconnected computer (2) ________. Each network may (3) ________ tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to (4) ________ information with one another and to share computational resources such as powerful supercomputers and (5) ________ of information. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and inexpensively (6) ________ with one another. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet does not have a centralized distribution system. Instead, an individual who has Internet (7) ________ can communicate directly with anyone else on the Internet, make information (8) ________ to others, find information provided by others, or sell products with a minimum overhead cost. The Internet has brought new opportunities to government, business, and education. Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distribution of information, and automated (9) ________. In addition to offering goods and services online to customers, businesses use the Internet to interact with other businesses. Many individuals use the Internet for shopping, paying bills, and online banking.

Educational institutions use the Internet for research and to deliver courses to students at remote sites. The Internet’s success arises from its (10) ________. Instead of restricting component networks to a particular manufacturer or particular type, Internet technology allows interconnection of any kind of computer network. No network is too large or too small, too fast or too slow to be interconnected. Thus, the Internet includes inexpensive networks that can only connect a few computers within a single room as well as expensive networks that can span a continent and connect thousands of computers.
46. Vocabulary Revision. Choose the right word or word combination to make the sentences complete.

What is the Difference Between the Web and the Internet?

Some people think that the internet and the Web are the same thing, but in fact they are different. The internet (often called simply "the net") is a global (1) network / net of interconnected computers. These computers communicate with each other (2) over / through existing telecommunications networks – principally, the telephone system. The Word Wide Web (usually known as just "the Web") is the billions of web pages that are stored on large computers called web (3) servers / services. To (4) see / access the web, you need a computer and a modem. You then connect over your telephone line to an internet service (5) port / provider (ISP), which sends your request to view a particular web page to the correct web server. Websites are not the only service available on the internet. It is also used for many other functions including sending and receiving email, and connecting to newsgroups and (6) discussion / talking groups. You could say that the internet is a system of roads, and web pages and emails are types of traffic that travel on those roads.
47*. Vocabulary Revision. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

1. ADSL is more commonly known as ______.

a)longband b)broadband c)wideband

2. Broadband internet connection is much faster than _____.

a)dial-in b)dial-through c)dial-up

3. Before you can connect to the internet for the first time, you have to ______ an account with an ISP.

a) set b)set up c)set in

4. Each time you want to connect to your ISP's system, you have to enter a log-in name and a ______.

  1. security word b)safe word c)password

5. You can set your computer to ______ your log-in details, so you don't have to type them in each time.

a)store b)remember c)recall

6. With a broadband connection, you usually have to pay a _____.

  1. fixed monthly price b) fixed monthly fee c) fixed monthly cost

7.With dial-up, you can usually choose a ________ tariff.

a)pay-as-you-go b)pay-what-you-want c)pay-if-you-like

8. Some broadband contracts limit the amount of _____ you can have each month.

a)pages b)traffic c)use

9. Looking at web pages can be called "navigating the Web" but is more commonly called ________.

a)"surfing the net" b)"skiing the net" c)"swimming the net"

10. You can often find the answer to a question by ________ on the internet.

a)looking at it b)looking for it c)looking it up

11. When your computer is not connected to the internet, it is ________.

a)out of line b)offline c)off the line

12. Internet banking is also called ________.

a)online banking b)on the line banking c)inline banking

13. An unexpected disconnection from the internet is called a ______.

a)lost connection b)missed connection c)dropped connection

14. A file which is copied from the internet onto your computer is called _____

a)an upload b)a download c)a load

15. Downloading files from the internet can ________ your computer with a virus.

a)infect b)contaminate c)dirty

16. "The website gets a thousand hits a week" means the website has a thousand _____ a week.

a) sales

b) visits

c) search engine match

17. The words, images and other material that make up a website are called ______.

a) the contents

b) the content

c) the filling

18. Designs and drawings in websites are usually called ______.

a) web pictures

b) web graphics

c) web illustrations

19. Moving pictures in websites are usually called ______.

a) cartoons

b) movies

c) animations

20. Websites with sounds and/or video clips and/or animations have ______ content.

a) multimedia

b) many-media

c) mixed-media

21. A space in a website where you enter information is called a ______.

a) box

b) strip

c) field

22. A hyperlink (see 3.3) is often called just ______.

a) a link

b) a hyper

c) an HL

23. In real time (see 3.4) means ______.

a) during working hours

b) instantly

c) in British Standard Time

24. A place with computers for public internet use is usually called an internet café or ______ even if they don't serve coffee.

a) web café

b) computer café

c) cyber café

25. Internet cafés offer internet ______.

a) connection

b) availability

c) access

26. A program that adds functions to a browser (eg Shockwave) is called a ______.

a) plug

b) plugged-in

c) plug-in

27. Temporary internet files are stored in the ______.

a) cash

b) cache

c) cashe

28. Colors which all browsers can display without problems are called ______ colors.

a) browser safe

b) browser acceptable

c) browser easy

48. Vocabulary Revision. Read the text and fill in the gaps by choosing the best option.

(1) _____ is a computer-based global information system. The Internet is composed of many interconnected computer (2) _____. Each network may (3) _____tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with one another and to share computational (4) _____ such as powerful supercomputers and databases of information. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and inexpensively (5) _____ with one another. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet does not have a centralized distribution system. Instead, an individual who has Internet (6) _____ can communicate directly with anyone else on the Internet, make information (7) _____to others, find information provided by others, or sell products with a minimum overhead cost. The Internet has brought new (8) _____ to government, business, and education. Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distribution of information, and automated tax processing. In addition to offering goods and services online to customers, businesses use the Internet to (9) _____ with other businesses. Many individuals use the Internet for shopping, paying bills, and online banking. Educational institutions use the Internet for research and to deliver courses to students at (10) _____ sites.












































49*. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Интернет — это всемирная система объединённых компьютерных сетей для хранения и передачи информации. 2. Успешное развитие Интернета во многом объясняется тем, что мировая Сеть фактически стала полномасштабной заменой всем классическим инструментам получения информации, связи и коммуникации.3. В 1969 году была создана сеть ARPANET, которая стала основой будущего Интернета. 4. Интернет предоставляет широкие возможности свободного получения и распространения научной, деловой, познавательной и развлекательной информации. 5. Провайдер – это организация, предоставляющая доступ в Интернет и оказывающая другие телекоммуникационные услуги. 6. Компьютерные злоумышленники используют Интернет для похищения информации, извлечения незаконной прибыли, причинения вреда конкурентам. 7. Огромную роль в развитии интернета сыграло программное обеспечение и в частности веб-браузеры.
50. Fill in the gaps. Use the past tense forms of the verb from the list to complete the sentences:

1. accuse, 2. acquit, 3. arrest, 4. award, 5. confess, 6. charge, 7. drop, 8. engage, 9. fine, 10. grant, 11. imprison, 12. plead, 13. release, 14. seize, 15. serve.

1. After six months of questioning the accused man. 2. The government _______ an amnesty to all political parties. 3. Her boss _______ her of stealing 250$. 4. The secret police _______ him for 6 months in a high security jail. 5. We_______ the best commercial lawyer we could find to represent us but we still lost the case. 6. The prisoner_______ guilty to all charges. 7. On 12 August they _______ him with murder. 8. The policeman stopped the car and _______ the driver. 9. The President _______ the opposition leader from prison. 10. The court _______ him 2,500$ for obtaining money by false pretenses. 11. After consideration, the plaintiff _______ the case against his neighbor. 12. The customs _______ the shipment of books. 13. He _______ six months in the local prison. 14. The Crown Court_______ the plaintiff 75,000$ in damages plus costs. 15. Two of the men were sent to prison, but the judge _______ the third.
51. Complete this text, which has been adapted from the A & C Black Dictionary of Law, with the words or expressions from the list:

1. accepted, 2. agreement, 3. breach, 4. consideration, 5. contractual liability, 6. damages, 7. express, 8. implied, 9. intention, 10. obligations, 11. offer, 12. reward, 13. signed, 14. stated, 15. sue, 16. terms, 17. under seal, 18. verbally, 19. voided, 20. writing.


A contract can be defined as an ______ between two or more parties to create legal ______between them'. Some contracts are made ______: in other words, they are ______ and sealed (stamped) by the parties involved. Most contracts are made ______ or in ______. The essential elements of a contract are: (a) that an ______ made by one party should be ______ by the other; (b) ______ (the price in money, goods or some other ______, paid by one party in exchange for another party agreeing to do something); (c) the ______ to create legal relations. The ______ of a contract may be ______ (clearly stated) or ______ (not clearly ______ in the contract, but generally understood). A ______ of contract by one party of their______ entitles the other party to ______ for ______ or, in some cases, to seek specific performance. In such circumstances, the contract may be ______ (in other words, it becomes invalid).
52*. There are many different kinds of contract for different situations. Read the following paragraphs, and decide what kind of contract is being described or talked about choosing from the list:

1. terms and conditions of sale (purchase agreement),

2. car hire agreement,

3. a tenancy (agreement) (pcm = per calendar month),

4. an unspoken implied or understood contract between a shop and a customer (yes, it is a contract!),

5. loan agreement (APR = annual percentage rate; the interest that has to be paid),

6. a verbal contract that has gone through the offer, acceptance and consideration stages,

7. franchise agreement (between a franchiser – the people who license a franchise – and a franchisee – the people who run the franchise),

8. employment contract (full-time).

1. I went into the supermarket and chose the items that I wanted. As soon as my basket was full, I headed for the checkout.

2. My cousin Bob said he was going to get rid of his computer and buy a new one. I said that I needed a computer and suggested I bought his old one. Anyway, we agreed on a price, I gave him a £50 deposit, and agreed to pay the balance in installments over the next three months. I'm going round to collect the computer this evening.

3. The property is unfurnished, and the rent is £650 pcm, which has to be paid monthly in arrears. Electricity, gas and phone bills are extra) There's a communal garden and a communal parking area, for which I also have to pay a nominal maintenance fee. The landlord is responsible for any repairs to the property. I'm not allowed to sublet at any time. I've signed the lease for 18 months.

4. We're opening our own branch in the town centre next week. The deal is fairly simple: we get the right to use the company's name, their trademark, their trade names and products, wear their uniforms and use their stationery. They also provide our staff with all the necessary training, give us invaluable managerial assistance and provide advertising materials. In return, we have to meet specific requirements, such as quality of service, maintaining good customer relations, and following the company's standard procedures. Oh, and buy all the products we sell from them, naturally.

5. The total amount you are borrowing is £9,000 at an APR of 6.6%. Repaid in monthly installments over 3 years, this gives you a monthly repayment figure of £275.46, totaling £9,916.56. You have opted out of the repayment protection premium scheme. If you wish to make an early settlement, the figure above will be recalculated accordingly. As soon as you sign a form, your funds will be released into your bank account. Please note that penalties will be applied if you default on repayments.

6. This appointment is for a period of two years, following a 4-week probationary period. Your remuneration package includes an annual gross salary of £32,000. You are entitled to sick pay and 6 weeks

annual leave after you have been with us for 3 months. Your hours of work are 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, although you may be asked to work overtime during busy periods. The company has its own medical and pension schemes which you may join.

7. The total cost is £2,870, which is payable in full before the goods can be dispatched. Alternatively, we can arrange credit terms, which are interest-free for the first six months. All goods are covered by the manufacturer's warranty, which is valid for one year. If you are not happy with your merchandise, it can be returned for an exchange or full refund (but please note that this is valid for 28 days only, and we will need to see your receipt or other proof of purchase).

8. A group 7M people carrier is £58 a day. This price includes unlimited mileage, fully comprehensive insurance, collision damage waiver and loss damage waiver. The company has drop-off points in most major cities, but will charge extra if you use a different one from that where you picked up the vehicle. A refueling service charge will be applied if you do not replace the fuel you have used.
Assignments for self-evaluation
Module Test 3

Variant 1

1. Grammar. Complete the sentences 1-10 by choosing one of the given options (a, b, c).

1. The investigator _____the report provided he had been given enough time.

a) would have read b) have read c) had read

2. A word processing program is likely _____in this research work.

a) to have used b) to have been used c) has been used

3. It is essential that different investigation methods _____with regard to different crimes.

a) used b) be used c) is used

4. We believe _____with the best computer programs.

a) they to have been supplied b) them to have supplied

c) them to have been supplied

5. All preparations_____, we started the investigation.

a) having done b) having been done c) being done

6. He could have made that great discovery earlier if he _____better conditions for work.

a) had b) had had c) has had

7. The first automatic computers were not very reliable, scientists _____to improve them.

a) being go on b) going on c) having go on

8. The accused was satisfied _____by a lawyer to ensure a properly prepared defense in court.

a) to have been visited b) to have visited c) have been visited

9. This young inmate _____three months in custody.

a) is known to have spent b) known to have spent c) is known to spent

10. If the computer specialist had been there, he _____our laptop.

a) might repaired b) might be repaired c) might have repaired
2. Vocabulary. Read the text and fill in gaps 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c). Computer Network

Computer network is two or more computers that are connected with one another for the purpose of (1)_____ data electronically. Besides physically connecting computer and communication devices, a (2) _____ system serves the important function of establishing a cohesive architecture that allows a variety of equipment types to (3) _____ information in a near-seamless fashion. Two popular architectures are ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and IBM’s Systems Network Architecture (SNA). Two basic network types are local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs). LANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area, such as a business office, laboratory, or college campus, by means of links (wires, Ethernet cables, fibre optics, Wi-Fi) that (4) _____ data rapidly. A typical LAN consists of two or more personal computers, printers, and high-capacity disk-storage devices called file servers, which enable each computer on the network (5) _____ a common set of files. LAN operating system software, which interprets input and instructs networked devices, (6) _____ users to communicate with each other; (7) _____ the printers and (8) _____ equipment; and simultaneously access centrally located processors, data, or programs (instruction sets). LAN users may also access other LANs or tap into WANs. LANs with similar architectures are (9) _____ by “bridges,” which act as transfer points. LANs with different architectures are linked by “gateways,” which convert data as it passes between systems.

Computer networks support many (10) _____ and services, such as access to the World Wide Web, digital video, digital audio and etc.





















to expand

to access

to intercept





















3. Read the text. Guess if 1-5 below are true (t) or false (f).

Video Platform

TikTok users will soon be able to upload 10-minute-long videos. The video platform launched worldwide in 2018 allowing users to create one-minute videos. That length tripled in July 2021 to three minutes. TikTok says an extension to 10 minutes will allow people to be more creative. A company spokesperson said: "We're always thinking about new ways to…enrich the TikTok experience." She added: "We introduced longer videos, giving our community more time to create and be entertained. Today, we're excited to start rolling out the ability to upload videos that are up to 10 minutes, which we hope would unleash even more creative possibilities for our creators around the world."

Social media consultant Matt Navarra said the new time limit means TikTok will be a bigger rival to YouTube. However, TikTok could lose users who prefer shorter videos. They could switch to other social media platforms, like Instagram's Reels, Snapchat's Spotlight, or YouTube's Shorts. Mr Navarra says shorter videos are more popular with younger people, who are used to "whizzing" through videos "at speed". He says longer videos are more suited to older people. Navarra believes the longer videos may increase TikTok's profits as they are "easier to monetize and keep people on-platform longer". Short, bite-sized videos are one of the reasons for TikTok's huge popularity. It has more than one billion monthly active users.

True or False?

  1. The length of TikTok videos increased three-fold in 2021.

  2. TikTok hopes its site will allow people to be more creative.

  3. A social media consultant said TikTok is now bigger than YouTube.

  4. Longer videos may make younger people stop using TikTok.

  5. Younger people like looking at lots of videos quickly.

Module Test 3

Variant 2

1. Grammar: Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

1. The young offender is said _____to court.

a) have been brought b) has been brought c) to have been brought

2. I _____to take part in your research unless I had been sure of its significance.

a) wouldn’t have agreed b) would have agreed c) wouldn’t agreed

3. On many occasions an expert listens to the evidence at the trial and realizes for the first time what he _____done to assist the court if he had only known earlier.

a) might have done b) may have done c) might do

4. It is of primary importance that the greatest care _____to prevent computer hacking.

a) should taken b) should be taken c) should take

5.The first microcomputers _____to have appeared in the 1970s.

a) to appear b) to be appeared c) to have appeared

6. The first automatic computers were not very reliable, scientists _____to improve them.

a) having go on b) going on c) being going on

7. The court suspected the evidence of _____unlawfully.

a) have been obtained b) being obtained c) having been obtained

8. A person arrested for _____an offence, must be brought before a magistrate within a limited period of time.

a) having committed b) have committed c c) committed

9. The defendant was not informed of the right of _____with legal counsel at a trial.

a) provided b) being provided c) providing

10. _____, the program had no errors.

a) Have been debugged b) Debugged c) Having been debugged
2. Vocabulary. Read the text and fill in the gaps 1-10 by choosing one of the options (а, b, с).

Client-server architecture

Client-server architecture is an architecture of a computer (1) _____ in which many clients (remote processors) request and receive service from a centralized server (host computer). Client computers (2) _____ an interface to allow a computer user to request services of the server and (3) _____ the results the server returns. Servers wait for requests to arrive from clients and then respond to them. Ideally, a server provides a standardized transparent interface to clients so that clients need not be aware of the specifics of the system (i.e., the hardware and software) that is providing the service. Clients are often situated at (4) _____ or on personal computers, while servers are located elsewhere on the network, usually on more powerful machines. This computing model is especially effective when clients and the server each have distinct tasks that they routinely (5) _____. In hospital data (6) _____ , for example, a client computer can be running an (7) _____ program for entering patient information while the server computer is running another program that manages the (8) _____ in which the information is permanently (9) _____. Many clients can (10) _____ the server’s information simultaneously, and, at the same time, a client computer can perform other tasks, such as sending e-mail. Because both client and server computers are considered independent devices, the client-server model is completely different from the old mainframe model, in which a centralized mainframe computer performed all the tasks for its associated “dumb” terminals, which merely communicated with the central mainframe.













to direct

to display

to expand





























3. Read the text. Guess if 1-5 below are true (t) or false (f).

Digital Detox

Digital devices are increasingly dominating our lives these days. Many, if not most of us are addicted to them. New studies emerge with alarming frequency about the dangers to our physical and mental health of being glued to our small screens. Children are not exercising; people are worrying about their body image because of online pressure from "perfect body" sites; and people are being bullied (or worse) by cyber-criminals. In a study of 1,000 adults in Japan, researchers discovered that nearly 50 per cent of the participants were addicted to their smartphones, but were unaware of their smartphone dependence. The study is one of many clarion calls for "digital detox" to become part of our lives.

The practice of digital detox involves switching off from the Internet to enjoy something called "real life". This involves the bygone custom of conversing with people face to face and "doing everyday stuff". The organization Digital Detox Japan said: "We want detox to be a catalyst for people to rethink their distance from their devices…to set aside time to get ample rest." People need to rely less on devices to avoid the new phenomenon of "nomophobia" – NO MObile PHOBIA) Psychologist Dr Kia-Rai Prewitt warned of the dangers of being too absorbed in smartphones. She wrote: "If you ignore responsibilities at home or work because of the amount of time you spend online, then consider a digital detox."
True or False?

  1. The article says over 80% of us are addicted to smartphones.

  2. There is a problem with the glue used to make smartphones.

  3. A study suggested digital detox should be part of our lives.

  4. Digital detox is switching the Internet off to enjoy real life.

  5. There is a phobia whereby people fear having no phone access.

References for Further Study

БулановскаяТ.А. АнглийскийязыкдлястудентовюридическихспециальностейРабочаятетрадь (упражнениякучебнику Introduction to International Legal English) /БулановскаяТ.А., КлепальченкоИ.А., ОсадчаяО.Н., ПарфененкоЕ.Н., ПоповаЕ.П. 2019. URL: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/94177.html.

Кочик Е.И. Английский язык для профессионального общения. Вычислительнаятехника = English for Professional Communication. Computer Engineering. 2020. URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/document?id=367735.

НиколаеваН.Н., КуликоваМ.В., ЮдачеваЕ.А. English for Computer Forensics Specialists = Английскийязыкдляспециалистоввобластисудебнойкомпьютерно-техническойэкспертизы : учеб. пособие. М. : Изд-воМГТУим. Н. Э. Баумана, 2019. 355 с.

ПоповЕ.Б., ФеоктистоваЕ. М., ХалюшеваГ.Р. Legal English: Quick Overview: Английскийязыквсфереюриспруденции. БазовыйкурсУчебникдлябакалавров. 2022. URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/document?id=382055.

Стогниева O.Н. Английский язык для ИТ-направлений. English for information technology. Учебноепособиедлявузов. 2022. URL: https://urait.ru/book/20A95D4A-A248-4083-895C-AF27F3A5D7E8.

ЧикилеваЛ.С.English for public speaking = Английский язык для публичных выступлений (B1–B2): учеб. пособие. М.: Юрайт, 2018. 167 с. URL: https://biblio-online.ru/bcode/433465.

Glendinning E., McEwan J. Oxford English for Information Technology / Glendinning E., McEwan J. 2006. 222 p. 

Ibbotson M. Cambridge English for Engineering. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.112 p. URL: https://www.academia.edu/19180321/.

Internet Sources

100 Great Articles about Science and Technology. URL: https://tetw.org/Science_and_Technology

Business Contracts from SEC Filings. URL: https://www.onecle.com/

Communications. URL: http://www.visualdictionaryonline.com/communications.php

Computer Science. URL: https://www.britannica.com/science/computer-science#ref21943

English Grammar. URL: https://www.english-grammar.at/

ESL Writing Exercises: Activities, Worksheets, and Ideas. URL: https://www.stickyball.net/esl-writing-exercises-and-activities.html

Information Technology. URL: https://www.nist.gov/information-technology

Information Technology video. URL: https://www.youtube.com/results?s

Law.com. URL: https://www.law.com/?slreturn=20220404133913


accessobtain, examine, or retrieve (data or a file)

accounta record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period or purpose

applicationthe action of putting something into operation

arithmetic-logic unit a unit in a computer which carries out arithmetic and logical operations

back up— to make a copy of (a computer file or data) to protect against accidental loss or corruption 

bar-code scanner — an optical scanner that can read printed barcodes, decode the data contained in the barcode and send the data to a computer

blog a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style

capacity the amount that something can produce

card reader an electronic device that reads and transfers data from various portable memory storage devices

CD-ROMa compact disc used as a read-only optical memory device for a computer system

central processing unitthe part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed

central processing unit (CPU)the electronic circuitry that executes instructions comprising a computer program

character printera peripheral machine which makes a persistent representation of graphics or text, usually on paper

chipa small piece of something removed in the course of chopping, cutting, or breaking a hard material such as wood or stone

cloud the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software

computerservicesservices consisting of specifying computer hardware configurations and evaluating technical processing characteristics, computer programming, and training of computer programmers and operators

connectivitythe state or extent of being connected or interconnected

database a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways

digital (of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization

digitizer — a device that converts analog data to digital data on a computer

directory — a list of the files or programs stored on a computer'shard drive

electronic mail — a way of sending electronic messages or data from one computer to another

filea folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference

floppy disca square piece of plastic with a disk inside, which can be used for storing a small amount of computer information

floppy drivea removable magnetic storage medium that allows recording of data

hacking the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer

hard disc— a disk inside a computer that stores all the data and programs in the computer

hardware tools, machinery, and other durable equipment

identity theftthe fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private identifying information, usually for financial gain

incompatible(of two things) so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together

input unitvarious devices used to enter information and instructions into a computer for storage or processing 

instant messaging — form of text-based communication in which two persons participate in a single conversation over their computers or mobile devices within an Internet-based chat room

Internet a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols

keyboard a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter

line printer — a machine that prints output from a computer a line at a time rather than character by character

mainframe computer— a large high-speed computer, especially one supporting numerous workstations or peripherals

maliciouscharacterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm

manually using the hands

memory unit — is the amount of data that can be stored in the storage unit

mouse a small handheld device that is dragged across a flat surface to move the cursor on a computer screen, typically having buttons that are pressed to control functions

network nodes— a connection point, used to transmit, receive, create or store the information with the help of distributed network routes

network topologies— the manner in which the links and nodes of a network are arranged to relate to each other

optical mark reader— the process of reading information that people mark on surveys, tests and other paper documents

page printer — a computer printer which processes and prints a whole page at a time, as opposed to printers which print one line or character at a time such as line printers and dot-matrix printers

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