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  • SPEAKING 3 38. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Express your own opinion and prove your point of view.

  • Figure 3. Web servers and browsers making requests to them

  • Optional Assignments

  • 41*. Grammar Revision: Subjunctive. Choose the most appropriate answer.

  • 42. Grammar Revision: Verbals. Open the brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

  • 43. Grammar Revision: Verbals. Open the brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

  • 44*. Grammar Revision: Verbals. Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

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    37*. Read and translate the text into English. Render it in English using active vocabulary.

    Интернет ₋ самый массовый и оперативный источник доступа к информации. Собственную страничку в сети имеет сегодня практически каждая крупная организация, фирма или компания. В Интернете расположены электронные варианты основных газет и журналов, в сети вещают сотни радиостанций и телекомпаний. На сегодняшний день Сеть Интернет ₋ это только начало эпохи кибер-коммерции. Если в самом начале Интернет представлял собой только средство распространения информации, то последовавшая за этим разработка целого ряда программ, обеспечивших разные виды сетевого взаимодействия, операционных систем и программ-навигаторов интернета, позволили наиболее полно использовать возможности новой информационной среды.

    На первое место выходит использование интернета в коммерческой деятельности. Одной из основных составляющих этого процесса является торговля, и торговля не только информационными продуктами, как самыми близкими к характеристикам среды интернета, но и традиционными товарами. Например, одним из богатейших людей планеты является Джек Ма ₋ основатель и владелец глобальной интернет площадки для торговли Alibaba.com интернет-магазина Aliexpress.com. Через его интернет площадки ежедневно проходит миллионы заказов на самые разнообразные товары со всего мира. Количество предложений настолько велико, что не трудно и затеряться в этом огромном «вещевом рынке».

    38. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Express your own opinion and prove your point of view.

    1. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. In contrast, the World Wide Web is one of the services transferred over these networks.

    2. The range of information available makes the web an exciting tool.

    3. Webpages may contain links to images, video, and software components that are rendered to users of a web browser application.

    4. Users can access the content of websites from any part of the world over the internet using their devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, etc.

    5. The building blocks of the Web are web pages which are formatted in HTML and connected by links called "hypertext" or hyperlinks and accessed by HTTP. 

    6. WWW allows people to share their thoughts and their work though social networking sites, blogs, video sharing, and more.

    7. Embedded hyperlinks permit users to navigate between web pages. 

    8. It is sometimes difficult to know how reliable information on the web is. 

    9. Sir Tim Berners-Lee who created WWW warned that the danger was that fake news "spreads like wildfire".

    39. Case study: The World Wide Web. Read the following case and discuss the described components in turn. Explain the operation of browsers and web servers when a user fetches web pages and clicks on the links within them (see Appendix 2).

    The World Wide Web is an evolving system for publishing and accessing resources and services across the Internet. Through commonly available web browsers, users retrieve and view documents of many types, listen to audio streams and view video streams, and interact with an unlimited set of services. The Web began life at the European requirement to organize their knowledge. This means that documents contain links (or hyperlinks). It is fundamental to the user’s experience of the Web that when they encounter a given image or piece of text within a document, this will frequently be accompanied by links to related documents and other resources. It was with the development of the Internet that this idea could be manifested on a world-wide scale.

    The Web is an open system: it can be extended and implemented in new ways without disturbing its existing functionality. First, its operation is based on communication standards and document or content standards that are freely published and widely implemented. For example, there are many types of browser, each in many cases implemented on several platforms; and there are many implementations of web servers. Any conformant browser can retrieve resources from any conformant server. So users have access to browsers on the majority of the devices that they use, from mobile phones to desktop computers.

    S econd, the Web is open with respect to the types of resource that can be published and shared on it. At its simplest, a resource on the Web is a web page or some other type of content that can be presented to the user, such as media files and documents in portable document format. If somebody invents, say, a new image-storage format, then images in this format can immediately be published on the Web. Users require a means of viewing images in this new format, but browsers are designed to accommodate new content-presentation functionality in the form of ‘helper’ applications and ‘plug-ins’. The Web has moved beyond these simple data resources to encompass services, such as electronic purchasing of goods. The Web is based on three main standard technological components (see Fig. 3):

    Figure 3. Web servers and browsers making requests to them

    • the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), a language for specifying the contents and layout of pages as they are displayed by web browsers;

    • Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), also known as Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), which identify documents and other resources stored as part of the Web;

    • a client-server system architecture, with standard rules for interaction (the HyperText Transfer Protocol – HTTP) by which browsers and other clients fetch documents and other resources from web servers. Figure 2. shows some web servers, and browsers making requests to them.

    It is an important feature that users may locate and manage their own web servers anywhere on the Internet. Centre for nuclear research (CERN), Switzerland, in 1989 as a vehicle for exchanging documents between a community of physicists connected by the Internet [Berners-Lee 1999]. A key feature of the Web is that it provides a hypertext structure among the documents that it stores, reflecting the users’
    Optional Assignments
    40. Grammar Revision: Subjunctive. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets: Past Simple, Past Perfect, or would + Infinitive. Add necessary words indicating time in each sentence.

    1. If he _____ here now, we would ask his opinion. (to be) 2. We would have forgotten our tickets last night, if she ____not ____ us. (to remind) 3. _____ I ____ earlier, I would have arrived on time yesterday. (to leave) 4. Would you visit Spain next summer, if you _____ enough money? (to have) 5. If it _______ yesterday, we would not need to water the lawn. (to rain) 6. If he _____ you last Wednesday, he would have asked your advice. (to see) 7. If they ______ to leave now, they would need special permission. (to want) 8. _____ they _____ of the concert yesterday, they would have arranged to go. (to know) 9. Would you not have stayed longer last week, if you _____ able to? (to be) 10. If they _____ the letter tomorrow, they would receive an answer in two weeks. (to write) 11. If he ______ the book now, he would enjoy it. (to read) 12. If we ______ more attention yesterday, we would know what time to be there. (to pay)
    41*. Grammar Revision: Subjunctive. Choose the most appropriate answer.

    1. My car is old. If I _______enough money, I would buy a new car.

    1. had

    1. had had

    2. have had

    2. She suggested that we _______in the lobby of the hotel at 9:00 a.m.

    1. shall meet

    1. will meet

    2. should meet

    3. She didn't come to his birthday party yesterday. He wishes she _______.

    1. came

    1. had come

    2. would come

    4. It's cold today. I wish it _______warmer.

    1. has been

    1. were

    2. had been

    5. I wouldn't worry about that if I _______you. Everything will be fine.

    1. had been

    1. were

    2. would be

    6. I have to work on Sunday. I wish I _______have to work on Sunday.

    1. didn't

    1. won't

    2. wouldn't

    7. I said that her cooking was terrible. I wish I _______that.

    1. didn't say

    1. hadn't said

    2. wouldn't have said

    8. The doctor insisted that she _______to the hospital for tests.

    1. go

    1. will go

    2. has gone

    9. Why didn't you visit him when you were there? – If I had known his address, I _______him.

    1. could visit

    1. would visit

    2. would have visited

    10. He did it again, but I wish he _______.

    1. didn't

    1. hadn't

    2. wouldn't

    11. I'm going to Spain next month. – I wish I _______with you.

    1. can go

    1. could go

    2. could have gone

    12. It is strange that he _______so upset about such a trifle, isn't it?

    1. were

    1. shall be

    2. should be

    13. He didn't visit her yesterday, but he wishes he _______.

    1. did

    1. had

    2. would

    14. She misses him. She wishes he _______her a letter.

    1. has sent

    1. would send

    2. would have sent

    15. It has been raining since early morning. I wish it _______raining.

    1. has stopped

    1. will stop

    2. would stop

    16. I wish I _______that. My words offended and upset her.

    1. didn't say

    1. hadn't said

    2. wouldn't say

    17 _______ I known his true intentions, I would not have allowed him to stay in my house.

    1. Had

    1. Should

    2. Were

    18. It is advisable that the contract _______signed today.

    1. be

    1. had been

    2. was

    19 _______ Mrs. Green call, tell her I'll be back around four o'clock.

    1. Might

    1. Should

    2. Would

    20. If I _______a chance to see her again, maybe I could explain everything.

    1. had

    1. had had

    2. would have

    21. I suggest that you _______at the Rose Hotel. It's clean and quiet. You'll like it.

    1. should have stayed

    1. should stay

    2. stayed

    22. I hope she _______mind if I stayed here.

    1. won't

    1. would

    2. wouldn't

    23. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? – Well, I'd rather _______a new TV show.

    1. watch

    1. watched

    2. would watch

    24. If I _______her telephone number then, I would have called her.

    1. knew

    1. had known

    2. would know

    25. He waved to her, smiling, and stepped forward to greet her, but she went by him as if he _______invisible.

    1. had been

    1. has been

    2. were

    26. She described that place as if she _______it before.

    1. has visited

    1. had visited

    2. were visiting

    27. We'd like to stay longer, but it's already late. It's time we _______home.

    1. had gone

    1. went

    2. would go

    28. Even if I had enough money, I _______buy this car.

    1. might

    1. would

    2. would not

    29. It's high time he _______smoking.

    1. stop

    1. stopped

    2. had stopped

    30. Mrs. Redding, _______lend me two hundred dollars till next week, please? (Polite request)

    1. can't you

    1. could you

    2. would you mind

    42. Grammar Revision: Verbals. Open the brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

    1. A sequence of reasonable operations (perform) will be done by computer "M-220". 2. The lecture (follow) by the experiment it to take place at 10 p.m. 3. He was the first (mastered) programming in our group.4. My friend happened (read) the article about computer memory. 5. Automatic Management Systems are known (appear) quite recently. 6. Arithmetic and algebraic fundamental processes are not likely (change) a great deal.7. The solicitor is satisfied (help) in preparing the case of embezzlement.8. The investigator is reported (reconstruct) the crime scene.9. Much remains (do) to give national judges the tools to apply constitutional law.10. The world knows Babbage’s ideas (have) a great influence on the IT development.
    43. Grammar Revision: Verbals. Open the brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

    The question (discuss) now is very important.2. (fulfill) the terms of the contract, we refused to admit the claim (признатьпретензию) of the firm.3. He left the office, (finish) all the work planned for that day. 4. (sort) the goods were placed in a warehouse.5.(translate) this article he learned some new data.6.The program (discuss) now was written by our students.7. (do) the laboratory work the students left the laboratory. 8. The large building (build) in our street is a new school – house. 9. Personal computers (use) for many purposes, scientists go on to improve their quality.10.While (solve) the problem I paid much attention to the correct computations.11.The results (obtain) changed the entire picture. 12. (arrest) a person has a right to consult his lawyer.
    44*. Grammar Revision: Verbals. Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

    1. Personal computers for many_____ purposes, scientists go on improving their quality.

    1. being used

    b) be used

    c) using

    1. The solicitor expected _____to the trial.

    a) to be inviting

    b) to invite

    c) to be invited

    1. We wish the policeman _____the criminal.

    a) have apprehended

    b) had apprehended

    c) apprehended

    1. The police inspector believed the juvenile _____ an act of theft.

    a) to commit

    b) to have committed

    c) has committed

    1. The accused denied _____in committing the burglary.

    a) being assisted

    b) to be assisted

    c) assists

    1. _____ the program had no errors.

    a) Have been debugged

    b) Debugging

    c) Having been debugged

    7. I wanted to thank the solicitor for _____the time to help me.

    a) have taken

    b) taken

    c) having taken

    1. The defendant asked _____about his lawyer’s intentions.

    a) to be informed

    b) informing

    c) to being informed

    9. I wish you _____this lawyer for he is very experienced.

    a) have consulted

    b) had consulted

    c) consulted

    10. The letter_____, the news reached us too late.

    a) having been delayed

    b) have been delayed

    c) having delayed

    11.The article _____by the students is about the American Constitution.

    a) to be discussed b) to being discussed c) discussing

    12. _____new information about the case the barrister continued his investigation.

    1. Being obtained

    b) Obtained

    c) Having obtained

    13. The investigator expected _____further assistance in solving the crime.

    a) giving

    b) being given

    c) be given

    14. I remember _____the question about computer applications.

    a) to have been asking

    b) to have been asked

    c) to have been asked

    15. Word processing program is likely _____in this term paper.

    a) to have been used

    b) to have used

    c) used

    16. _____on the concepts of order and compulsion law has been defined as any rule

    which may be enforced by the courts.

    a) Being based

    b) Basing

    c) Having based

    17. The barrister for the defense suggested that the accused _____for lack of strong


    a) should release

    b)should be released

    c) released

    18.The choice_____, all other papers have been rejected.

    a) have been made

    b) having made

    c) having been made

    19. It is important the evidence _____down.

    a) is written

    b) should be written

    c) will be written

    20. They insisted on the document_____.

    a) signed

    b) are signed

    c) being signed

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