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  • 6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets

  • 7. For the following sentences, rewrite the if-clauses using the form in which the word ‘if’ is omitted. Examples

  • been raining, we would have used our umbrellas. =

  • 8.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets: Past Simple, Past Perfect, or would + Infinitive. See the examples. A.

  • you

  • 9.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets

  • 10. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.


  • 12. Complete the sentences using the information from Text 3 A.

  • 13. Look through Text 3 A again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

  • 14. Answer the questions using information from Text 3A.

  • VOCABULARY DRILLING 1 15. Look at the words below. Try to recall how they were used in Text 3 A. Explain their meaning.

  • 16. Translate the following word combinations using text 3A and make up your own sentences with them.

  • 17. Match the synonyms. Make up your own sentences with them.

  • 18*. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list: network, access, Internet, coordinate, applications, e-mail, computer, peripheral, link, information.

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets: Past Simple, Past Perfect, or would + Infinitive. Add necessary words indicating time in each sentence. See the examples.

    A. He wishes he ____ able to do it. (to be) = He wishes he were able to do it today.

    1. I wish it _____ possible to finish the work tonight. (to be) 2. Does he wish he ______ ready? (to be) 3. She wishes she _____ how to sing. (to know) 4. We wish they _____ to come with us. (to want) 5. You wish you _____ better. (to feel)6. They wish it ______ warmer. (to be) 7. Does he wish he _____ younger? (to be) 8. I wish I _____ the subject more interesting. (to find)

    B. They wish they ___ not ____. (to come) = They wish they had not comeyesterday.

    1. I wish I ____ not ____ the answers. (to lose) 2. They wished they ____ not ____ the appointment. (to forget) 3. He wishes he ______ us the book. (to show) 4. Do they wish we ____ them some food? (to give) 5. We wish it ______. (to snow) 6. She wishes she ______ not ____ the window. (to open) 7. I wished I _______ the news. (to hear) 8. You wish you _____ what to do. (to know)

    C. It is so cloudy and sad! They wish the sun _____. (to shine) = They wish the sun would shineright now.

    1. They wish she ______ the arrangements. (to make) 2. He wishes you ______ him. (to help) 3. She wishes the mail _____. (to come) 4. We wish they _______. (to hurry) 5. You wish the door _______. (to open) 6. They wish we _______ for them. (to wait) 7. I wish you _______ to me. (to write) 8. Does she wish you _____ her? (to join)
    6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. I wish he _____ here now. (to be) 2. I wish that you ______ here yesterday. (to be) 3. We wish you ______ tomorrow. (to come) 4. You wish you _______ earlier. (to leave) 5. They wish he _______ with them the next day. (to come) 6. We wish you ______ yesterday. (to arrive) 7. I wish that he _______ us next year. (to visit) 8. She wishes that she _____ at home now. (to be) 9. You wish that he _______ you last week. (to help) 10. He always wishes he _____ rich. (to be) 11. The boy wishes that he _____ the competition the next day. (to win) 12. She wishes she ______ the arrangements earlier. (to make) 13. I wish the weather _____ warmer now. (to be) 14. We always wish we _____ fluent in other languages. (to be) 15. They wish he ______ them next week. (to telephone)
    7. For the following sentences, rewrite the if-clauses using the form in which the word ‘if’ is omitted.


    • If I were in your position, I would pay close attention. = Were I in your position, I would pay close attention.

    • If it had been raining, we would have used our umbrellas. = Had it been raining, we would have used our umbrellas.

    1. If he were here, he would lend us his car. 2. If I had remembered their address, I would have sent them a card. 3. If we were not waiting for a telephone call, we would go downtown. 4. If they had recognized her, they would have spoken to her. 5. If I had been intending to go shopping, I would have let you know. 6. If you had seen the movie, you would have liked it. 7. If it were not snowing, we would go out. 8. If he had been shoveling the walk, we would have seen him. 9. If he were rich, he would travel. 10. He would have had more free time if had not worked so hard. 11. I would not have got lost if I had studied the map. 12. We would have invited him if we had thought he would come.
    8.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets: Past Simple, Past Perfect, or would + Infinitive. See the examples.

    A. We ______ if we were ready. (to come) = We would come if we were ready. _____ you _____ more if you had time? (to travel) = Would you travel more if you had time?

    1. If we were hitchhiking, ____ you ____ to pick us up? (to stop) 2. If we ____ for him, we would not be on time. (to wait) 3. ____ he ____ us know if we made a mistake? (to let) 4. I would not want to have a party if you ____ not there. (to be) 5. If you ____ more about her, you would change your opinion. (to know) 6. ____ you ____ pizza if you did not like it? (to order) 7. ____ they not ____ to come if we asked them? (to agree) 8. We would not drive a car unless we ____. (to be insured) 9. If I _____ a car, I would visit Cape Breton. (to have) 10. If you saw him, you ____ surely ____him. (to recognize) 11. I would not confide in him if I _______ not _____ him. (to trust) 12. If he organized an expedition, I ____ certainly ____ it. (to join)

    B. If it had rained, I ______ at home. (to stay) = If it had rained, I would have stayed at home. Would you have come with us if we _____ you? (to ask) = Would you have come with us if we had asked you?

    1. If he had arrived late, ____ we _______ without him? (to begin) 2. If they had felt thirsty, ____ they not ______ the lemonade? (to drink) 3. If we ____ here, we would not have missed the fireworks. (to be) 4. If his office ____, would he have returned to work? (to call) 5. She _______ not _____ early if she had not had a good reason. (to leave) 6. If they had searched more carefully, they _____ the watch sooner. (to find) 7. If you ____ Rome, would you have gone to the opera? (to visit) 8. She ______ down if she had been tired. (to lie) 9. _______ he _____ at home, we would have visited him. (to be) 10. He would have applied for the job if he _____ the advertisement. (to see) 11. We would not have ordered tea, ______ we ______ how late it was. (to know) 12. We would have agreed with you if we _______ what you meant. (to understand)
    9.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. If he were here now he _______ not _____ to help us. (to hesitate) 2. I _______ the book last week if I had known you wanted it. (to finish) 3. ______ you _______ to him last night if you had seen him? (to speak) 4. If they were old enough, they ______ the contest next week. (to enter) 5. ______ she not _____ a vacation now if she had more time? (to take) 6. If he had sent a message, we ______ it two days ago. (to receive) 7. I ____ it if you came with me now. (to appreciate) 8. ______ she not ____ grateful if we offered to help her tomorrow? (to be) 9. ______ he ______ yesterday if he had entered the race? (to win) 10. _______ not they ______ more books last month if they had noticed the stock was low? (to order) 11. _______ she not _____ us now if she knew where we lived? (to visit) 12. ______ you _______ cucumbers yesterday if they had been on sale? (to buy) 13. If only they ______ more time! (to have) 14. I wish you ______ to our party right now! (to come) 15. If only the weather ______ a little better! (to be) 16. I wish they ______ that far away when we knew them. (to live/not) 17. Would you mind if I ______ the window? (to open)
    10. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

    1. It is necessary that the investigator _______a report in time.

    a) should write b) writes c) will write

    2. Unnecessary punishment _______both irresponsible and harmful to society.

    a) should be b) be c) is to be

    3. It is required that all the students _______these laws.

    a) knew b) would know c) will know

    4. We wish that you _______back in some days.

    a) will come b) came c) would come

    5. The Earth behaves as if it _______a large magnet.

    a) were b) was c) is

    6. The barrister for the defense suggested that the accused _______for lack of strong evidence.

    a) will be released b) is released c) should be released

    7. The police officer insisted that the suspect_______ .

    a) apprehended b) is apprehended c) be apprehended

    8. I wish I _____ the evidence.

    a) have not lost b) had not lost c) did not loose

    9. It is important that companies_______ the Internet for electronic commerce including advertising, selling, buying, distributing products, and providing customer service.

    a) used b) should use c) will use\

    10. Make exact calculations lest you _______with your experiment.

    a) should fail b) fails c) shouldn’t fail


    11. Read Text 3 A and say whether the Internet is a real technological breakthrough of the XX century.

    TEXT 3 A

    The Internet

    The Internet, a global computer network, embracing millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them. One such packet-switching network already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network, which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.

    Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet; there are millions, their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide.

    The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most people having access to the Internet use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet like Telnet which is used to log on to a remote computer that is attached to internet, Newsgroup - offers a forum for people to discuss topics of common interests. Instant Messaging offers real time chat between individuals and group of people.

    In many developing countries the Internet may provide business people with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication systems of these countries. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world and do it very cheaply. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world. But who actually pays for sending e-mail messages over the Internet long distances, around the world? The answer is very simple: a user pays his/her service provider a monthly or hourly fee. Part of this fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider. And part of the fee got by the larger provider goes to cover its cost of running a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations. But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can make money from the Internet, commercial use of this network will drastically increase. For example, some western architecture companies and garment centers transmit their basic designs and concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and refined by skilled – but inexpensive – Chinese computer-aided-design specialists.

    However, some problems still remain. The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any of computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many strong encoding programs available, nearly all the information being sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of encoding, i.e. “in the clear”. But when it becomes necessary to send important information over the network, these encoding programs may be useful. Some American banks and companies even conduct transactions over the Internet. However, there are still both commercial and technical problems, which will take time to be resolved.
    12. Complete the sentences using the information from Text 3 A.

    1. In 1969 the Internet was designed to … .

    2. Packet-switching is a technology … .

    3. The most popular Internet services are …

    4. The Internet may provide business people with … .

    5. The Internet enables to do lots of things like… .

    6. Commercial use of the network will greatly increase if … .

    7. One of the most significant challenges of the Internet … .
    13. Look through Text 3 A again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

    1. The Internet appeared in the UK in 1969.

    2. If some computers on the network are destroyed information will be lost.

    3. The number of host computers is increasing drastically.

    4. People use the network only to send and receive messages.

    5. Communication over the Internet is unreliable.

    6. Business people can make money by means of the Internet.

    7. Computer security still remains a great challenge.

    8. There are no encoding programs available.
    14. Answer the questions using information from Text 3A.

    1. What was the Internet originally designed for?

    2. What can be referred to as packet switching technology?

    3. What is the most popular Internet service?

    4. What other Internet services do you know?

    5. Are the Internet services expensive?

    6. Why are there so many activities such as e-mail and business transactions which are possible to provide via the Internet?

    7. Is it possible to intercept or change the data through the Internet? Why?

    8. Is information sent over the Internet coded? What for?

    15. Look at the words below. Try to recall how they were used in Text 3 A. Explain their meaning.

    To stay in touch, owing to this technology, host computers, have access, receive e-mail messages, to log on to, a reliable alternative, make money from, router, transmit information, encoding programs
    16. Translate the following word combinations using text 3A and make up your own sentences with them.

    Охватывать миллионы пользователей, проводить сделки, по всему миру, выжить в мировой войне, оставаться на связи, коммутация пакетов, быть доступным, надежная альтернатива, компьютерное проектирование, экономить деньги, резко увеличиваться, опытные специалисты, программы кодирования, иметь доступ, общаться через Интернет.
    17. Match the synonyms. Make up your own sentences with them.

    1. to link

    a. to transmit

    2. to provide

    b. to be in contact

    3. to transfer

    c. supplement

    4. means

    d. distant

    5. to communicate

    e. to connect

    6. application

    f. way

    7. remote

    g. to supply

    18*. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list:

    network, access, Internet, coordinate, applications, e-mail, computer, peripheral, link, information.

    Computers have been used to (1) ________information between multiple locations since the 1950s. The U.S. military's SAGE system was the first large-scale example of such a system, which led to a number of special-purpose commercial systems such as Sabre. In the 1970s, computer engineers at research institutions throughout the United States began to (2) ________ their computers together using telecommunications technology. The effort was funded by ARPA, and the computer network that resulted was calledthe ARPANET. The technologies that made the Arpanet possible spread and evolved.

    In time, the (3) ________spread beyond academic and military institutions and became known as the Internet. The emergence of networking involved a redefinition of the nature and boundaries of the computer. Computer operating systems and (4) ________were modified to include the ability to define and (5) ________the resources of other computers on the network, such as (6) ________ devices, stored (7) ________, and the like, as extensions of the resources of an individual (8) ________. Initially these facilities were available primarily to people working in high-tech environments, but in the 1990s the spread of applications like (9) ________and the World Wide Web, combined with the development of cheap, fast networking technologies. In fact, the number of computers that are networked is growing phenomenally. A very large proportion of personal computers regularly connect to the (10) ________ to communicate and receive information. "Wireless" networking, often utilizing mobile phone networks, has meant networking is becoming increasingly ubiquitous even in mobile computing environments.
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